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By Samuel

Living Spycraft Code: SPY7-01

A new generation of US Military Hybrid Humvee, the RST-V Shadow, was recently hijacked and stolen from
a US Base in Rota Spain where it was involved in a demonstration with the UN. One of the passengers
when it was hijacked was a UNITAS operative, who unfortunately left a UNITAS attache with the vehicle.
Can the Agents recover the attache before the Military finds the vehicle, and without being detected?

Caliber: III
Campaign Qualities: Subtle, Blockbuster
Mission Tags: Covert, Investigative, Mobile

Spycraft, Living Spycraft, and all related marks are ® ™ © 2006 and used with permission from
Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
All text, as well as all characters, names, and places herein are copyrighted by Crafty Games, LLC under the terms of the OGL.
to collect information and keep an eye out for possible
GC INTRODUCTION new recruits. Lucas has silvering hair, is a devout
Catholic and a classic Spanish Gentleman.

RST-V Shadow Preparation

An RST-V Shadow (see Appendix for links) was hijacked
Ask any players if their character has the Cert Lost
from military base in Rota, Spain. Unfortunately a
time, and their clone escaped. Keep this information for
covert UNITAS operative left an attache on the vehicle
reference in the Aftermath.
during the Hijacking. The Agent's are tasked with
recovering the attache (not the vehicle), under the
auspice that it contains classified UNITAS material that Marcus Alessio
cannot get into the open, even to the lower echelons of A Spanish millionaire playboy in Europe with distant
the US Military. family ties to the King of Spain. Full details available in
the Appendix as a player handout, provide the handout
SAINT only if it is requested by the players.
Behind the scenes: SAINT is the new organization rising
from the dark ashes of the Intelligence Division of the
Agency. Agents may have first learned of this
organization in Robbing Peter. SAINT has been working
towards covertly gaining control of UNITAS through the SYNOPSIS
use of Clones. SAINT commissioned the vehicle theft,
partially to further discredit UNITAS and also to gain Shadow follows the standard Living Spycraft mission
the classified information in the attache, which relates format, and is divided into an introduction and 3
directly to their operations. scenes.

Intel Phase. The only available lead is the likely thief, a

Libramentum local millionaire playboy in Europe with distant family
The Libramentum are a secret organization created by ties to the King of Spain and other royalty in Europe.
the Founding Fathers of the United States, although it
has since expanded to the global community. This Scene 1: Absolution. Agents meet with the thief
organization was created to be a watch-dog over the (Marcus Allesio) to learn he has already "turned over
fledgling government, considering itself the scales that the vehicle" by leaving it in a storage facility, and is
keep the government in balance. This role has now waiting payment. He did not know about the
expanded globally, working to keep sovereign balance attache, and was specifically instructed not to touch
around the globe. The sign of the Libramentum is a set anything.
of scales. Further information can be found in the
Appendix. Scene 2: Problematique. Upon finding the storage
With the creation of UNITAS and the increasing facility, Agents discover the vehicle has already been
bureaucratic complications therein, the Libramentum taken, there is an explosive bomb in place and the
felt it a requirement to step in and “lend a helping military (joint operation with spanish forces) arrive
hand”. In this mission Lucas is also a member of because the Shadow's GPS transmitter was turned on
Libramentum. and left behind. Agents need to extricate themselves
The Libramentum are aware of the SAINT, and are without a huge firefight with "the good guys."
collecting any information they can before considering
action. Scene 3: Time is Running Out. After extracting from
More information on the Libramentum is available the storage facility, Agents use clues about the flatbed
in the Appendix. truck which was used to claim the Shadow. It is a
rented truck and has a GPS locater signal. Dramatic
Lucas Conflict chase mechanics are used as the climax of this
scene in stopping the truck before it reaches its
The control for this mission is Lucas. He is a retired destination. Possibly discover the activities of their
senior CESID agent (the Spanish secret police). He Clone (if applicable).
recently has taken the role of Control within UNITAS at
the direction of the Libramentum, under the instruction

