First Appointment2023

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Dates for appointments

In order to write your S8 report, we need to set up 3 meetings at key points in the process which
serve to improve the content and professionalism of the report.

The first meeting is to discuss what you plan to do and before coming to the first interview you
should decide on your subject and prepare an outline of your report (on a piece of paper –
handwritten is OK – and if your first meeting is by DISCORD, you should send me a scan (not a
photo) of your outline 48 hours before our meeting.

At least one week before the second meeting you must hand in (by e-mail) the first part of your
redacted report, at least (the part which explains) the aim(s) of the report and the introduction
(background information) and the titles for the remaining sections (titles should be specific, e.g. Not
"Challenges I faced", but "Getting my Landlord to Repare the Shower" if you do subject 2)

At least one week before the third meeting, you must hand in a report that is nearly finished : the
outstanding points should only be those which present you with a particular difficulty which we can
talk about at the third meeting, as well as overall improvements to be implemented before the viva

Then the final report is to be handed in again at least a week before your viva, where you will give
me a ~10 minute oral presentation for which I strongly recommend a power-point.

As I have to hand in marks by the 16th June at the very latest, vivas should take place in weeks 22,
23, and 24 : Please do not expect me to do them all in week 24 and to avoid this, I expect ALL
written report by Thursday 1st June at the very latest :This is to ensure that we do have a realistic
chance of finishing on time.

Last year too many students let themselves get behind schedule and then tried to insist that I be
available on one particular morning or afternoon of their choice at the very last minute : As I have 3
different jobs (employers) this is clearly unacceptable. Therefore for this year I would normally
expect all students to have done
 their 1st meeting with me by the 10th March
 their second meeting with me by 14th April
 and their third meeting with me by 19th May

I try to offer different days of the week to allow you maximum choice, but you do need to be
organised well in advance and seize the dates available. Do not expect me to provide other dates
in this period.

For the moment, let's just concentrate on organising our initial meeting. I offer face-to-face only on
(some) Thursday mornings from 7h50 to 9h30 and meetings via DISCORD on (some) other

Below you will find 4 proposed dates for our first meetings. Please try to fill up all the slots
available. Please respect the modality of these meetings : On Thursday mornings, it's face-to-face
only. For meetings by DISCORD please make sure your camera and microphone work before the
seesion : This is professional :-)

Finally if you are unable to respect my proposed schedule of meetings, please contact me at the
earliest possible occasion to explain when you propose to achieve each stage of the project.
Below you will find grids of the 4 dates I am available for the first meeting and the first date for the
2nd meeting. To reserve a date please send me an e-mail requesting a date and a time (not a copy
of my table(s)). I will then reply to confirm availablility or otherwise. Only once I have responded
is the appointment made.

Many thanks,

Tim Darrington

Monday 13th February by Name Subject

DISCORD (in study room 1)





Thurs 23rd February at ISARA Name Subject

(room B201 – face to face only)





Friday 3th March by DISCORD Name Subject
(in study room 1)





Thurs 9th March at ISARA Name Subject

(room B201 – face to face only)






Wednesday 15th March by Name Subject

DISCORD (in study room 1)
8h10 2nd meetings

8h30 2nd meetings

8h50 2nd meetings

9h10 2nd meetings

9h30 2nd meetings

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