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Mariel A.


As we informed that we will going to start our research I considered it

already that we will have a hard time to face this kind of study, we all know that we
need to give a time and effort for this that’s why we need to completely cooperate. We
are conducting a Research entitled “EFFECTS OF MOBILE LEGENDS TO THE BEHAVIOR
because we want to provide intervention program or seminars that will help the Grade
10 High School Learners of Malasiqui Catholic School to enlighten to limit their playing
and to know and do what is their real priorities.
We did the Chapter one Introduction which includes the Background Study,
Statement of the problem, Conceptual Framework, Scope and Delimitation, Significance
of the Study and Definition of Key terms. In this Chapter our leader divided us to have
individual task to make sure that everyone will work, and she give me some
background of the study and some of Definition of key terms. The next one is the
Chapter two which includes the Review of related Literature and Studies and Synthesis
of the related Literature and Studies, that tells about some study and history of our
topic “Mobile Legends” our leader also assign this work to my group members. While
the Chapter three Research Methodology includes the Research Design, Sources of
Data, Instrumentation and Data collection, Data Collecting Procedure and the Statistical
Tool for Data Analysis. In this Chapter we you can see that we used both qualitative
and quantitative methods of research and the reason why we choose the grade 10
learners also you can see here the table shows the total population of grade 10 learners
of Malasiqui Catholic School and those questionnaires that we made also for our
respondents. We use Survey, Interview, and Observation as we gather information.
We learned from this activity is to cooperate well with our groupmates who are
also willing to passed this subject and learn about on our topic and we experience a lot
like we are so tired of thinking and searching just to finish this study. We also have the
experience that we are in rush because we started to become lazy so that we can’t
finish it and at first in doing this to be honest we are not all excited to do it because we
all know that it will give us stress. But as we reached the defense, we congratulate
everyone that we did our best to defend it even there is some mistakes. We also
learned how to become a good member and witness how to become a good leader
from our leader who shows patients and teach us to make a wise when it comes to our
work she always remind us that it is not allowed to just copy paste the information that
we gather from internet she always tell us that we must have our opinions and
information based on our knowledge about our topic, so we are all thankful that we
have a workaholic and kind leader. So that we are all motivated to do and finish this
study until we can do our objective.

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