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MATH 041 First semester 1441/1442

Exercises for Chapter 4

Exercises 4.1:

1. Solve each exponential equation.

a) 4𝑥 = 64

b) 37𝑥 = 92𝑥−3
2 𝑥 49
c) (7) = 4

d) 25𝑥+1 = 1252𝑥
2 −7 1
e) 10𝑥 = 1000
f) 𝑒 𝑥 = 𝑒 36

By: Maytha Saad Bin Nami

MATH 041 First semester 1441/1442

Exercises 4.2:

1. Find the exact value of each of the following logarithms.

a) log⁡(100000) b) log 2 ⁡(8)

c) log 6 ⁡(36) d) log 1 ⁡(64)

e) log 3 (125)

2. Change each logarithmic form to an equivalent exponential form.

a) log 7 (49) = −2
b) log 4 (2) = 2

c) log 2 (8) = 3

3. Change each exponential form to an equivalent logarithmic form.

a) 27 = 128
b) √27 = 3
c) 6−2 = 36

4. Solve the following logarithmic equation.

a) log 4 (16) = 𝑥

b) log 2 (16) = 𝑥
c) log 5 (𝑥) = −2
d) log⁡(𝑥) = 3
e) log 𝑥 (4) = 1
f) log 𝑥 (9) = 2

By: Maytha Saad Bin Nami

MATH 041 First semester 1441/1442

Exercises 4.3:

1. Simplify each expression.

a) log 5 (5𝑥−1 )
b) log 3 (34𝑥 )
c) ln(1) + ln⁡(𝑒 2 )

d) 𝑒 ln⁡(2𝑥+7)

e) 7log7⁡(3) − 6log6⁡(2)
f) log(10) + log(1)
g) log 4 (4) − log 5 (5𝑥 )
h) ln⁡(−3)
i) log⁡(0)

2. Write each expression as a single logarithm.

a) log 2 (3) + log 2 (𝑥)

b) log(14) − log⁡(2)
c) ln(𝑥 4 ) + ln(𝑦) − ln⁡(𝑥 3 )

3. Rewrite each expression in terms of ln⁡(2) and ln⁡(5).

a) ln⁡(20)
b) ln (25)
c) ln (5)
d) ln (16)

By: Maytha Saad Bin Nami

MATH 041 First semester 1441/1442

4. Find all solutions of the following equation.

a) 2𝑥−1 = 7
b) 42𝑥+3 = 5
c) 3𝑥+10 = 2

5. Solve the following logarithmic equation.

a) log 2 (𝑥 + 2) + log 2 (𝑥) = 3

b) log 3 (𝑥 − 2) + log 3 (𝑥) = 1
c) (log⁡(𝑥))2 = log⁡(𝑥 5 )
d) (ln⁡(𝑥))2 − ln(𝑥 8 ) + 15 = 0
e) (ln⁡(𝑥))2 + ln(𝑥 3 ) = 10

By: Maytha Saad Bin Nami

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