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OpenText Forms

Forms Designer's Guide

This guide explains how use the OpenText Forms module to

create Forms and Form Templates.

OpenText Forms
Forms Designer's Guide
Rev.: 2013-Nov-25
This documentation has been created for software version 10.5.
It is also valid for subsequent software versions as long as no new document version is shipped with the product or is
published at

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Table of Contents
1 Introduction to Forms ............................................................... 5
1.1 Tutorial: A Personal Profile Form ........................................................ 6

2 How To Edit an Exported HTML Form ................................... 13

2.1 Content Server-Specific Values ........................................................ 14
2.2 Making Read-Only and Hidden Fields ............................................... 15
2.3 A Few Restrictions .......................................................................... 16

3 Using Forms in Workflows ..................................................... 17

3.1 Tutorial: Employment Application Form ............................................. 17
3.2 Accessing Workflow Attachments from a Form Task Step .................. 25

4 Using a Form as a Stationery Pad ......................................... 31

4.1 Tutorial: Creating and Using a Stationery Pad ................................... 31

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Chapter 1
Introduction to Forms

OpenText Forms are electronic documents you can use to collect and store data
online. You can use the Forms module to make your organization's forms, such as
survey information and questionnaires available in Content Server. The OpenText
Forms module is an optional module in Content Server. When you create a Form in
Content Server, you base it on a Form Template that the administrator or other
designated user previously created. The Form derives its layout and design from the
template, but you can select processing and data-storage options for each individual
Form. The Forms Painter allows you to add Form fields in the same way that you
assign attributes to a document in Content Server. Form fields and their values are
stored in their own Content Server tables.

The following topics are covered in this guide:

• “Tutorial: A Personal Profile Form” on page 6, that walks you through the
process of creating and using a Form.
• “How To Edit an Exported HTML Form“ on page 13 explains certain features
in the HTML code that you must understand before you modify a Form
Template for use in Content Server.
• “Using Forms in Workflows“ on page 17 contains another tutorial that walks
you through the process of using a Form this time within a Workflow.
• “Using a Form as a Stationery Pad“ on page 31 contains another tutorial that
walks you through the process of creating and using a Form as a Stationery Pad.

• The tutorial, “Using Forms in Workflows“ on page 17, assumes that you
are familiar with designing and using Workflows. If you are not familiar
with Workflows, consult the OpenText Workflow - QuickStart Guide
(LLESWFW-UQS) in the OpenText Knowledge Center (https://
objAction=browse&sort=name&viewType=1) before beginning the tutorial.
• This guide assumes the optional Forms and Web Forms module are installed
in Content Server. If these module are not installed, contact your

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Forms

1.1 Tutorial: A Personal Profile Form

The following sections guide you through the steps that are necessary to create a
Personal Profile Form that users in your organization can fill out to create a
company directory.
• “Create a Form Template” on page 6
• “Create a Form” on page 7
• “Export a Form Template as HTML for Editing” on page 8
• “Add an HTML Custom View” on page 10
• “Create a Form Based on the Custom View” on page 10

1.1.1 Create a Form Template

The first step in creating a Form Template is to add a new node, or item, to Content
Server representing the template. The template object has no fields until you add
them using the Forms Painter.

To create a Form Template:

1. Click Form Template on the Add Item menu of a Workspace.

2. If you have installed the optional Adobe PDF Forms or eForms modules, you
are prompted to specify the Form type. Click the HTML radio button, and then
click Continue.

3. Type Personal Profile Template in the Name box.

4. Click Add.

5. Click the Personal Profile Template name link to open the template.

6. Click the Add Attribute menu and build the Form Template by adding the
following fields:

Field Name Field Type

Employee Name (required field) Text: Field
Department (required field) Text: Field
Office Location Text: Popup
Add five choices to the popup:
• BB
• DB
• LV
• RD
• WL
Manager (required field) User: Field

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1.1. Tutorial: A Personal Profile Form

Field Name Field Type

Email (required field) Text: Field
Phone (required field) Text: Field
Additional Info Text Text: MultiLine

7. Click Submit.

1.1.2 Create a Form

Now that you have a template for the Personal Profile Form, you can make Forms
based on it.

Once all the fields are in place, you must choose a Revision or Submission
mechanism (or both) for the Forms created using the template. For more information
about Revision and Submission mechanisms, see the OpenText Content Server User
Help - Using Forms (LLESFRM-H-UGD).

