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Sustainable Finance

The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending
Linklaters 3


Executive summary 5

Development of green and sustainability linked loans 7

Market activity 11

Trends in green and sustainability linked loans 15

What is driving the rise of green and

sustainability linked finance? 19

Changes to prudential regulation 23

Market leading expertise 25

Appendix 27

Key contacts 30
4 Powering the future

Executive summary
Linklaters 5

Executive summary

Green and sustainability At first, there were no recognised market The drivers for the growth in green and
standards to help determine what qualifies sustainability linked loans are changing.
linked loans are a hot topic as a green or sustainability linked loan. What started as a mostly voluntary approach
in the loan markets. They are While the Green Bond Principles first to addressing climate change risks and the
published by the International Capital need for businesses to act responsibly is
a relatively recent innovation, Markets Association in January 2014 were beginning to be overtaken by regulation.
but volumes have risen a useful indication of the direction being In a speech in 2015, the Governor of the
taken in the capital markets, they focussed Bank of England, Mark Carney, set out
dramatically over the past on bonds rather than loans, and on green how the catastrophic impacts of climate
few years to over US$99bn use of proceeds rather than sustainability. change will be felt beyond the traditional
in 2018. The rise of green In the loan markets, the Equator Principles horizons of most banks, investors and
have long been used by financial institutions financial policy makers, imposing costs on
and sustainability linked for managing environmental, social and future generations. He warned that once
loans signals the early stages governance risks in the project finance climate change becomes a defining issue
market, but their application was limited in for financial stability it may be too late, and
of a fundamental shift in the the wider loan markets. noted that risks to financial stability will be
wider economy. Without the benefit of recognised market
minimised if the transition towards a lower-
carbon economy begins early and follows a
standards there was a risk of diverging
predictable path.
approaches being taken on what amounts
to a green or sustainability linked loan. At its Considerable progress has been made
worst, that risked loans being presented as in the years since that speech. In March
green or sustainability linked, when in reality 2019, Mark Carney spoke of a step
they were little different to an ordinary loan, change in demand and supply of climate
sometimes referred to as “green washing”. reporting, the push to better climate change
risk management and how advances in
Market standards for green loans were
reporting and risk analysis are paving the
published by recognised industry
way for investors to realise the opportunities
associations in March 2018, and were
in climate-friendly investment.
followed in March 2019 by sustainability
linked loan standards. Green and A raft of national and international
sustainability linked loans are now initiatives on climate change and corporate
recognised products globally. governance are starting to change how
companies operate. There seems little doubt
that in the face of ever increasing pressure,
the growth of the green and sustainability
linked loan markets is set to continue.

Green loans and sustainability linked

loans are two different products, but
the term “green loan” is sometimes
Volumes have risen
used as an umbrella term to cover dramatically over the past
both. The defining feature of a true few years to over
green loan is that the proceeds

are used for green purposes.
Classification of a sustainability linked
loan does not depend on how the
proceeds are used – the key feature
is that pricing is tied to the borrower’s
in 2018.
performance against certain pre-
determined sustainability criteria.
Linklaters 7

Development of green and sustainability linked loans

Green washing The Green Loan Principles This also reduces the risk that proceeds
are applied for other purposes and are
One of the hurdles faced by the green The Green Loan Principles establish four not available to fund the relevant green
and sustainable finance market generally key criteria: project. Where the loan proceeds are to be
is the potential for green washing. In >> use of proceeds; applied over a period of time, borrowers
October 2018, the UK’s Financial Conduct are likely to prefer a staggered drawdown
Authority (the “FCA”) issued a discussion >> the process of green project selection;
profile to drawing the whole amount of the
paper on “Climate Change and Green >> management of proceeds; and loan to hold in a deposit account pending
Finance”, which noted that: application (since the interest received on
>> reporting.
“Minimum standards can be helpful that deposit is likely to be less than the
for enhancing investor confidence and interest accruing on the drawn loan).
Use of proceeds
trust and enabling markets to develop. It is acknowledged in the Green Loan
For example, minimum standards may The fundamental defining feature of
Principles that tracing the use of loan
help ensure investors understand what a green loan is that the proceeds are
proceeds can be easier with a term
they are buying and prevent misleading applied for green purposes. The Green
loan than a revolving facility because
‘green washing’ of financial products and Loan Principles include a non-exhaustive
revolving facilities tend to be flexible in the
services. Green washing is marketing list of green projects towards which the
purposes for which they may be drawn.
that portrays an organisation’s products, proceeds of the loan could be applied,
This can be addressed by structuring the
activities or policies as producing positive and require that the relevant green project
facilities into separate tranches to make
environmental outcomes when this is not provides clear environmental benefits.
tracing easier – there are examples of
the case.” revolving facilities split into tranches for
Process of green project selection
Minimum standards have been developed general corporate purposes and for green
for the loan markets. The Loan Market Green borrowers are expected to purposes, for instance.
Association (“LMA”), Asia Pacific Loan communicate certain key information
Market Association (“APLMA”) and the to their lenders including details of Reporting
Loan Syndications and Trading Association their wider environmental sustainability
The borrower of a green loan is required to
(“LSTA”) launched their Green Loan objectives, the process by which they
record the green projects towards which
Principles with the support of the determine whether their projects are
proceeds are applied, together with a
International Capital Market Association eligible green initiatives and the related
description of the project, the amount
(“ICMA”) in March 2018. The Green Loan eligibility criteria. They are also expected
allocated and the expected impact of
Principles are similar in scope to ICMA’s to provide details of any wider green
the project. Borrowers should renew
own Green Bond Principles. The initiative standards to which they seek to conform.
that information annually and report it to
began in 2017 at the instigation of the their lenders.
Global Green Finance Council, of which Management of proceeds
the LMA and ICMA are founder members, The Green Loan Principles recommend
The Green Loan Principles provide that
and the APLMA, which established a (but do not require) third party
the proceeds of a green loan should
working group in 2016. oversight, and acknowledge that borrowers
be credited to a dedicated account, or
can seek guidance and input on their
A year later, in March 2019, the otherwise tracked by the borrower in an
green loan processes in a variety of
Sustainability Linked Loan Principles appropriate manner. This requirement
ways – examples include taking advice
were published by the LMA, APLMA and is aimed at ensuring transparent use of
from external environmental consultants
the LSTA. proceeds for eligible green purposes in
on their activities and arranging
order to promote the credibility of green
Both the Green Loan Principles and the certification against external green
loans. By holding green loan proceeds
Sustainability Linked Loan Principles assessment standards.
separately, borrowers can more easily
are voluntary frameworks, widespread ensure that they are applied towards
adoption of which would mitigate the risks the purposes for which they are drawn,
of green washing in the loan markets. particularly where the facility may be used
for more than one purpose.
8 The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending

