10 The Revival of A Classical Tongue Eliezer Ben Yehuda and The Modern Hebrew Language - Repaired

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2 Bin Yeh Plein ‘was within hissing. he, that Ben Vebuds prac oman is campaign forthe e-esahshnet af Habre arsenal angen, With fil thac such segue estate He foope ths tattle aa sees of sen ‘eps, and we salanayze hse stage telon in depth, However, before proceeding oe otter factor remin oe considered. Ase, we ane {rete of he gener seal ac ofthe Je esr of Jensalem, the communty win which Ben Yehida wns shout to commence Ne lies work. During the eae peiod under review, imation ofthese ‘radtinal eps of Sophie a Aahkenat Jews contin’, ad hut panded Het Vetus Se of acon actordiagh At the same Une however, Ben Venu alo cane ito conac ith wo other major soa iroupy rhich we shll Sst wih er a they bear on is sb oct ‘wor, but which we shal maton at hr po order to concude and Camps eh piste of the Paertine which Ben Venue now found Rg. We vee, in parla. t the two gent wives of Furopean Jewish imarigrats who came to Palestine during the ears 121906 ond 1905-914 espctvely, which are Known in Jewish Nstory asthe Fat snd Second Algor, Tn contrast tthe eater imation ofthe raion clio type fren, wich ad costed mans of people well advanced in yeas oF lose tothe end oftheir ie spr, bot tbe fie and the Second Alot [ere characteriza partially bythe youth ofthe awsome vo co Pied forthe most part young. Lamarred enone or Sune coupes Without cen [any caste imitate hed been gsc dete, university students or eaduats, or extere wh had deide 0 Ieavethe ant-Seastc lands ofthe Rasan Expire und to begin ie ane ithe lad ofthe foretathes: Most of hte young itlecuashlled from economia stable midledass backgrounds and from fai Ve, wie sll taced traits! Rebs Jada and toe, Were not aero moder, secular teads of thought. The ist lise had ber inated by ho Loves of Zon’ (ove! Zam) mvement mans ibd Romania, ness to at-ewih pogo chine 81- 1852 ‘ThisAlfya however ad ben preceded by guard ou of meas si identically "and patonalistaly-seded student poner, Keown 1s he Binim, who hed cenved et Paleine inthe spiog of TRE: A tough ef amber, the pyshologial eft ofthe Bui on he ete ‘Aya movement to flow war immeme.Disoned by the Rusia foveramca' ope ate campalgs, bd revalte bythe strona Social and economic condns of Jemry within the terior of the Russian Empire, the lum aggre to rel the ptiable tton in hie the few ound themselves and which eou afc be imately Uebuted to the Rosle poles ofthe government towards the Tes ‘They proposed to replace he then prevent urbanised, tba tesa profesion pela to the Jes in favor of occupations not nor rally eboeated ith te Jewish peopl, those of pens, worker, aver and fiers tis vay Uy hope To realize te Jesh ‘an othe land of forefathers Banging oper ia Cary in he ‘ne of 15, they wre to Bex Yehud sboty afer his aval in Palin, plein thr apport for header of Which hey ha reat {he astout Hebrew neoypapers= mentioned above. Bee Yehuda, stare Tego coreponding with them, adng thom how beso posted ‘hthemgraton. Im respons he Russia government evel ei of rpilson ofthe owen Janey 1862, 58 well ant Bon Vebuae'scal oe Immgation directed to the Jewish out of Russia and the Dispore ‘whith immediately followed thi dees tbe Ben seme hi est Fp ‘atts to Palestine fo purctase land fo he group, Theres at fhe founding of the fe nowsyed,auinaliae acura sly. Risto Le Zeon in he sume of 1852, ad y the ems of 188, al the Int went Bn ad arved in Pst Moreover in be sue year, 185, the Fst Alp, which was timately to Laing tweaty thousand sew imumgrnss 10 Palatine, had aleady fonmersed. Ths Alfa addon tthe young ileus, comprised larg munbers of oor refuges wo fad fod the pogrom of Rus, Taged By ideale sepius of In Palestine ws wells a sobs brororton of workers and laborers Te soil compose of his Fist ‘lg esl all too lt subsequent ft. Unocganied, unines dnd far fow ide ese were tigate ety sad fr the ‘gos of laborers ie or am agseuluralexence nase tropical Shdedeeloped cout aod this they coud ot val fed for thes Sets. As Feu they ete sited abost in an amis fashion, ‘alates te cour oF ds ty sought abd eagerly Welsomed aid ftom vithou, etn 186 and nthe eas lowing from the Yona! ‘ios Cetrel Cone in Odes sod the a 884d he ening Year) through th benevolence of the Freacilewat lavopist Basen Edmond de Rosch Westal dss te how this dependence ‘on ote el, eel from te ron, Wee to gate etl ‘rt tational and sGeastic bass ofthe Alia movemect. Orly ‘Grr the thse-year pei folowing the independence of te alos fiom the Bison in 190 cool any progress, ale slow, te made om the Fniine ofthe Fir Ala, Bet the atau Lt by the Barn gre ite {oom a hope for sucess Homer for ove parpoes hes we note at ‘he neta! and eat caonng of th Fist ja could not ad ‘on Veh inthe realization of hdres, for aech pero a these 1 hf xt. 22,28 3 ek frp Ss “Chanson Not oni, Ho eae 9 2, fa ne, ana 30) “ en Yon Plesine Would not be avers to the ove andes revelation ea conseted ‘ih he etal of he language, and woud tthe mare tine, ave he pad to earn Hebe que rapily.Forharmote, aaa person tf the member of ths Fast Alganee Young dnd unmante.eycold {be vliod upon tn impart the new language fo thi shen win the Domes an Tails that hy would evetaay bul i thi new county. ‘hus, Ratoni the Fit Alia tay gery be sald to have aed Init ovals ers, excep for une wh for our parpore, comets "he mot important tpt namely he inguitorea “As we have sun above, the Second Aliya ares in Palestine doing 2 period of ess Moreover in 198, There Her) the founder of Polis! Zio, had dio’ Thus tho woe program of the Retin 10 “ion has reached x eriea stag, forthe advoates of sues policy wore beret of lade "The Second Alia conusted maly of anos Zonet tor prop win had at His sported te sailor ‘moverens in Rul, Bad then become pote aly groom ‘Fstusoned with fein Rese in goerateand espealy afer the Kisiney pastors of (9081908 andthe Ocater Revolution of 1903 whieh ba ebded in sovernmeot sponsored and govermentuppored {nC-evi Hos. The Socond Aliya, ke the Fist abo ented core ‘sfsadent ad intelectni wo ha, however, eared fom te meskes tft Fist Ay and ole then, ere lag to undergo harsh Tor thesakeo the tue good of Paerne Furthermore hey wee wig’ tice this burden Independent. uot astasace from out source, May ofthe Sond Aliya fd rnd fay widely teflne thet ‘na in Paltine concerning the condos thread hus were fly repre fo the prmtivesuryouding ng hard ife which ava the. Moreover, expel isporant for out purposs here, x snilcont number of proms i the Socond Aly aady knew and spake a eae {ne Hebrew, having lard the lavage either in the ore rnd ‘Schools ht iad sprang pin Ruse inte 19s on te mae ofthe Palesinian counterpart espesily the Heke meagan, oi vaious Deering group, as pat of thir alin Tor adoption to the new {ving conoioe presented by Palestine Tis pnt alo contlbuted {vais the realization of Ben Yehud’sgosl-the renal of he Hebrew “note sgifcan dea in the Sead Aliya was constited by peop sarang from the proletariat or upper moti clas ho ad ome te Palins agave i mood and atonal spn As the ‘eat ofthe eoltionary stmasphere whikhthxy had bed Ras these people aevely sought to change the exiting order Tica af fesons to could mt butt of active avistance fo Ben Yehudi ie ‘lan fo revive Hebrew. In ental, However, the Second Aly Looked Yoh Plein ss Atance atthe Fist Aliya and waned nothing i do wih lenders and ths fares, Therefore. in corgst othe Fst Aly he Second Aliya tas ot inspira by fen Vea, tndeed wou be tors conte 05 tiv the Sevond Aliya was pulsed ty Ben Vehoda an his mae, and ‘dered no comesion ath hm A othe eal of Here, owes, they were sey tein speaking td spreading the anes tongue, at ‘en Yehuda wanted, Bute aguage ral was oak pase on tt terms 01 eon Eazapean Hebe base, uot on a Jerse oe Aton ach mere saistaedor thes the old ad te stagnant. Ta bath Aizotpayed thir hare in the relation of Ben V's