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A school love story

There are 5 friends and 1 arrogant friend. They were all in the same class and
went to a junior high school. Now they are already in 3rd grade of junior high
school. They just graduated. It was the first day of their new class. In the class
there is already ricky and other friends. Enter alexa to class.
Alexa : wei ricky! How are you? (while having)
Ricky : hey, there’s alexa…that’s fine (smile)
The conversation got long. Come alice the naughty child to class. She is
beautiful but always cause trouble at school. But she’s good, just annoying.
Alice : hey, there’s alexa and ricky…umm…
Alexa and ricky : okay…umm.. (in unison)
Finally, the three of them chatted. Sometimes there is a bit of gossip about their
class kids.Because ricky is one of those kids who likes to gossip 10 minutes
passed. Look at Robert and sofia from afar. The two of them are best friends
who have been together since elementary school. Ricky gossip is too cool.
“woiii!!! Ricky keeps gossiping! Hahahaha…..
Ricky : uh… it’s just a shock at first!! I’m surprised you know! (surprised)
Alexa : you know, ricky is the most exciting of all
Sofia : hahaha… whats’up, ricky! Eh, there’s alice, but at this hour you’re
already dating, hehehe…
Alice : it’s at this hour, I am… but, yah this time…(while laughing)
The 5 of them were having fun talking. 2 hours passed, giggles were heard and
gossip again. Because today is the day the first time they entered, the teacher
hadn’t yet teach. When they are having fun chatting, alice looked out the
window, and visible chatty nadia.
Ricky : (slaps forehead )
Ricky : ouch! Nadia just arrived at this hour. Who don’t you do in the morning?
Sofia : it’s okay rick, you’re free today. It’s up to him too! He likes lunch too
Alexa : yeah, I know…
This can be seen from the look on nadia’s face at first. He was amazed to see
nadia who was so very different today. Today she is hooded, Robert daydream.
Enter nadia into the class and sit at the very front.
Robert : wow, nadia is really pretty. I like her even more (talking to himself)
Alice : eh you always daydream
Robert : emm…sorry, I saw nadia earlier. It’s really pretty…
Sofia : yaelah rob…she’s bitchy
Robert : because of his bitchy I like him, I’ve always liked him you know
Then they started chatting again, but now the time is already 10.03 they all
returned to their respective homes. At home, Robert did his usually activities.
Then he entered his room, he filled out his diary.
Robert : dear diary…today is is may 31,2023. Today I saw nadia, she is so
beautiful today. I have to get her, I love you nadia..
Initially, he had admired nadia since he was in grade 1 of junior high school.
However, now he really intends to express his love to nadia. The next day, the
2nd day of school…
Robert : morning guys! Has nadia arrived yet?
“ morning too “ (in unison)
Ricky : yeah I asked nadia right away. She’s already here but I don’t know
where else to go. At least her friends in class 9A
Robert : oh…it’s up to me please, hehe. I also want to talk to all of you about
Alexa : ummm…
Robert : I have a heart for nadia, I have liked her since grade 7. The plan I was
shoot her
“ciyeee…” (in unison)
Alexa : how about tomorrow? I have a plan! It’s a good plan
Robert : ok, but what’s the plan?
They are talking about plans that tomorrow will be carried out by the 5 children
Alexa : well, first you red poetry, love poems and I know what poetry is if ricky,
sofia, and alice, you will practice singing with me at their house. Early on. I
hold the guitar. Later, I’ll borrow the school guitar first.
Come nadia and enter the classroom and then he sat alone, then he started
playing on his cellphone.
Robert : hey nadia! Can I have your phone number?
Nadia : eh Robert, for what?
Robert : em…
Nadia : this is 083824515347
Robert : ok thanks yan ad
Time shows 10.20, time for them to go home. Robert with a beaming face went
home, he’s doing activities as usually. After changing clothes, he ate lunch alone
in the room,while filling out his diary. Initially called nadia
Robbert : hi nadia…
Nadia : hi too, who is this?!
Robert : it’s ok non, hehe. It’s me, Robert
Nadia : eh Robert…sorry, I didn’t mean to. What happened rob??
Robert : I wanna ask something with you. Do you have boyfriend?
Nadia : don’t, I’m single. What’s wrong?
Robert: tomorrow after school I wan to give you something, so don’t go home
Nadia : em..okay
The next day when it was rest…
Robert : alexa are you ready?
Alexa : of course ready!
Robert : alice are you ready ?
Alice : sure! You must be successful if I’m around, hahaha…
Robert : ricky are you ready?
Ricky : just trust me, I’m ready!
Robert : and sofia are you ready?
Sofia : ready, please! What’s not for my best friend…hehehe…
Robert : okay, everything is ready. So, we’ll just have to play later. Sip (while
clenching fingers)
Then a few hours later the school bell rang.
Robert : you all shut up here
Robert ran towards nadia
Robert : nadia!.. nadia!
Nadia : uh, yeah, I forgot. I’m sorry
Robert : yup, it’s ok
They both returned to class
Sofia : nadia, please listen to this!
They turn on the song ‘ I like you so much you’ll know it “
Robert : nad, I’ve always liked you. Nadia, do you want to be my girlfriend?
All : accept! Accept!
Nadia : okay…I accept…
Everyone : horeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now Robert and nadia are dating. That’s the story of happy ending.
Thank you

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