The Sustainability Linked Loan Principles

The key distinction between a green loan to improve its performance against
and a sustainability linked loan is that certain pre-determined environmental,
categorisation as a sustainability linked social and governance (“ESG”) criteria.
loan is not conditional on the proceeds In practice this would typically mean
being used for a particular purpose. that the pricing on the loan is directly
Instead, the defining feature is that the linked to the sustainability performance
terms of the loan incentivise the borrower of the borrower.

Summary of the key features of the Green Loan Principles and the Sustainability Linked Loan Principles

Green loans Sustainability linked loans

Aim >> To facilitate and support environmentally sustainable >> To facilitate and support environmentally and
economic activity. socially sustainable economic activity.

Definition >> Loan instruments made available exclusively >> Loan instruments and/or contingent facilities (such
to finance or refinance new or existing as bonding lines, guarantee lines or letters of credit)
“green projects”. which incentivise the borrower’s achievement
of ambitious, predetermined sustainability
performance objectives.

Restrictions on purpose >> The fundamental feature is the utilisation of the loan >> No specific requirement for use of proceeds
for “green projects”. The Green Loan Principles set – loan could be for a borrower’s general
out a non-exhaustive list of 10 categories of green corporate purposes.
projects, including renewable energy, energy
efficiency and pollution prevention and control.
Loan proceeds should be credited to a dedicated
account or otherwise tracked.

Impact on pricing of >> No pricing impact is contemplated in the >> The hallmark of a sustainability linked loan is that
borrower performance Green Loan Principles. the borrower’s performance against predetermined
sustainability objectives affects the interest rate,
>> There are facilities which have been split into
incentivising improved performance over time.
tranches for green purposes and for other purposes
where the green tranche attracts lower pricing. >> The Sustainability Linked Loan Principles set out
a non-exhaustive list of 10 common categories
of objectives, including reduced greenhouse gas
emissions, reduced water consumption and the
amount of renewable energy generated or used by
the borrower.

Review/reporting >> Borrowers should maintain records of the use of >> The need for external review of the borrower’s
green loan proceeds, including a list of the green performance against its predetermined sustainability
projects to which the proceeds have been allocated objectives is decided on a case by case basis.
together with a description of the project, amount For public companies, public disclosures may be
allocated and the expected impact. External review sufficient to verify performance for the purposes of
is recommended but not required. the loan.
Linklaters 9
10 The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending
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Market activity

According to Bloomberg data, global Figure 1: Aggregate volumes of announced green and sustainability linked loans,
green and sustainability linked loan 2014 – 2019 YTD (US$bn)
volumes exceeded US$99bn in 2018,
with sustainability linked loans accounting
for US$43.2bn of that (see Figure 1). 100
Global sustainability linked loan activity
in particular is clearly on the rise, and
the rate of growth is increasing year on 43.2
year. Projected sustainability linked loan
volumes for 2019 exceed US$81bn
based on extrapolating from deals
announced between 1 January 2019 and 10.6
12 June 2019 (see Figure 2). 40
20 45.6
15.8 14.8
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 YTD

Green loans Sustainability linked loans

Source: Bloomberg. 2019 data covers the period 1 January 2019 – 12 June 2019.