ron, teach dno inrater fren ways (eves the, hat ther ere oe grounds for optim forthe sues ofthe Ben Vehuda ream We tum nom fo eaumine th ep Ben ‘eho took to trasorm is drut ely Ww ‘THE SEVEN STEPS OF BEN YEHUDA ‘We have extracted from Bon Yehud’ wore in Palestine seven saa stea sees pncipl areas of focus which he adopted inode to seve ‘etangwnge, These may be sumarize a8 lowe |, Thesis Hebrew peaking household 2. Thecalltb the Diarra athe loa opelton, 3 The Hebrewspeshing wc, 4. Hebrew tivo Hebrew inthe hoo, 5 The newspaper The Dconary of the Hebrew Langue, Antot and Modsra, 7. Me Language Coun. ach ofthese deste intl below. efor prosedng, howe it ‘mus essed hat hese ase tps are sey aaa oa 2s, Nowhere des Ben Yehuda Mel ive a Marpit forte real. ned, he weots ery lo the revival ofthe lange, nw Py, Bevan tit ht the fat that he ins was dit led Irth proces of reviving the language that he was unable fo vw eveats 1 they scered in an objective fenton, Only late in ib Ife did Ben ‘Yea record some aurbiopraphcal aoe on hit own rol i the sev wel et peal remmisconces nd view ofthe revival As we fave noted abover ost ofthe material onthe rita spear Ite Une, and for his eam mst be ee with cation Hower a east, tne rource for sch materials speared ontepoancoily with eens » seetbom, Caper 2 rear, The See eof Bo Yes ” the newapapes of Ben ehudt-and thee were wd extensively the Dapuratoncf hist. on ean Psig. Bes Yeh ad say decd 0 pea ‘nly Hebrew and ad made is young mie promise do liken, ‘ag omnis othe nga ns owt er nnd hd taught er Garg thee voyage othe Holy Tand,"Ben Yehuda ibe) as were noted above, as Daspore Hebrew, din ate pronunciation and vocabulary in prea, this fora of Metre hata eg tot Plestinan natant ofthe language en Yohoda had ard Paletiian ebro Sele fem ale > Pai Wh bad Wnted Fas However, his fst oppostunity to hea this new form of Hibre init naoral setig arose whes he Conered ia Hebe it !moneyhange, hea wih a naoper and Olly tha wagon diver tno drove his wife and hse from Jal to lerale ater they Rad Ulerbarhed. Tis pleated Ben Yehud rey or ere he ae con: fected wth simple prope who were gute spe when cleumaees Senandad, of expreaiog helene a pty, supple sed earthy Hebrew, in contrat to the ariel and parti Hchrow characte of leaned of Eorope wih ile stammeing bu test xy"? twas ‘em om iit dye Paletin, hat Don Yoh decided that his was the type of Hebrew he would basealy adopt pring in geal "ger from eors a ulitely making the eho of aly-agnd Hira Reoaeance jostasthlearylangusgs oF Europehad developed frm spoken vermaclrs with extraneous rater eveatully dctde His own home mou terse as the fsa pet of it endenors snd ‘wiki be woul cet the ft Hetrewpeaing fay in over 1500 Thus deilon to peak only Hetvew and 0 establish he fist Hebron speaking hoasstold may be consiSred the Sat step soled by Bos ‘Yehuda in Plein ards the implementation of is Ke of the a daa ral He sas ofthe pion that only If Hebrew bce the Tatgsage spoken inthe home would be truly revved and tht, of necro Would hae to ste cxaple eis ove Hore fr ote to Flow. The practi eter of rpeang oni stew were manitol [Althetne, Hebrew lacked precy the wal les necessary forthe Facormance of aly howls tas. Devrs tid ne speak Hebrew 5 Fer eumnin om Ger Zao ae ata ae. eh 4 12 4 Vaden rl nar Conte ah ” he Seen Sp of Be Yc aod even Ben Yehuda bine war unable oomph tly and ‘nktvears Tha teats Profan Riv ina pevonl communication to ‘he author. ots Hal for example, whon fen Veda mated Devos ta pour is cup ofcoflee with sugar Bens 3 an to oaomunicte ‘odsuch as ‘cp ase, pour Spoor and soon and would) to Iswite incon: “Takesuck and sar, and does, and ing ne hie tnd thi and Tvl dee." Aha rou ho, seh Kos vette) At Klauser ponte oni pote with hs va gestures a ip Ca) sllthe tine se ide dessa the mot necsay Hew monde {When thes esi son, ox bor in 18, Dovora en Yehoda be ‘came the st all Htrow speaking mother im over 150) yt aad the Son, Ben. Zion Ben Yehuda tercled lara BetAvd), was to Hecome ‘ert Hetewspeaiag tl ‘Mich formation, uafortonately somewhat romana, on the rien the langoge posed forthe Faiy maybe derived in parse From the et chaeer of amar’ stabionap. Te, for ape we ‘ead (at whee vistors came (ee the Baby, Ber Yeh ould rake ‘im goto leep otha he would no ante oi fanguagen and that later Ben Yehoda would not le te oy listen even to "the ehipgs of Dis and the eghny of horas, ths bing Sokeyeand he Buteing or butterin, ene etn hey ae afer foreign tag a any fle tot Hebrev* Moreover Bon Yeho wanted the boy Icke i the hows ute age of revens0 ht he MOU ot Becta ys lymates use of et angungen Ts, one when Hamar vse I wih ‘ever and was delons, hs father afterward locked hin up Dea he ‘adnate ia Habre butin Yds ‘Whats most tnportt for ou parposs,Rowever, he at that ith «entom sid tthe ong, Ben Yehud was forced to coin terns or tse ecrydey Boul eso that Nr on 04K! not expec) ‘asteranes or inadequacy inte language that ws tobe is mother tongue. Ths, for exes, De. A. Mat, Iner one of te lenny pat lispare nthe oasnge revi, ponte out proudly that on hs sto Russ in 187, Boo Vetude war aleady able to pve verde, single mes fr al the sens and foods et out ow the abe Dr, Man's home a eat considered imposter he Hebe ange athe tne? In sway, th Ben Yehuda home bsame an experi word factory Aad the wo parents would search for andlor foent words in Hebe for ‘el, rade, Wanker towel, handeercht, jsy,loosrean, table, ‘urns, and 50 on” Many’ of the els de novo cretion 100 Were 5 Yet Kusce99),30. 5 tt ASA tr Shr emu eu, 1 emai i Cot Rae 1999836 ‘The Seen Stef Bo Yaa » ciely siz upon an woe, for example his word for pining Tall evens, en Yeh’ main am at his stage was to show, a he woes that i angus won Aas stopped being spoke. with nothing ening of ane wht rains ofonr language, ca eur (0 bo poker lanpuspe of aint, fr all esses of Ie, hee 6 10 {ats do hai san be the spoke angonge ofthe esx cet the hil’ st Saige Here eased a sensation, and his fia sentences in Hebrew atte Ine ape of four acoveed a general tir Sone the popaltion of Jerusalem who, sep, sors and adherents ‘ffen Yehuds ae ad long since ebeedoned te hoe at the cd ‘etd develop sory after he ad reached the age of hes. The i's ‘lis, Jeon and noe-ewah, focked to the Bex Yeas home tose “rnrack for themes. amar, pethape somewhat filly, els te ‘Moyo i fst trance n Hebrow Yebil Mit) Paes, ose feed “in capper of tefl, had espe of he eid growing UP 8 iting but tend dum, and had pleaded wth Devore he cls sche, to epak toh “anything tut Habre” Thos, one dy, wien Bes Yehada nd let fo a ate lengthy ourey to af, Deora began Signelflsbies tothe child er ative Rusian, Hower, Ben Yee hing forgotten someting, retrned expectedly an aught hs ie sah tothe last wore, In ther anguage. As tama res, the iter cnet followed cased a prenshock fo pass ver me when 1S my fats ile anger and my other te re and eas an he tenes mas emoved from mylipand speech cae omy mouth ‘en Yehuda, then, had sco in proving tat Hebrew could be learned a the angus of he hore js say oer oatrally spoken fongue Following the Bo Yevude fons exmpl, four othe emis Ibped Hebrew ay thei evsyday spoken tangas, thor giving Ben ‘eta hs races in thin tempt to rei the ve of Hebrew Insketom, These were the amie of David Vode, Yose!Meyubas ‘Yeneda Grzoall and Arye Hui This sti not eclade others who Alo spoke Hebron, atleast when dealing with Ben Veda. Ts Lends Ben Yebuds polos out, "Ale the book binder spoke fo Ben ‘Yotude im Hebrew, Gey! the scribe, aad RAbB ighag Huscheasehn fre the Ey HacJyyi Yeshiva bs bother Rabo Haye {cienzob) no 19 eatin Pies, Frain (lhe vet ofthe oc ‘evepaper Ma Batarzu’), Avraham Motte Lung, Merdekbal Aésiman, {lyin Peres (a Joa leader). And mony the Sepudn tee snd * Bie fen Xcude, Milo Haan Hot, He ana Wed tee ‘(Con hs pois tour Ren Yoda, “The Fiet Fou" (1918, 2127 ‘The Sen Sus of Bon Yeh see comet tee they i oo Vidsh Say for he However itis clear tha he schievemen described