To create a Form based on the template:

1. Do one of the following:

• Click Form on the Add Item menu of a Workspace, and then click Browse
Content Server to locate and select the template.

• Click the Functions icon, , of the Personal Profile Template item, and then
click Make Form.

2. In the Revision Mechanism list, click <None>. In the Submission Mechanism

list, click User Revisable Records (Content Server) since you will want this
Form to be unique for each user who fills it out.
As their personal information changes, users can retrieve the data they
previously entered on the Form, change it, and then save the Form. When they
open the Form again, Content Server displays the previously saved values.

3. Click Continue.

4. Type Personal Profile Form in the Name box.

5. Click Add.

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Forms

1.1.3 Export a Form Template as HTML for Editing

Now, you can take the Form Template that you just created and export it as an
HTML file. Using an HTML-editing program or a simple ASCII text editor like
Windows Notepad, you can add graphics, text, or even scripts to create a much
more elaborate or attractive custom view that works with Content Server just like
the original.

Note: You must install the optional Web Forms module in addition to the
Forms module before you can export a Form.

To export a Form Template as HTML:

1. Click the Form Template's Functions icon, and then choose Export as HTML.

2. Click Save and then browse to the location where you want to store the file.

You can now open this file in an HTML editor and modify many of its features. You
can use any HTML editor to edit the HTML file, except for Microsoft Front Page
Express. Unlike the full version of Front Page, Front Page Express does not support
the use of square brackets in field names. These brackets are vital to a Form's
functionality in Content Server.

Note: “Content Server-Specific Values” on page 14 contains a detailed

discussion of Content Server specific features in the HTML code, including
brackets, that you should understand before you attempt to edit the exported
HTML file.

To edit the HTML of the Exported Form Template:

1. Open this file in an HTML editor.

2. To change the default font of the document to Arial, locate the Employee Name
attribute in the HTML.


&nbsp;Employee Name:
<IMG SRC="/img/required.gif" ALT="Required" BORDER="0">
3. Add the following line of code


<FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="blue">
&nbsp;Employee Name:</font>
<IMG SRC="/img/required.gif" ALT="Required" BORDER="0">

Note: Due to page size limitations, the code samples in this guide contain
line breaks that may prevent the button from working if you copy and
paste the code sample into your HTML file. If you copy and paste the code,
verify that it does not contain spaces or other characters before you save
your changes.
4. Repeat steps 2 – 3 for every attribute in the Form Template.

8 OpenText Forms LLESFRM100500-CWM-EN-1

1.1. Tutorial: A Personal Profile Form

5. To add a new heading which provides instructions to users on how to complete

the Form, locate the following area of code:

<BODY Class="pageBody">
<FORM NAME="myForm" ACTION="[LL_CGIPATH /]" ENCTYPE="multipart/
formdata" METHOD="POST">
6. Replace this code with the following:

<BODY Class="pageBody">
<FORM NAME="myForm" ACTION="[LL_CGIPATH /]" ENCTYPE="multipart/
formdata" METHOD="POST">
<font FACE="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">
<h1>Personal Profile</h1></center>
<p>Fill out this Form to submit your Personal Profile. The fields
<IMG SRC="/img/required.gif" ALT="Required" BORDER="0"> are
required fields.</p>
<p>When you are finished, click the <b>Submit This Form</b>

Note: The path in the required field IMG tag, <IMG SRC="/
img/required.gif" ALT='Required' BORDER='0'>, depends on the
configuration of the computer used to generate the example. The name of
your Content Server support directory depends on the name selected by
the person who installed your instance of Content Server.
7. To change the caption on Apply to Submit This Form, locate the following area
of code:

<INPUT CLASS="applyButton" TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Apply"

NAME="IgnoreMe" ONCLICK="doFormSubmit( document.myForm );">
8. Replace this line of code with the following:

<INPUT CLASS="applyButton" TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Submit This Form"

NAME="IgnoreMe" ONCLICK="doFormSubmit( document.myForm );">
9. Save the customized HTML form as Personal_Profile_View.html.

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Forms

1.1.4 Add an HTML Custom View

When your changes to the HTML file are complete, add the modified file to Content
Server as a custom view associated with the template.

To add an HTML file as a custom Form Template view:

1. Click the Functions icon of the template to which you want to add the custom
view, click Properties, and then click Views.

