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Prophetia Abbatis Ischyrionis

The Prophecy of Abba Ischyrion

Servius Aurelianus Episcopus

have the sage and rev’rend monks bespoke

of what would once befall the latter tide.
An abbot, askèd by disciples, broke
his longsome Silence; thus he wisely cried:
“We have fulfill’d the Laws of God, our Lord,
and those who shall hereafter come will do
the half of what we bore and meekly warr’d.”
“But, Abba, shall the last ones too?”
someone besought, to which he thus replied:
“The men of th’End Times shall achieve no deed;
a great Temptation, Will, and also Pride
shall overcome them; many will concede.
Nevertheless, whoever keepeth faith, by Grace,
shall more than us beknow our Lord’s sheen Face.”

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