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Compute-based Education: Positive Effects of Computer Devices on Education

Papua New Guinea University of Technology

Department of Communication & Sustainability Practices


Short Essay


Full Name: Amos KEWA

Student ID Number: 23301913

Course Code: BSCS/1

Subject Code: CD111

Tutor: Mr. J. Iko

Date of Submission: Friday 17th March, 2023

CD111 Assignment (1), Semester (1), 2023

By Amos Kewa (23301913)
Papua New Guinea University of Technology

Table of Contents

a. Abstract.............................................................................................................................

b. Introduction, General Views, Research Methods .......................................................

c. Research Methods, Significant Findings & Conclusion ............................................

d. References.........................................................................................................................

Department of Development Practice & Sustainability (CD111)



Education systems were studied in deliberation in the context of a review task. Students were

considered to be more comfortable and exerted less effort in studying compared with students from 10

to 15 decades back. Moreover, most of the old processes in the education systems were improved or

replaced by computer programs. Together, these findings suggested that education systems were made

even more efficient with the computers.

Keywords: Computer-assisted education, internet-accessible schools, …

Department of Development Practice & Sustainability (CD111)


Compute-based Education: Positive Effects of Computer Devices on Education


The advent of Technology has brought computer devices close to almost everyone. With the

access to these, research has shown that increasing number of students are engaging in computer-

assisted education online. In a hot paragraph of Role of Computer in Education, Kajal Sharna (2023)

examines the advantages of computer access in schools and individuals as students and teachers. The

purpose of this essay is to examine the paramount basic benefits relevant to computer-aided

education. This essay ends with a suggestion for a combined review essay for computer-based

education based on benefits towards education.

General Views

The continuous establishment and implementation of computerized operations in education

divisions has brought upon mixed thoughts in parents and concerned citizens. However, this essay

only discusses the bright side of them. As evidenced in The Effects of Computer-assisted Learning on

Students’ Long-term Development, Nicola Bianchi (2022), most views documented states that

exposure to computer devices such as smart phones, tablets, laptops, desktops and other internet-

associated devices improve students’ academic performance. Students who have access to at least one

of these devices have also access to unlimited information which help broaden up their

comprehensive skills to score good grades (Kajal, 2014, para. 4).

The next common view found was that internet-accessible schools have the highest chance of

producing competitive and bright students who will be the assets in the fields of work. This is because

a school with access to internet and computer devices can access the sea of information. So no doubt,

the school will have quality resource materials for students and staff to use (School of Education

Online Programs, 2020, para. 3).

Research Methods. A qualitative research approach is proposed for this study. Computer-

aided learning has more information available for qualitative research approach while only a few were

available for quantitative research approach. Following the descriptive research approach under

Department of Development Practice & Sustainability (CD111)


qualitative, researchers seek to understand impacts computer devices have brought out for education

divisions. Further, the context is important to the interpretation of data. This approach requires that the

researcher “centers on the attempt to achieve a sense of the meaning that others give to their own

situations” (Smith, 2005, p. 12).

Central College has kept its tradition as a liberal arts college while preparing students of all

ages for a lifetime of careers. The full- time “day” undergraduate program has traditionally served the

18-22 year-old population. In recent years a very small number of students 25 years of age and older

have enrolled as full-time students. This is in contrast to the Continuing Education division which

offers undergraduate and graduate programs to part-time students of all ages (approximately 3000

students in the 2011-2012 academic year).

Significant Findings. It is anticipated from the review of literature I have completed thus far

that I will learn much. First, it is anticipated that certain aspects of both research and practice in

higher education will be challenged. This study should examine a number of circumstances in which

the growing principles of technology-assisted learning such as establishing google classrooms where

students can attend while at home or even get notes online in advance, attempting online practice test

with immediate results are seen in conflict with established patterns of traditional higher education,

such as the maintenance of a hierarchy in which faculty are superior to and dominant over traditional-

aged students, the way students without access to computer devices are taught, and the kinds of

support given to such students. It is also important to examine some more basic issues, such as the

nature and purpose of computer accessible education, and the role of educational institutions within

the community and society. To adequately serve adult learners, colleges and universities need to look

beyond their demographic characteristics to see these individuals, their perceptions, social worlds, and

experiences from their own perspectives (Smith, 2005, para. 7)

Conclusion. Qualitative research method investigates and explores the different claims to

knowledge and is designed to address a specific type of research question. The qualitative method

allows the researcher to explore and better understand the complexity of a phenomenon. This paper

presented a clear statement of what constitutes qualitative research designs and summarized

techniques used to conduct studies for this research approache.

Department of Development Practice & Sustainability (CD111)


Department of Development Practice & Sustainability (CD111)



1) Creswell, J. W. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five

traditions. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

2) Kajal. S. (2023). The Asian School. Role of Computer in Education. Retrieved from

3) Nicola. B. (2022). Journal of Development Economics. The Effects of Computer-assisted

Learning on Students’ Long-term Development. Retrieved from

4) Creswell, J. (2002). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative

and qualitative Research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall

5) Sale, J. E., Lohfeld, L. H., & Brazil, K. (2002). Revisiting the quantitative-qualitative debate:

Implications for mixed-methods research. Quality & Quantity, 36(1), 43-53.

6) Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age. Paper retrieved from:

7) Shank, G. (1993). Abductive multiloguing: The semiotic dynamics of navigating the Net. The

Arachnet Electronic Journal of Virtual Culture, 1(1). Retrieved from:

Department of Development Practice & Sustainability (CD111)

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