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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 183 (2021) 1723–1731

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Study of morphological, structural, thermal, and pasting properties of

flour and isolated starch from unripe plantain (Musa paradisiaca)
Lineth J. Vega-Rojas a, Sandra M. Londoño-Restrepo b, Mario E. Rodriguez-García b,⁎
Laboratorio de Biología Celular y Molecular, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Av. de las Ciencias s/n, Juriquilla, Querétaro 76230, Querétaro, Mexico
Departamento de Nanotecnología, Centro de Física Aplica y Tecnología Avanzada, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Querétaro, Qro. 76230, Mexico

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This work focused on studying the mineral composition, morphology, thermal, structural, and pasting properties
Received 8 April 2021 of isolated plantain starch. Plantain starch is rich in K, and other ions as Mg, Ca, P, and Si were found. This starch
Received in revised form 18 May 2021 exhibits lenticular, elliptical, and semispherical morphologies. Two endothermal events present in the thermo-
Accepted 20 May 2021Available online 27 May
gram were identified as the hexagonal and orthorhombic solvation. C-type starch formed by hexagonal and or-
thorhombic nanocrystal was completely indexed. The ash content showed the presence of calcium phosphate
(KCaP2O7), Calcium Magnesium Phosphate (Ca2.71Mg0.29(PO4)2), and silicon oxide (SiO2). The pasting profile of
Plantain this starch behaves between a custard and a hydrogel. Scanning electron microscopy of the lyophilized samples
Starch along pasting profile confirms that the shear and van der Walls forces and slurry morphology govern the pasting
C-type starch profile changes.
Orthorhombic structure © 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Hexagonal structure

1. Introduction Even though many studies about the isolated plantain starches char-
acterization, some aspects related to the crystalline structure and ther-
Plantain is native of South East Asia, belongs to the genus Musa of the mal and pasting properties are still an open problem, and their
family Musaceae. In the last centuries, it was spread worldwide, partic- elucidation could contribute to their future application. One of these ex-
ularly in the equatorial region that satisfies sun requirements and hu- amples is the complete X-ray indexing of the isolated starches from
midity for its good development. Plantain has been incorporated in musaceous. Of course, these properties depend on agronomical and en-
human and animal diets from Mexico to Peru, and unripe and ripe plan- vironmental conditions. Rodriguez-García et al. [4] pointed out that the
tain is consumed equally in soups, chips, cake, mash, among others [1]. so-called A-type starch possesses orthorhombic nanocrystals and B-
Plantain is considered a basic fruit in food due to its production all year type hexagonal ones. Meanwhile, C-type does not correspond to a
and flavor; it can be processed as flour or isolated starch for human new crystalline structure. From a crystallographic point of view, this
consumption. starch has orthorhombic and hexagonal crystals.
Starch is an essential fraction of the different products. Its content in Concerning the pasting properties, most of the published articles es-
cereals (corn, wheat, rice) varies from 30 to 80%, in legumes (bean, peas, tablish as a rule starch/water ratio to be 3/18. However, according to
lentil) from 25 to 50%, in tubercles (potato, yucca) from 60 to 90%, and Acosta-Osorio et al. [5] and Gutiérrez-Cortez et al. [6], for the proper in-
in some fruits (banana and mango) is around 70% in the dry base [2]. terpretation of any pasting profile, this must be carried out in the tran-
It is expected that the physicochemical properties of starches from the sition regimen. It is necessary to determine for any sample the starch/
same botanical sources exhibited similar behavior. Aspects related to water ratio that satisfies this regimen. It is characterized by no signifi-
chemical and mineral composition still are an open research problem. cant changes in the peak viscosity as a function of the starch/water
Plantain flours are used to develop edible films to reduce the use of ratio. Intrinsic parameters such as the grain size, chemical and mineral
petroleum-derived polymers. Gutiérrez and González [3] produced ed- composition, crystalline structure, and amylose/amylopectin ratio; and
ible films based on plantain starch added with Aloe vera natural fibers extrinsic parameters such as extraction, particle size, moisture, among
using the casting method. They found that these films exhibited others govern a pasting profile.
smoother, more transparent, more rigid and plastics, less moist, and Zobel et al. [7] defined gelatinization as the melting of crystallites in
more hydrophobic surfaces. This application of plantain starch opens a starch; however, there was no specification about what kind of crystals
new window of opportunities for several applications of starches. contribute to the melting. Starch gelatinization is related to the water
solvation of orthorhombic and hexagonal crystals. In the case of C-
⁎ Corresponding author. type starches, in which both crystalline structures are present, the gela-
E-mail address: (M.E. Rodriguez-García). tinization should include the thermal transition for each one of them. So
0141-8130/© 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V.
L.J. Vega-Rojas, S.M. Londoño-Restrepo and M.E. Rodriguez-García International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 183 (2021) 1723–1731

