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J. Comp. Path. 2020, Vol. 179, 45e51 Available online at www.sciencedirect.



Serum Concentrations of Neuron-Specific Enolase

in Dogs Following Traumatic Brain Injury
O. Chai, M. Mazaki-Tovi, S. Klainbart, E. Kelmer, A. Shipov
and M. H. Shamir
Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel

The ability to make an accurate prognosis, which is a prerequisite for treatment decisions, is very limited in
dogs with traumatic brain injury (TBI). To determine whether serum concentrations of neuron-specific
enolase (NSE) have prognostic value in dogs following TBI, we conducted a prospective, observational,
controlled clinical study in an intensive care unit of a university teaching hospital. The study population
comprised 24 dogs admitted to the hospital within 72 h of a known event of TBI between January 2010
and January 2015, as well as 25 control healthy shelter dogs admitted for elective neutering. Seventeen
injured dogs (70%) survived to discharge, four were euthanized and three died within 48 h. Serum samples
were obtained from all dogs (in injured dogs, within 72 h of TBI) and NSE concentrations were measured
using enzyme-linked immonosorbent assay. Associations between NSE levels and outcome, Modified Glas-
gow Coma Scale, time to sampling, age or haemolysis scale were determined. Mean serum NSE concentra-
tions were decreased in dogs with TBI compared with healthy controls (19.4  4.14 ng/ml vs. 24.9  4.6 ng/
ml, P <0.001). No association was found between serum NSE concentrations and either survival or severity
of neurological impairment. A negative correlation was found between serum NSE concentrations and time
from trauma to blood collection (r ¼ 0.50, P ¼ 0.022). These results indicate that serum NSE concentration
in dogs following TBI is not an effective marker for severity or outcome. Further studies are warranted to
standardize serum NSE measurements in dogs and to determine the peak and half-life levels of this potential

Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: dog; neuron-specific enolase; prognosis; traumatic brain injury

Introduction matic injuries in dogs, as indicated by reported mor-

tality rates of 15e24% (Platt et al., 2001; Simpson
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can result from et al., 2009; Hall et al., 2014; Sharma and
external mechanical forces, such as road traffic acci- Holowaychuk, 2015). The intensity and type of the
dents, falls from height, penetrating injuries, physical traumatic insult differ greatly, resulting in a variety
assaults and crush or missile injuries (Platt et al., 2001; of clinical presentations and outcomes (Sande and
Simpson et al., 2009; Sande and West, 2010; Lorenz West, 2010; Friedenberg et al., 2012; DiFazio and
et al., 2011; Friedenberg et al., 2012; DiFazio and Fletcher, 2013; Steinmetz et al., 2013; Dewey and
Fletcher, 2013; Steinmetz et al., 2013; Beltran et al., Fletcher, 2016). Consequently, providing an accurate
2014; Hall et al., 2014; Sharma and Holowaychuk, prognosis is challenging and often impossible. As the
2015; Yanai et al., 2015; Dewey and Fletcher, 2016). prognosis strongly influences treatment decisions
The prognosis for TBI is poor relative to other trau- and course, providing an accurate prognosis is essen-
Correspondence to: O. Chai (e-mail:

0021-9975/$ - see front matter Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
46 O. Chai et al.