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 2

This is the designated meeting point for their local
INTEL PHASE Control, Lucas, who also has ulterior motives in
studying the Agents.
This Intel phase is run through Role Play, since the
A scripted scene is provided, but it is
Control will be spending time getting to know each
recommended to play this out however possible.
Agent, considering them for an invitation to the
Water tumbles down an ancient carven
Campaign Qualities: Blockbuster, Subtle. fountain in the center of this classic Spanish
Caliber: III courtyard. All that is missing is the gentle
strumming of a Guitar to help set the scene. The
Known Objectives: courtyard is empty except for one silver haired
gentleman reading a book at a table.
• Recover Attache (critical) The distant hush of the ocean nearly masks
the scratch of someone's feet on the stone steps
Reputation/Net Worth Reward: 10/$500,000 as you arrive.
Known Exposure Penalties:
The man smiles broadly, stands as you
• Linking UNITAS to the Shadow Hijacking: approach and gestures to any of the available
-2 Reputation / -$100,000 Net Worth seats, “Bienvenidos a España! I am Lucas, and
• Mistreating Marcus Alessio: will be your control for this mission. Please,
-1 Reputation / -$50,000 Net Worth make yourselves comfortable.”
As you each find a suitable spot he gestures
Recommended Gear Picks: to the drink and food on the table, “Help
yourselves to the vino, sangria and tapas.”
• Caliber II Electronic Security Kit II (like Electronics
Kit, but geared for Electronic Security systems, At this point Lucas spends a moment to speak with
weighs 100lbs). each agent. He appears genuinely interested in asking
• UNITAS Range Rover (Caliber III) [Vehicle: Heavy about their well being and being assured that their
SUV] Size L (2x3), Occ 1+6, A/T 2/4, Mph 65/90, comforts are met. He knows a little about each Agent's
Def/Save 9/+12, Comp 20/+1, Cargo 1,400 lbs., background (what they have done in the past, but not
Rng/Fuel 5/gas, Qualities ORD, RDD (Crew), Add- necessarily about their personal life). He asks about
ons Emergency Service Package, Security Package their journey and is happy to converse with the casual
I. patience of a person who is no longer rushed by
modern life. He always complements and politely flirts
Mission Bundle: None with any female agent in the group.
Gear Restrictions: None When pleasantries are finished, Lucas moves into
the briefing. During the briefing he does his best to
Character Description convey his personal trust in the Agents, acting as if
Agents each receive the proper 'assistance needed' they are not only hand picked for the job, but that they
communication for that character. Information is slim, are the only ones he believes are capable of finishing
just that a covert action is required in Europe. Flight the true mission.
departs in 1 hour. If they are interested in the mission, If an Agent notices, Lucas is reading a Latin Bible.
they will be briefed when they arrive. Along with the bible he has a Schlesinger attache case
(high quality leather). He is wearing a custom tailored
suit and the only jewelry he wears is a ring on his right
GC Description hand, which bears the symbol of two scales
STANDARD SCENE (Libramentum).
This scene is intended to set the Spanish feel for the Lucas has arranged for the villa to be empty and
rest of the Mission. Spend some time researching there are noise generators in place along with the
southern Spain, and have fun Role-Playing the setting. fountain to mask any listening devices. The only visible
Some notes are also included in the Appendix. access to the courtyard is from the ocean, and there are
The Agents arrive in Spain through whichever no ships nearby.
means is appropriate, eventually converging at a small
but high-class Hotel off the coast near Cadiz, Spain.

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 3

Lucas continues, “We have a bit of a problem, He pulls out a dossier {hand Marcus' dossier to
as I am sure you have surmised. UNITAS is, of players}, “Now, that pijo I mentioned before, the
course, not always open to just sending its one who created this mess. He was identified by
agents to a pleasant respite on the Spanish the UNITAS Agent. He is a distant cousin to the
Coast, even though each of you may certainly King. He ... likes to dabble in some of the more
deserve it.” extreme things, considering himself a bit of a
He hands out some folders, “No, Playboy. He drives fast cars, meets beautiful
unfortunately I do need your help. You see, there women and appreciates the thrill of life, which
is a local pijo {playboy} who has caused a bit of a has, at times, drawn him into the criminal
problem. The Americans have been element.”
demonstrating their new monstrous vehicle to “I also believe that I do not need to say this,
the UN at the local United States Navy base but my job requires certain less civil mandates ...
across the bay.” Much care has been taken up to now to keep
He gestures to the north, in the direction of Marcus' less savory activities from the press. We
the base, then pulls out a sheet with a picture of need to keep it that way.”
a vehicle and some statistics
{provide Players Shadow handout}, The contents of the attache are in actuality only
classified as Secret, not Need to Know. Lucas is more
“This new Humvee, along with being much
interested in seeing how trustworthy the agents are.
too large for any civilized road, is also a Hybrid
Lucas answers any questions the Agents may have,
electric “Stealth” vehicle. Three days ago the
which he can answer, then he leaves them up to their
vehicle was hijacked. Now this may be shocking, own recognizance. He will, of course, provide the
and yes, we want you to find the vehicle, but no, standard Headquarters liaison assistance for acquiring
that is not really your mission.“ gear.
“The UN representative in the vehicle at the The Shadow was carjacked as it was driving
time it was captured had an attache which he around Raga, Spain, outside of the Military base. The
mistakenly left behind. Much as it pains me to driver and the Agent report the same story: when
admit it, this representative was also a UNITAS driving through town they entered a blind corner and
agent, and the information he had was of a were hit with several flash-bang grenades. Next thing
sensitive nature.” they knew guns were their faces and they were ordered
Of course you are wondering, was the to leave the vehicle and everything they were carrying.
hijacking an inside job? We considered the same
thing and we have interrogated the UNITAS
agent and are confident he was not involved. He SCENE 1:
is available for you to question further, of course.
“Your mission, however, is to recover the ABSOLUTION
attache before the US Military locates the Agents need to meet with the thief (Marcus Allesio) to
vehicle. We are not concerned with the vehicle, learn he has already "turned over the vehicle" by
just the attache. It contains classified information leaving it in a storage facility, and is now awaiting
rated as Need to Know” payment. He does not know about the case, and was
He smiles warmly, “I know I can trust each of specifically instructed not to touch anything.
you. It is very important to UNITAS that the This scene is fairly free form. The only imperative is
attache is recovered and that there are no contacting Marcus to learn the information he may
incidents with the United States. To this end I am have as soon as possible (before the US Military), all
sure you will each come up with a proper cover the while not causing a scene. The listed events below
identity to keep UNITAS' involvement in this are not necessarily common knowledge, but can be
matter covert.” determined with proper role-play and investigation:
“Also, and of course I know I really do not
● The Agent's Briefing is at Noon on Saturday.
need to bring this up with Agents such as
● Marcus is in Jerez Spain for a football (soccer)
yourselves, but you do not ''Need to Know''. I
tournament between Xerez CD and Real Madrid
fully trust that you will return the Attache
(pronounced Re-all).
without any tampering.”