far, the lack of knowledge of the crystalline structures in starch defines 2.4. Amylose content
gelatinization as an order-disorder transition. Still, it is most related to
the solvation process. Total starch and amylose content were determined for plantain
Pelissari et al. [8] studied the chemical, physical, structural, morpho- starch using the Megazyme assays K-TSTA and K-AMYL kits, respec-
logical, and pasting properties of banana flour and starch. However, the tively. Total starch quantification is based on enzymatic hydrolysis
flour and starch extraction was through potassium metabisulfite solu- with amylase and amyloglucosidase to produce glucose, while amylose
tion, generating changes in the structure, morphological, chemical, determination involves precipitating it with Concanavalin-A [1].
and pasting properties.
This research aims to study the elemental composition, chemical, 2.5. Mineral content by ICP-OES
morphological, and structural properties of plantain flour and starch
and analyze the pasting profile of isolates plantain starch as a function The mineral content in isolated plantain starch was determined
of the time by using scanning electron microscopy images, and the cor- using an Inductively Coupled Plasma optical emission spectrometer
relation between these properties. (ICP- OES, model Thermo iCAP 6500 Duo View). Then, 0.1 g of the starch
was digested with nitric acid (Baker 69–70%) and it was made in tripli-
2. Material and methods cate. Upon return to the ground state, the elements excited by the argon
plasma were then identified by their characteristic emission spectra.
2.1. Plantain flour preparation Emission intensity was then converted to elemental concentration by
comparing to a standard curve.
Dominico Harton plantains harvested after eight weeks of flowering
in Armenia, department of Quindio, Colombia, at an altitude of 2.6. Sample characterization by LV-SEM
1551 masl, an average temperature of 22.5 °C, and 76% relative humid-
ity, according to the methodology proposed by [1]. After pealing, they Plantain, plantain flour, and isolated starch, as well as the samples
were cut in slices 1 mm thick and submerged in cool water (4 °C) for obtained from the pasting profile, were performed in a low-vacuum
1 h to avoid oxidation and fermentation, and to avoid the use of potas- Scanning electron microscope (LV-SEM), JSM 5600LV, with a resolution
sium metasulfide solution. The central part of the slices was removed of 5 nm in LV mode. The analysis was performed using equipment con-
and mixed in a blender (kurp-Germany) for 3 min, and then centrifuged ditions of 20 kV electron acceleration voltage and 12–20 Pa of pressure
for 20 min to 2800 rpm. Finally, the precipitate was dried at 40 °C for in the specimen chamber, obtaining the images on the fracture surfaces
12 h. Fig. 1A shows unripe plantains, and Fig. 1B exhibits dried slices with the backscattering electron signal.
of plantain before removing of their central part.
2.7. X-ray diffraction characterization
2.2. Starch preparation
X-ray diffraction patterns of isolated plantain starch and ash from
Plantain isolated starch was obtained using the methodology used flours were obtained on a diffractometer (Rigaku, ultima IV) with a de-
by [9]. In brief: unripe plantains were peeled and cut into slices, and tector D/tex ultra, operating at 35 kV and 15 mA, with a CuKα radiation
its central part removed. 100 g of the sample was macerated with wavelength of 0.15406 nm, and from 5 to 70° on a 2θ scale with a step
200 g of cool distilled water at 4 °C using a Kurp blender for 3 min. size of 0.02°.
The slurry was kept at 4 °C until precipitation and then was centrifuged
for 20 min at 2800 rpm. The sample was washed three times with dis- 2.8. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
tilled water. Finally, the starch was dried in a furnace (40 °C, for 8 h).
The DSC thermogram of the starch was measured using a Differential
2.3. Chemical proximate analysis Scanning Calorimeter DSC 1 (Mettle Toledo, Greifensee-Switzerland) and
data was processed with TA Instrument software. Calibrations were per-
Moisture content of the plantain flour was determined using formed using pure indium. Samples of 12.0 ± 0.1 mg were prepared by
Method 925.10 and Method 920.86 for crude fiber content [10]. Ash, adding deionized water to the samples into the pan until they reach a
protein, and fat content were measured by using Approved Methods moisture of 85% (w/w). The aluminum pans were hermetically sealed
08-01, 46-13, and 30-25 [11], respectively. All the measurements were and kept at room temperature for 6 h. The samples were scanned from
made in triplicate. 30 to 110 °C at 7.5 °C/min. Each experiment was conducted in triplicates.

