Product Owner Product Manager - Assignment - 2021

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Assignment for Vacancy of Product Owner/Product Manager


Please prepare answers to the tasks below with a slide deck and share 1 or 2
wireframes to support your answers.

This exercise helps us to learn more about you, your thinking process and your product
management style. Base your work on assumptions whenever they are needed. There
are no right or wrong answers.


In the state of California, over 2000 franchise restaurants are operating under the brand
of McDonald’s. All restaurants have to strictly adhere to the Food and Quality Standards
that are provided by McDonald’s HQ. The McDonald’s quality assurance team consists
of 30 persons who are in charge of conducting inspections at each of the restaurants.
An inspector of the quality team will visit a restaurant unannounced once a month and
will work through a checklist of questions, such as:

 Is the food stored at the prescribed temperature?

 Are staff members preparing the food using the correct gloves?
 Does the cleanliness of the kitchen match the standard?
 Etc.

Depending on those answers, a restaurant might PASS or FAIL an inspection. A failed

inspection results in penalty payments and in stricter & more frequent inspections for

Suppose you are the Product Owner of “Foodsight” – a SaaS platform with both a web
and a mobile application. The McDonald’s Quality team uses the web application to plan
& coordinate inspections, which then get executed via the mobile application at the
restaurant. Your product has replaced the old “pen & paper” way of doing inspections,
so that the Quality Team can operate in a more efficient and transparent manner.

As your new project, you are now asked to lead the launch of an analytic dashboard for
the Leadership team of Quality Assurance at McDonald’s. The dashboard should make
the most relevant insights accessible in just one place.
Task 1 – Get Started

Please explain to us how you would gather ideas and requirements in order to build this
dashboard. What kind of meetings would you have with whom, and what data (if any)
would you use and what for? How will you design and execute on this dashboard?

Task 2 - Execution

Break your dashboard into smaller deliverables and tasks that your developers can pick
up. Your development team uses Agile Scrum and works in 2 weeks sprints.

How would you prioritize those deliverables? Explain why/how you made your

Task 3 – Assessing Product-Market fit

Explain how you will assess whether the dashboard that you have built has business
value for McDonald’s.


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