Figure 2: Aggregate volumes of announced sustainability linked loans 2017 – 2019

(extrapolated from YTD data) (US$bn)



60 45.2


20 43.2

2017 2018 2019

Announced aggregate loan value Extrapolated volumes for the rest of the year

Source: Bloomberg. 2019 data covers the period 1 January 2019 – 12 June 2019.
12 The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending

A look at aggregate volumes of Figure 3: Aggregate volumes of announced sustainability linked loans by jurisdiction,
sustainability linked loans by 2017 – 2019 YTD (US$bn)
jurisdiction over recent years shows that
European jurisdictions are particularly
Spain 19.3
active (see Figure 3), but the product
reaches into markets globally. France 19.3

Sustainability linked loan activity is Italy 12.5

spread across various sectors, but United States 11.6
has been dominated by borrowers
Netherlands 9.2
in the utilities, financials and consumer
sectors (see Figure 4). United Kingdom 4.9

Belgium 3.4

Germany 1.7

Finland 1.2

Singapore 1.2

Others 5.6

0 5 10 15 20

Source: Bloomberg. 2019 data covers the period 1 January 2019 – 12 June 2019.

Figure 4: Aggregate volumes of announced sustainability linked loans by

borrower industry, 2017 – 2019 YTD

11% Others

6% Materials

9% Industrials Worldwide
sustainability linked loan
Global green and volumes since 2017: 41% Utilities

sustainability linked loan US$89.9bn

volumes exceeded
US$99bn in 2018, with 14% Consumer

sustainability linked
loans accounting for
US$43bn of that. 19% Financials

Source: Bloomberg. 2019 data covers the period 1 January 2019 – 12 June 2019.
Linklaters 13

Europe Figure 5: Aggregate volumes of announced sustainability linked loans by

borrower region, 2017 – 2019 YTD
European markets currently lead global
sustainability linked loan volumes, with 3.1% Asia 0.3% Africa
a share of more than 80% of the market
(see Figure 5). Activity has focussed 13% United States
mostly on Spain, France and Italy. 21.5% Spain

The Americas
While only a handful of sustainability
linked loans have been made to 7.3% Rest of Europe Worldwide
US companies, aggregate volumes sustainability linked loan
of announced deals to date total
3.8% Belgium
volumes since 2017:
approximately US$11bn according
to Bloomberg. Many of the larger
transactions have been for subsidiaries 5.5% United Kingdom
of European companies that have
entered into sustainability linked loans 21.4% France
in their own right already.
10.3% Netherlands
83.6% Europe
Green and sustainability linked 13.8% Italy
lending is also attracting considerable
attention in the Asia Pacific markets. Source: Bloomberg. 2019 data covers the period 1 January 2019 – 12 June 2019.
The first sustainability linked loan in
the region was reported to have been
signed in March 2018, and the first
green loan dates back to September
2018, both for Singaporean companies.
Sustainability linked loans have also
been signed in Hong Kong. Singapore
features in the top 10 countries by
aggregate sustainability linked loan
volumes since 2017.

European jurisdictions are particularly active

in sustainability linked loans, but the
product reaches into markets globally.
14 The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending
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Trends in green and sustainability linked loans

Green loans One-way or two-way pricing The underlying objective of incentivising

borrowers to make improvements to their
The Equator Principles were first Early financings were structured such that sustainability profile is probably more likely
published in 2003 and incorporate if the borrower satisfied its sustainability to be achieved through two-way pricing
the International Finance Corporation criteria, the margin on the loan was mechanisms, but it is possible that they
Performance Standards and the World reduced. The size of that reduction varied could be viewed in a less positive way
Bank Group’s technical industry guidelines between loans and markets, but might – after all, they result in lenders making
for projects in emerging markets. The typically be in the range of 0.02% to greater returns on loans from borrowers
Equator Principles are intended to help 0.04% on a general corporate financing. who are not meeting sustainability targets.
ensure that project finance transactions In some markets the discount might be
are undertaken in a socially responsible higher – as much as 0.10% to 0.20%. There are examples of alternative
way and in accordance with appropriate structures being considered, which could
Where sustainability targets were not mitigate that concern. One idea replaces
environmental management practices.
met, the margin calculation mechanism increases in pricing with a requirement to
While widely adopted in the project on those financings had no penalty for make additional payments into a separate
finance sector, the Equator Principles are poor performance. Instead the margin bank account should sustainability targets
rarely encountered in ordinary corporate reduction was simply not applied. not be met. Those amounts could then be
loan transactions. The introduction of the reinvested into improving the sustainability
More recently, two-way pricing
Green Loan Principles may have broader profile of the borrower.
mechanisms have been introduced on
reach into other parts of the loan markets,
some deals. Two-way pricing mechanisms
but they are less established than the
better incentivise performance by providing
Equator Principles.
for a pricing reduction if sustainability
While the Green Loan Principles do not criteria are met, and applying a pricing
contemplate the pricing on the loan increase where performance declines.
being linked to green use of proceeds,
that linkage has been a feature of some
corporate financings. In one example,
a revolving credit facility for general
corporate purposes was split into two
tranches – the first tranche, which was
available for general corporate purposes
did not benefit from any discount, but the
second tranche, which was available only
for green purposes had reduced pricing.