above proved oy ‘ist alg Hep. Tau of the four ames mentions ove who wee Fealy of pre sanz, ony one, ht of Are Hui vial gare 1D He sou forte seval of Hebron, ae Ben Ved plese Fer Yadav a Grane bd arid over pup tc to whom, as teches they fad aayapokenexclasely Habs, Meyubay more ‘te, had tried 2 Sephardl and te conenoalaneage sa etmeea Siphard and Astkenaa in gener soy was, we hae te, Hebrew ‘Teirus,thefore of Hebron wae not “eating, noes fer tee Arye Hurviz, newer, hod marved a woman of Rosin cups Who "ted to agus with hi internal besa he dia now Hee sd id’ have the tine tales! Faiths poople were youn a adie nuance on the tacit ofthe ine. Bu atest a Penning ad oon made, ‘The phenomenon of few fee speaking Hebrew although in ites {se of pet pret sigaeance, ca not be condeted mor thn one Slag inthe revival tn orer fo fect a tre tei ofthe lngungs Bes ‘Yel knew ht he mis dsuninae amongtrvad otro peers, He therefore bepas publishing eis of nespaper aise inte loa sewspaper Ho-tHarazele for which he worked onthe fata of the language revs sad ts aprtace opt ofthe eater moverent Cor falonl rejuvenation. As Taras Ben Yehuda as conceroe, however, ‘Sod appropeiyfor on purposes ere the language rea wasnt Sita cstinet rte of theta magnieds, Tha, we te jedi a firing tis guesto rom theenirecomple fcvetenad ie stents fn which t admittedly constituted only singe spat ofthe whole Ben ‘Yehuda himself alco subcried tthe opiaion thst angione wat 2 Independent and oven a domiaat pesblem Ax be witey Tae redemp lion of he ad ani ation Gs important). Bu ths i, even very Inportaot ots, wil sot bing about the revival of nel The Geshe ‘Ses the Bulgaaae ad he Romanians wre alr coun ana ld ‘mow ofthe an, bot ey were ot conlred Lvngnaon at they ‘evived har anguage.." 3 Srna ere agro 1 SEER RY ean eet gnc bom eli as do oam ah ‘Te Sree Bn Yotads ow tn this aly pevid Ben Yehuda concentratt on atactng the der: clante,ratiolatelly med Jewah south of Europe, a inp trot Resi, towards ts dee of the linguist revival aswel se the Inosder concepts of romiratin fo Palesin and the rting thereof Ihe hometondA mare medate sponse, he thought, would bs ft ‘ming Tom thse young people a he Diaspora than ha ben evinced Bhs Local popalition bone resetions to hie ess hn Rs, Deen ‘oul apa Ths, Boo Yehuda wis, "tisour die to be. the Sahman forthe Howe of eraelimor Holy Lang snd teat alee “Massofthston. adobe the terpetr Bloor ou beeiee the land ofthe Disp an the ema of adh ee tbh eye or ‘our brthun the people the Diaspora ey may. cen) know his orto hic they rae her ears" Wi espn the angus ‘lealin arugula, eos, ‘oma tin sf nnn) nth opto the ane out ‘ett i pove uh aro oa pees alte al ‘beni fla Ub ise. Bu yl pow eating Ben dane wih ons w adver he you tour eaten ia Ren wo wom the he of Iona er ting a prope tht ae iy re ak Inn novi tnototanesie “Tis fling of identieation on Ben Yebodas part wth the youn i Wiel of Hus rater un Wh he populauon of elem as tata espsialy inthe ets eas ater hiimmiration 9 Pale, See he too, was tsa « Rosi Jens teeta A¢ that tne ovaries lie 9 ltl, for i served stneony 2» Uh eading nenspper oft Jewish cota fa Palestine os wel at ‘ng te organ of communication sith te Diaspora and tas Doblom of speci audience for Bea Yehuda was sole sine e ould "These rst neatpaper ates writen nthe cay yarsof is eteneet fn ultine atl ween coed With the el eta stage of oe sv ghe usa good pletureof Boa Venu’ postion onthe langage {Chis drcam. HE Nel apart from speaking Hebrew and asing a Teewupenkng fay, wats lou fo Know Bow to proceed ad (bald ad no prot 1s Asfory on wich 1o bate Tutte plans aod ti Mo tron, Mea Zon (ABD, wi © Hote Sage eben, |i of f e The See Sef Ben Yea ‘tis, Tho ats inguin ate thre in mame, ll appropriately fsutled "The Reval ofthe Hebe Langoage”(Tbiat He Ste Hi Teint These arcle sates the problem cont. “If nation hae 3 slag counts, and dos’ haves sng language, wil aot voce Go began) How eas the maton of el ieinitcontey nd nt ave i language? Can ecco in being tion wiow sag Tenguige" Ie then fers the ioc volition" we with cost thilarge undertaking on aod ats, emus worry athe vey Sepia lof ear ek abou tein he sation’ Language ise hy ite tha (ea ave eae sit We have soweded fn tnt st sped with st ‘hint cunlookaheadtsecng several colonies nein our county shot Teor we mut begin to cs he sscond ep the va oF language of vt fathers Howrey th waye aacan to eet tis Soli sms utovm tothe astbor Pures on th but ut, eappeals: "Give avin speak ot. how ean we steed n seco Je thls iporane thing? How can we re the langge of oo fathers owrcan ue paint mote aa te aon. “The sewn ad ted acles develop father the hes wget in the fs and its poste slion, but ia te aed that re ean tae the puter of hs thouete wait a ta ed Ben Yehud oto formate the ral solstion to Bs prob, the one he was eventual to adopt Is ster Europe Ben Yehuda a hire wine the sot mie de jan language lise mouths of & new senrtion ducted in-governmentponsoed shools. Pere the cools ta Ptetine con estas renasance of he Hebrew lngsnge, He ‘ie that ‘mat scampi tas tene er res opty mr ch ota ‘Eenocr fom mn an i fot ota obo win ‘pet yas iguana ngeage dere om he angus of ‘leat: i ae ge hues tnd of eal ie nd ‘ihe poner dew tgeirtclven o l ened e boll thee fh aon Bat hw on i deinen be ow ean ptt th mth al he uo Hw wal wept eae ‘Rout wane and han Cap wpm me the hoe [But whan and tw We how it the coos pay 2 koe len tang ten enn ove tnt age 6 te Rs rug: has ay ‘Sesh eggs oa i sew gerertion Rami bu te ewe ‘Sbgmgesdeatin he owt oh onan onesies. We tot be ale to fem Kon ough te mean ft choo And "5 nga, 202; 2,209: 38,27218, The Seen sips Bo Yate ° ‘ve ears wil pst han ct, mae we i ceed ‘he wits solution, then, acceding to Bon Yehuda ay direst with {pepe omsterin ir diy nes. Ave wots, “Il we Go 20 Et thet tite by litle peaking Hetwew when we si in our homes ad ‘then we onto the fds t tal, whea we go co Uw rae Wo Dy Something and en west aon fends, we wl aio ot suse ia hocking Hebrew the lngsage of tseston, and al ou hopes wll be Inger however, en Yehud fel hat the situation n Palestine was farrtte,Ae we have sen, a ving Hebrew train had bet held mong the Jens there a least for cea purposes. The Jess, 00, fnwaly compaed a compact boo, cowly at and mere oF Iss [mane to enema aesrlewsh ineerence thir fs Fly, 89 tlglecomman tongs real ar the oly oc languageis Palestine, forTurksh and Ari thegwornot kel prospects werent recopnized {acing for ll he inbstants of Pale, they wee 90 nana ‘eal ovenated, nord ay aplay any marked tonne) towards ‘derision. Tres coins were i sas ripe for & Hew ‘ral en Yehud, however, eed ht tine was not onthe seo he {en Ho na tht the colle ofthe Ontoman Empire vas imnieat. AS {eon a ht apposed, France and Brin in pata would mowe in, ‘ave op the land nto sections ander them othe population hich, inthe eye could he considered n nation, To bot these counts lungs wn Scie ayo of mation, and with respect ther tortion ad language he Aub poplstion apace was lea ‘Mbwingvigsofareatakeving Ifthe lene ic nota! qi, hopes ot Soutocal nd linguistic rowval would be died. Aa Ben Vee thewed “Te ston io wove mi ne dll ota enened ration. Hee 10> county Beer or ui ay oe bene We tf ee ‘Sihennsao aout cumin, whe be fos cone ey top Sinem he csuty ther wisend aap m learnt saa ie on aed wilh i mpage end ae taco, bere tab ‘nen naon Tasch Sous teu wilnot be ate obese ‘So inspitand langage cen hy van tere on igh naton ‘hil ot et thn de Tle te ct ih nomen nation Tsk e atone cn be nh coors of te boner aio, a ‘hand eh ecg feo ngs YO sons and Sager ad “ ‘Seen Sof Ben Yet {eri oma tint Non se inh pene rer fave! i ante en years nt hea? fe dor ave or whee mpage we do sek seed)» AIH AmonE Ne nao “Ths, ultimately. Bea Yehud pt hi Faith in the people theses, AL seat on stor ofthe Jews, the athe Dispos prove ep ‘mort fo him Inthe cca inital esed of the revi: Dap {Mfrs the expanse of Diaspora ory 1h pel fo gration (9 Pastne neetlow and alla