Unlike human medicine, in veterinary practice neurological monitoring in intensive care settings
only a few prognostic indicators of survival following (Thelin et al., 2017). Indeed, multiple studies in hu-
TBI have been reported. These include the clinically mans have shown that serum NSE levels spike after
based Modified Glasgow Coma Scale (MGCS) (Platt moderate to severe head injury (Dauberschmidt
et al., 2001; Sharma and Holowaychuk, 2015)) and et al., 1983; Skogseid et al., 1992; Kuroiwa et al.,
the Animal Trauma Triage (ATT) (Sharma and 1993; Ingebrigtsen et al., 1995; Rothoerl et al., 1998;
Holowaychuk, 2015; Ash et al., 2018), the scores of Raabe et al., 1999; Woertgen et al., 1999; Vos et al.,
which correlate linearly with the probability of sur- 2004; Guzel et al., 2008; Meric et al., 2010). Moreover,
vival or death, respectively (Platt et al., 2001; NSE levels were strongly predictive of either death or
Sharma and Holowaychuk, 2015; Ash et al., 2018). unfavourable outcome post injury (Vos et al., 2004;
Other predictors of death are laboratory findings sug- Guzel et al., 2008; Meric et al., 2010; Cheng et al.,
gestive of decreased perfusion and oxygenation, 2014) and a cutoff value has been proposed for pre-
including base excess, bicarbonate, potassium, lactate dicting poor neurological outcome (Vos et al., 2004;
and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) (Sharma and Meric et al., 2010).
Holowaychuk, 2015). Recently, several groups pre- Information on serum NSE concentrations in dogs
sented magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and with TBI or other primary brain lesions is lacking.
computed tomography (CT) neuroimaging findings The aim of this study was to determine serum NSE
of potential prognostic value in dogs with TBI concentrations in dogs with TBI during the first
(Beltran et al., 2014; Yanai et al., 2015; Chai et al., 72 h after trauma and to test the hypothesis that these
2017). However, those indicators have relatively low levels are predictive of outcome.
specificity, are relatively expensive, require anaes-
thesia or sedation and have not been validated pro-
Materials and Methods
spectively. Therefore, their predictive value is
limited and there is a need for additional prognostic Dogs admitted to a veterinary teaching hospital within
tests that can be applied in the clinical setting as 72 h of a known TBI event between January 2010 and
sole indicators or in combination with other prog- January 2015 were included. The diagnosis of TBI was
nostic indicators. based on a history of recent (up to 72 h) head trauma
Several biomarkers for TBI have been examined in and clinical findings of neurological deficits that were
human patients. These include neuron-specific attributed to the head trauma. All dogs were hospital-
enolase (NSE), neurofilaments, cleaved-tau, microtu- ized in the intensive care unit (ICU) and received
bule-associated protein 2, myelin basic protein, S100b, treatment according to clinical indications. All pro-
glial fibrillary acidic protein, ubiquitin carboxyl ter- cedures were part of regular treatment and all owners
minal hydrolase L1 and alpha-II spectrin breakdown agreed that a surplus of blood, taken for clinical pur-
products (Yokobori et al., 2013; Kawata et al., 2016). poses, could be used for the purposes of the study.
NSE, also known as gamma-enolase or enolase 2, is The collection of surplus blood was approved by the
a 78-kD dimeric isoenzyme of the glycolytic enzyme institutional Ethics Review Committee.
enolase that is highly specific to brain tissue. It is local- Dogs that died were excluded from the study if the
ized predominantly to the cytoplasm of neurons and cause of death was considered to be other than TBI.
participates in slow axoplasmic transport (de Kruijk Data retrieved from the medical records included
et al., 2001; Li and Feng, 2009). In healthy people, age, sex, weight, medical history, cause of trauma,
NSE is largely confined to neurons; however, baseline complete physical and neurological examination,
serum concentrations of approximately 10 ng/ml orig- MGCS on admission (Supplementary Table 1),
inate from erythrocytes (Nygaard et al., 1998; Casmiro time from trauma to admission (TTA), time from
et al., 2005). Sudden increases in serum NSE have been trauma to blood collection and outcome (dead or
reported after various types of neurological insults, alive). The occurrence and frequency of seizures
including TBI (Anand and Stead, 2005; Cheng were recorded and divided into three categories ac-
et al., 2014). Structural damage to neurons causes cording to the time of first occurrence: up to 24 h,
leakage of NSE into the extracellular compartment, within 1e7 days, and more than 7 days following
from which it is drained to the bloodstream. Following the initial trauma.
neuronal death secondary to TBI, NSE can be de- Survival to discharge was considered as positive
tected in the serum (Bandyopadhyay et al., 2005), outcome. Death of fatal cases was documented as
where its half-life in humans is 24e72 h (Thelin either spontaneous or as a result of humane eutha-
et al., 2017). These characteristics make NSE a prom- nasia.
ising prognostic biomarker for patients with TBI, Serum samples were obtained from all dogs within
which can also be used as a therapeutic indicator for 72 h of TBI and from 25 healthy shelter dogs admitted
Serum Concentrations of Neuron-Specific Enolase 47

