Topic 1

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TOPIC 1: I enjoy shopping with my family.

I often shop for clothes, food,

DESCRIBE personal items for my family and for myself.
YOUR My family and I often go to the supermarket, store because there are
SHOPPING many choices for us and especially I don't have to wait for the delivery time
HABIT like when I buy online.
But online shopping is also very convenient when I don't have time to
go out to buy goods and especially I can order and pay for international
goods easily.
I like going shopping with my family and usually every 2 or 4 weeks I
go shopping. I go shopping, buy more necessary things for the house and
also relax with my family. I love that time so much

TOPIC 2: Prada is a famous Italian brand of clothing, bags, shoes, jewelry

DESCRIBE accessories,... was founded in 1913 by Martino Prada in Milan, Italy.
YOUR I like Prada because Prada's designs are handcrafted with sophisticated
FAVORITE techniques, high quality materials. Therefore, this brand was quickly
BRAND noticed by the European elite and aristocrats.
NAME In 1913, Mario Prada opened his first store. It specializes in leather
products, makeup cases, high value fashion products…
In 1919, Prada was selected as the official supplier to the Italian Royal
Family. This fashion house was even allowed to use the image of the coat
of arms and ropes of the Royal Savoy building on its logo. This is a great
achievement for a young company, helping to spread Prada's reputation and
In 1977, Prada was taken over by Miuccia Prada and took the brand to
the next level.
And after many years, Prada has launched many collections with
luxurious beauty and meticulous and delicate handcrafted lines that have
helped the product quickly cause a fever in the fashion world and be sought
after by many people.
Wear brands that make people elegant, luxurious, and attract all eyes
TOPIC 3: 10 years old was a time when I was carefree, didn't have to worry
TALK ABOUT about anything, just learned to eat and play with friends
THINGS YOU At that time I had many hobbies such as making crafts, drawing,
USED TO DO reading stories and hanging out with my brother and my housemates.
WHEN YOU I remember that year when my mother taught me how to knit, and I
WERE TEN knitted a scarf for him as a birthday present, my grandfather was very
happy with that.
When I was 10 years old, it was the happiest and most beautiful time
of my life, but now that's not much anymore because everyone is busy with
their own work such as study, work, etc. like me, I don't have much time
left. Play with your friends like before. If possible I would love to come

TOPIC 4: Shopee is one of the most trusted and popular online retailers in
DESCRIBE A Vietnam. It is famous for its lightning fast delivery service and wide range
WEBSITE of quality products at very reasonable prices.
HAVE Besides, there are many products or items on the site to choose from
BOUGHT from clothing to home appliances
SOMETHING Last week, I ordered a handmade clay maker to entertain myself after
FROM days of studying and working hard. Usually, I will go to the store to buy it
quickly. But that time, I decided to buy on Shopee because the price is
better and there are more models for me to choose and the payment is also
very easy.
Finally, I like to shop on Shopee because I have a wide selection of
prices, styles, models as well as many offers from online stores, it saves
time and saves a lot.
TOPIC 5: In my opinion, the shopping trend of Vietnamese people has changed.
TALK ABOUT In the past, people would go to markets and grocery stores to buy food
CHANGES IN and household items.
SHOPPONG Nowadays, most of them don't have to get up early to buy food for
TRENDS IN each day, instead, they buy food through online websites for the whole
VIETNAM week. Household essentials are also available for purchase on the website.
And if before, I needed cash when buying things, now I can pay online
not only easier but also more economical when receiving many incentives.
Finally, in my opinion, the changes in shopping trends are consistent
with the current trend because now everyone is busy with work and does
not have much time to go shopping, so online shopping will help. People
save time, choose items at a reasonable price, and the quality is also very
TOPIC 6: During Tet, I witnessed a traffic accident when I was at my house.
DESCRIBE It was a car collision between two students riding a motorbike and a
AN car. At that time, there was no traffic light at the intersection, so the two
ACCIDENT cars were moving slowly as if they were giving way to each other, but
YOU SAW unfortunately the car crashed into their motorbike, the collision was light
and the two friends Only injured hands and feet.
Traffic accidents are very dangerous and undesirable. So everyone
must be careful in traffic
TOPIC 7: Not long ago, I read an article in Tien Phong newspaper about
TALK ABOUT “students commit suicide because of academic pressure”, while I was
A PIECE OF sitting with my family.
NEWS IN A I see now that many students have committed suicide due to pressure
NEWSPAPER and negative thoughts, causing a stir in the public
THAT YOU There have been many student suicides because of pressure not equal
HAVE to friends and also mental pressure from family.
RECENTLY Those posts have left me with a lot of sadness and reflection. I feel so
READ lucky that my parents put pressure on me to study.
And I hope parents take care of their children so that they don't feel
TOPIC 8: The most horrifying case that I know of is the case of Le Van Luyen
DESCRIBE A murdering and robbing people at Ngoc Bich gold shop.
CRIME STRY Le Van Luyen murdered the gold shop owner and his wife, along with
YOU HEARD their small child, and their 8-year-old daughter had her hand cut off.
This is the most serious murder and robbery case committed by an
underage criminal in Vietnam.
It is known that because he accidentally took a borrowed motorbike
and lost money, Luyen had no money to redeem the car. That was the
reason for carrying out the gold shop robbery and such cruel acts.
In short, this is a horrifying case that I have come to know about.
TOPIC 9: Every day, I set goals for my own personal growth. Right now, my
TALK ABOUT goal is to graduate on time with a good degree.
YOUR To achieve this goal, I need to be strict with myself. First, I make a
FUTURE plan of daily to-dos. This helps me to complete every task on time without
GOAL missing anything.
Moreover, I always spend time learning more necessary skills such as
teamwork skills, communication skills,...
In my opinion, these skills are essential when I want to graduate on
time and apply to the company.
And I am confident that I will achieve the goal that I have set
TOPIC 10: Well, the magician I admire is David Blaine. He was born in New
ABOUT A York and started doing magic at the age of 4. I knew David Blaine's talent
MAGICIAN from watching him perform on television shows.
THAT I In the past, he used to do magic in luxury restaurants.
KNOW After he became more famous, he performed dangerous and highly
concentrated acts
First, he was frozen inside a six-ton block of ice in New York's Times
Square. When he was released from the ice, he was unable to walk.
Another thing is that he stood on a 25 meter high pole for 35 hours -
again without food or water.
Finally, he jumped off the pillar - onto a pile of boxes. He then lived
without food for 44 days in a glass box by the River Thames in London.
David's talent and bravery really impressed me and made me become
his fan. If possible, I would really like to go see his reality show and take a
close look at his performance.

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