the eae years: Moreover the toma ovement, whose ssplsions were routed even bythe mgm of the few thousands of Sewn who Bad tried a Plein 082-1983, “rity sled off the country to future Jeni ste, of Eastern European origin Bon Yehuda we therefore fora to atendon hi ges “of eaourapng young Resin Jevish aletals ie hums fo flow Iisown espe enmase and come to Palen, and intend died a ‘fons toverds sacking ssgpor for is pls song te lc popelaton inJorualem tell Theteval of letvew wbichtook pace nthe Dispors in subsequent yeas shold be mentioned at ue jatar, for eas at east in prt, be tuted dell to the snuenceof Ben Veh ety ppetsand east scuon. Tin reveal of Hebron! fo0K glace ens ‘hin the content ofthe Diaspora and mainly within the Hebrew schoo! fystom thee no nha the sphere of peel Jews soley. Fart tov ths real chef echoed unl devtopmets ia Palen wich, Inter tu, weve of inated by sone other than Ben Veh. Tha the revival of Herein te Diaspora although af temeadou pote Snicancs even for the revival o Hebe a Palestine el, nay neers ‘eles in all Jaseas be oomideed scandy a subiiny to the fevivain Palestine. This bing the cs, we turn ovr enon nxt to the Teel population af teraalem and the fr taps Bon Yebudafook terete Hebrew thre, In 1882, Ben Yehuda, i collaboration with Yebet Mikal Pines-the foreostenihtnod Joa tational Jeroen er wl bingthecepesenttve ofthe Angl-ewish Asolan ee eared spon the third sage In hs campaign forthe real of the Heb lungoage Tae took the form of the eaablsment of he Society of Tea Yara" Revival of lash which included, son ft aioe 9 aig (283, 20. ‘Me See Sef Be Yoda “6 the implemeniaton of Hebrew revival the eval of Hebcew speech, Wahine st weds of his aa a Jerusalem, onthe ls day the evs fetal of Succt ie 181, Ben Venues had already cocluded a emens egrement with Per to speak mo other lanatags then Fite thenoorvard Such acuon was of some sigteance a tet, 2 Plocs was vitaly the coy cligheoed ow tok aed aod reget by all the fatons inthe iy ies, howeves, ae annul the ‘aperent except with respect to speaking oaly Hebrew ith Bex Yehud, ‘hos, Ben Yehuda notes: "How many ea bead it OW cus Pires bee ang with or exampi) ore Rin nd More Solomon Inde, wil they would answer hin in Yidsh. When Pines ould ‘emai frm an3 Keep speaking in Hebrew hen. hey wou Inviggsht “Oh. dat mate Jour cat to bea fol speak lke 2 ‘ormal person, -and Pines wou top and begin t0 to speak hike 8 oma poson ia ied ‘Now, however, ie 82, en Yehus whe to ented the sape fie sessed compat among a mote general iterated Sogmeat ft acl {ete popnaton, an 9 net ni sme of he teachers he hone AS wells the rece anived fst group of young poaeer-ess for Bis the Blt, Thun, tenet oF the Sockeye ead! "The were terse wl speak Heteew to one anober wii the Sol neing ‘Bice and even inthe markt plese and on haste, and ot be she. ‘They sil abo set abot teaching ther ehdnen a everyone sth home this inguags. The Society wil alo puny the langue of He npeferions and make tthe pokes languagin he schoo om tly lea polat of ew, the Saety un be eoeideed faluresice tan given tine dung be se cal years of Ge rea ‘coud boat of a mare thon fe or nombre ile fe ximpl, David Yen, Nisin Beshnr and Usps Hichensebn-al ‘eschers) Sen Vebucn an thus ett contin Rn Osean erode Vitaly aloe and unaided, The Soci took te Frm af pce soety ‘elk Nad wo wort stony an cabuocly for fxr of tepals rom the oil sd adtonaet environment of lewis eile and on the Tndlesped.Forexample hough te Soc was parca iaterest ss encouraging female seston of Hebrey—with Se {o thelr pet as Hebroy-speaing others Ben Vebuda was force to rie, ‘renane gil nha Kaos anhig about Hebe Mowever, some gus mere made and propess tomar the goal of 5 Repent Bo. 18 8 ezor9e83y “ Tse Sven Se of Bn Yad Me Seen Sipe Yhade © eee ce ee oe eee mercer ee Fest a cacy tht cee Tttnguuer mont monege Neer acca hese Eimest stents dacee tt panne ase be setafte dapat sat une es etal ncerse arr opatine oheteaeyriceaeme nee par ol moe Pe ange te ae sees ee eee emer + lithe ists votes aan. Sea, Sn bey ES See seroma awa, atte oe Sears ena eerie ee ae a ea eee ara Nesta th Sot nto sha she ce etnies ered siteap Statin tte a Se ee ee ee pees nee Pee oes oe caea ee sino genet fees int fe oe ees ae pe ee SE SERE iit Sones ake meee ae on ‘ephardl cal only « btowrteplnadl «Joe; nd ot an Adhinenl, 2nd the Few mon cool! be found (o wv an sch a board who had the crustog 2 Soe ser reenact mae ee Surat lon! ry operat erences SSS Spe mts SESAME Sa Sos is Teh in yhSos o agent ts afr ot oe ae he at popes el ee eer eee re } ‘he adaye thee she ord aout ea legis the ar ete Oty | The Socity whe women vo bo how owe Hebrew (ihe ae a ‘Gewi enive rea to sted ene ny ers ane ose and fev rt io Can dons sey on they wifeash ec eres 7 “pesado maa dwg ton ey Re i Ferry sl nt thr crs choot he done gh os, in site of al Hen Yehodn's planing. i nom hata ate as Indeed seat tn Hee 1602 only ce Jerusalem fais actualy spoke Hew in thir homes the Scety srg oe Gaia means wit pub al bok of ‘dont twenty women snd gaia the cy fad reaponde othe Sockeye sword, il coal csenary wore for ey ees wh eps fo ‘GL As for Hebrew Inthe schoo, Mak wes hat, rough the Novschok! end eaten mater Forte purone te Sey wil tt ‘ors fe Society, Hebrew was nioduce into oe Spar cho, ‘eral tre Comino h-hh he ang ook he ‘ow Septal yesivas, and wo Auhkonat bdr, one ie Brought wot atewon of eS. ‘ue outide the Od Cay of eres Se Lita Cove wl atch i he rconds ofa of Hebe {Sat be sen ieyeoe Tee Commi wiles set new rds ‘eto She guar sn au oe 7 es egpon ews vi ae te hoe gees oar one NE tl a ies ‘his easier 2 oe ntl | Robert St John, The Toxgue of he Props (1952), 256. on 8 nde a ed calamari epee rabera tie cet ects ence ‘Beran 3, wipe boe Sieh BE s Mh So Spf on Ye In the preceding sections we nave sen some ofthe war in which Bas ‘Yehuda about the restontion his vison ote val othe Fchren| language. However, progtss tad been dappomtingly slow. Moreen, the human miter Bex Veta fad to mek with par ooh teal ‘woup of educated Share fas, proved at reat obs plane to prove thi Tota te had ean hove othe alors oth fori phlthopists on thar baal soma tine previously. This aad eld {ruta mh forthe comma mana forthe rigueur comnunal Tenders, who could pot and would wot compredend Bee Yeh’ des .sbout a madonal reve and aint wich thes fought with lhe ars tihedsposl Ae on Yehuda re, es my ieray ark In Mo Harz ae Doe rami) iat Sealy hy arta el fname ny le od ithe peop nt fom ne ine, but hs (evcah hi tig reo he a erm Daten oc yu eo nt da ethic bess evs the prolonged ig st vc es i jist te ne ausran Hee spre wooed en Str To ase the psa he real of the Hed mpage perches ey trout Bot ene reno wl ge hm os A ea ep oe ‘tee naz fom Pa th tech ne wk ence anne tha waren Wonca No seta (Ge) nts rghe Te haste to pvene hme chp te ‘But Misi Behar. the principal ofthe Torah U-Mlata Schoo! for boyn of he Allan late Univers a French Jewish nino giniation which sponsored moderne schools abd othr itor tionsinPatesine, was proc the person who would eres chien 0 bea Yeh for thi purpose shar wae supporter ofthe Ben Yetda "amy experiment in he adoption of Hebrew 2 spoken langage an vas also member of Tebiat Viste. In 1883, thing to xed hs ‘Scat to clade both Sephuaie snd Aahenanic otf 9 1903) 48 TheSien Spf Ben Yass s Boda oftsod Ben Yehide the job of etching the Hebrewdanguage ‘lowes inthe school, Bea Yehids at ha ie fn aac sais du to tholom fees he rived for nt Sespapr srs, seep the fer on the condition tat he te alomed to teach io Hebrew. Books eave Ms orca expand fo Ben Yehuda te feb of acing Hebew Ithragh the sou of Hetres lf a opposed to the eonentorl {Yatton method nto Yih or Ladino or Arable Besta was faa ‘itso metho wad ortho eacling of French whe had been Uso of he Alncechoo in Ianba, heowa asthe Beta tho ‘Gina ven eee babes sugh that intttion, DES vas evinced that the Berit method cosld pave balpul to Ben Yenude ‘eo was quick orecophize this opportuly