to the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine Teaching The most common cause of head trauma was road
Hospital for elective neutering. Samples were sepa- traffic accident (15/24 dogs, 63%) followed by fall
rated within 30 min and stored at 80 C. Because hae- from height (6/24 dogs, 25%), struck by an object
molysis can artefactually increase NSE concentrations, (2/24, 8%) and dog fight (1/24, 4%). Twelve dogs
the degree of haemolysis in each serum sample was presented within the first 8 h of the trauma, seven pre-
determined subjectively on a scale of 0e3 (0 ¼ no hae- sented within 8e24 h and two within 24e72 h. The
molysis; 1 ¼ mild haemolysis; 2 ¼ moderate haemoly- other three dogs were admitted within 72 h of the
sis; and 3 ¼ severe haemolysis). Serum NSE traumatic event, but the exact time interval could
concentrations were measured using the commercially not be determined. Concurrent injuries were docu-
available Canine Neuron Specific Enolase Elisa mented in 8/24 (33%) dogs and included vertebral
(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) Kit fractures (2/8), rib fracture (2/8), pelvic fracture (1/
(MBS736549, MyBioSource, San Diego, California, 8), humeral fracture (1/8), brachial plexus avulsion
USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. (1/8), haemoabdomen (1/8) and bile peritonitis (1/8).
This assay utilizes standards of canine origin and the Mental status and MGCS were documented on
dynamic range of the assays was 1e5,000 pg/ml. admission in 22/24 dogs and were categorized as
Serum samples were taken before fluid administration depressed or obtunded in 9/22 dogs (38%), delirium
and diluted 1:50 with 0.9% saline in preparation for in 2/22 (8%), stupor or semi-coma in 6/22 (25%)
assay. All standards and samples were run in dupli- and coma in 5/22 (20%). Median MGCS score was
cates. Intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation 15 points (range, 4e17). Seizures were documented
were 4e6% and 7e8%, respectively. during hospitalization in 3/24 dogs (13%). Two had
seizures in the first 24 h only and one had seizures 3
days after the trauma.
Statistical Analysis Seventeen dogs (70%) survived to discharge. Me-
Serum NSE concentrations were distributed normally, dian hospitalization time was 3 days (range, 1e19
as determined by the ShapiroeWilk test and evalua- days). Of the seven fatal cases, four were euthanized
tion of QeQ plot. Mean NSE concentrations were and three died during the first 48 h of hospitalization.
compared using an independent t-test or analysis of
variance with Bonferroni correction for multiple pair-
wise comparisons for two or more than two groups, Serum Neuron-Specific Enolase Concentrations
respectively. Associations between NSE concentra- The mean serum NSE concentration in dogs with TBI
tions and MGCS, TTA, age or haemolysis scale were was significantly lower than in healthy controls
determined using the Spearman correlation test, due
to non-normal distribution of the additional variables.
Data were analysed using the commercially available
statistics program SPSS 25.0 for Windows (SPSS
Inc, Chicago, Illinois, USA). Results are reported as
mean  SD or median and range for normally and
non-normally-distributed variables, respectively.
P <0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Population Characterization, Clinical Findings, Modified
Glasgow Coma Scale Scores and Outcome
Twenty-four dogs fulfilled the inclusion criteria, of
which 12 (50%) were males (two castrated, 10 intact)
and 12 (50%) females (four spayed and eight intact).
Twelve dogs (50%) were of mixed breed, three were
Shih Tzu, two Yorkshire terriers, two Maltese
dogs and one of each breed: toy poodle, pug, border Fig. 1. Serum NSE concentrations in healthy (n ¼ 25) and TBI
collie, American Staffordshire terrier and Canaan (n ¼ 24) dogs. Box plots of serum NSE concentrations as
measured by canine neuron-specific ELISA. Middle hori-
dog. Median age (n ¼ 22) was 2.75 years (range zontal bar indicates the median, box ends indicate the
0.3e12 years) and median weight was 6 kg (range 25th and 75th percentiles, whiskers indicate the range and
1.3e35 kg). circle indicates an outlying data point.
48 O. Chai et al.