Fig. 1. (A) Unripe Dominico Harton plantains. (B) Transversal slices of plantain.

L.J. Vega-Rojas, S.M. Londoño-Restrepo and M.E. Rodriguez-García International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 183 (2021) 1723–1731

2.9. Measurement of the pasting profile

The apparent viscosity of isolated starch was determined using a

rheometer (Anton Paar MCR-102; United Kingdom) with 3 g of starch
and 18 mL of water (85.7% moisture). The following thermal profile
was used: Initially, the temperature of the system was 50 °C, and it
remained constant for 1 min. Then, the sample was heated for 5.3 min
from 50 to 90 °C; next, it was held at a constant temperature of 90 °C
for 5.3 min (isothermal condition); after that, the sample was cooled
down to 50 °C for 5.3 min, and finally, this temperature was kept con-
stant for 1 min. The frequency of the system was set to 193 rpm.
Following the methodology proposed by [6], four point along the
viscosity curve were chosen to be analyzed in detail: (1) during gelati-
nization, (2) peak viscosity, (3) breakdown, and (4) end viscosity.
When the system reached each point, the rheometer was immediately
stopped, and the sample is cooled in liquid nitrogen and freeze-dried
using a freeze dry Freezone 2.5 (Labconco, Kansas City, USA), for 48 h.

