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Course Subject – Indian Architecture

Text Name – Introduction to Indian Vastushastra (1. Introduction to Indian Vastushastra)

Pathyaanshnaam – Vastu Purushodbhih, the Reverend of Vastu Shastrasya

Text Number – W1M1T3

Lekhchah – Ravro. Devi Varasad Vipathi, Professor and Chairman, Department

of Architecture, Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri Ravi Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, Delhi -1

According to Vastupurushodbhih, the Reverend of Vastu Shastrasya

ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ –

There is a ritual of worship of the gods in the Hindu scriptures. There is a noble sense in the Hindu

culture of the image of the goddess in the praise of the Lord. There are two methods of worship in this Sanskrit,

Sachara and Vanarachara. According to the Vedic literature, Vastoshpavata is another name for the Supreme

Soul Himself because He is the master of these beings in the form of the universe. According to the Agama

Purana, the Vastu Purusha H is the basic teaching. Above which these Brahma-Indras and others, including

Lochapala, are divided into five categories. They wanted to move beyond the gods. They know that the Puranas

contain the characteristics of the architect.

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At the time of the death of the blind demon, a drop of blood fell from the forehead of Bhagita Shanchar to the ground. Therefore, the window

H is a man with a large smile on his face. He stole the blood of the blind demon, but he was not satisfied. Being overcome with hunger he set out to

devour the universe Then Siva took her by the gods and placed her face down on the ground and robbed her in the form of a architectural man. As

stated in the 19th century -

In the battle, Andhra said, and when he fell, he was wounded by the Lord

Therefore there was a ghost, and the heavens struck the earth, causing fear.

They suddenly grabbed the victim and carried her to the ground

From the worship of the gods, the architect is worshiped by the wise

Vasturatnavali, page- 45
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The initial movement of creation -

Is it worth considering that Cho's submission? Vashi is the world-moving parachadeo. whose redness fell to the ground. The reason for this

is that energy is diffused from the red in the form of snow, and after falling to the ground the energy is transformed into light. The destruction of blindness

by the feet of Ravarchashad. Andhachar is the blind demon. As the feet of the lightning moved, the darkness went farther and farther. This was the

beginning of creation. The energy, which is in the form of a rainbow from the grazing of the heart of the uttermost energy, holds the form of a vast

thought and is ready to devour the universe. After this, the gods (the Pandavas in the form of Ravarachasha) absorbed that energy and transformed it

into the form of creation.

The importance of the house –

The shelter of all the ashrams is the household ashram. The greatest contribution to the development of society is the household asrama.

Become a householder while you are at home. Therefore, they could not live in the tea house of the householder without a house. If the householder is

in the fourth house of the male, the auspicious sign of H will be the sign of the house. as in the Bhavishya Purana. associate -

The duties of a householder cannot be fulfilled without a house

From that it is defined as the beginning of a house.

The righteousness of the householder is to be done in the house of the householder and not in the house of another. A woman who has

been stolen from another’s house does not get any good results from her purchase because she hears the good news. The auspicious fruits of the

sacrifice heard in the fourth place fell to the ground and went to the sky. Therefore, the desire of the householder to obtain the fruits of the fourfold path

is the most important. In the Ravarsang, we again find this in the Bhavishya Purana of the Auvachatya Puranas. as -

They are auspicious to buy from a hearsay stolen from another's house.

They did not live there and therefore the lord of the earth enjoys the fruits.

ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ –
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There is a gap in the various rhythms of the architectural texts in the Vedic and Vedic literature. The Puranas contain detailed

descriptions of architecture in many places. Detailed discussion of architecture is available in the Puranas of Ravaraya, Matsya, Raha,

Brahmaita, Schanda, Avi, Devi Bhagavata, Garuda, Srimad Bhagavata, Chavalcha, Bhavishyottakara and Vishnudhamottakara. These

also contain detailed descriptions of the basic principles and rules of this scripture in the Matsya, Schanda, Garuda and Avi Bhavishya

Puranas. Our teachers for thousands of years have been and are all diligent in the study of this scripture. According to the Matsya Purana,

Bhrigu, Avi, Vishi, Visvachama, Maya, Narada, Nivajat, Vishalaksha, Purandara, Nandisha, Shaunacha, Gaga, Vasudeva, Avanrud, Shukra,

Rihaspavata and Avasvani Chumara have given a detailed explanation of this scripture. As stated –

Bhrigu, Vivishi and Visvachamaya.

Narada, the great-eyed Purandara, also lived there.

Brahmachumara, Nandisha, Shaunacho, Gaga and others.

Vasudeo Avanarudcha and Shukrabrihaspati.

These eighteen are famous for their instruction in the scriptures of architecture.

According to the Matsya Purana, there are eighteen scriptures of architecture but in the Avi Purana the number of scriptures of

architecture is fifty and in the Manasara it is twenty-two. There are many Vedic sages among the preachers of the architectural scriptures.

There are two well-known teachers in the tradition of Indian architecture - Visvachamayachevat. Visvachama was the sculptor of

the gods and the sculptor of the demons. The Mahabharata shows the skill of the architect and Maya. They built such assemblies in the

footsteps of the Pandits that the reservoir was visible as a land and the land as a reservoir. There are mentions of Nagas in the Brahmanical

texts. The serpents were extremely sucking and submissive. Nivajat was their king. The oldest text of the Indian literature is the characteristic

of the linguistics of the inhabitants. This has led to the antiquity of architecture. The nomenclature in architecture became known as

architecture and architecture in the course of time. For example, in the Ravarsang, we have chosen the Ravarshansas and in the architecture

of the universe, the universe says that -

By the grace of which I have learned the scriptures of architecture.

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The supreme happiness of the elasticity of this scripture.

The four-fold fruit-bearing snowflake breaks the pole.

Even a madman can attain pleasure by knowing the scriptures of art.

They are the gods of supreme bliss.

Without Vashalpa, there is nothing in the worldly worlds.

The world is not as small as the forest, and you are not a craftsman.

Therefore there are many kinds of vashalpa spread among the lochas

The characteristics of villages and cities have been mentioned in many ways

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