(19.4  4.14 ng/ml vs. 24.9  4.6 ng/ml, P <0.001) and moderate TBI patients, respectively (Guzel
(Fig. 1). These results remained unchanged following et al., 2008; Meric et al., 2010). A strong correlation be-
removal of one outlier in the healthy control group. tween serum NSE levels and the degree of brain
No significant correlation was found between serum injury, as assessed by clinical neurological examina-
NSE concentrations and the haemolysis score. tions, was also shown (Guzel et al., 2008; Meric et al.,
Following exclusion of nine samples with evident hae- 2010). In our study, the mean serum NSE concentra-
molysis (haemolysis score >1), the mean serum NSE tion in healthy dogs (n ¼ 25) was 24.9  4.56 ng/ml,
concentration remained significantly lower in dogs which is higher than the mean pretreatment concen-
with TBI compared with control dogs tration of 8.1  3.3 ng/ml that was previously reported
(18.7  3.9 ng/ml vs. 25.2  5.0 ng/ml, P <0.001). in 10 healthy dogs (Usui et al., 1994). To our knowl-
There was no significant difference in the mean edge, this is the only other study to have tested serum
serum NSE concentration between survivors and NSE concentrations in dogs. The difference may be
non-survivors (19.8  3.61 ng/ml vs. 18.4  5.42 ng/ due to the use of different analytical methods in the
ml). NSE concentrations were not associated with two studies. The canine-specific assay used in our
sex, age, cause of TBI, mental state, presence of con- study was not available at the time of the other earlier
current injuries or MGCS score. Similarly, no signifi- study, which used a rat-specific assay. Thus, the higher
cant difference in the mean serum NSE concentration reference range could potentially be attributed to a
was found between dogs with MGCS scores of <15 higher sensitivity of our assay.
(n ¼ 11) or $15 (n ¼ 12) (18.7  4.6 ng/ml vs. Dissimilar serum NSE concentrations, as well as
20.4  4.7 ng/ml). A moderate significant negative different release patterns after trauma, were also
correlation was found between serum NSE concentra- noticed when human studies were compared (Thelin
tions and time interval between the traumatic event et al., 2017). This finding may imply that the assays
and blood collection (r ¼ 0.50, P ¼ 0.022). and hence the results are not sufficiently comparable,
stressing the need for standardized testing.
It is assumed that following brain damage, NSE
leaks from injured neurons to the extracellular space,
Serum NSE has several potential advantages as a is drained to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and then
biomarker for severity of nervous tissue injury. This reaches the bloodstream. Although the central nervous
enzyme is highly specific to the brain in humans system lacks lymphatic vessels to assist in the removal of
and elevations were found to correlate with the interstitial metabolic waste products, recent work has
severity of neuronal damage, but not with glial cell led to the discovery of the glymphatic system, a glial-
pathology (Cicero et al., 1970). Numerous studies in dependent perivascular network that functions as a
humans with TBI demonstrated an increased serum lymphatic-like system in the brain (Plog et al., 2015).
NSE concentration that correlates with poor outcome It was shown that CSF and interstitial fluid continu-
(Dauberschmidt et al., 1983; Skogseid et al., 1992; ously interchange by convective influx of CSF along
Kuroiwa et al., 1993; Ingebrigtsen et al., 1995; the periarterial space, which is mediated by glial aqua-
Rothoerl et al., 1998; Raabe et al., 1999; Woertgen porin 4 water channels (Plog et al., 2015). The elevation
et al., 1999; Vos et al., 2004; Guzel et al., 2008; Meric of biomarkers such as NSE in the serum necessitates an
et al., 2010). intact glymphatic system. However, it has been shown
Interestingly, in this study, serum NSE concentra- that in humans, glymphatic function can be suppressed
tions were decreased in canine patients suffering from following TBI, causing reduction in serum NSE levels.
TBI compared with healthy controls. In addition, no Moreover, the degree of glymphatic function suppres-
association was found between serum NSE concentra- sion can cause variations in serum NSE concentrations
tions and either survival or severity of neurological among individuals (Jessen et al., 2015; Plog et al., 2015).
impairment. We suggest that in contrast to humans, One can assume that a similar physiological mecha-
serum NSE concentration in dogs with TBI is not a nism exists in dogs; however, the implications of TBI
good marker for severity or outcome. The fact that in dogs remain to be investigated.
the difference in the mean NSE concentration be- The half-life of NSE in dog blood has yet to be
tween the groups was statistically significant may determined. Usui et al. (1994) examined serum NSE
not necessarily represent clinical significance, as in dogs before and after cardiac arrest to evaluate
the difference between the groups was small brain damage secondary to hypoxia. They showed
(19.4  4.14 ng/ml vs. 24.9  4.6 ng/ml). that the serum NSE concentration increased slightly,
The reference range of serum NSE concentrations reaching a plateau after 2 h of reperfusion with a 4-
in healthy humans is 5e12 ng/ml and an increase to fold increase at 18 h after reperfusion (8.1  3.3
81.3 and 54.52 ng/ml has been reported in severe ng/ml vs. 23.5  7.0 ng/ml). In our study, serum
Serum Concentrations of Neuron-Specific Enolase 49