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 4

● He arrived Saturday and will attend Mass Sunday confesses, he is longer at risk for creating a scene, and
(he has to keep up a proper image). will do his best to cover up his own activities.
● The tournament is Monday evening at 5:00pm.
● Marcus has a private Box for the tournament,
which he will be sharing with select friends and
Ending the Scene
playmates (yes, those kinds of playmates). This scene ends when the Agents get the location of
● Marcus left the Shadow in a shipping crate at an the storage facility from Marcus. If they do not acquire
storage facility in Jerez, Spain (Scene 2), when he the information before Monday night at 7:00pm, the
arrived on Saturday morning. SAINT operatives pickup the Shadow and leave town.
● One hour before the Agents arrive at the storage
facility operatives for SAINT arrive and collect the Troubleshooting
Shadow, leaving a surprise. The Agents cannot
If the operatives pick up the Shadow at the latest
beat the operatives to the location (see Scene 2).
opportunity (7:00pm) it is possible the Agents may
Several clues are unintentionally left behind
have ended the Mission by being too slow. The only
allowing the Agents to track the operatives.
opportunity to catch back up is to workout something
● Marcus leaves town that evening, heading home to
with the US Military (cover identity required), so they
Madrid (driving his Ferrari).
can get back onto the trail of the SAINT operatives. If
they do not do this before the Shadow arrives in
If the Agents do not contact him before he leaves for
Malaga Spain, they miss the attache case.
Madrid, Scene2: Problematique automatically begins
If none of the agents are willing to do the social
(without the Agents), see the Troubleshooting section.
thing, they can also covertly search Marcus' room. He
How this scene progresses is up to the Players.
is staying at the Hotel AC Jerez. A Search (DC 15 + 2 x
When questioning Marcus he holds out briefly, claiming
Threat Level) and an Analysis/Forensics (DC 15 + 2 x
innocence, and he will try to use his Seduction Quality
Threat Level) can discover the impression of an address
against females, if possible, but breaks at the slightest
scribbled on a notepad (the actual address has been
sign of evidence against him. When he breaks, he
discarded). His room also has ski masks and two 9mm
guns locked in a drawer.
● He was contacted “through channels” for a job
which promised to be entertaining (various
underworld contacts that are red herrings, a quick

background check can determine this).
He was paid € 10,000 into a Cayman Islands
account, and will be paid another € 10,000 UER One hour before the Agents arrive at the storage
after the Shadow is received. facility operatives for SAINT arrive and collect the
● He was told when and where the Shadow would be Shadow, leaving a surprise. The Agents cannot beat the
for the hijacking. operatives to the location, While this is a deus ex
● There were strict instructions to make sure that machina, the timing is important to allow this scene to
anything carried by the occupants of the vehicle progress properly.
remain behind in the vehicle, and that he not touch
them. Clues
● He was instructed to disconnect the GPS tracker in Several clues are unintentionally left behind
the Shadow, so the US Military cannot find it. allowing the Agents to track the operatives:
● He did not touch anything else in the vehicle (he is
a professional after all). ● Many points of CCTV surveillance on the street
● The Shadow was to be delivered to a storage (these cameras should be pointed out to the
facility in Jerez Spain, in a shipping crate. Agents when they are casing the storage facility).
● He does not know when they will pickup the ● A mendigo (homeless, beggar) has been in the
Shadow. area all day, and he observed the flatbed camión
● He has no idea what UNITAS is, much less that (truck) arrive at the location and later drive away.
there was an operative for UNITAS on the Shadow. ● If the local residents are questioned, they also saw
the camión in question.
Treating Marcus properly is important. If the PCs
handle this improperly he may run and create a The camión is a notable yellow DHL flatbed, rented for
publicity scene. Once discussion is engaged and he use by the operatives. It can be located through two