to further the revival ak he (gel commenend waching “heat, heres, was no ey one. Bem Yehud tat st to cet out day frst dyna work ander ony few month of tentang sheath begen to fll and he was forced rsa bis poston. How ‘eri perhaps ht, the fel of hs teaching, that Ben Yea vse {dot in mating hs rear ry. THe reponse of de sets had ‘Seenenhtatic snp, to of he aches who had observed his case dung this times Dai Yelle and Yoso? Meyubas-weat Cray imprestad and gan applying Ben Yehuc’s teaching motos Ia fer own ses. Seves of the Bui, oo, who had meal sted Invsiow parte the county but ad niin ve cont wits Bos ‘Yoda, ao mae we of a denelope he metho on the now aie: {or seteuts whith they had eee Istrumentl fn founding A he fetus of the new method spread Bsa iaceasngly obvious that Ber Yehods Bad lated proces waose importance could not be drcetinatd. fetes ould be pinto Hebreelangnge elas [veceuy tender age aad cold continue with such canes troaphoot thet year of schooling, ty ould, in ue, eco gute det he lnputge sural monotngsl-in Hebeey, whaeer tle peut ome nmguage hppesud tobe Meseove, the pes, om Mean thee ‘Kiden conreing in Hebrew, wovld be are ili to follow thie hrple und aso spent Hebe In ths aya ae pnestion of Pent Here peers could be formed x3 hs clatdd pete) wih Ben ‘Yenods'rown gal ASKS wt "The Here langage wl go rom the Syaagope tothe Howe of Stay and fom the Howse of Stag) tothe ‘ch sd fcr shoe! wl come it the omen au. Become 8 Tg language ‘From Jeti, thes, the seem of Hebrew through Hebrew begs 1 tN ae ey fe ae Med” 89, 198 3 legen oan ae « The Seren Sep of Bo Youd to sea throughout the country, as we sal sein he Following pra fraps. Before commeasing such 2 sue, cml be wl to ees ‘ety the princi! rial the Hebrew lange the tme, of whieh here were ve: Yiddish, Lado, Aras, Preach and Gers Te et fare laguapes expel proved trobiesomn, Dense thee were the ‘seryday languages of pill communis of Jews nthe county {ndalso of he raioalevishscoolsthereogowed and ndinseed Inthe scoot al isracton and convertion was endactes i hee Lngings, an te aequston of Hebrew ws only a sosndary pres ‘ale powsble rongh the teaalation of elgiw expr the Penatuch, Rash apd the Babylonian Taosd rom Hebrew nt hese sernaclar A susie ad lar pte ofthe learn proces ma) Be Toundin Pers (As for the Asians hos he pie ed a ea mou! of cy Fes oott oe he Te tar noid ra fre the ee tenn ‘alt rate word for ord ino be rn mtr tong, sh ‘iden noes afer. "Thr cden welt cai city {Stl nad the echr ca i ry mek monte of sarees the Bush Comorian: At heap tsp te shi nol bain wudyng the ‘Tlmol. The Sep sce nme al ret the Arabic at Ain the Sephari exer we theta the Aa Shih The cd icra inthe fen months the meno he ete of he apie aed frm aa raat the sonneton of ier vith te swe Feching of ts Words Be tu to fa Torh Te ache nul ea fot "an, an stadt nul ead sr optic snc ae seen, ‘These being every langunges, twas found diel to wproot and ald them and replace them wth Hebe. Moreover the poston of ‘Artis wa furthr sengencd by he fae that asthe sin anges ‘ofthe fora eatvenomlewish population However, ll se engages retsted the Medieval past ad the ated Diaspora and timely thei plas could he asume by to os alone Hebe. Peach and ‘German, Roweter, the pesipiow foripnIngguages fore in the ‘oder icbed,forep-suppertea Jewish seools weet prove ‘ore formidablesivals avril be dace inca fhe reat, the ste of Hebrew though Hebrew, inte by Ben Yehuda ie Jersslom, nar spreading through the cot. 1085 re 96,2 Me Seon sips Bon Yada Py proving pariunly atractive tthe young ploneer-icecers on the Jovy elanhed appolrlsctlemens They Rad eam ia sal at ‘er incressne nore to Paetine fom Resi, Romani and other Drs of Esters Europe together wih th st ponents he Buin) and ‘ithe neon of asng an enstence ae orter, The had, sera, cern eacung expevence and only entered the profesion becuse of Ind of atermatiecaspaton Foret uel was but ome apest of fir tre regular work inthe Held of aghcultare nd et han Incite Mot of thm keen Yehud, ware tudes with ration ‘fou education who had patel putsuedcouses af higher and more “aluwene fearing and ha then, a res came ist patil isn and aly assumed 4 nalouase Jewish atiude as 0 dict Peden aia, o he Sew Spf Bon Yea words 08s area scale Hower, sno Arse represented the moi lnporant ving Smit language, and as tbs spokes Tor aeay omnia Pale, Bon Yehud’ oiion eh to conte he prime ours for the crenton of ne wore Thi preference for Arabicon the pat of Bon Yetuda was a phunomenon that cowl not be eased ‘ot oh ortunnes ander eat onthe language, enc mas In Tet {0 cause many European Hebrew welts of the tine fo seo = Bes "Yehud, sie they dt ot ily appre cose connection betwee thetwo Semi languagesand peoples aly, the distinctive feature of Jrualer "Market Hebrew” wero ned, for example, forms of aes, grees, polite pret and questions and ie lie an we have dtewsedabone. Ar Hee Yehuda "The Js of erste for busdteds of yeas created for thems fees simple fe of speaking about everday mateo vag, Allo the nays of ares, everything wecsat fr live speach he Jos of Serwslen have sea) seated, a8 this Ing ele we have Wed 10 elas ito oor language As saeplen of auch Marr Hstrew” with sespct a for f sre, we noe m partici the geal won a for'Mr and'Mis" by Ben Yehuda -adow and gover epesiney— corgi the then creel Sra sl, This we avery sgniea 8nd controversial Innovation ints ues Sian wee, for aps "Why do they st man in Paetne-adon and toe wens: ger, and not ase) ae ofr beth on in Fao ive on maa Os and iia? Ben Vesta doesnot speak sending th kt fhe anguage apd sis epi a rama" (Alto be ted n hit contac ae the Ben Yehads terms: btn pss’ and boken td ‘honor hank you and many others) The Hen Yehan sje of Hebron we have Been dang above has ‘een wel surat bh by Bem Ae and by Kanaan, Ben Av pot en Yel at heron of ee. write Meow 8 ret ‘ren een) 2 German, Grn, os Jap dap tad tea Eine ihre el tio iow te ‘omet elves ein phan Ii edb se, et sats ‘Soci fl of ite Ieasimlarvein,Kansani wes, nist aie Ha Sta, Ben Yeo a ht epee Hebron tthe ie stags he Enpareat br Resa was spp 10 exe 1 Hagen 1699 to. 5 Och Ye Sinan, rmbt Dae, Kind 909, 25, ‘The Seen Supt en Yoate a ‘eathng, bt when Nese tea sing Hebe cela in actin eae te grat ick of words and eyeninn, nd te nsegcy oe HuSrow soa hitinetocgren and cover mon es eas ey ia {orm and ape nan ony ape thre mere mining ne nese ranom fr fs els the snp Bowing se wan ot an eee ‘Far un Ves prdisg fr resed worded aera for ed be ued new words be rnened Sd wordy he colnet ule, mee ‘fom dtr stesso the ov oe fhe Mace se The ih gin ae le And fae Although ot sects the feature of gress sipicance ie Ber YYtude's ewspeper what concerns ws pal yo curse, he fst thot en Yehud id envtgs hs nospape the bearer oft more ‘ple "Total Hebrew tothe east of the populace, both in Jersey {ou Pakstne, a wellasinthe Dinars. Are wes, newspapers the bet means “for epeading lavage material 0 the peuple For the ‘tpusion of our nnguag an is evial nthe moat the sation one ‘edie without doubt fa Zon Inge the owetry vied woes whos wich the language could ot be spoken Of the people ™* Further, Ben Yeh minsinthat thevenodoobt that for speading Tbe langageatooag the tation and for Kereta ils oacesary fo spead the easing ofthe Hebrew lnguoge and fou to ths eg il pousible Wyn but he mt powell ules fe the newspaper nithesehool = reve, clr hat Be Yehud’ newopapers wer actly td and sisaed by mat Joven eranlem sng in Plesine. Tha, ser ny to bac, wend, "From the day Hare was bow, alt who Sa Ie ted and those asking for ie multiply dy by dey. Las nek almost toundred copies were said eras the lhe cies atwthtande ing" Simi ne ind, "In Devoe lore hehe copier of [He ev ae sd and ea known fe th for eety bape thee are ‘ent foe ender borrowers. Alte Jertalemies ed Ha Ze even fhe worsen ad chlren OF the 40000 Jews ia rele, ho. Most vend Ha-Zer?