NSE was measured up to 72 h from the initial trauma. Conflict of Interest Statement
Based on studies in humans, NSE half-life is 24e72 h
The authors declare that there were no conflicts of in-
(Thelin et al., 2017). NSE levels increase over the first
terests relating to this study.
few hours post injury and are then maintained for
24e72 h, after which they slowly decline. In some
TBI patients, secondary peaks occurred due to sec- Supplementary data
ondary brain injury (Herrmann et al., 2000; Cheng Supplementary data to this article can be found on-
et al., 2014; Thelin et al., 2017). In our study, serum line at
NSE concentrations decreased as the time from injury
to blood sampling (up to 72 h) increased.
NSE concentrations measured in human patients
with mild TBI did not differ significantly from the Anand N, Stead LG (2005) Neuron-specific enolase as a
control group (de Kruijk et al., 2001; Geyer et al., marker for acute ischemic stroke: a systematic review.
2009; Shahim et al., 2014), suggesting a low sensitivity Cerebrovascular Diseases, 20, 213e219.
of this biomarker in mild cases. In our study, 12 out of Ash K, Hayes GM, Goggs R, Sumner JP (2018) Perfor-
mance evaluation and validation of the animal trauma
the 23 dogs examined (52%) had a MGCS score >15
triage score and modified Glasgow Coma Scale with
and were thus considered mild. This finding, together suggested category adjustment in dogs: a VetCOT reg-
with the relatively small number of severe TBI cases istry study. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical
in our cohort, could account for the lack of correlation Care, 28, 192e200.
between NSE concentration and outcome. Bandyopadhyay S, Hennes H, Gorelick MH, Wells RG,
This study has several limitations, including a small Walsh-Kelly CM (2005) Serum neuron-specific enolase
sample size, heterogeneity in signalment and causes of as a predictor of short-term outcome in children with
injury, relatively few severe TBI cases and the un- closed traumatic brain injury. Academic Emergency Medi-
known effects of the various treatments administered cine, 12, 732e738.
to the dogs post injury. In addition, because erythro- Beltran E, Platt SR, McConnell JF, Dennis R, Keys DA
cytes contain NSE, haemolysis could have increased et al (2014) Prognostic value of early magnetic resonance
imaging in dogs after traumatic brain injury: 50 cases.
serum NSE concentrations artefactually. Notably,
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 28, 1256e1262.
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lyzed samples from the statistical analysis. Neverthe- et al (2005) Cerebrospinal fluid and serum neuron-
less, evaluation of haemolysis was subjective and specific enolase concentrations in a normal population.
therefore could have been inaccurate. Another limita- European Journal of Neurology, 12, 369e374.
tion is the lack of data on sex and age in the control Chai O, Peery D, Bdolah-Abram T, Moscovich E,
group. However, mean serum NSE levels in neurolog- Kelmer E et al (2017) Computed tomographic findings
ically healthy human subjects have been reported to in dogs with head trauma and development of a novel
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to investigate temporal changes in NSE concentra- plasma and in cerebrospinal fluid. Clinica Chimica Acta,
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Neuroscience and Therapeutics, 19, 556e565.

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