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 5

means (both require investigation and thinking by the 3. A small boutique selling tourist wares.
Agents/Players): 4. Shipping container, metal.
5. Storage facility, two stories high. Various
1. Transit destinations are often scheduled with DHL construction debris litters the floor. Skylights
headquarters, so they may be able to determine let light in from above (gray boxes). Rolling
the route. While investigating the scheduled door leaves into alleyway on right.
destination, they also learn that: 6. Unused office and restrooms.
2. Many DHL vehicles are tracked via GPS, including [c] Denotes closed circuit TV cameras.
the truck in question (they are not very good
operatives). Depending upon the time of day there may or may
not be tenants in the buildings. Neighboring buildings
The Surprise are a mix of retail and residential spaces (lower spaces
As instructed, the operatives wired the container with are retail).
C4 explosives set to detonate when it was opened. Streets are fairly narrow, leaving only enough
They also left behind the Shadow's GPS tracker and space to park on one side of the street. Cars line every
turned it on. street, at all times of the day.
If the Agents arrive before the military, they can
possibly detect and defuse the bomb. A Enter the Military
Search/Perception check or a Notice check (DC 20 + 2 x The arrival of the Military should be timed for proper
Threat Level) will alert the Agents to its presence. Drama, usually just after the bomb is diffused and the
If the Agent tries to detect a trap, they can use Agents realize the crate is empty.
Search/Perception (DC 20 + 2 x Threat Level). It is very important to run this part of the scene
Otherwise a secret Notice check is made (DC 20 + 2 x correctly. Engaging the Military in armed gunfire is not
Threat Level). This is a good opportunity to suggest desired. Agents are free to slip away or engage the
Action Dice be used. Military with a viable cover story, pulling in favors as
Disabling the bomb requires an Electronics/Disable necessary. As GC, make sure to not bring in the Military
check (DC 10 + 2 x Threat Level). until the Agents have learned what they can about the
The bomb is built around a 1-ft strip of Plastic situation.
explosive (5d10 explosive damage, Rng 15 ft.), and the Agents encountered within the storage facility
Blockbuster quality is in effect. The bomb is just inside need to have better cover stories and identities. Any
the doors to the cargo container. This setup will Agents encountered outside of the facility with a good
immediately half the damage to anybody to the sides of cover story will likely be able to talk their way into the
the container. trust of the marines. They are out to recover a stolen
If the Agents do not disable the bomb, the Military vehicle, not fight terrorists.
does not detect it and it is detonated, killing two Even after leaving the scene, the Agents can
soldiers and injuring four more. continue to investigate by hooking into the
neighborhood CCTV network (city headquarters), using
The Storage Facility proper cover story to work with the Military on site in
The Agents are free to explore and enter the storage interrogating locals, or by waiting until after the
facility as they desire. Eventually the Military arrive, Military leaves.
forcing them to either flee or engage.
Refer to the Map in the appendix. CCTV: Closed Circuit Television networks are prevalent
The storage facility is in a mixed residential and throughout Europe. The CCTV network is managed by
commercial district. It is located on the corner of a city the city and there are several cameras in the location.
block. The street facing sides are all businesses. One is To get access to the CCTV network requires either
unoccupied and under renovation. The rear alleyway Hacking (pg 371) or Social Engineering (role-play
has a rolling gate entrance that is large enough to fit a access into the city building and computer system). The
flatbed camión (truck). system is unmonitored, with a Power Rating of five.
The storage facility is in the middle of a renovation There is no Sys-Op, so the DC is equal to the team's
which has opened retail locations on its outer facade. current TL + 15. Once access is gained, the Agents can
get decent quality stills showing the DHL truck and its
1. Small Sandwich shop, open for lunch and fleet number.
dinner. Run by local teenagers.
2. Open spaces available to rent/lease. Arrival: The Military arrives in two V-22 Osprey VTOL
aircraft, dispatched from the US Military base in Rota