™ As oe reader obseres, “Eve hough Late a post wagon diver even 50 Tread [an Ze]roguany. That such [nares ws vine in Ha-Zew on the par ofthe Jerralerites not tedrevonen, agen eas hago tan 2, Sage Sess, e The Sen Seo Bet Youd surprising, Wace they had become wore of the esence of & world ‘yond he ity wall « wold whow aac ad bem fo pent ts famparts At the tnt of hich we wre, to, ewapapes everwhere tere a et innovation in the sof ie peep wha ott them and Such anabseriag terest in them quite character te pesiod. A Kresel pins ut, "Ta the dasa pper was eed was learoed and rue" With vspec to Pia Zein prt, we ne Ki comment "Every are was engraved in the Meurt f the readers Shd"Parkap hem miso ooe'who Knew how fo read Hebrew’ who Side esd 10° Sia, Uerada Ben Yehud's remarks that “Bem Yeu’ nspaper was the newspaper ith capital Every eke Of Has Ze wat rea By thy oe forty oop al the per need ‘ecneen ons nes and the lars ae ere" Moreover, Kes Steen tat "There nas a0 one inthe now elects who cold wre eho Sian conte (0) With expect to Ben Yerud's dnsenination (tha TotlHebrefnpartcal, rnin comment i mot autre We sid just read Ho-Zer, we lured ie Every innovation, every creation apd vey act of formulation mage a impremion pod a" ‘Wie se. ten hatin gavel Bea Yehuda was esl spesting tus ew “Total Hebe among the maves,Alhouph there were some Heteew peronalies who condermed Ben Yehud’ Histrews Most reades probably esenied he ane who wrote to Ben Yeh a ot pestis to come an arg about the ooo thee word, whether they have the ight tobe pat of cur anguoge I sxe the econ of thew Wordeesthey me without guetoning dest Fn very apy ‘jeson of vculaty proved ove of Ben Yshads's majo once, oral the sty of eee which sored sours ton in hereon oitable rds aod pres ck whet Ben Yetncn need insta ones vocabulary reeing to basic ness of every exten, "as Kiser pointedly wemsehs ira of he» writers of the period, ‘hereiano Hower ba hero and the. no id bs the dover ais fife cockoo, rooster andctsten There a0 sia dlinestion. of foto tees ony red bac, geen and "Sia, Medan notes, There was 2 wealth of Words forall matters persning 0 reliion, 10 mion undo asia chougt ul noe for some ofthe mos ene ‘aryacceories of modernising aenpapes,dchonary, eet pavement, AB eel tn sm ni 86 2 Bese 0 8. eee tht ns na Op Beats tion's Yeo Kiam 888 8. 1 Sm Save Bn Yes 8 ralay, el, alplae, sree, orca, and thee. Numerous ‘nial ne plant ado Hebrew names, nfl cern ons pang {oh animal and YepableLigdoms and there were many of he ‘tered witha confusing lack of dnnination, A common tm. (ren diealy of tis Kad nas encountred in well ha ibd of Ui kind of epee kind of ow Needles yer othe lacetins applanes and foe of organization of the nage Wore ompleteiy wanting Indot onthe ts decdes prin to en Yeh hal witneed the real developer inthe Hebrew wring of Esern Europe, af more conte and elite frm of expr, ater ore than cntuy of rmentcm, abatrcies an linguistic pci, When the wntes of thee two decade aempted to deal th specie ers ad Hens. tey would eoro one ofthe tolwing devises: a) They teased the frig covey rel or approximately ing Hebsew fom Gentan,Yiedih or Raman: fr ekame lla, Innis lle, 3) They wed a Hebrew word or phrase approximating the general rmaning rere entmes bored, afc aad unconvincing and {fd tn parentheses rin aenateatrunaion ar rantratog (Geman, Yidlsh or Rosin; for example, zlom dou tri "poow> frop erly: a pct of the mage af 2 pater: fos lini "progr, Iteraly the content of toes: et oan! Buhne ‘nos chosen because of onomatopodtic approximation to the Europes term forecampl, masi'masksraminre, ore ma amide 2) They woul employ quoted pases lod in male fashion otf Fenotey he ganeral omlext ot meating of the concept intended or ‘ame for thraph they made us ofthe ies om Ps 19:45 “Tere no speech hte ate no ord, test ole eed Tel line rgone oat through ll he earth and thet words to the end of the ers For tesope they applied «compound of xo Bical expres ‘ens 1 King 515 pn Pane 92:1)" gm tous bh the yop ‘scion the wal wil gow ike acda in Lebanon”: for lator ey ‘Mopted th ne the rer Book "it wiligoup and come oir °D They would compose phases both dumsy and unl, eset reste eure concept for example, sed! became: wincr wagon ‘chase whens a words Tong ork came bronas Tork wh 7 Me Madan, The Aan te Ha ange 3596 4 1 Beton a rr od ora e ‘Mh So Sp fon Va ‘vo teeth cat produce a sound (sx word); muscu” bacame: a house of fallecuons fo seient jesse wots) (@) At bert two-word phrases (compounds) which nitated the Bibles! ive eonsraction foes wosld be adopted. “Umble therefore be Ele: protector fom the yn, ‘handkecie' Kec for The 35, “Taya oat for books, eiauan+ Rous for food ould serve tan een meaes of evving ates, vet, everyday Hanging conversion, tobe extent exe. Tent ype meson ‘he two-word compound was not mcs) as ojeionable advice forthe es snceit mar bon fe metho of wor formation in Hebrew, thou, even in the Bible somewhat ested ins application Bu thi typeof compounding cested iets of seston for person and Dunbar an endred impos the otherwise tones pss of fey ering em verb form rom te nun i he xeon ead fe Keats smackodto moet of forega.epealy Gebean ues. This swat of core n rewhack, asthe [ack of sere Inthe newly Swng Tangunge although notar serous she lack of noun, ws al eel ee Tei search fra sole, veya supple und pure orm of Hee fe ‘he common man, Ben Yehud ha to fight past ts ype of ereton, Fir mouo tang av Ter 3 poe, one Ward for ene eomsepl A Be ‘ates inconnetion with oe uch compourd "Titov tothe Hebe ‘vekave rouse, our heart real fom i, and dnt know sha 0 Jo Whit, howto we stint pual, nto dee and inlet acceding {end (Bes Yehuda, t shouldbe posted oi produce some re Sompocis hima even though in gneal he ober oth proce Sure However at least both laments Te new corppouds nee al ‘is ace ebrew words) Bon Yee, therefore, wit only alice bas to work om, sought Heteow erature, copeclly in Pow Bibel Tatu wad Medvl tring the pln, concrete mons Tor sein is newspaper ale. As Knwesr nites, en Yehud searched spec Tor the concrete the essential, the simple and) the material: words for fod and dak, howenold and werk tems, Yestabien aaé ower, et and lass, Mimals ad birds" Suck words, Beb Yshoda fe, would be enor ‘stsowlysuumited by ht render through the mio of the genet 2 BER cnr Yin Ne’ me Pt en, er i YY in Av 98 Seen Step Be Yale 6 covet ofa gren anil and hence de we of inet eveeyy com Sessions intcbrew. The prnepl means employed by Bea Veh to Inout atch eae ast et them in he ates wot comment ing them and without aantating hea any Way. On rarely id he, forewmpis, ean sero ate ann scsi would ee, he ‘ie ao only ne an afterthought, or nen the Word in guesion spewed fos the sound tid tne io patna ese ofthe nowmener Sina tiensancs teres new wards fallomed by bee ranaation inpuretises ory rannaton toa foreign language ate fe, a ace he fusions when # eneemlbewion of fruige Word is faioved By Hs Hesreneguitalent ix pucatoss Ben Yehbda conned lengthy discs tio of mow he had reurete or created snd then ied this ns Dupes co the cols ces devoted co the probleme of Inguape {Thee language eoluae cid ot, homer Li themselves oa othe suject of word apd gencral problems of language planning a wel ab ‘er aaeste sich ae spling end protncios~of the rowel Rete Sinden with ‘ire he above face renders resent Ben Yebue's acu rations and contbtoos othe Hebrew leicon gute ada ‘dsl to go trough his pape saa ewsupeat the Woeds,pelaps Show very common, whose rexutestion from ancem arate can Be {ibe ret o im, or thow words conslonly Ms own inove tio, The autber of woe reve ty Ben Yehuda canoe a 30, Be timated, Not ms Stoaary ofthe praca Words welt ad ead ‘ne period proseding and contemporancove wit Ben Yehuda made Aalible ean sich a projet te st al really uadeeakes. THe erica! Dinar, present in preparation bythe Hebrew Language ‘eademy, wl make wach «ask mor fete wn i aly appears © ‘ith vesonce to tu numberof Bon Yehoda'sneslogeme, Sivan has {herd 251 oh forms, indestod by a spec sge fe Ben Yen Evo (itr to wot that Pama has sown the ponte Arabic nfuene on Sf thee 31 nelogus and Zar has ‘ested he pose Frnchinfuence on 39, nog thee wich ver- up with Pamentas it) Wei har alo eoedetd atch on sie Nis, resin, among other pats, Bes Yehuch's wetnods in Word {iin ss ste ato res 9 Zen Bee yi td nt ooh. fea Sas“one Nesom nar en Yea’ Lhe Lavin ifn anes, Te neo Aran te Nl Ben Ye” plone tv ne, ose $2" Zahn nor fh ech an ooh eign « ‘he Sen Spf Bon Yaad ‘ining Summarizing the eal of thee investigators, we nate our os Er nam oni Bes Yehuda cela sed ten Heb 1. He took Cis (Bu and Meas) Tebrems words that were notin generale atm ine and gue them 9 Re eating he eed, site ty rerotels connected Io the orga form nthe Sate Teste. 