Two-way pricing mechanisms better incentivise

performance by providing for a pricing reduction
if sustainability criteria are met, and applying a
pricing increase where performance declines.
16 The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending

Third party oversight A number of factors influence whether Methodology changes

third party oversight is required by
The Sustainability Linked Loan Principles lenders. At a general level, the integrity A less obvious concern is the potential
state that the need for external review of of the product is promoted by credible for external ESG rating providers to
the borrower’s ESG performance is to be independent review. In many cases, change their methodologies unilaterally.
negotiated and agreed on a transaction self-reporting is not feasible because There are many entities in the market
by transaction basis. Where information borrowers do not have the internal that research and rate corporate
relating to sustainability performance expertise to perform the role themselves. sustainability, although reporting in the
targets is not publicly available or Larger corporates, which may have loans market is concentrated on a smaller
otherwise accompanied by an audit or the necessary internal expertise to group of providers.
assurance statement, the Sustainability self-report, are encouraged by the Each of the ESG rating agencies
Linked Loan Principles recommend that Sustainability Linked Loan Principles to considers various data points to arrive
external review of those targets is sought. thoroughly document that expertise and at their respective ratings. Their rating
Even where data is publicly disclosed, their internal processes. methodologies are not only varied from
independent external review may be
One reason borrowers might prefer each other, but evolve over time. In part
desirable. The majority of deals signed to
to self-report is to avoid incurring an that reflects shifts in perception towards
date require external review rather than
increased cost burden. It is worth bearing particular risk factors – what is considered
relying on self-reporting. This is in some
in mind the wider trend toward companies green or sustainable today may be less so
ways similar to the requirement for an
assessing and reporting on their ESG tomorrow. For example, the production of
independent environmental and social
performance for other purposes, so to electric vehicles might in some cases rely
consultant under the Equator Principles.
the extent information is already being on the transport and use of raw materials
gathered, it may be possible to repurpose that are extracted using polluting methods
it for a lower incremental cost. or perhaps involving poor employment
conditions. Early ESG ratings tended not
to differentiate between sectors when
assessing the relevance of particular
risks, but as the market becomes more
sophisticated, rating methodologies are
becoming more tailored.
Evolving rating methodologies can also be
the result of consolidation in the market.
For example, Sustainalytics acquired ESG
Analytics in 2015. Vigeo Eiris, was formed
in 2015 by the merger of Vigeo and Eiris,
both of which were ESG data providers.
There are also moves from credit rating
agencies into the market – Moody’s
acquired a majority stake in Vigeo Eiris in
April 2019.

As the market becomes more

sophisticated, rating methodologies are
becoming more tailored.
Linklaters 17

Concerns have been raised about Sustainability criteria It is common for pricing to be set by
the low correlation between different reference to the borrower’s overall ESG
ESG rating agencies’ assessment of The suggested criteria listed in the rating (which is typically expressed on
the same company, which contrasts Sustainability Linked Loan Principles are a scale of 0 to 100, although some ESG
with the strong positive correlation indicative only – the critical factor is that rating agencies use a scale similar to
generally seen in the context of credit the criteria chosen are ambitious and that of the credit rating agencies). The
ratings. This is a challenge for investors meaningful to the borrower’s business. borrower’s ESG rating is usually assessed
seeking a comparative assessment Market participants are not tied to using annually, and a discount (or increase)
across companies with ratings provided only the criteria listed in the Sustainability to the applicable margin is applied if the
by different sources. It is perhaps Linked Loan Principles. Metrics such ESG rating has moved more than a few
less of a problem in the loan markets as target CO2 emissions are common, points higher or lower than the initial ESG
where a particular ESG rating agency’s but there are examples of novel criteria rating at the time the loan was entered
rating is being used to demonstrate an relevant to the borrower’s business, such into. The threshold for a change to the
improvement in the performance of as the proportion of electric vehicles ESG rating to impact the applicable margin
the borrower over time rather than to in an electricity company’s fleet, or varies, but tends to be in the range of two
compare different borrowers. In time, the improvements in uptake of energy to five points (on a scale of 0 to 100).
industry may well develop a more uniform consumption monitoring tools among The annual changes to the margin are
approach, but to get there will require customers of a utility company. Criteria not usually cumulative – the discount
greater standardisation of the various can be tailored to the business – for (or increase) is applied each year to the
methodologies used currently. instance, the three-year average intensity originally applicable margin if the ESG
of CO2 emissions in kilograms per rating has moved sufficiently from the
Changing methodologies could create a
megawatt hour of power produced by an initial ESG rating, rather than to an already
potential difficulty for the sustainability
electricity company. discounted (or increased) figure.
linked loans market. It is agreed when the
loan is entered into that the pricing will On transactions where specific ESG
change by reference to whether particular criteria are used rather than an overall
ESG performance targets are hit. If a rating, different discounts (or increases)
rating agency changes its calculation can be applied for each specific target
methodology for whatever reason during that is met. The alternative is an all or
the life of the loan, and that results in nothing approach that requires all targets
changes to a particular corporate’s rating, to be met before the pricing changes.
the pricing on the loan may also change.
Whether or not methodology changes are
significant enough to have a substantial
impact is another question.
It is not uncommon for the facility
agreement to include a list of possible
rating providers or otherwise contemplate
that the rating provider could change over
the life of the loan.

It is common for pricing to be set by reference

to the borrower’s overall ESG rating, typically
expressed on a scale of 0 to 100.
18 The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending
Linklaters 19

What is driving the rise of green and sustainability linked finance?