3. Results Fig. 2. Mineral content by ICP-OES of unripe plantain starch.

3.1. Chemical proximate analysis

are in hexagonal bags of fiber with about 50 μm width. Fig. 3B shows
Table 1 shows the content of moisture, ash, fat, crude fiber, and pro- membranes covering the starch granules, which corresponds to soluble
tein for plantain flour and starch. The ash content reduction is origi- fiber (gums, mucilage, and pectin). Fractions of the insoluble fiber
nated from the removal of some minerals from the fat and protein. (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin) are also presented (see blue cir-
The isolation method used in this work reduces the fat and protein con- cles). Fig. 3C and D corresponds to the SEM images of the flour in
tent that could be associated with the removal of insoluble and soluble which disaggregate granules and cumuli are present. Soluble and insol-
fiber fractions. Mutis-Gonzalez et al. [12] reported 10.13% moisture, uble fibers have been fractioned due to the milling process. Fig. 3E and F
0.33% ash, 0.15% fat, 0.18% fiber, and 1.75% protein for unripe exhibits the isolated starch, in which (a) lenticular, (b) elliptical, and
Dominico-Harton plantain starch. These values indicate that the isola- (c) semispherical morphologies are present. Lenticular granules have
tion process followed in this work achieved a more efficient extraction. a diameter from 10 to 15 μm; elliptical, between 15 and 32 μm length
and 0 to 15 μm width; semispherical ones have a diameter ranging
3.2. Total starch and amylose content from 8 to 12 μm. As can be seen, the methodology used to obtain iso-
lated starch produce starch without fiber.
Total starch for the isolated starch was 91% which means the isola-
tion process is highly effective. According to Table 1, the remainder per- 3.5. X-ray analysis
centage corresponds mainly to absorbed water and small amounts of
protein, fiber, ash, and fat. Meanwhile, amylose represents 16% of the Fig. 4A shows the high-resolution X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of
starch, which is in accordance with Quintero-Castaño et al. [1] that re- the isolated plantain starch. Black dash lines correspond to the ortho-
ported 14% amylose for Dominico hartón plantain. This finding means rhombic structure indexing, while red ones to hexagonal crystalline
that plantain is a source of amylopectin-rich starch. structures reported by Rodriguez- Garcia et al. [4], being predominant
the hexagonal phase. Table 2 exhibits the position of the peaks using
3.3. Mineral content the second derivative criteria, the Miller indexes for each one of the
diffracted peaks and their respective crystalline phase.
Fig. 2 presents the quantification of the trace minerals present in the The orthorhombic structure is present in A-types starches such as
starch. Isolated plantain starch is rich in K, this ion influences other amaranth [6] and sorghum [13]. Hexagonal structure is present in B-
physicochemical properties as pasting profile. Mutis-González et al. type starches. When both structures are in any starch, this is classified
[12] explored the effect of adding K and Mg to plantain starch on its as C-type; usually found in starches from legumes [14]. Exceptions to
thermal, pasting, and functional properties. Both ions trend towards vis- this classification based on the source have been nonetheless reported,
cosity recovery because of the re-ordering of the polymeric chains. Their as was the case of avocado pit starch [4]. The isolated plantain starch ex-
presence also conducted to an increase in the gelatinization tempera- hibits simultaneously orthorhombic and hexagonal pyro glucan struc-
ture compared to the control sample. These authors suggested that tures, namely, a C-type starch. It means that this C-type starch pattern
Mg becomes part of the structure since an infrared band is modified is nothing, but a convolution of the diffraction peaks produced by both
after adding to the starch. orthorhombic and hexagonal structures. Recently, Guo et al. [15] re-
ported A-, B- and C-type starch granules coexist in the root tuber of
3.4. Plantain flour and starch characterization by LV-SEM sweet potato. However, this is a misinterpretation since, so far only
two crystalline structures have been found in starches. Soares et al.
Fig. 3A and B shows SEM images of a transversal cut of unripe plan- [16] classified plantain starch as C-type, but they did not show its
tain (see Fig. 1B) taken at 500× and 1000×, respectively. Starch granules indexation.
Peak broadening is originated from the nanometric size of the crys-
Table 1 tal, as was reported by [17,18]. The presence of both crystalline struc-
Chemical proximate values for plantain flour and starch. tures influences its thermal and pasting physicochemical properties.
Fig. 4B displays the XRD pattern of the ash obtained by calcination of
Sample Moisture (%) Ash (%) Fat (%) Crude fiber (%) Protein (%)
the flour identifying: potassium calcium phosphate (KCaP2O7), Calcium
Flour 6.91 ± 0.18 1.23 ± 0.12 2.007 ± 0.341 0.039 ± 0.001 13.13 ± 0.25 Magnesium Phosphate (Ca2.71Mg0.29(PO4)2), and silicon oxide (SiO2).
Starch 7.53 ± 0.95 0.08 ± 0.05 0.015 ± 0.091 0.038 ± 0.002 1.30 ± 0.10
For their identification ICDD (International Center for Diffraction Data)

L.J. Vega-Rojas, S.M. Londoño-Restrepo and M.E. Rodriguez-García International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 183 (2021) 1723–1731

Fig. 3. (A) and (B) Transversal cut of unripe plantain. (C) and (D) plantain flour. (E) and (F) plantain starch. Images were recorded at 500× and 1000×, respectively.