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 6

Spain. The reason for their delay was working with the Refer to the Google Map listed in the appendix for
local Spanish military for permission. Half the troops on the route the SAINT operatives take to Malaga. They
the Osprey are Spanish Military, the other half are US leave Jerez on A-381, eventually connecting to A-7 and
Marines. The “Military Forces” statblock is used for following it up the coast to Malaga. There are plenty of
both squads. small towns the route passes through, giving plenty of
Notice checks can be made for anybody keeping opportunity for inter city smash-up encounters.
watch to get a few minutes warning as they hear the This scene needs to be handled in two parts. The
arrival of the Osprey. The Marines rappel from the first part is to determine how close to Malaga the
Osprey and quickly intrude upon the building. Operatives drive, before the Dramatic Conflict chase
Turning off the GPS will not slow the Military, they begins. The operatives have a distance lead varied
already have the street location for the building. based on how long the Agents took in Scene 2. The
first part of this scene is as much to set where the
Ending the Scene chase happens (in the countryside, or ending in the
streets of Malaga, which will be more of an incident).
This scene ends when the Agents are ready to pursue The operatives left the storage facility only 10
the camión carrying the Shadow. minutes before the Agents arrived (even though they
arrived an hour earlier, they had things to take care of
Troubleshooting in the storage facility). The rest of the time is up to the
Agents. The trip takes the operatives four hours
To avoid a big problem on encountering the Military,
(driving slower than normal with a large truck through
allow the Agents plenty of avenues of escape (sewers if
small roads). Standard speed for the trip is three and a
necessary). It is also possible for the Agents to role-
half hours, it is easily possible to speed and makeup
play with the Military, if they present a plausible cover
story and credentials, the Military will work with the
The Dramatic Conflict begins when the agents get
Agents. If the Agents reveal they are UNITAS, they can
within sight of the Operatives. The terrain througout
continue operating on the mission, but it does have an
the entire road is Close or Tight (Tight within any
XP impact.
township and city streets, Close on the highway
The GC needs to consider other possible ways of
because it is a European highway which is skinny and
tracking the flatbed if the Agents are not able to
pleasantly weaves throughout the countryside).
pursue them through the first two options. Possibilities
Determine the Dramatic Conflict Lead as normal.
include police pulling the SAINT operatives over for
During the Chase the operatives fight without
speeding and creating chatter on the radio that will tip
prejudice, firing at the Agents when they have an
UNITAS to what is happening. If Lucas has to help the
action (Step 4 of the Conflict round).
Agents like this, he is not too happy and this will of
course influence his decision to invite an Agent to the
Libramentum. Agents who need to be bailed out by Ending the Scene
their Control are not those the Libramentum is This scene ends when the camión is stopped, or it
interested in recruiting. arrives at the docks. Proceed to the Aftermath.
The camión is, of course, full of petrol and very

SCENE 3: TIME IS well may explode in a large ball of fire as the chase
finishes, bringing a Blockbuster end to the scene.

[Dramatic Scene] AFTERMATH:
This scene is fairly straight forward: it is a chase REVELATION
through the countryside of Spain ending in the port city Arriving at the destination, the Agents find an empty
of Malaga, Spain. This is the climax of the Mission, so dock. There is no ship to receive the container, nor was
be certain to reserve Action Dice and use them there one at any time during the day. However, several
judiciously during this chase to heighten the cinematic vehicles were parked at the dock throughout the day
feel. and the likely infamous CCTV cameras can be used to
This scene is a Dramatic Conflict chase. It is discover the identity of at least one of the recipients. If
imperative to read up on the Dramatic Conflict rules there is an Agent in the group who was identified as
before running this Mission. having the Lost Time Cert AND their character escaped,
the Agent seen on the CCTV is their clone. Otherwise,

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 7

the Agent is another clone who escaped (name is not somebody to the Libramentum. As a GC, things to
as important). What is notable about this is it connects consider:
the activities in Robbing Peter to SAINT, as Lucas
explains below. • Did the Agent act as a team player
• Does the Agent appear to be interested in
Wrapup global politics, and the balance of power.
Wrapup is handled by Lucas, at the same Villa: • Did the Agent follow instructions (attache).

Only one Agent can be invited to the Libramentum,

After finishing your debriefing you were sent to this should be handled afterwards by pulling the player
the same coastal Villa from the start of this aside and asking if they are interested.
mission. Lucas pours each of you something to
drink and then explains, “You are probably
wondering what was so important about that Lucas catches you before you leave, and explains,
attache. After analyzing your reports we believe “I am a member of an organization you may have
it is time we let the field agents know. There is a interest with. We believe in the balance of all
new organization coming into its own power. sovereign power. Understand that we have been
This organization calls itself SAINT. I believe watching your activities for a while now, and we
some of you may have bumped into them in the believe you might be a good addition to the
past, at a laboratory in Brice, New Mexico” cause.”
“SAINT is formed out of the remnants of the
Intelligence Division of the Agency, those who Feel free to provide the player handout on
defected and did not join UNITAS. We have been Libramentum to the Agent. If they choose to say no,
they do not get the Cert.
collecting information on their activities. It
appears their goal is to steer humanity towards a
better end, using methods such as the clones to Certs
replace our world leaders.” Invitation to the Libramentum – Only one Agent at the
“We believe their interest in the Shadow as table may receive this invitation. It is only given if Lucas
actually a secondary plan to reclaiming the decides the Agent has the right mindset for the
attache, which contained information on SAINT.” Libramentum (read description). Furthermore, if the
Agent has the Untrustworthy Cert, they cannot have
If the agents were able to avoid linking UNITAS to the this Cert.
events, continue with: By having this Cert, the Agent has the option to
join the Libramentum, which is a society working within
the bounds of the various Agencies around the world.
“Fortunately, your activities in this matter were
This is the first of a few Meta-Game organizations.
undetected, and I congratulate you on your
efforts. UNITAS has enough problems afoot, it
Untrustworthy – This Agent has been deemed
does not need to deal with another.”
Untrustworthy by the Libramentum.

