PTO August 2011 Minutes

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Monroe Elementary PTO Meeting Minutes August 30, 2011 6-7 p.m.

Attendance: Anne Rydesky, Diane Blanco, Kevin Bower, Jennifer Fodness, Jamie Lawrence, Serene Shook, Lori Smeltzer, Kimberly Clause, Angela Korthaus, Sarah Vrem, Jennifer Kingston. 1. Welcome to PTO 2011-12. PTO president welcomed all attendees and thanked them for coming. 2. Introductions 3. Assign roles (time keeper, process checker) Kimberly volunteered to be our time keeper and Jennifer K. volunteered to be our process checker. Time keeper will help us keep track of time so all agenda items can be addressed within our hourly meeting. Process checker will identify when we are off topic from the agenda and keep us focused on agenda items. 4. Review of Agenda-additional items. Agenda appears appropriate and no additional items were added. 5. Purpose of PTO. Anne asked for discussion of what members believed what was the purpose of PTO. Member suggestions were: to support Monroe and its students, to get involvement of parents and for people to understand the value of PTO, a foundation to build on. 6. Review of Goals for 2011-12. Anne stated the three main goals that PTO board had previously identified as areas for improvement (increasing participation, communication, and fundraising). Are these needs appropriate? Need expanding? Members agreed that these goals are all appropriate and they like the simplicity of the goals. 7. Standing Reports Financial: Kevin (PTO Treasurer) gave the following budget report. i. Chick Fil A: received check for $539.47 from our May spirit night ii. Cartridge for Kids: received check for $10.00 iii. Albertsons: received check for $29.77 iv. Blackjack Pizza: we spent $321.57 to buy pizzas for Meet and Greet night. We brought in $326 in pizza sales so just a small profit. Funding Items Discussion Jennifer suggested that we continue to fund each full time teacher $50 and part time teachers $25 for this school year. PTO agreed to continue funding this request. Teachers will be required to keep receipts to show how money was spent. PTO board will follow up with this request as our 2011-12 budget is developed with checks to be dispersed after budget is determined. Jennifer asked if we were able to fund the health office $30 a month to support any health office needs (clothing, supplies as needed). PTO agreed to fund and after budget is determined it will be added to reflect this request.

Participation-review Meet and Greet; list of Volunteer opportunities, volunteer coordinator. Meet and Greet What went well? Great turn out. Roughly 260 attended. Pineapple pizza was favorite. Having Dianes mom help out! (see What change?) What change? o Make a form for each activity/function (a to-do list/items needed for function). This would help keep things organized and make our PTO more efficient. o Move the tables for pizza to the cafeteria. Heat was too intense o Have volunteers other than PTO members staff the pizza/drink table. (grandparents, previous students, alumni) add this to Meet and Greet check list to line up these additional volunteers. o Suggestion of shortening the time of this event to the principal. Volunteer Coordinator Jamie Lawrence volunteered to be our volunteer coordinator for this school year. Primary job of coordinator is to help line up volunteers as needed throughout the year to help support Monroe. Coordinator will be given a list of volunteers that signed up at Meet and Greet night. Explained to Jamie that PTO Board is here to support her and will help her as needed throughout the year. Volunteer Opportunities Jamie asked if there were opportunities to volunteer in the classroom. Encouraged to check with each teacher to determine their needs for volunteers. Suggested we send out a form explaining the different volunteer opportunities throughout the year and the time commitments for each event. Communication-Website/Newsletter, Facebook Page Website Suggested to post PTO agenda and minutes on Monroes website, PTO board will facilitate getting these items on the website either by contacting Mr. Arakaki and/or PTO posting as necessary on website. PTO has an email account via the Monroe website. PTO board will be responsible for checking this and replying as needed. Suggestion to add Monroe website address to our September PTO newsletter. If we want to add information to school newsletter, check with Jennifer for deadlines. This newsletter is set to go out the 1st Friday of the month. Lori discussed improving communication with itinerants in the building. They dont always get all necessary information about school functions/meetings, etc. Facebook Page Pictures of building okay to post, however, no pictures of kids. This would be used to reach people that have a history with Monroe. Look at increasing alumni involvement with volunteer opportunities, fundraising support, etc.

Look to use Facebook page to show off Monroe and our accomplishments.

Fundraising-upcoming events September Spirit Night-9/22 for Baskin Robbins. Jennifer F. reported the following dates for Family Nights: September 30, October 21, and March 2. October: Could we pair a Fall Festival with the 10/21 Family Night? Need direction from Mrs. Rasmussen and approval to move forward with Fall Festival idea. This events focus would be on getting parents/students excited about the year and not really a fundraiser focus. Diane suggested a general fundraising overview of the year. September: Baskin Robbins Spirit Night, October: Fall Festival?, November: Cookie dough/Butter Braids Fundraiser, December: Santa shop, January & February: No specific fundraising planned, March: Butter Braids, April: Baskin Robbins, May: Chick Fil A Spirit Night. Idea of doing baskets as a fundraiser paired with a silent auction. Look at getting donations from businesses and/or having each class have a themed basket. Suggested to add this to a spring Family Night that is planned. Parent/Teacher Concerns/Ideas Fans for the building: Are there any teachers that are in need of them? Mrs. Shook offered to check in with teachers and let us know if there was a need to fund any fans. Supply swap: Look at having parents and teachers bring in school supplies that they arent using. Jennifer K. volunteered to help facilitate this swap. Suggested adding this to the newsletter and having it last a week. Clothing/Book swap: Could we add this to a Family Fun Night? Could be a great way to get book and clothing to our students? 8. Adjourn Next Meeting September 15, 2011 6p-7p

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