cards 00–050-1563, 04–010-2972, and 01–077-8628 were used, re- starch in which onset (T1o), peak (T1p), and end (T1e) temperatures
spectively. The presence of these compounds agrees with ICP-OES find- are indicated. However, a second endothermal transition is observed
ings in which K, P, Ca, Mg, and Si were found. Plantain ash has been used by simple inspection, and its range identified using the second deriva-
to enhance mineral absorption by animals [19], and its consumption im- tive criteria (Fig. 5B). This phenomenon obeys the presence of ortho-
proves the mineral intake in human diets. rhombic and hexagonal crystalline structures of pyro glucans, as
shown in Fig. 4A. When they are in contact with water and heat, they
3.6. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis solvate and produce two T1p and T2p. T1p transition could be associated
with the solvation of hexagonal structures while T2p with orthorhombic
Gelatinization is defined as an order-disorder transition of the crys- ones. This assumption is based on two facts: first, the number of water
talline components in starch. Fig. 5A shows the thermogram for the molecules in the hexagonal structures is bigger than in the orthorhombic

L.J. Vega-Rojas, S.M. Londoño-Restrepo and M.E. Rodriguez-García International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 183 (2021) 1723–1731

Fig. 4. (A) X-ray diffraction pattern of isolated unripe plantain starch. (B) X-ray diffraction
pattern of the ash obtained from plantain flour. Fig. 5. (A) DSC thermogram of isolated plantain starch and (B) its second derivative.

one [4,20,21]. Secondly, the XRD pattern exhibits a predominant hexag- not explain the reason of the differences in the gelatinization tempera-
onal structure, and T1p is the most predominant thermal event. Guo et al. ture for these structures. The isolation process produced starch with
[15] found using DSC that the A-, B- and C-type starch granules have sig- low-fat content, and then the so-called amylose-lipid complex is not
nificantly different gelatinization initial and end temperatures. However, present.
they did not index the hexagonal and orthorhombic structures, and did
3.7. Pasting profile
Table 2
Peak position, Miller indexes and crystal structures present in isolated unripe plantain 3.7.1. Determination of the pasting regimen
starch [4]. The rheological problem to determine the apparent viscosity has
Peak position (°) Miller indexes Crystalline phase been studied in detail [22,23]. This author considered the existence of
5.72 (010) Hexagonal
inter-particle force within the concentrate suspension. The forces can
8.91 (100) Orthorhombic form aggregates or cumuli, which are responsible for significant viscos-
10.17 (011) Hexagonal ity changes. Quemada's model showed that the increase in the effective
11.28 (101) Orthorhombic volume fraction of particles in the suspension increases the apparent
14.15 (021) Hexagonal
viscosity. On the other hand, Gutiérrez-Cortez et al. [6] showed that
15.22 (200) Orthorhombic
17.25 (121) Hexagonal the increase in the apparent viscosity before peak viscosity is due to
(031) Orthorhombic the exudation of amylose and amylopectin forming a disordered matrix.
18.22 (220) Orthorhombic Fig. 6A shows pasting profiles for seven different starch/water ratio:
20.12 (040) Orthorhombic 1.5/19.5, 2/19, 2.5/18.5, 3/18, 3.3/17.7, 3.5/17.5, and 3.6/17.4. As can be
22.29 (131) Hexagonal
23.03 (231) Orthorhombic
seen, small variations in the water produce strong changes in the past-
24.21 (032) Hexagonal ing profile. All these starch/water suspensions were done to determine
26.45 (013) Hexagonal the best rheological condition to obtain a pasting profile within the tran-
30.55 (060) Orthorhombic sition regimen considering the peak viscosity as a criterion [6]. Fig. 6B
31.46 (142) Hexagonal
shows the behavior of the peak viscosity versus starch/water ratio. In
32.93 (233) Orthorhombic
33.26 (143) Orthorhombic plantain starch, the 3/18 ratio proved to be the best rheological condi-
34.56 (060) Hexagonal tion for the apparent viscosity analysis.
38.36 (161) Hexagonal The curve for the 3/18 (starch/water) ratio showed in Fig. 6C was di-
43.78 (442) Hexagonal vided into four different time windows to analyze the changes in the
47.11 (424) Orthorhombic
pasting profile. The window I (0 to 280 s; 70.23 °C), in which no changes

L.J. Vega-Rojas, S.M. Londoño-Restrepo and M.E. Rodriguez-García International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 183 (2021) 1723–1731

