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1. Assess your own personality. Are you confident or shy?

Are you the leader or

follower type?
- I’m confident when I’m alone but when I have to face many people, I’m shy. I’m
not good at leading everyone so I’m the type of person who loves to follow.

2. Based on the Personality Development PowerPoint file, what is personality?

How can one improve his/her personality?

- Personality is the way how people react or interact with other people. We can
improve our personalities by interacting with other people every day, making new
friends, and adopting other behaviors.

3. What are the job search skills and strategies?

- Job search strategy that we may need is Learning new skills, participating in
many job fairs and skills are having good communication, the ability to give and
receive feedback, and time management.

4. What are the important job skills every company will be looking for in 2020?
- I think the important job skills every company will be looking for in 2020 are
those who have leadership, problem-solving capabilities, written and verbal
communication, good decision-making, and emotional intelligence.

Name: Jan Angelo F. Abellon

Course & Section: BSIT 4-YB-1

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