2. In the Add View list, click HTML.

3. Click Browse and navigate to the HTML file you want to add. If you followed
the example above, browse to the Personal_Profile_View.html file.

4. Type Personal Profile View 1 in the Name box.

5. Click Add View.

1.1.5 Create a Form Based on the Custom View

Once the Personal Profile View 1 template is added as a custom view, any Form you
create that is based on this template can use either the default view or the custom

To create a Form based on the template:

1. Do one of the following:

• Click Form on the Add Item menu of a Workspace, and then click Browse
Content Server to locate and select the template.
• Click the Functions menu of the Personal Profile Template, and then click
Make Form.

2. Choose a Revision or Submission mechanism (or both) for the Form from their
respective lists.

3. Click Continue.

4. Type Personal Profile Form 1 in the Name box.

5. Click Personal Profile View 1 in the Custom View list.

6. Click Add.

7. Click the Personal Profile Form 1 name link to see the form. See Figure 1-1.

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1.1. Tutorial: A Personal Profile Form

Figure 1-1: Form with Applied Custom View

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Chapter 2
How To Edit an Exported HTML Form

When Content Server exports a Form Template as HTML, it includes elements in the
HTML code that are necessary for the Form to function as a Content Server object.
Therefore, before you begin editing a Form exported as HTML, you should
understand what these elements are and be careful not to alter them improperly.

Note: You must install the Web Forms module in addition to the Forms
module before you can work with HTML Forms and complete the tasks
described in this chapter.

In Chapter One, you created a sample Form Template called Personal Profile and
exported it as an HTML file. If you open the raw exported file in a Web browser, you
will see a view similar to Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1: Exported HTML Form Template

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Chapter 2 How To Edit an Exported HTML Form

2.1 Content Server-Specific Values

Before editing the HTML file exported from Content Server, you should understand
how the Forms module works and what elements in the HTML file are essential to a
Form's Content Server functionality.

As noted in Chapter One, you can use any HTML editor to edit the HTML file,
except for Microsoft Front Page Express. Unlike the full version of Front Page, Front
Page Express does not support the use of square brackets in field names.

As you can see in the HTML code of an exported Form, as well as in Figure 2-1,
Content Server uses brackets to assign values to the data entered in Form fields.
Immediately below the <BODY> tag are two lines of code that place two fields, func
and LL_FUNC_VALUES, on the Form.




Content Server assigns these fields TYPE="HIDDEN" therefore they do not display,
but both fields are required by Content Server so you should not alter them.

Toward the end of the HTML body section is some code that creates the Apply and
Reset buttons on the Form and includes code to handle the submission of the Form
in Content Server. You can edit the display name, which is found in the VALUE field.
The entry VALUE="Submit This Form" will appear in the applyButton line of code if
you made the changes detailed in “To edit the HTML of the Exported Form
Template:” on page 8. If you did not make this change, the value will read
VALUE="Apply". Open Text recommends that you do not edit any other field.

<INPUT CLASS="applyButton" TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Submit This Form"

ONCLICK="doSubmit( document.myForm );">

<INPUT CLASS="resetButton" TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Reset">

Throughout the HTML file are Form fields with the Content Server-specific values
LL_FormTag. These values tell Content Server what each field is and, therefore, how
to handle the data entered in it.

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2.2. Making Read-Only and Hidden Fields

2.2 Making Read-Only and Hidden Fields

When designing a Form Template, it is sometimes necessary to prevent the value in
a particular field from being changed or even seen. In such cases, you can designate
a field as read-only or hidden, respectively.

2.2.1 Read-Only
All Form Templates exported from Content Server invoke JavaScript, so you can
include JavaScript functions in your HTML customizations. To make a Form read-
only, you make use of three JavaScript functions:
• onFocus()
• onBlur()
• onChange()

In JavaScript, Focus refers to the object (in this case, the field) where the cursor is
blinking. Therefore, you can trigger an onFocus() event whenever the cursor enters
a particular field. Used in conjunction with this.blur(), an onFocus event causes
the cursor to immediately jump to the next field as soon as it enters the field you
want to protect. This effectively renders the field read-only:

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="_1_1_2_1" ID="_1_1_2_1"

/]" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="32" ONFOCUS="this.blur();"

The onChange() function tells Content Server that the data in the field has been
changed, even though it has not. This is necessary for the Form Template to function
properly when it is returned to the Content Server database as a view.