Joining the Libramentum REWARDS AND PENALTIES

Any agent who looks into the attache and does not
take any precautions (including wiping it for any of Refer to page 439 of the Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook for
their own traces) is automatically excluded from being detailed instructions. XP is always awarded by
invited into the Libramentum, and they also receive the character and not by team.
At the end of each mission, each character’s base
Untrustworthy Cert. A Falsify/Cover Up check (DC 15 +
XP reward increases by 25 per action die he was
2 x Threat Level) is required to return the attache to its
rewarded during the mission (maximum 25 XP x his
original condition if the Agents wish to avoid detection
current career level). Thereafter, each character’s total
for tampering. Do not prompt the Players for this
XP reward is equal to the mission’s base XP reward x
check, if they say they are doing it, good, if not, then
(the character’s current career level or the team’s
the Agents do not cover their tracks and the
Threat Level, whichever is lower).
Libramentum knows.
Each character’s Reputation and Net Worth reward
Lucas has been monitoring the Agents activities.
is included in the Intel Phase section. XP rewards are
Based on their past and current actions, he may invite
already distributed between the mission’s objectives

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 8

and NPC antagonists, as follows, and the mission’s A) Convince Marcus to change his criminal ways
base XP reward is the sum of all applicable XP rewards (entirely optional) 100 XP
for which the characters qualify. None of these
numbers – Reputation, Net Worth, or XP – may be Objectives for Scene 2
modified. The GC must reward precisely what is listed A) Infiltrate storage facility 50 XP
here, modified according to the instructions in the
Spycraft 2.0 Rulebook. A) Encounter Bomb 50 XP
B) Disarm Bomb (only characters involved) 75 XP
Exposure and XP Reward Chains
A letter precedes each exposure penalty or XP reward A) Evade Military forces without encounter 136 XP
(“A”, “B”, “C”, etc.). Each subsequent letter indicates (note: this objective cannot be received if they
a higher level of exposure, a more difficult objective, or encountered the military forces)
a tougher NPC, the penalty or reward for which
replaces the penalty or reward for all previous letters in Objectives for Scene 3
the same chain. A) Chase down SAINT Operatives on flatbed 50 XP
Example: An XP chain might look something like A) Avoid injuring innocent bystanders 25 XP
this… A) Avoid excess damage to Humvee 25 XP
A) Boarding flatbed while it is moving 50 XP
A. Reach the first checkpoint unnoticed: 25 XP. A) Making a cinematic move with the vehicle 25 XP
B. Reach the second checkpoint unnoticed: 50 XP.
C. Reach the third checkpoint unnoticed: 75 XP. NPC Antagonists
In this case, if the team completes the “C”-class Special Note: Each NPC antagonist’s XP reward is
objective (it reaches the third checkpoint unnoticed), applied only once, no matter how many times the
the mission’s base XP reward is increased by 75. The NPC is encountered during the mission or how the
mission’s base XP reward is not also increased by the encounter was resolved (e.g. whether the NPC, or
“A”- and “B”-class objectives. members of an NPC group, were captured, killed, or
met other fates).

Reputation / Net Worth Encountering Marcus Allessio: 204 XP

10/$500,000 Encountering Military Forces: 136 XP
(do not include, if Military forces are not encountered)
Encountering SAINT Operative Team 1: 69 XP
• Failing to recover the Attache (critical) Encountering SAINT Operative Team 1: 71 XP
-3 Reputation/-$150,000 Net Worth
• Linking UNITAS to activities around the Shadow Encountering SAINT Driver: 348 XP
Hijacking event:
-2 Reputation/–$100,000 Net Worth
• Mistreating Marcus Alessio:
-1 Reputation/–$50,000 Net Worth
• Failing to find the warehouse before the military:
-2 Reputation/–$100,000 Net Worth

XP Rewards
Campaign Quality – Subtle -50 XP
Campaigh Quality – Blockbuster +0 XP

Objectives for Scene 1

A) Locate and contact Marcus Allessio 50 XP

A) Determine Location of Storage Facility. 75 XP

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 9

Scene 1: Absolution
Scene 2: Problematique
Marcus Allessio
(Special NPC) – 51 XP Military Forces
A Dossier for Marcus is available in Appendix. Marcus' (Standard NPC) – 68 XP
motivations are simple and carnal. He enjoys the high Soldiers arrive in two squads where each squad is equal
life, living dangerously and tries to live the life of James to the number of Agents times two.
Init: Atk: Def: Res: DS: Cmp:
Init: Atk: Def: Res: DS: Cmp: V VII V VI VI VI