There is no single driver The Equator Principles Recommendations of the Task

for the rise of green and Adoption of the Equator Principles referred
Force on Climate-related Financial
to earlier in this report is voluntary, but Disclosures and Principles for
sustainability linked finance. many financial institutions use the Equator Responsible Investment
Instead, a raft of national and Principles as a primary tool for managing
The shift to embed climate and ESG risk
supranational initiatives are ESG risks and impacts in the project
factors into corporate decision making
finance market. The Equator Principles
part of a wholesale shift to paved the way for other sustainability
gained further traction following the Paris
Agreement in 2015. In December 2015,
embed climate change risk initiatives in the loan markets.
the Financial Stability Board announced
and ESG risks at the heart of UNPRI
the establishment of an industry-led
Task Force on Climate-related Financial
business strategy. The UN Principles for Responsible Disclosures, with the goal of developing
Investment (“UNPRI”) are a longstanding voluntary, consistent climate-related
voluntary initiative to incorporate ESG financial risk disclosures for use by
issues into investment practice. The companies in providing information to
UNPRI focus on, amongst other things, lenders, insurers, investors and other
the incorporation of ESG issues into stakeholders. In June 2017, the Task
investment analysis and ownership Force published its recommendations
policies and the disclosure of ESG issues. (the “TCFD Recommendations”), which
give guidance on how to disclose clear,
comparable and consistent information
about the risks and opportunities
presented by climate change. The core
elements of the TCFD Recommendations
concern governance, strategy (including
scenario analysis), risk management and
metrics and targets, each in relation to
climate risk.
The impact of the TCFD
Recommendations is significant, with
financial institutions increasingly taking
note of the TCFD Recommendations in
their sustainability disclosures. There is
potential for compliance with the TCFD
Recommendations to become mandatory
(on a comply or explain basis) in the near
to medium term.

The general trend towards embedding climate-

and ESG-related issues in business strategy,
and on increased disclosure, is clear.
20 The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending

European initiatives The remaining part of the EU Sustainable In order for an activity to be considered
Finance Package is a new taxonomy climate adaptation focussed, the first two
As part of its programme to fulfil regulation, together with a detailed draft tests outlined above are replaced by:
commitments made pursuant to the Paris taxonomy issued pursuant to it, that
Agreement, the European Commission defines what activities are eligible to be the >> an assessment of the expected adverse
adopted a sustainable finance action subject of sustainable finance. The draft physical effects of climate change on
plan. The European Commission unveiled technical taxonomy published in June the underlying economic activity or
its strategy for a financial system that 2019 is intended to be finalised by the end assets, and
supports the EU’s climate and sustainable of 2019. Once in final form and in force
development agenda in 2018. The action >> demonstration of how the activity will
(which will not be before 2021), it will substantially reduce or prevent (or
plan on sustainable finance has three require the application of a series of tests
main objectives: prevent the increase of) those adverse
to determine whether activities qualify as physical effects.
>> to reorient capital flows towards climate mitigation focussed activities or
climate adaptation focussed activities, While the taxonomy will not be applicable
sustainable investment, in order to
each eligible for sustainable finance. to bank lending as a matter of EU
achieve sustainable and inclusive growth;
regulation, it is possible that over time the
>> to manage the financial risks stemming In order for an activity to qualify as climate market may choose to apply it voluntarily,
from climate change, environmental mitigation focussed, this involves: for example in response to customer or
degradation and social issues; and other regulatory expectations.
>> the identification of economic activities
>> to foster transparency and long-termism that could be eligible under the The European Banking Authority stated
in financial and economic activity. taxonomy. Over 60 categories of activity in its 2018 Annual Report that it is
are contemplated, but activities in some conducting market analysis and research
The first legislative measures under the
sectors, such as coal mining, are not on ESG factors and that sustainable
action plan on sustainable finance are
currently eligible; finance will continue to be an important
contained in the EU Sustainable Finance
area in its work.
Package. Some elements were agreed >> for each potentially eligible activity,
in late Spring 2019. Those introduce verification of whether it meets certain The European Non-Financial Reporting
a regulation on carbon benchmarks screening criteria as to emission Directive (Directive (EU) 2014/95) (the
to establish regulated categories of performance (for example, for power “NFRD”) came into force in the UK from
low-carbon indices to help investors to generation there is a maximum limit 1 January 2017. The NFRD requires large
compare the carbon footprint of their on CO2 emission per kilowatt hour that companies which are public interest
investments, establish rules for regulated must be satisfied); entities (broadly, EU-listed companies,
firms to incorporate ESG matters into certain credit institutions and insurance
>> assessment of whether the activity also
their investment decision making and undertakings) to report publicly on
passes the test of doing no significant
advisory processes and require additional environmental, social and employment
harm to the environment;
disclosures for specific ESG products. matters, respect for human rights and
>> due diligence to verify that the activity anti-corruption and bribery matters. In
satisfies minimum social safeguard non-binding guidance in relation to the
requirements, in particular, the NFRD, the European Commission cross-
International Labour Organisation’s core referred to the TCFD Recommendations,
labour conventions; and showing the convergence in climate
change related disclosures.
>> the alignment of investments with
the taxonomy requirements and Related developments in this area at an
preparation of disclosures at the EU level are noted in the appendix to
investment product level. this report.
Linklaters 21