2.2.2 Hidden
You can hide some Form fields and other elements by changing its TYPE attribute to

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="_1_1_2_1" ID="_1_1_2_1"

/]" SIZE="32" MAXLENGTH="32" ONFOCUS="" ONCHANGE="markDirty();">

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Chapter 2 How To Edit an Exported HTML Form

2.3 A Few Restrictions

• Do not add fields to the template by modifying the HTML file. Instead, edit the
Form Template in Content Server to add the field, and then export the template
as HTML.
• When in doubt, if you are using SQL table storage, choose the Verify matching
schema template and table named <table name> option in theManage Relational
Table list. This should help when you are having problems naming fields.
Remember that your choice of field names is limited by the database.
• When creating a view that is intended to act like a subform, do not delete the
fields from the Form. Make them hidden instead.

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Chapter 3
Using Forms in Workflows

Content Server users often attach Forms to Workflows as a systematic way to gather
information. As a Form routes through the steps of a Workflow, it is often helpful to
use different views of a Form that are tailored to the particular step or to the
assigned user step.

Using Web Forms, you can create just one Form Template for use in such cases, and
then make multiple views of the Form to be used at the appropriate steps in the
Workflow. This chapter contains a tutorial that shows you how to set up an
Employment Application Form in Content Server that applicants can fill out and
save for later editing. Once the applicants are finished editing the Form, they can
submit the Form, thereby initiating a Workflow. The Workflow is first assigned to
the applicant where they can attach their resume and make any alterations to the
Form before submitting the application package to a manager for approval.

This chapter covers the following sections:

• “Tutorial: Employment Application Form” on page 17
• “Accessing Workflow Attachments from a Form Task Step” on page 25

3.1 Tutorial: Employment Application Form

This tutorial explains how to use Content Server to collect employment applications
and automatically route them to a hiring manager using a Workflow. The applicant
is prevented from entering certain information in the Form. The hiring manager then
receives the application as part of a Workflow step and either accepts or rejects the
application. If an application is accepted, it is routed to another employee.

The following sections guide you through the steps that are necessary to create a
Employment Application Form.
• “Create the Employment Application Form Template” on page 18
• “Add an HTML Custom Form View” on page 18
• “Create a Form” on page 20
• “Create the Workflow” on page 20

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Chapter 3 Using Forms in Workflows

3.1.1 Create the Employment Application Form Template

The first step in this exercise is to create an Employment Application Form

To create a Form Template:

1. Click Form Template on the Add Item menu of a Workspace.

2. If you have installed the optional Adobe PDF Forms module, you are prompted
to specify the Form type. Click the HTML radio button, and then click
3. Type Employment Application Template in the Name box.
4. Click Add.
5. Click the Employment Application Template name link to open the template.
6. Use the Add Attribute menu to build the template with the following fields:

Field Name Field Type

Last Name (required field) Text: Field
First Name (required field) Text: Field
Position Sought (required field) Text: Field
Salary Integer: Field
Employer's Comments Text: MultiLine
Application Accepted Flag: Checkbox

7. Click Submit.

3.1.2 Add an HTML Custom Form View

With Form Templates you can customize the Form based on the users. Using the
Employment Application Template, we can edit the HTML code to prevent
applicants from editing the Salary, Employer's Comments, and Application
Accepted regions. To edit the HTML code, export the Employment Application
Template as described in “Export a Form Template as HTML for Editing” on page 8.

Customize the HTML code as follows:

1. Open the exported HTML file in an HTML editor, and locate the section of code
pertaining to the Salary box:

<TD CLASS="label" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">&nbsp;Salary:&nbsp;
<INPUT CLASS="valueEditable"
TYPE="hidden" NAME="_1_1_5_1" TITLE="Salary" ID="_1_1_5_1"

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3.1. Tutorial: Employment Application Form

VALUE="[LL_FormTag_1_1_5_1 /]" SIZE="12"

MAXLENGTH="11" ONFOCUS="" ONCHANGE="markDirty();">
</TD> </TR>

2. To prevent the Salary box from displaying, change its Input Type tag from
TYPE="text" to TYPE="hidden".

3. Locate the section of code pertaining to the Employer's Comments box:

<TD CLASS="label" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">&nbsp;Employer's
<INPUT CLASS="valueEditable"
ID="_1_1_6_1" NAME="_1_1_6_1" TITLE="Employer's Comments"
WRAP="soft" ROWS="3" COLS="32"
ONFOCUS="" ONCHANGE="markDirty();">[LL_FormTag_1_1_6_1 /]>
</TD> </TR>