Skills: No Additional
Skills: No Additional

Wealth: IV
Wealth: X Weapons: Colt M16A4 Assault Rifle: Damage 4d4, E/T
Weapons: H&K Mk. 23 .45 ACP Service Pistol: Damage 1-3/20, ammo 30M5, Recoil 10, Range 125 ft, SZ/Hand
1d12, E/T 1/19-20, ammo 12M4, recoil 12, range 30 5/2h, Qualities NSM (S/B).
ft., SZ/Hand D/1h, Qualities: UPG (multi-mode laser Gear: Modular Tactical Armor, vest+guards (DR 5/8,
sight, removable suppressor), BLK, CMP, RGD, TBR, DP -3, ACP -2, Speed -5 ft)
TKD. Vehicle: none
Gear: Armani Suit, Tuxedo Liner (DR 2/3, DP -1, ACP 0) Qualities: damage reduction 2, feat (Autofire Basics,
Vehicle: Ferarri – exotic sports car (SZ L (2x3), Occ Autofire Mastery, Marksmanship Basics), horde,
1+1, A/T 8/6, MPH 80/205, Def/Save 9/+6, Cargo 50 minion, squad item (Osprey), synchronized.
lbs., Rng/Fuel 3/gas, Qualities: HOT)
Qualities: seductive, feat (Daredevil), henchman.

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 10

Scene 3: Time is Running Out 5/2h, Qualities NSM (S/B), Browning M2-HB (see
Gear: Flak Jacket (DR 3/5, DP -5, ACP -2)
SAINT Operatives Vehicle: None
(Standard NPC) – 69 XP (team1), 71 XP (team2) Qualities: damage reduction 2, feat (Autofire Basics,
The number of Operatives is equal to Number of Autofire Mastery, Marksmanship Basics), minion,
Agents. The operatives are on the flatbed of the truck, squad weapon (Browning M2-HB), treacherous.
using tie-downs to hold on. They also use the Shadow
for cover and one Operative can spend a full round to
remove the cover on the Shadow and use its Browning
M2-HB machine gun, statistics: Browning M2-HB .50 SAINT Driver
BMG: Damage 2d12+2(AP10), E/T 1-3/18-20, Ammo
100B1, Rec 6, Rng 300ft, SZ/H M/2h, Qualities DEP, (Special NPC) – 348 XP
IMP, NFM(S/B/F), RGD, SLA, TKD). Init: Atk: Def: Res: V/wp: Cmp:
There is a second team of operatives with the same VII V VI V V VI
statistics, equal to the number of Agents, following in a
special SAINT Range Rover (Caliber III) [Vehicle: Heavy
SUV] Size L (2x3), Occ 1+6, A/T 2/4, Mph 65/90,
Def/Save 9/+12, Comp 20/+1, Cargo 1,400 lbs., Skills:
Rng/Fuel 5/gas, Qualities ORD, RDD (Crew), Add-ons Drive X
Emergency Service Package, Security Package I. Mechanics VI

Init: Atk: Def: Res: DS: Cmp:

Wealth: IV
Weapons: Colt M16A4 Assault Rifle: Damage 4d4, E/T
1-3/20, ammo 30M5, Recoil 10, Range 125 ft, SZ/Hand
Skills: No Additional 5/2h, Qualities NSM (S/B).
Gear: None
Vehicle: Flatbed Cargo Truck (SZ L (2x5), Occ 1+2, A/T
0/2, MPH 30/60, Def/Save 8/+16, Cargo 5 tons,
Rng/Fuel 5/diesel, Qualities: none)
Qualities: feat (Baby It, Daredevil, Defensive Driving,
Wealth: IV Offensive Driving, Driving Instincts), henchman,
Weapons: Colt M16A4 Assault Rifle: Damage 4d4, E/T specialty (Moterhead), superior attribute (+8 dex),
1-3/20, ammo 30M5, Recoil 10, Range 125 ft, SZ/Hand talented (Agile).

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 11

Reference Links
These links can be used to print additional player handouts, or just to learn more information.

Jerez, Spain:
Rota, Spain:
Malaga, Spain:

Chase Map (scene 3):,+Spain&daddr=Malaga,+Spain&t=h

Xerex CD (football Team)

Shadow Photos:

Marcus Allessio:

Background Information on Jerez de la Frontera

Jerez is famous for its wines, horses and flamenco culture and its old town is officially catalogued as a
national Historic-Artistic Site. One of the most noble cities in the province of Cádiz, Jerez de la Frontera
combines the stateliness of its aristocratic palaces with the popular flavour of a typical Andalusian caserío,
as seen at the annual Horse Fair which attracts visitors from all over the world. This immense culture is
enriched by the flavours of the regional gastronomy, with its outstanding Jerez-Xérès-Sherry and
Manzanilla-Sanlúcar de Barrameda Denominations of Origin. A visit to any of the city’s bodegas will
acquaint visitors with the local wine-making tradition.
The present Cathedral was originally a collegiate church, since Jerez did not become a bishopric until
1980. The baroque building with five naves and a rectangular floor plan was constructed between 1695 and
1778 under the architects Diego Moreno Meléndez, Rodrigo del Pozo, Diego Díaz, Juan de Pina, Torcuato
Cayón de la Vega, Juan de Vargas and Pedro Ángel de Albizu.

