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Soal-Soal latihan PAS SMP kelas VIII

By : Ms. Sabrina
2. Based on the dialog above, what is the occupation of uwais?

A. Teacher
B. Police man
C. Student
D. Principle

3. A : ……………..
B : Yes mam. Should we open the book right now?
What is the expression of asking attention below…
A. Sorry to bother you
B. Hello
C. Do you need me?
D. Do you understand?
Asking attention:
“Sorry to bother you”
“listen to me”
“attention please”


Check undertanding
“are you with me?”
“Do you understand?”
Brandon : Johan, can you give me a ride to my home later after school?
Johan : I’m sorry, Brandon I can’t because I have to go home directly. My
mom has
Waited for me, we will go
to my grandma’s house. Brandon : It’s
alright, Johan

5. Where does the dialog take place?

a. at Johan’s house
b.. at Brandon’s house
c. at Johan grandma’s house
d. at school

6. What is the relationship between Johan and brandon?

A. Classmates
B. Sibblings
C. Family
D. Schoolmates

7. Mr. Odi: Putri, this is your test paper, you get the excellent score. Putri : Is it right,
sir? Mr. Ody : Yes, ............................
A. You’re lucky to win the contest
B. Congratulations
C. I’m surprised on your success
D. D. You’re the winner

8. Ayu : Wow, ................................ You look so beautiful.

Ami : Thank you, this dress is from my mother.
A. What a beautiful girl
B. I like your style
C. This suits you well
D. What a charming dress

What should we say if our friend got achievement?
A. How poor you are!
B. Congratulations!
C. I’m sorry to hear that
D. Happy birthday
10. Hi guys! I'm Mischa. I don't really like math, but I'm not very bad at it, I guess. I
cannot play chess, though. I can't ride a motorcycle either. Maybe someday I will
learn to ride one. I cannot swim, but I'm good at football. My team won a regional
junior championship last week.
Which is the correct statement based on the text the above?
a. He can do math
b. He can play chess
c. He can to ride a motorcycle
d. d. He can swim school

11. Which is the correct statement based on the text above?

A. He can play football in five
B. He will learn swimming
C. He prefers math send it
D. He can play chess

12. Mom : I can't use the gas stove because the gas cylinder is empty. Can you replace
bryan :Sorry, I cannot do it, Mom. I have never done it before and I'm afraid of
wrongly connecting it.
Mom : Let me does.
What is “it” refers to?
A. The gas stove
B. The gas cilynder
C. Replacing gas
D. Replacing gas cylinder

13. Dewa : Good morningMa'an, say I change my role? It is difficult to act as a twin. I
cannot speak in different tones.
Ms. Dea :However, you are the one suitable for the role. Come on, it is only the third
practice. There are still five more, I believe you can play your role well as time goes.
Ms. Dea :O.K. then.
Dewa :Thanks, Ma'am.
Where does the dialog take place?
a. After the drama practice.
b. At the school
c. On the stage
d. After school

14. Dora: "My aunt is often angry with my cousin, Lusi. She makes a mess but she
will not do the cleaning. She will not even clean her own room,"
According to Dora, we know that....
a. His Aunt will not do the cleaning.
b. She will clean her own room.
c. His Aunt will do the cleaning.
d. She always angry with my cousin

15. Linda is a new student. She is reading the class rules and talking about them with
her classmate.
Class Rules:
- Listen when others are taking Follow directions.
-Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
-Work quietly and do not disturb others.
-show respect for school and personal
What should we do when Linda talking?
A. must close your eyes
B. Must listen in her
C. mustn't tell other
D. must talk in her

16. Emy: Noval, I have copied the text that we need, but I can't lay it out. Can you do
for me, please?
Noval: Yes, I can. Please give me your USB stick. I'll do it after school
Emy : Oh, gosh! I haven't saved it in the USB stick. Are you willing to stop by my
house after school?
Noval: OK. No problem
Emy: Thank you very much, Noval. You are so kind.
Noval: My pleasure. By the way, are you willing to print the text after I have finished
laying it out?
Emy: Sure. Let me handle it.
Noval: Great!
What can't Emy do?
a. Copying the text
b. Duplicating the text
c. Printing the text
d. Laying the text out text

17. From the dialog, we can conclude that.....

a. Emy is willing to print the text
b. Emy will give the USB stick now
c. Noval is willing to scan and print the text
d. Emy will stop by at Noval's house after school

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