2 Heenrated roots fromersing Bibl Hebe Misha: Hebrew, Blea! Aranaie, Turgumie Avamale and Talmucie Aramaic a inet cl new Hebrew words from them, Sad on common Hebyen word putters. This method of root cnason he applied even some Bia Hebrew proper nes, provide thatthe ne tot appeal ia Arama 3 He formed Hote words onthe bus of exiting Arabic words and foots, with proper allowance fo he approprins sound changes tees the trolanguage 1. He prodaed Hebrew words on the bs of European tng in partcalar onthe bash of Latin and Greve words found ia the Mine be Tamu However, af Weiss und aters hive noed, thee 231 mors do m6 ‘Sons al of Ben Yehud’ aelogis Many renin he novpaper| ‘es, onscovered, and avatungftarerevetch. Ae Ta Sia wees oncenig he rev, "Whoever il wie te complet hor ots ‘Sloper [the revival] wil have to goons imprteur the hunts ‘of words cated and ntodaced by Ben Yeh ad hs Sontempor ‘A work suchas Ta Sina eninge, however, would eau separate work ia if and mast bela forts futare AY appopmate sare oink For sash project i supplied by Ben Veboda'sDuctonary. The, 1 in a of esr en Yeh’ nels were ot ace a his Banari enh Sc whose athe the tne author he aso mat sain ve been noe whic bec ft ‘tole ad aes npn rT apne ot {en inthe ict Perhaps ode nh he oe ot [iene wld be scat n the rsa err re ae ae Mae a hte wee cations wich he eae! on oe niche fg AL fe wo), 9.06 2.20 1 Nef using AA nfs Bew Leg rate, 1. Ste of fon Yea o ‘old Recah a of inertia the ate He ald ey the Siyoanoe ofthe Des forthe evel fs ngage 25d my ‘Oe as Yes ass, “Ben Yehuda dos not big al his ealogiss in ‘he Diino, ony thaw which lend ave Ieray Yale. Slee Tn working trough the pamphlets pike by Ben Yehud a pe= fatto is Divina, wa ave gaurd 58 adaoral peologisns 8 nate tar by mens ofa spec sgn, Tis rings the ttl of ec ‘opis expreniy given by Ben Yehuda in is Dicom to 29. How. ‘ker, ne ne noted above this amber iat comps. Fertarsore StShupira for cumple as shown, some of thes annotated neclogiss sive nt coined by Ben Yehids but rather ae tobe atebutd to ose ‘Weking wih i te language oa ‘With the above eerstos i min, therefor, we ane dei nat 10 tis the necogin thematves Ea 1 9c Gut Belo the opel seas and tome ofthe concepts fr mich en Veta produced new fee and by Se-doing, we sll endeavor to expos the exp inthe Hebrew of he ine ‘wich Bea Yehuda sought te eose. sould be emplasized, Bowever, {hat Ben Yehud reer expel deed any such seo ene goes THs seer framework, ts hoped, can be ndoped a 2 futre pdt for fevneh det) Hea Yehudi seals wen he appropate Tine roan itel ‘ree and conc for which Hea Yehuda ewata ae forms includ (a) colors: asgmy, owe, multi-colored, pak: (2) wane and rloted term canes, col, phe, mee, eninge sect eer: (e) roting” bluse buckle, embroidery, fxs, Hane, love, head echt tape (2 fos an rl rms pio, banana, be, cauiower, rear,» diy, cake made of goats, ouput, sce cea, jl, juce (om eos) shen, minced cul, omelet, a saute: eat spnac, 2 (©) bose ores and everyday ord abe, Hank, brush, to bath, Ble, bookeass, bus, chimary, seen elunay, date, fuatie an iron, match, ovis, pave wy, peel plloneae envelope, parse} powsard, pump, sidewalk shower, soap. lela. fovel umbrella, athiock ering Jk RES Sitn St lista Nel’, eh os 3 (86 a Tre Sree Seon Ye (© alee ond young ad's wrk: bye, bye ide, dl, igh school kindergarten teacher. sled spelingspr, lege unr (@) amino! Kingdom’ birds tea Busing 0 bun, ly kane, + robin type of red sa type of colored buts ous, plot, lve mary, he powdery ground 10 ‘spread sf on ues, to lant a fres,vatous nue of ets uch ‘tae, ce ful ron, gro, hte, canguiel,sreat) (minora Riedems siambiss basal, rors, sedi. alain, expr prt, jade, mace, macadam, mica sera iron eon, ‘atios names ost (seh ss pte divin, pete alae, are {auite, Mose sor) (@owpape terms conespondeoc, eter, newspaper, pit, sb ssiter ager: {0 ar ot ote at, female singer, harmony, dye, orchestra, plo, iano hes ord paper carte tsi ork 1D slece acme, iran, baronet, levator, hyper inven so, laboratory, macote, mage, ntroze, oxen, photon, ache. set, elseopeopra lass (a) gosermment: buenacraic, branch, sands, commision, com- ‘muni, cosittion,desaralen, democracy, daocrale, docu, « leat poe, independent, independence, mins. mona, nea Dice, offi palames, pole, repens, organization, speaker, speech tee “0) amy and war army diviion, bombinine, anton, dynamite vec fice mad, frost, gunpowder, invasion, mancedver, ‘eole evoltoca,a punchy weak the no {e) tls nd professions earpentrs sop, cobbles pers, dita rer, a and cites, hide nner, husttune, leach one Whe take shadow pistes; (©) adeeries and dered mows and verbs: ac, bol, boos, apie caresing, cares one Who caress, to eres choosy, chon Ines cone. bafsin, onsen, comity, cogucsh, x coguete cogactey, to be coqutt,croneyeh crown Gaga, seen treme xref ase, hod ae), oly fr to Ai, easy, rom, sgance, iin, iene, itecsing, 1 fer, to baome nese, polite, polite, rend ose readies fo Seleniysusonn rudeness, septa, spaty, tebe syopatti, ‘exnoparet est (@) vel 1 conan, to pronounce a iter busy (espeity 1), to sect ih, ipa f tr pages a bE, to Wish Someone Wel to olen ease, 1 Sv Sno Bn et o (0 ablional words: ermony ren, dietion ener, etre srimace, kes, iluination, ions. mae, sberenon, peor Prams refction, sameness shadow pte, seat, ecko, beam tm ‘rom the abovelst ne see that Pes’ estate of 2 thous nen ‘pes atrbutabito en Yehuda matte costed for the pee Fenntve, a ao must te he case vith Weis remark’ "The ness ‘oben had are not very namero¥" Thi, However i el ‘qustion of numbers and, a8 Sian, takes cer, "The power of Ben Fase sneslogmes notin rater, bait ney. asthe ‘ie ofboth or poten and terry langue." As Wels sei, Ben ‘Yaa rated forthe generation to come, fo the neds of he Dewy Some ofthe catsgorie ited above do const shah Sivan ad Wess -sonsur ot fundamonal ver dayconepsconscring fod, thing se Shar and thus tet te real aay of tse simpe words In he Hest of Ben Veda’ day and ls elect some of te diclies Ne fact hs stugp to revive thelangauge. Ba ahould be bare in mind {hit Hebe ws not handeapood in tes ares 25m rer ‘eingof te tov it might resume ate ofthe eases or ena, {iste fied above ding ith vwspapa)aenatives ent 80 stare of pros apes, bor thee form nee rte by Hoa Vee, {thlly on secon ote cubes rare othe fori ae ad ‘tr replced with eologimsof hi en. Converey some of the above nso costa words of fst abstact, mor ear etre, ite noted forthe elites of everyday ing or eximple, many of he seinee ters en above) Although Hebrew di poses a weath of terms before the real for cera sbtrace arene of aia 0c 2 felgon snd plosophy, as Rabin points ot," Heteen publi before [abl note fe coves with hg developed eccal iliztion, pres Hebrew esto now batches ofacaca ‘Uaty ofthe sxtegnrie ted shove ere incomplete and fragmentary “Toes not he keno ean, howe tht te fs of he eatery Inst case wes actually comple Before Ren Yehuda tne. Rater sino te oppo sth case Outs Ls ne way dette the value ‘ofBon Yehuda's novation: Indeed, a Svan contends, a ast these Md eo 2 eter Sm Segre ema eta 0 8. _ workon words for hs revapaper ares, ther develope the i » he Sen Ses f 80 Yede quarters of ce above actos have become pt of Modern Hebrew * fr tr Klavier cme, "No one ofthe revives of the Hebe angonge ‘wos abl fo implant so any word, ways of peaking ead gow language forms as Ben Yehida.”