UK initiatives Other pressures

UK regulators and legislators are taking Climate- and ESG-related investor
action too. The Prudential Regulation engagement is increasing. Shareholder
Authority (the “PRA”) published Policy activism is too. The International
Statement 11/19 and Supervisory Organization of Securities Commissions,
Statement 3/19 on “Enhancing banks’ the internationally recognised global
and insurers’ approaches to managing standard setter for the securities sector,
the financial risks from climate change” has issued a statement on the importance
in April 2019. The Supervisory Statement of ESG-related matters when disclosing
sets out the PRA’s key expectations on information material to investor decisions.
how UK banks and insurance firms should Separately, at least one shareholder
address those risks at a strategic level. In advisory body has updated its guidelines
it, the PRA makes clear that firms should: to make clear that it expects companies
to publish information on their resilience
>> fully embed consideration of to climate change as part of their wider
climate change risks in their environmental policy. Particular sectors
governance arrangements; have tended to concentrate on different
>> take those risks into account in existing ESG matters – climate change has been
risk management practices; key in the energy sector, whilst social
issues are more commonly encountered in
>> where appropriate, use scenario the mining sector for example.
analysis to assess the impact of
climate change risks on their strategy The general trend towards
and risk profile; and embedding climate- and ESG-related
issues in business strategy, and on
>> develop an appropriate approach increased disclosure, is clear. It seems
to disclosure of climate-related reasonable to expect that as the number
financial risks. of companies assessing and reporting on
Separately, the FCA is also considering these matters grows, so will the number of
climate change and green finance, companies able to re-use that same data
including the adequacy of current for the purposes of green or sustainability
disclosures in capital markets. linked loans.
From October 2019, pension funds will
be required to ensure that their statement
of investment principles addresses any
financially material considerations. This is
defined specifically to include ESG factors,
including climate change.
Related developments in this area in the
UK are noted in the appendix to this report.
22 The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending
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Changes to prudential regulation

Although changes to the The EU position >> CRR 2 provides for preferential
regulatory capital treatment of CRR 2 treatment of exposures to corporates
specifically set up to fund public
green and sustainability linked The legislative package establishing the infrastructure where the corporate has
loans are in contemplation framework of regulatory capital, liquidity, carried out an assessment of whether
leverage and regulatory disclosure rules the assets being financed contribute to
at both a European and UK certain environmental and sustainability
applicable to European credit institutions
level, they are in their infancy. and investment firms is set out in objectives and satisfy various other
tests. Loans made to corporates
The main focus of regulators Regulation (EU) 575/2013 (the Capital
which are not set up to fund public
Requirements Regulation or “CRR”)
appears to be on driving a and Directive (EU) 2013/36 (the Capital infrastructure would not benefit from
preferential treatment; and
conscious governance and Requirements Directive or “CRD”).
>> CRR 2 also imposes various ESG risk
disclosure framework and Under the current rules, institutions using
disclosure requirements.
the standardised approach to assess their
on integrating ESG risks borrower’s credit risk do not take ESG
Regulation of investment firms
into regulated firms’ risk factors into account.
management policies. CRR will be amended by Regulation (EU) The proposed European prudential
2019/876 (“CRR 2”). While CRR 2 will regulatory regime for investment firms
not make changes to the regulatory capital (set out in a draft regulation known as the
treatment of green and sustainability “IFR” and a draft directive known as the
linked loans generally in the short term, it “IFD”) has a similar emphasis:
will offer limited preferential treatment for >> the IFR mandates the European
certain highly prescribed arrangements Banking Authority to assess
and require the development of whether exposures related to assets
governance and disclosure frameworks or activities associated substantially
and the integration of ESG risks into with environmental and/or social
regulated firms’ risk management policies. objectives require a bespoke prudential
In particular: treatment and, if so, a legislative
proposal will follow;
>> under CRR 2, the European Banking
Authority is mandated to assess >> the IFD mandates the European
whether exposures related to assets or Banking Authority to prepare a report
activities associated substantially with which will assess the possible sources
environmental and/or social objectives and impact of ESG related risks on
require a bespoke prudential treatment. investment firms. The European
The European Banking Authority must Banking Authority may adopt relevant
submit a report on its findings by guidelines if appropriate;
mid-2025. CRR 2 contemplates that a
>> certain investment firms will be required
legislative proposal may be produced on
to disclose ESG risks; and
the basis of that report, if appropriate;
>> within 3 years of the introduction of the
IFR and IFD (which means by 2024),
the European Commission will submit a
report and (if appropriate) a legislative
proposal concerning the treatment of
ESG risks in investment firms’ internal
governance, remuneration policies and
risk policies.
24 The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending

