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Reading comprehension exercise

Dear mom and dad,

Well I want to tell you about my first week of classes at the University. Wow! am I ever
busy? I get up at 6:00 every morning. That is really early for me. I don't like to get up early
you know. I usually eat breakfast in the school cafeteria. The food here is pretty good. I
have German class every morning at 7:30. After German class I have Business and
Economics on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00. I have a lot of homework in that
class but I really like it. It's interesting. I also have English Composition on Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have United States History.

The campus here is really big. The first day I was lost. I did not know where to find
anything. Now I know where all the buildings are and I know where my classrooms are.
That's the most important. My dormitory is close so I walk to all my classes. It's only about
ten minutes.

My roommate's name is Eric. He is from Los Angeles. We get along well. He is quiet and
doesn't make a lot of noise. Sometimes Eric and I have dinner together. We don't see
each other much though because our schedules are really different.

During the evening I study. Sometimes I study in the library and sometimes in the
dormitory. I have to write three reports this semester so I have to read some books in the
library. I usually go to bed around eleven.

Mom I sure miss your cooking. Do you think you could send me some of your homemade
chocolate chip cookies? Well I have to go. Take care.


Responda las siguientes preguntas de
acuerdo al texto.

1. Jerry does not like to: 8. What do Jerry and Eric sometimes do
A Study
B Go to the university A Study
C Get up early B Have dinner
D Eat in the cafeteria C Go to the library
D Write reports for their classes
2. Jerry does not study:
9. Why don't Jerry and Eric see each other
A German often?
B Chemistry
C Business A They have classes at different
D History hours.
B They live in different locations
3. Jerry's first class of the day is: C Eric is very quiet
D Jerry always studies in the library
A German and is never in the dormitory
B History
C Business and Economics 10. Jerry's mother may send him:
D English Composition
A Some shoes
4. What class does Jerry have on Tuesday B Some clothes
and Thursday? C Some books
D Some cookies
A English Composition
B German 11. A dormitory is:
C Business and Economics
D U.S. History A A place for doing exercise
B A large library
5. How long has Jerry been in the C A place where students live
University? D An office building

A One semester 12. A report is

B One week
C One month A A book for a class
D One year B A paper you have to write
C A notebook you carry
6. What problem did Jerry have the first day D An exam
of school?

A He did not like the food

B He was lonely
C He had to write a lot of reports.
D He did not know the campus well

7. How long does it take Jerry to walk to


A Four classes
B The first day
C Ten minutes
D Very easy





1. 2. 3.

A. In a museum
B. At a market
C. In a hotel

4. 5. 6.

A. On a street
B. In a school
C. In a shop

7. 8. 9.

A. In the church A. In a zoo

B. In a cell phone company B. In a house
C. In a department store C. In a shop

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