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COVID19 air and noise pollution survey

* Required


1. How will you describe the air quality near your residence during March-to-May 2020 lockdown?*
o Good
o Satisfactory
o Moderate
o Poor
o Very poor
o Severe

2. How will you compare the air quality near your residence on a scale of 1 to 6 during March-to-May 2020 lockdown with that observed

earlier in the period Dec. 2019 to Jan. 2020?  (Note that 1 denotes much better air-quality while 6 denotes significantly increased


Far better (reduced pollution) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Worse (increased pollution)

3. How will you compare on a scale of 1 to 6, the air quality near your residence during March-to-May 2020 lockdown with that observed

during March-to-May 2019, i.e., exactly a year before the lockdown? (Note that 1 denotes much better air-quality while 6 denotes

significantly increased pollution).*

Far better (reduced pollution) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Worse (increased pollution)

4. Which among the following sources contributed the LEAST to air pollution during the March-to-May 2020 lockdown period?*
o Road traffic - emissions from trucks/lorries, cars and two-wheelers
o Coal-based power plants (electric stations)
o Bio-mass burning for cooking, heating purposes
o Construction activities

5. Do you think that the local street noise near your residence also reduced when the local air pollution levels decreased during the 2020

o Strongly agree - they have a strong relation
o Agree - they are somewhat related
o Can't say
o No, disagree - they are not correlated
o No, strongly disagree - they do not have any correlation

6. How will you describe the changes to air pollution levels during the first few unlock (UL) periods, i.e., from June to September 2020?*
o Gradually (slowly) increased to the pre-COVID levels
o Increased rapidly to the pre-COVID levels
o Did not change much, i.e., it continued to stay at the same levels as observed during the 2020 lockdown
o Reduced further during this period

7. On a scale of 1 to 6, how will you rate the air quality during the overall UL period from June to September 2020? (Note that 1 denotes

much better air-quality while 6 denotes significantly increased pollution).*

o Good
o Satisfactory
o Moderate
o Poor
o Very poor
o Severe

8. How will you describe the changes to the local street noise levels near your residence during the first few unlock (UL) periods, i.e., from

June to September 2020?*

o Gradually (slowly) increased to the pre-COVID times
o Increased rapidly to the pre-COVID times
o No particular trend was observed
o Reduced further
9. Do you think that the COVID-19 outdoor movement restrictions and public health advisories from October to December 2020, especially

during Diwali time had any effect on air pollution levels?*

o No effect at all - the air pollution level was the same as observed during Oct.-Dec. 2019
o A small effect - the pollution levels were marginally less
o Air quality was worse during Oct.-Dec. 2020 as compared to Oct.-Dec. 2019
o Cannot say

10. On a scale of 1 to 6, how will you rate the air quality during the lockdown imposed from April-to-May 2021 to reduce the spread of Delta

virus. (Note that 1 denotes much better air-quality while 6 denotes significantly increased pollution).*

Far better (reduced pollution) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Worse (increased pollution)

11. Do you think that the outdoor movement restrictions imposed during April-May 2021 lockdown (2nd wave) had the same effect on the air

quality as the 2020 lockdown?*

o Yes, the lockdown helped to signficantly reduce the air pollution levels
o Not really, the lockdown had only a small effect on reducing the air pollution
o No effect at all

12. Do you think that the lockdown imposed during April-May 2021 (2nd wave) had the same effect on the outdoor noise levels near your

residence as the 2020 lockdown?*

o Yes, 2021 lockdown helped to signficantly reduce noise levels which was comparable to the levels observed during the 2020 lockdown
o Not really, 2021 lockdown had only a small effect in reducing the outdoor noise levels
o No effect at all, the daily noise levels did not change noticably

13. Do you think that during Oct.-Nov. 2021, the air quality was far worse than the same period in 2020 and 2019?*
o Yes, 2021 was particularly problematic
o No, the air pollution during these months was just as bad as the same months in 2019 and 2020
o Cannot say for sure

14. Do you think that in the event future outdoor mobility restrictions are imposed to prevent the spread of new COVID-19 variants, its effects

on temporarily improving air quality and reducing noise pollution will be the same as that observed during 2020 lockdown?*
o Yes definitely
o May be this can be a possibility
o No, the observations during the 2nd and 3rd waves do not suggest this
o Too early to comment

15. Gender*
o Male
o Female
o Prefer not to say

16. Age*
o 20 or less
o 21 to 40
o 41 to 60
o 60 and above

17. Do you have known hearing and respiratory problems/issues?*

o None - no hearing and respiratory problems
o No hearing problems but some respiratory problems
o No respiratory problems but some hearing issues
o Both hearing and respiratory problems

18. During the last 2 years or so, how many months did you live in New-Delhi or more generally, in National Capital Region (NCR)?*

Your answer

19. Which area or locality in New-Delhi or NCR do you live?*

Your answer

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