The UK position The PRA’s expectations at this stage are

for firms to:
The PRA’s climate change policy
>> embed the consideration of the financial
Turning to the UK, the PRA and the FCA risks from climate change in their
have established the Climate Financial governance arrangements;
Risk Forum (“CFRF”). The objective of
the CFRF is to build capacity and share >> incorporate the financial risks from
best practice across financial regulators climate change into existing financial The PRA “does not
risk management practice;
and industry to advance financial sector
responses to the financial risks from
consider that differences
>> use long term scenario analysis
climate change. The work of the CFRF, to inform strategy setting and risk in capital treatment for
combined with the PRA’s international
work with the Central Banks and
assessment and identification; and certain types of assets
Supervisors Network for Greening the >> develop an approach to disclosure of the
financial risks from climate change.
is appropriate at this
Financial System helps to inform the
PRA’s approach to climate change policy.
stage given the lack of a
Notably, the PRA indicates that it expects
such analysis to be reflected in the formal
consistent definition of
PRA Policy Statement and
Supervisory Statement internal capital adequacy assessment assets with less climate-
framework (ICAAP) which banks use,
The PRA’s recently published Policy and the insurers’ equivalent framework related risk, and lack of
Statement 11/19 and Supervisory (ORSA), though with no specific guidance data or other evidence of
Statement 3/19 on “Enhancing banks’ as yet on how to do so.
and insurers’ approaches to managing a risk differential
the financial risks from climate change” The Senior Managers and between them.”
referred to earlier in this report focus on Certification Regime
the impact of climate change on the value
of assets and on wider socioeconomic The PRA expects firms to have clear
developments which could have an roles and responsibilities for the board
indirect impact on the risks faced by and its sub-committees in managing
regulated firms. For these purposes, the the financial risks from climate change
PRA has broadly split climate change – the board and the highest level of
risks into physical risks (such as extreme executive management should allocate
weather events causing damage to responsibility for identifying and managing
physical assets) and transition risks arising those risks to the most appropriate Senior
from the process of adjustment to a low Management Function.
carbon economy.
In the Policy Statement, the PRA
notes that respondents to an earlier
consultation paper had urged it to reflect
climate-related financial risks in the
capital framework. However, the Policy
Statement confirms that the PRA “does
not consider that differences in capital
treatment for certain types of assets is
appropriate at this stage given the lack
of a consistent definition of assets with
less climate-related risk, and lack of data
or other evidence of a risk differential
between them”.
Linklaters 25

Market leading expertise

We have extensive experience We offer our clients a global service, both

in outlook and reach. Our network of
advising on green and 30 offices is reinforced by an integrated
sustainable loan transactions. alliance with Allens, the leading Australian
law firm with offices throughout Asia,
We are also at the forefront our collaborative alliance with Webber
of legal and regulatory Wentzel, South Africa’s premier full-service
law firm, and our best friend relationship
developments on ESG across with Talwar, Thakore & Associates (TT&A),
Europe, Asia and the US, a leading Indian law firm. In regions where
as national and regional we or they do not have an office and may
not practice local law, we have strong
regulators drive changes to relationships across local firms.
the banking landscape.
26 The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending
Linklaters 27


Key EU initiatives on climate change and sustainability

Initiative Summary

The Sustainable Finance Package The EU Sustainable Finance Package includes three main initiatives:
>> a regulation amending the European Benchmark Regulation to introduce new
categories of regulated benchmarks to help investors compare the carbon footprint
of their investments;
>> a regulation on disclosure requirements which will require a broad range of
regulated entities to disclose how they integrate ESG factors into their investment
decision making and advisory processes, as well as make specific disclosures for
certain ESG products; and
>> an ESG taxonomy regulation which will create a framework to assess whether
a particular economic activity can be considered environmentally sustainable,
and will require application of, and disclosure against, criteria for sustainable

ESMA guidelines on disclosure The European Securities and Markets Authority has been consulting on guidelines
requirements applicable to for credit agencies, which would improve how credit agencies disclose their
credit ratings consideration of ESG factors as part of the credit rating process.

ESMA and EIOPA technical advice The European Securities and Markets Authority and the European Insurance and
to the European Commission Occupational Pensions Authority have published technical advice to the European
Commission on the integration of ESG risks into a number of pieces of European
legislation, including Solvency II, the Insurance Distribution Directive, MiFID II, AIFMD
and the UCITS Directive.

EIOPA opinion on sustainability The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority is consulting on an
within Solvency II opinion on sustainability within the current Solvency II framework which will inform
the European Commission’s review.

The Capital Requirements CRR 2/CRD V and IFR/IFD both require ESG disclosures as part of “Pillar 3”
Regulation 2 and Capital prudential regulatory requirements for investment firms and banks. Both packages
Requirements Directive V Package, empower the European Banking Authority to consider the enactment of a dedicated
and the Investment Firms prudential treatment of ESG investments.
Regulation and Directive Package

Shareholder Rights Directive II SRD II requires shareholder engagement disclosures by both institutional investors
and asset managers. Whilst these disclosures are not directly focussed on ESG
matters, the intention of encouraging active shareholder engagement and long-term
stewardship overlaps with the sustainable finance agenda.
28 The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending

Initiative Summary

European Commission guidelines The European Commission adopted guidelines on reporting climate-related
on climate-related disclosures information in June 2019. These supplement existing guidelines on non-financial
reporting under EU Directive 2013/34 on the disclosure of non-financial and diversity
information by certain large undertakings and groups.
The guidelines build on the report published by the EU Technical Expert Group
on Sustainable Finance (“TEG”) in January 2019 on climate-related disclosures,
which recommends a wide range of disclosures in relation to climate-related risks
and opportunities.