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 12


Crew Up to 6
Length 5.45m
Width Max: 2m
Min: 1.7m
Height Max: 1.7m
Min: 1.4m
Ground clearance .45m (Nominal)
Gross weight 7,983 pounds (Combat)
2,992 pounds (Payload)
Fording depth .9m
Gradient 60%
Side slope gradient: 40%
Maximum speed 112km/hour
Range 758km (with 25 gallons of fuel)
32km (battery power only)
Weapons 7.62mm MG (M240, M60)
.50 caliber MG (M2)
Mk 19 40mm grenade launcher
Objective Crew Served Weapon (OCSW)

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 13

Dossier: Marcus Allessio
Age: 26

Gender: Male

Locale: Spain

Notable Acquaintances: Marcus is a relative to the King of Spain

Marcus Allessio is a playboy who lives the lavish lifestyle, funded by

his own family wealth. He is well liked by the people of Spain, and has a high profile because of his modeling
career. He has taken this to the extreme by occasionally dabbling in the criminal underground. He considers himself
a bit of a Spanish James Bond. These occasional forays have been cleaned by CESID in the past (the Spanish secret
police). Up to now nothing he has done has been within the jurisdiction of Spain.


● Car Racing (he owns two Ferarris)

● Football and sports
● Modeling
● High-thrill activities


Marcus has a family residence in Madrid, Spain, but frequents many villas across the countryside and coast. He also
frequently is outside of Spain, often in Arabia, South Africa and China.

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 14

GC Map of Storage Location


1 2 2

3 5



Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 15

Campaign Qualities: Blockbuster, Subtle.

Caliber: III

Known Objectives:

• Recover Attache (critical)

Reputation/Net Worth Reward: 10/$500,000

Known Exposure Penalties:

• Linking UNITAS to the Shadow Hijacking: -2 Reputation / -$100,000 Net Worth

• Mistreating Marcus Alessio: -1 Reputation / -$50,000 Net Worth

Recommended Gear Picks:

• Caliber II Electronic Security Kit II (like Electronics Kit, but geared for Electronic Security systems, weighs
• UNITAS Range Rover (Caliber III) [Vehicle: Heavy SUV] Size L (2x3), Occ 1+6, A/T 2/4, Mph 65/90, Def/Save
9/+12, Comp 20/+1, Cargo 1,400 lbs., Rng/Fuel 5/gas, Qualities ORD, RDD (Crew), Add-ons Emergency
Service Package, Security Package I.

Mission Bundle: None

Gear Restrictions: None

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Player Handout: The Libramentum
The Libramentum is an organization secretly created by the founding Fathers of the United States. This
organization was created to be a watch-dog organization on the fledgling government. The Libramentum are the
scales that keep the balance between the three branches of the government. The name Libramentum is Latin for
the weights on a scale or the weights that keep a catapult or other war machine in balance. The sign of the
Libramentum is a set of scales. They are funded through several shadow budgets within the three branches of the
United States and other countries.
Membership in the Libramentum is a carefully managed society. It is by invitation only, either as somebody
who can help Libramentum from within (usually politicians) or externally (Agents).
Starting in WWII President Franklin Delano Roosevelt expanded the scope of Libramentum when he started
recruiting members in the UK (he was a primary member of Libramentum at the time). While Libramentum
continues to be focused on the interest of the United States, it has become a global entity also focused on keeping
sovereign balance around the world.
It is believed that several of Theodore Roosevelt's Rough Riders were also members of Libramentum. The
philosophy of the organization is keenly reflected in the Roosevelt's famous statement, "Speak softly and carry a
big stick."

Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 16

OPEN GAMING LICENSE Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Robert J. Defendi, B.D.
Flory, Scott Gearin, Clayton A. Oliver. Spycraft Agency Copyright 2004, Alderac
Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Steve Crow, Alexander Flagg, B.D. Flory, Clayton
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright A. Oliver, Steven Peterson. Spycraft Battlegrounds Copyright 2005, Alderac
2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Andy C. Davis, Alexander Flagg, Clayton A.
1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners Oliver, Jason Olsan, Patrick Parrish. Spycraft Mastermind Guide Copyright 2004,
who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material” means Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Steve Crow, Alexander Flagg, B.D. Flory,
copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other Clayton A. Oliver. Spycraft U.S. Militaries Guide Copyright 2004, Alderac
computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Dave McAlister, Clayton A. Oliver, Patrick
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Kapera. Spycraft Espionage Handbook Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of review of use consistent
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Living Spycraft SPY7-01: Shadow 17

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