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The role of imitation and


Input and Discourse.

The Role Of Imitation.

Action that is perform trying to copy

another or taking it as an example.
• As defined by Piaget, an imitation is a
sample of the intelligence that an individual
• His studies gave as a result that before all
learning the way in which an individual
acquires a knowledge is through the
imitation and the successive repetition of
such action.
According to Bandura, he makes an
emphasis on the learning trough
observation or example.
• The social learning theory or social
cognitive theory, Bandura, focuses on
the concepts of reinforcement and

Imitation may be given by the following

1. Instinctively
2. For development
3. By conditioning
4. instrumental behavior
The Practice’s Role.
When we do something in a practical way we
are backed by different kinds of memory
(visual, auditory, olfactory, contextual, etc.).
Play is to practice, and practice is
the basis of learning in animals and
in children.
The logic leads us to think that when we
want to learn something, it would always
be a good idea to resort to the practice
and not to the theory.
l e s
Ex a
Can we apply the practice in
the language learning?
Thus, between more apply the
meaning of a word, or the use of
grammatical rules to the
practice, it will be easier for us
understand its definition and
Simple Sentence:
Subject + Verb + Complement

Christian wakes up too late.

Subject Verb Complement
What is Comprehensible INPUT?
• Comprehensible input means that
students should be able to understand
the essence of what is being said or
presented to them.
• By using context or visual cues, or by
asking for clarification, students enhance
their knowledge.
What is Input Practice?
It is the way we use the information we already
have in our brain.
Our brain transforms the information according
the context need it.
For example:
Let’s have some words and expresions:
• Cat, Dog, Table, Under and Black.
• If we have kept this information in our
brain and somebody asks us where the
cat or the dog is?
The answer of this question
could be:
The cat and dog are under the table.
How can be used this input practice in
the process of teaching?
Teachers needs to put attention to techniques they are using
according to the following:
•We have to be careful in the student level (how difficult can be
the language acquisition)
•The information has to be comprehensible.
•Reliably and available.
•It has to contain language features that engage the learners‟
• The information has to be useful for the students.
What is that?
"Discourse” is the way in which language is used socially to convey
broad historical meanings. It is language identified by the social
conditions of its use, by who is using it and under what conditions.
Language can never be 'neutral' because it bridges our personal
and social worlds."
The discourse will depend of the language acquisition in other
words the Input practice but this is also according to the context
we have to talk about. For example:
• If we have to talk about politics, we need to acquire
some vocabulary according to the subject as president,
• election process, etc.

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