¥" The above defective ctepres do, Rowse, ‘ely fo the spor and random nau of Ben Vetus ea. I Soul sem ena if, hen wing it genspaper arr, or epi, Stes exgaod up his randations, he eame actos a concept for wach hesoud opis eo Hebrew eguvslent, Hen Yen woul ook thro the avtlae Hebrew Meare, abd th serch proved rier he ‘woe invent term if meone, sch as a tencer or stent mould ‘Weta hn aking fo praca word ba would amet to ansier 18 ‘other words, inthe are of wazdatztion Ben Yehuda operated accsing ‘Ono pei plan, but aber work hpharaaly ina peel ation the eld of word eto, however he had more Sf eas, teseenbalow Pan in conjunction wit en pay asa ougeoweh of Ben Yehud’ Dictionary of the Hebrew Language (AS 2 water of fat the ‘ord for dstonae isthe Bint word ick Ben Yehud ceed)" The ‘tgs of such a shee were mpl enough In is autbiogaphy, Ben ‘Yehuda writes that, ater ret extended Hebrew converetion ath M. endelnae ia ooe ofthe cle onthe Boulevard Mootmartee in Pars ‘acsrding to Trey.» citer in Le Lapin Fos or Le Chat No) he (iid ht eto rom no mole ny langage, poate, ily ed turer ent my rel tara teTa comers ‘ovine ne mnedatlrhow deat iw toapein hes, ow Heber Seunot erat ie an cn (cameron fra mas ep pss ‘tie Tonkin onto ste or mya fh Hee nde Seon acey in soavraton andl bean seahng se ting SKE From spit sab psn Th is ate Beng ote Dicer San a 1 You Klatt “Bae Se You”, Moe Hod, Yo 9132 EA ah A Ba Si We iy, Res Saya Toot, “at Wau Sd, HP! BaZa (1, 1920. os Soma asen B, eS Stereo Bo Yh 4 Inthe ntedaction othe Dconary tl, we ind a even oe ties eripionorispesesi iy cocoa nour tntog tar top heme besa fen 8 ‘Eewnsen ofsonrison Mo vsrbelr neste ell mown ec re You th sof Ly ho ete memento se ints Yess ane wt eo be Elements ‘nse st eae ope hie overs a premio, St ‘Een aa str. tu Oh he ogee of emer ops scheint tame tpt ‘roe test by agen, Bue were he ey {225 rt cmon cn ne Vain sd i au ew het Sls many see votone on Speen rater tthe to af ‘bn to moe sen Opa fo sch od ee teense oa Tiere ny book nich ot col ey fa ach nods vin ad gelicfedattervaronia bh ean ah peng baat Sherr narra eth, Toesngiodefamasbatuedy bout et Siitougn ol hee ming w order frst speak eben: ene sey ap Ten you ih 0 (po wi Sn he boa of msn te isso as bon 1s onl he point ost how unprepared Ren Yehuda wa or uch & thik Ashe himself wee, ns a ht fr wor ae onary of he Hebe ngage ak tae pra swith ap tm nolo ee of ‘oy owl: of Here, This a now kre: tebe ale se itwrng and evento span to cota en, bat he scat ae fe dy onsoe ns ang oe, And were an ha, ast Sort whith peed mang ih yout Rusa th tho ee of inauage ip, wv ith singe ined fy eta, aT ade footie ihetodyofagungs manors bc Leajned, eT hadatsoey eda to bcos tele in trom ovo ie matron no oe ‘hedore fo wene# loony I want to 8 bi cue Tt 0 ‘Spl need fo au spoken tro. Wha Id thought shes 0 ‘Srp al bok tates paca al ersoneone ho wate 6 tn Yodan 2 he Seen Spf Bo Yds speak Hee. bean sek wey and vey tie ound wordt {an ory Books, ed dow orm According to Yemda Ben Yehnda, the emburkaton on th Dictionary ‘inno sane ofthe cr even book hit rather “esl otc Veapped in se ue paper whch was gent (Sen, Vea) by te Peay grocery sore for lim to ep rack of the money homed Ban Yehuda entered the word he found ato this notebook in alphabet order toate nits ranted aquslente in Froth, Av he Sea speak ing Hebrew to perle waa knew te language when he wasn Pre, the It grew Tong and when be ried in Palestine te notebook ts te ready hl fll Aer be had setled in Puesine ud ommeneed wing Hetvew ll then, the theca more une. Thi nas to tn Fac ths Ben Yehoda was now obligato search forwards nor ad ror ae sous, and en Re was anal nd wy nthe more cone ‘onl asd texts he ep octet nem onde sel? Te son became cle it» simple alphabet Tsing of words woul prove relatively sees to the common speaker of Hebrew, sine sueh 8 Person would be unui wth many words and woul heeore be Unable to cess ait aanged ls elpbaetal onde. Ben Yehin Uhetetoe, dzised 1 clay the moc nto topics {rovhly,semane Feld thes, nro, would be ve ut alpletaly sth nid ves under each tpi acy ad ot fn a Ths. Ts or ‘tami, “all werd peraiing stone uote earn al mmes twee under teeny tee" refed the basic chen Rea Vena ovsaed. Ackaowedging varius legate works nck aden Hi nis choice oparding the rangement of ls Distionary. Ben Yau ‘ght out in partic the French Diconay of Ete Laren wll as that of Danie! Sense, the German Distionary ofthe bother Grint, ‘sd the English Dictionary of Cibert Muay) 'Agusdsto the we of Ben Yehud’ Disonry bythe ordinary erin seer pubhed in erewspape 1 know that ify touch our ed gly 0 i Bay, cs ie Tau You doa know if thre est to our anne ot ‘that teem Now ts cad ack a eey tk tony you base {tr onr pas arb you wl fied wa you ae sng! ow it rin wear youn uta od the wor, Natso wiry toe Wha Sosa ootng ior deren nthe wor York 8 you go he med "occ you Leow ab in ut you nant. And ou Sop Ke {he ed au0 dt af, eo fara soon nny beck Ge dae 1 Ren Yad 19019 todo: § 1 en Yee ad Cage sm fa er Yooesna) caper 1 ‘Te Sven Sp of Bn Yeh » {ind th word Yas youl od he th woe ouch Ane 908 ‘dn interned p th word boa and ou ind ere ho ‘ra Jou cont kn eer hte woe th nt repo eae ce he pad fy Deas fr pew on te Bo Bes Yehud, he, nite inl stage at ea, planae his Dictionary 26.8 ‘mana o be wed by peopl ike meet, fc with he raiment of Hedrethat ie the baie morphology say and vorelas ho way | ded fo supelemeet ir owed fatal words och the © Berne wr, “atthe French Acad id for Fron what the Gran triers ior Geena Bx Yehuda ek for our bly ongue Morsver, Ren Yehud's Diciony is of sees Rot only tothe set i ot nerey "te producto a ry atuslopeal persis 1M ends ben Fe), Capa 1 Hed Re Yost So Geman Yom iectcupar geen Mawes © he Se Ses of Ben Ys (ikiraa an ere te te See es ik ce Se ‘betty tecoe sya tein Aches, “Bray tes ar ‘ein acsons iy St sl t ce i foster sa porta ed ona tr See So tends oes Sinica tay peaches en pe pee tna fe aeuer bem hit UE en iors estan econo Mederma Bn Sout “Thr weve no psn chin in tse at at ee was ees9 SSNS pete aay dy Ten {Sheba fab 2 make Zn atria ‘rahe erst Pals pose, Eee so raged hype ine formas made pth ape. im acm he poet thom ced th raver poms oda and sds them, teh Sener tbe tote pet ‘singlehandedly the jo of reviving Hebrew words and expressions through work ont Devry Senate gur Ct & agra ie ied “Sh, 8." SS nto tonne ip Sa tn Wei et ee IS her Re ga Maes Se Me "Geta Yea iy Chae 12 Pheer Seon Yeas 4" Wha sof more siguicanc, however, ihe ict that Ben Yehuda mas “restate he aoe ater on he eetion of ee wor fr wens Teagan, anda an eat tage i is work he Bean akg tease (0 nistmoreassance a thisspere. Aled i eke ha Wen, ‘Wehane done schin het efor agate tat al sir ing Inyociend pier mening ms cpne bay at cee [epron oe Tower of Buses win acai ths oes Su word coring os) Caraway, come nd we the sm swe sing to enter dnsmetar, a eho these De {Sct saree oes aeou ttt nna ha be wil a {sia otonon need her fou nen he eters nspaper o 189, we note, Werrenetabitony‘scepiry jatgentOnlya rout scsi, Seno thespiotthe spupe an ah fac omy tay artes [ernst i th wy. Ae fo awe dat he toy fsa ‘Sythe had ur he a of or aguas earning 2 ‘Seana hn mtr our iment eos wae iy We ry AAs further step inhi rs tent the people the eel f the iaeguage, or Vetus aranged ono clus of is aespaper as 21 ge forum appeting othe leguage-consious artong hs eure 10 ‘bt inguin qt, ashes gad conen fo ccusion a pes. In 890 nso snertok the exubshment of « Liertue Coosa Wend ase witha the framawork of the Pia Language Secey Saft errata deat with ates of langage, Tis Literate Council wat ter reamed he Lingle Cou, and lial the Language Covel Went Ho-Lashn Ten Yehuda eaviged the role of the Cour fll, fom the protocols Coun beheld op 5 Pe ot tine 2s a 191 18h to ‘stra sien yee Vode he aang te of 9b Shee tfc ha ink tw Ssh

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