Instructions For How To Set Up and Run The API On An EC2 Instance and Connect To RDS MySQL

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here are the steps you can follow to set up and run the API on an EC2 instance

and connect to RDS MySQL:

1) Launch an EC2 instance

Log in to the AWS Management Console and go to the EC2 dashboard

Click the "Launch Instance" button and follow the prompts to create a new instance
Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that supports Python and Flask, such as "Amazon Linux 2 AMI"
Choose an instance type that meets your requirements
Configure your instance details, such as the VPC, subnet, security group, and key pair
Review and launch your instance

2) Set up the Flask application on the EC2 instance

Connect to your EC2 instance using SSH and install the required software packages, such as Python,
Flask, and mysql-connector-python:

sudo yum update -y

sudo yum install -y python3
sudo pip3 install flask mysql-connector-python

3) Copy your Flask application code to the EC2 instance, for example using SCP:

scp -i your-key-pair.pem ec2-user@your-ec2-instance:/home/ec2-user/

4) Run your Flask application:

python3 your-code

5) Connect to RDS MySQL from the Flask application

Get the endpoint, username, and password for your RDS MySQL instance from the AWS Management
Modify your Flask application code to use these credentials to connect to the database, for example:

db = mysql.connector.connect(

6) Test the API

Use a web browser or a tool such as curl or Postman to test the API endpoints, for example:

GET http://your-ec2-instance:5000/weather_data/New%20York
POST http://your-ec2-instance:5000/weather_data { "city_name": "San Francisco", "temperature": 65.0,
"humidity": 60.0, "pressure": 1013.0, "wind_speed": 10.0 }
PUT http://your-ec2-instance:5000/weather_data/San%20Francisco { "temperature": 70.0, "humidity":
55.0, "pressure": 1015.0, "wind_speed": 12.0 }
DELETE http://your-ec2-instance:5000/weather_data/San%20Francisco

7) Use AWS Lambda functions to automatically update weather data in the

database at set intervals

Create a new Lambda function using the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI
Write the code for your Lambda function to retrieve weather data from a weather API and update the
MySQL database using the mysql-connector-python library
Set up a CloudWatch Events rule to trigger your Lambda function at the desired intervals, such as every
30 minutes
That's it! With these steps, you should be able to set up and run your Flask API on an EC2 instance and
connect to RDS MySQL.

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