4. To prevent the Employer's Comments box from displaying, change this code to:

<TD CLASS="label" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">&nbsp;Employer's
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" ID="_1_1_6_1" NAME="_1_1_6_1"
VALUE="[LL_FormTag_1_1_6_1 /]"/></TD> </TR>

5. Locate the section of code pertaining to the Application Accepted check box:

<TD CLASS="label" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">&nbsp;Application
<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="_1_1_7_1" value="1"
</TD> </TR>

6. To prevent the Application Accepted check box from displaying, change this
code to:

<TD CLASS="label" NOWRAP VALIGN="MIDDLE">&nbsp;Application
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" ID="_1_1_7_1" NAME="_1_1_7_1"
VALUE="[LL_FormTag_1_1_7_1 /]"/></TD> </TR>

7. Save the modified file as Employment_Application_Template_Public.html

and close the HTML editor.

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Chapter 3 Using Forms in Workflows

8. Now add the modified HTML file to the Employment Application Template as
a custom view as described in “Add an HTML Custom View” on page 10.
Name the view Public.

3.1.3 Create a Form

After you create the Employment Application template, you can create a Form based
upon it.

This procedure assumes that you are in the Workspace where the Form you created
earlier resides.

To create a Form based on the template:

1. Do one of the following:

• Click Form on the Add Item menu of a Workspace, and then click Browse
Content Server to locate and select the template.
• Click the Functions icon of the Employment Application Template, and then
click Make Form.

2. Click <None> in the Revision Mechanism list.

3. Click Content Server Versions in the Submission Mechanism list. You will
change this value later.

4. Click Continue.

5. Type Employment Application Form in the Name box.

Leave the value <None> in the Custom View list. You will use the Public
custom view for one step of the Workflow that will be associated with the Form.

6. Click Add.

3.1.4 Create the Workflow

The next step is to create a simple Workflow to route a completed Employment
Application Form to a manager.

Note: The following sections assume that you are familiar with Content Server
Workflow features. If you are not familiar with the Workflow module, consult
the OpenText Workflow - QuickStart Guide (LLESWFW-UQS) in the OpenText
Knowledge Center (
func=ll&objId=18091763&objAction=browse&sort=name&viewType=1) before
beginning this part of the tutorial.

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3.1. Tutorial: Employment Application Form

Create the Workflow Map

This procedure assumes that you are in the Workspace where the Form you created
earlier resides.

Note: Figure 3-1 shows an image of the finished Workflow Map.

To create the Workflow Map:

1. On the Add Item menu, click Workflow Map.

2. In the Name box, type Employment Application Workflow.
3. Click Add.
4. To paint the Workflow Map, click the Functions icon of the Workflow, and then
click Edit.
5. Drag and drop the Form Task step to the Workflow Map and place it to the
right of the Start step. Place your mouse over the Start step and drag the arrow
that appears onto the Form Task step to create a link between the steps.
6. Double click the Form Task step and type Attach Resume in the Step Name

7. Click the Choose User or Group icon and click the Select link for the
8. Click Add to Workflow Definition and return to the Workflow Designer.
9. Drag and drop a User step to the right of the Attach Resume step and then link
the two steps.
10. Double click the User step and type Manager in the Step Name box.
11. Click the Choose User or Group icon and then navigate and select your
12. Click Add to Workflow Definition and then return to the Workflow Designer.
13. Drag and drop an Evaluate step to the right of the Manager step and then link
the two steps.
Later, you will configure the Evaluate step to route the Workflow based on the
approved or rejected value in the Form.
14. Drag and drop a User step at 45 degrees to the Evaluate step, and then link the
two steps.
15. Double click the User step and type Approved in the Step Name box.
16. Click the Choose User or Group icon and then navigate and select your
17. Click Add to Workflow Definition and then return to the Workflow Designer.

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Chapter 3 Using Forms in Workflows

18. Drag and drop another User step at 325 degrees to the Evaluate step and then
link the two steps.
19. Double click the User step and type Rejected in the Step Name box.
20. Click the Choose User or Group icon and then navigate and select your
21. Click Add to Workflow Definition.
22. Return to the Designer, and save the Workflow Map.