Fig. 6. (A) pasting profile for seven starch/water ratio mixtures: 1.5/19.5, 2/19, 2.5/18.5, 3/18, 3.3/17.7, 3.5/17.5, and 3.6/17.4. (B) Diluted, transition, and saturated regimens based on peak
viscosity behavior as a function of the starch/water ratio. (C) Viscosity profile for the 3/18 ratio mixture stopped at four different points along the curve.

in the apparent viscosity values as a function of the increase of of the orthorhombic nanocrystals, glucopyranosyl units does not con-
temperature and time were apparently not observed. However, using tribute to the increases in the apparent viscosity.
the second derivative criteria, the pasting temperature is 68.41 °C Window III (444 to 802 s; 92 °C) corresponds to the breakdown
(260 s) which is between the gelatinization range. It means that it is (10,075 cP) of the pasting profile during the holding. A decrease in the
possible to obtain information about gelatinization from the pasting apparent viscosity could be produced by the slurry organization having
profile. Currently, according to Fig. 5, the gelatinization is taking place a reduction in the sheer force and maybe due to the formation of
at T1o = 65.36 °C (228 s), ending at T1e = 71.80 °C (296 s). These results microchannel forming a hydrogel as was proved by [28,29].
indicate that the first increase of the viscosity is related to the gelatini- Window IV (802 to 1380s; 49.94 °C) corresponds to the total setback
zation. This fact could indicate that starch granules are collapsed, but region (5007 cP) during the cooling process and final holding that ends
not necessarily disrupted. Our onset temperature agrees with the values with the final viscosity (9113 cP). The shear and Van der Walls forces in-
reported by Dufour et al. [24], Chávez-Salazar et al. [25] and Montoya creases, and the molecular reordering of amylose and amylopectin
et al. [26]. Discrepancies in the reported values are directly related could take place originating a relative increase in the apparent viscosity.
with the used starch/water ratio. This reordering does not produce recrystallization or retrogradation.
According to Zobel et al. [7], gelatinization is directly related to the According to Cornejo-Villegas et al. [30], the slurry behaves as a custard
ordered to disordered structural transition. However, they did not spec- when the end viscosity increases, but as a hydrogel when the end vis-
ify what kind of crystalline structure. Recently, Gutiérrez-Cortez et al. cosity is lower that the peak viscosity. A custard does not have kine-
[6] showed that gelatinization is directly related to crystal solvation. matic viscosity. In the case of plantain starch, this behavior is between
The isolated plantain starch is composed mainly of hexagonal crystals, a custard and a hydrogel.
but the orthorhombic structure is simultaneously present.
Window II (280 to 444 s; 85.67 °C) exhibits the heating region that 3.7.2. Morphological changes during the development of the viscosity
ends with the maximum develop of viscosity (14,186 cP) whose ease profile
of cooking was 444 s or 7.4 min. In this region, an abrupt change in To analyze the pasting profile behaviors, each sample was cooled and
the pasting profile take place. According to the DSC thermogram, the lyophilized at the end of each time window and analyzed using SEM im-
end of gelatinization took place. In this window, all granules are broken, ages, following the methodology proposed by [6]. Fig. 7 shows the four
amylose and amylopectin chains exuded and disrupted. And more studied windows along the pasting profile taken at 500× and 2500 ×.
important, hexagonal and orthorhombic crystals are solvated, releasing Fig. 7A and B shows that de starch granules collapsed, but most of
glucopyranosyl units. The increase is related to the disordered slurry them are still integer, indicating that gelatinization took place and the
originating strong torque in the system to maintain 193 rpm. internal order of the starch grain was disrupted. At this point, it is pos-
Oseguera-Toledo et al. [27] showed in malted barley that even solvation sibly that the amylose and amylopectin molecules absorb water and

L.J. Vega-Rojas, S.M. Londoño-Restrepo and M.E. Rodriguez-García International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 183 (2021) 1723–1731

Fig. 7. SEM images of the lyophilized samples at the end of each time window along the pasting profile.

L.J. Vega-Rojas, S.M. Londoño-Restrepo and M.E. Rodriguez-García International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 183 (2021) 1723–1731

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