TEG report on EU taxonomy This TEG report lists economic activities which can make a substantial contribution
to climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation. The report is part of the
workstream on the proposed EU Taxonomy Regulation.

TEG report on an EU Green This report proposes a voluntary green bond standard to determine climate and
Bond Standard environmentally-friendly activities eligible for funding under green bonds.

TEG interim report on EU climate This interim report proposes the methodology and minimum technical requirements
benchmarks and disclosure by for climate benchmarks and disclosure requirements for benchmark providers.
benchmark providers
Linklaters 29

Key UK initiatives on climate change and sustainability

Initiative Summary

PRA supervisory statement On 15 April 2019, the PRA released a Policy Statement and a Supervisory
for banks and insurers on Statement applicable to all UK banks and insurance firms. These set out the PRA’s
managing the financial risks from expectations on managing the financial risks from climate change. The PRA expects
climate change that firms should:
>> fully embed consideration of climate change risks in their governance
>> take those risks into account in existing risk management practices;
>> where appropriate, use scenario analysis to assess the impact of climate change
risks on their strategy and risk profile; and
>> develop an appropriate approach to disclosure of climate-related financial risks.
Firms should have an initial plan to address the PRA’s expectations by 15 October
2019, and the PRA will publish more information in due course.

FCA consultation on climate change The FCA issued a discussion paper on climate change and green finance in October
and green finance 2018, seeking views on the FCA’s proposed approach to the area to ensure the FCA
“continues to take decisions in the public interest and supports innovation in the
growing market for green finance”.

Reporting requirements for The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018 changed company
large companies reporting requirements in relation to financial years beginning on or after 1 January
2019. Large companies are required to include a statement in their strategic report
explaining how directors have met their duties under section 172 of the Companies
Act 2006 to promote the success of the company. Section 172 requires directors to
have regard, amongst other matters, to the impact of the company’s operations on
the community and the environment.

FRC guidelines on board The Financial Reporting Council regulates auditors, accountants and actuaries in the
effectiveness UK. It also sets the UK’s corporate governance and stewardship codes. Its Guidance
on Board Effectiveness notes that boards may wish to use a voluntary framework
to help identify the ESG factors that are relevant for their business and link them to
company strategy.

Proposed FRC revisions to UK The Financial Reporting Council has consulted on revisions to the UK Stewardship
Stewardship Code Code due in Summer 2019. Compliance with the Stewardship Code is voluntary,
but on a “comply or explain” basis for UK regulated firms. The proposed
amendments include a requirement to take ESG factors into account when fulfilling
stewardship responsibilities.

Requirements for pension trustee New regulations come into force in October 2019 requiring pension trustees
statements of investment principles to document how they have considered ESG factors and their policy towards
stewardship in their statements of investment principles.
30 The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending

Key contacts

Belgium Hong Kong

Charles-Antoine Leunen Nathalie Hobbs

Partner Partner
Tel: +32 2 501 91 20 Hong Kong Tel: +852 2842 4168

David Ballegeer Davide Mencacci

Partner Partner
Tel: +32 2 501 95 93 Tel: +852 2901 5506

France India

Cyril Abtan Narayan Iyer

Partner Partner
Tel: +33 1 56 43 57 71 Tel: +44 20 7456 4837

Kathryn Merryfield
Partner Italy
Tel: +33 1 56 43 59 03 Andrea Arosio
Tel: +39 02 88 393 5218


Marc Trinkaus Francesco Faldi

Partner Partner
Tel: +49 69 710 03 353 Tel: +39 02 88 393 5242

Dr Neil Weiand
Tel: +49 69 710 03 380
Linklaters 31

Luxembourg Portugal

Patrick Geortay Gonçalo Veiga de Macedo

Partner Counsel
Tel: +352 2608 8232 Tel: +351 21 864 0057

Nicki Kayser António Soares

Partner Partner
Tel: +352 2608 8235 Tel: +351 21 864 0013

Netherlands Singapore

Paul Kuipers Philip Badge

Partner Partner
Tel: +31 20 799 6318 Tel: +65 6692 5731

Mees Roelofs Christopher Bradley

Partner Partner
Tel: +31 20 799 6289 Tel: +65 6692 5732

Poland Spain

Jarek Miller Juan Barona

Partner Partner
Tel: +48 22 526 5048 Tel: +34 91 399 6120

Ben Crosse
Tel: +34 91 399 6176
32 The rise of green loans and sustainability linked lending

Key contacts

Sweden UK

Patrik Björklund Richard Coar

Partner Partner
Tel: +46 8 665 4130 Tel: +44 20 7456 5189

Vanessa Havard-Williams
Thailand Partner
Tel: +44 20 7456 4280
Pichitpon Eammongkolchai
Tel: +66 2305 8017
Philip Spittal
Tel: +44 20 7456 4656
Wanwisar Nakarat
Tel: +66 2305 8007


Michael Bassett
Russia Partner
Tel: +1 212 903 9114
Nikolai Kurmashev
Tel: +7 495 797 9758
Danelle Le Cren
Tel: +1 212 903 9045

Andrew Jennens
Tel: +971 2 659 2115 Author
Andrew Stanfield
Senior PSL, London
Tel: +44 20 7456 4935
Kieron Zaman
Tel: +971 4 369 5814
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