Figure 3-1: Workflow Map

Add the Form to the Workflow Map

This procedure assumes you are in the Employment Application Workflow Designer

To associate a Form with the Workflow Map:

1. On the Map menu, click General.

2. In the Packages area, select the Forms check box.

Note: Ensure the Attachments check box is also selected.

3. Click Add to Workflow Definition.

4. Click the Forms tab.

5. Click the Add a New Form icon .

6. Click Browse Content Server to locate and select the Employment Application
Template that the Form outside the Workflow was based on.

Note: For the Form inside the Workflow, it is important to select the same
template used on the Form that initiates the Workflow, so that the fields
match and data are passed to the appropriate steps.
7. Click Add Form.

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3.1. Tutorial: Employment Application Form

8. Return to the Designer, and save the Workflow Map.

Configure the Evaluate Step

Use the Expression Builder to configure the Evaluate step to route the Workflow
based on a Form value.

This procedure assumes you are in the Employment Application Workflow Designer

To configure the Evaluate step:

1. Double-click the Evaluate step.

2. Click the Edit Expression icon .

3. In the Expression Builder, click Forms in the Actions list.

4. Create the following expression:

Employment Application Template Form: Application Accepted = True

5. Click Submit.

6. In the Steps list, click Approved to indicate that the Workflow is routed to the
Approved step if the Application Accepted check box on the Form is selected.
See Figure 3-2 for details.

7. Click the Add Expression icon .

8. Click the Edit Expression icon .

9. In the Expression Builder, click Forms in the Actions list.

10. Create the following expression:

Employment Application Template Form: Application Accepted = False

11. Click Submit.

12. In the Steps list, click Rejected to indicate that the Workflow is routed to the
Rejected step if the Application Accepted check box on the Form is not selected.
See Figure 3-2 for details.

13. Click Add to Workflow Definition.

14. Save the Workflow Map.

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Chapter 3 Using Forms in Workflows

Figure 3-2: Evaluate Step Attributes

Activate the Form at Given Steps

By default, the Form is hidden for all steps therefore we need to make the Form
available for all required steps.

This procedure assumes you are in the Employment Application Workflow


To activate the Form at given steps, and assign views:

1. Double-click the Start step.

2. Click the Forms tab.

3. Select the Available check box next to the Form's name.

4. In the Form View list for this step, click Public.

5. Click Add to Workflow Definition.

6. Return to the Designer.

7. Double-click the Manager step.

8. Repeat steps 2 – 6, except this time click <None> in the Form View list.
This allows managers to enter comments, a salary, and accept or reject the
application form.

9. Save the Workflow Map.

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3.2. Accessing Workflow Attachments from a Form Task Step

Associate the Form with the Workflow

By associating a Form with a Workflow, users can initiate a Workflow by submitting
the Form. This procedure assumes that you are out of the Workflow editor and in
the Workspace where the Form you created earlier resides.

To associate the Form with the Workflow:

1. Click the Functions icon for the Employment Application Form, click
Properties, and then click Specific.

2. In the Custom View list, click Public.

3. In the Submission Mechanism list, click Initiate Workflow.

4. Click Update.

5. In the Workflow Map area, click the Browse Content Server button, and then
select the Employment Application Workflow.

6. Click Update.

3.2 Accessing Workflow Attachments from a Form

Task Step
The Form Task step allows users to access the Workflow's Attachments Folder from
within the Form. The Attachments Folder opens when users click Display
Attachment on the Workflow Form. Depending on the permissions assigned to the
user for the Attachments Folder, users can view, add, or modify documents used in
the Workflow instance associated with the current Form.

3.2.1 Adding Display Attachments Button on a Workflow

This procedure assumes that you are out of the Workflow editor and in the
Workspace where the Form you created earlier resides.

1. Click the Functions icon of the Employment Application Workflow and click

2. From the Map menu, click Forms.

3. Click the Employment Application Template Form link.

4. On the Workflow Forms: Employment Application Workflow page, click the

Display Attachments check box.

5. Click Update Form.

Note: If your Workflow contains a Form Task step of a Form that does not use
a custom view, this procedure will display the Display Attachments button

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Chapter 3 Using Forms in Workflows

automatically. If the Form Task step uses a Form that does use a custom view,
further editing to the custom view is required to display the Attachments

For more information, see “Providing Access to the Workflow Attachment Folder
from a Custom View” on page 26. Regardless if the Form Task step uses a Form
with a custom view or not, the Display Attachments button on the Workflow
Forms page must be enabled.

