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Chapter 3 Questions

4.2 True/False Questions

1) Communication technology has made person-to-person communication almost irrelevant

in today's business world. True

2) Communication includes the sending, receiving, and understanding of messages. True

3) The typical communication pattern is for a person who sends a cold message to receive a
warm message in return. False

4) According to a psychologist cited in the human relations text, when warm acquaintances
communicate they tend to take turns being dominant and subordinate. True

5) A teammate of yours who talks frequently about the problems of global warming, yet
drives a sports car that gets nine miles per gallon is sending a mixed message. True

6) An effective way of projecting self-confidence is to show good posture both when standing
as well as while sitting in a chair. True

7) Dominant people tend to direct their gestures outward. True

8) An effective way to make another person feel important when you are communicating with
him or her is to multitask. False
9) An effective method of mirroring a person not as tall as you, is to slump down to match his
or her height. False

10) Lying requires extra mental effort, so the liar will often give longer pauses between
thoughts and use fewer hand and head movements. True

11) People who are not trusted are more likely to receive honest communication from others
because of the fear factor. False

12) Empathy involves imagining yourself in the other person's role and assuming the
viewpoints and emotions of that person. True

13) Brain research suggests that we receive help in empathizing with others because certain
brain circuits reflect the actions and intentions of others as if they were our own. True

14) A major purpose of defensive communication is to protect one's self-esteem. True

15) People who are experiencing information overload are more likely to respond effectively
to messages because these people are more mentally alert. False

16) Having a positive attitude typically creates a communication barrier because most
people will think you are hiding the truth. False

17) Raising your voice at the end of most sentences adds to your persuasiveness. True
18) "Wimp" phrases are useful for persuasive e communication because they make the
speaker in control of his or her actions. False

19) A key component of active listening is to ask closed-ended questions like, "Do you agree
with me?" True

20) Julio wants to be an effective active listener, so he checks to see if the sender's
nonverbal communication fits his or her verbal communication. True

21) Marcus displays an element of active listening when he uses the same figure of speech
as a person sending a message to him. True

22) Juliette wants to be an active listener, so she helps receivers by frequently finishing
sentences for them. True

23) Sales representative Brian engages in temperate phrasing when he says to a customer,
"If you are so stupid you cannot explain what you want, I won't be able to help you." False

24) You engage in metacommunications when you communicate with another person, your
perception of how well you two are communicating. True

25) A gender difference in communication styles is that women tend to be more directive in
their conversation, whereas men emphasize politeness. False

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