3.2.2 Providing Access to the Workflow Attachment Folder

from a Custom View
If you create an HTML custom view of a Form and you want to provide access to the
Attachments Folder from the custom view, you must include HTML or JavaScript
code that enables one or both of the following on the custom view:
• An HTML button similar to the Display Attachments button that Content Server
adds to default Forms. When a user clicks the button, the Workflow Attachments
Folder is displayed in a separate browser window. For more information about
creating an HTML button that displays the Attachments Folder, see “Tutorial:
Adding a Display Attachments Button to a Custom View” on page 27.
• An HTML inline frame (IFRAME) that displays the Attachments Folder within a
frame on the custom view. For more information about embedding the
Attachments Folder as a frame in the custom view, see “Tutorial: Embedding an
Attachments Folder Frame into a Custom View” on page 29.

The key to accessing the Attachments Folder from a custom view is using the
[LL_WFATTURL /] keyword in HTML and JavaScript code. Content Server replaces
the [LL_WFATTURL /] keyword in the custom view with a view of the Attachment

Note: When adding the Display Attachments button or an HTML inline frame
to a Form within a Workflow, the Attachments package must be enabled in the
Workflow Map's General menu. If you do not enable the Attachments
package, the [LL_WFATTURL /] keyword is replaced by an empty string which
results in a separate browser window with no contents when the Display
Attachments button is clicked or an empty, unbordered area in the inline

26 OpenText Forms LLESFRM100500-CWM-EN-1

3.2. Accessing Workflow Attachments from a Form Task Step

Tutorial: Adding a Display Attachments Button to a Custom View

The following procedure creates a custom view and places a Display Attachments
button after the default Apply and Reset buttons.

To add a Display Attachments button to a custom view:

1. Open the customized HTML form you created in “Add an HTML Custom Form
View” on page 18.

2. Locate the code that creates the Reset button:

<INPUT CLASS="resetButton" TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Reset"/>

3. Add the Display Attachments button code on a line following the Reset button


VALUE="Display Attachments" NAME="DisplayAttachments"

Note: Due to page size limitations, the code sample in this guide contains
line breaks that may prevent the button from working if you copy and
paste the code sample into your HTML file. If you copy and paste the
code, verify that it does not contain spaces or other characters before you
save your changes.

4. Save this file as

Employment_Application_Template_Display_Attachment.html and close
the file.

5. Add the modified HTML file to the Employment Application Template as a

custom view as described in “Add an HTML Custom View” on page 10. Name
the view Display Attachment.

6. Click the Functions icon of the Employment Application Workflow and click

7. Double-click the Attach Resume step.

8. In the Form To Display area, click Employment Application Template Form

and then click Display Attachment in the Custom View list.

9. Click Add to Workflow Definition.

10. Return to the Designer, and save the Workflow Map.

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Chapter 3 Using Forms in Workflows

Initiate the Workflow Using a Form

This procedure assumes that you are out of the Workflow editor and in the
Workspace where the Form you created earlier resides.

To initiate a Workflow from a Form:

1. Click the Employment Application Form link.

2. Complete the Form, and click Apply.

The Initiate: Employment Application Workflow page displays.
3. On the Initiate: Employment Application Workflow page, click Initiate to
initiate the Workflow.

4. Click Return.

5. In the Personal menu, click Assignments.

6. Click the Attach Resume link.

The Form you previously completed displays.

7. Click Display Attachments to navigate and select your resume.

The Attachments Folder displays in a separate browser window as seen in
Figure 3-3.

8. Click Apply.
The attachment appears in the Attachments link of the Manager step. In the
Forms link of the Manager step, the Manager can enter an integer value in the
Salary box, enter comments in the Employer's Comments box, and determine if
they want to accept or reject the application by selecting or clearing the
Application Accepted check box. Once complete, the Manager clicks the Send
On button.

28 OpenText Forms LLESFRM100500-CWM-EN-1

3.2. Accessing Workflow Attachments from a Form Task Step

Figure 3-3: Attachments Folder Displayed After Clicking the Display

Attachments Button

Tutorial: Embedding an Attachments Folder Frame into a Custom

The following procedure creates a custom view and embeds the Attachments Folder
in a frame at the bottom of the Form.

This procedure assumes that you are in the Workspace where the Form you created
earlier resides.

To present the Attachments Folder in a frame on a Form:

1. Open the customized HTML form you created in “Add an HTML Custom Form
View” on page 18.

2. Edit the exported HTML file, and locate the Form closing tag, </FORM>.

3. Add the following code on the line following the </FORM> tag:



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Chapter 3 Using Forms in Workflows

4. Save this file as Employment_Application_Template_Inline_Frame.html and

close the file.

5. Add the modified HTML file to the Employment Application Template as a

custom view as described in “Add an HTML Custom View” on page 10. Name
the view Inline Frame.

6. Click the Functions icon of the Employment Application Workflow and click

7. Double-click the Attach Resume step.

8. In the Form To Display area, click Inline Frame in the Custom View list.

9. Click Add to Workflow Definition.

10. Return to the Designer, and save the Workflow Map.

11. Repeat the steps outlined in “Initiate the Workflow Using a Form” on page 28.
The Attachments Folder displays in the inline frame on the Form as seen in
Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4: Attachments Folder Displayed in a Frame on the Form

30 OpenText Forms LLESFRM100500-CWM-EN-1

Chapter 4
Using a Form as a Stationery Pad

This chapter explains how to create and use a Form as a Stationery Pad.

4.1 Tutorial: Creating and Using a Stationery Pad

If you know that there are certain Form fields that contain identical data for many
users, you can lock in that data by saving the Form as a stationery pad. Content
Server users can access a stationery pad like any Form, but they need only complete
the fields that require values specific to them. When users have filled in the
stationery pad, Content Server prompts them to save their data as a new copy of the
Form in a different location.

Note: You cannot use a stationery pad if the revision mechanism is set to

You control the stationery pad property for a Form on its Specific Info page. Only
users with Administer permission for the Form can configure it as a stationery pad.
After a Form is configured as a stationery pad, users with Edit Stationery Data
permission can modify the default data on a stationery pad.

When you select the Stationery Pad check box on the Form's Specific Info page and
click Update to convert a Form into a stationery pad, Content Server stores the
previously entered data with that stationery pad. Users can fill in additional data
and save the Form with a new name to an alternate location.

The following sections guide you through the steps required to create and use a
stationery pad.

4.1.1 Create a Form Based on the Template

The first step in creating a stationery pad is to create a Form. This tutorial uses the
Employment Application Form Template from “Using Forms in Workflows“
on page 17. For more information about how to create the Form Template, see
“Create the Employment Application Form Template” on page 18.

To create a Form based on the template:

1. Do one of the following:

• Click Form on the Add Item menu of a Workspace, and then click Browse
Content Server to locate and select the Employment Application Form
• Click the Functions menu of the Employment Application Template, and
then click Make Form.

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Chapter 4 Using a Form as a Stationery Pad

2. Click Content Server Versions in the Revision Mechanism list.

3. Click <None> in the Submission Mechanism list.
4. Click Continue.
5. Type Employment Application Stationery Pad in the Name box.
6. Click Add.

4.1.2 Configure the Form as a Stationery Pad

After you create the Form, you can configure it as a stationery pad.

To configure a Form as a stationery pad:

1. On the Employment Application Stationery Pad Form's Functions icon, choose

Properties, and then click Specific.
2. On the Specific tab, select the Stationery Pad check box.
3. Click Update.

4.1.3 Edit the Stationery Pad Data

After you configure the Form as a stationery pad, you can edit the data that will
appear by default when a user opens the Form.

To edit the stationery pad data:

1. On the Employment Application Stationery Pad Form's Functions icon, click

Edit Stationery Data.
2. On the Edit page, type Manager in the Position Sought box, and 50000 in the
Salary box.
3. Click Apply.

4.1.4 Test the Stationery Pad Data

Test the stationery pad to verify that the default data will appear each time you want
to create a new version of the Form.

To test the stationery pad data:

1. In the location where you created the stationery pad, click the Employment
Application Stationery Pad link.
2. On the Edit: Employment Application Stationery Pad page, verify that the
default data is displayed.
3. Type Doe in the Last Name box.
4. Type John in the First Name box.

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4.1. Tutorial: Creating and Using a Stationery Pad

5. Click Apply.
6. On the Add Form page, type John Doe Application in the Name box.

7. Click Add.
Content Server creates a new Form based on the data you entered and the
default data in the stationery pad.

8. To view the Form, click the John Doe Application link.

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