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(A custom Samsa character sheet can be found here. Download to edit the fields.

Note: In the interest of making Samsa fully playable, the following will deviate from
established lore and mechanics. But considering said lore is only a few pages, I figure it’s not a
big loss. Just a precautionary disclaimer that homebrews are ahead, and not to refer to such as
official outside of the Sleepless in Seattle server. A few concepts from the unofficial Storyteller’s
Vault books Mockery Breeds Player’s Handbook, The Savage Age and Moldwarps
Breedbook have been incorporated/used for inspiration with modification here and there as

(Note that this and the next section are OOC info.) Long, long ago, before even Gaia’s
Memory could dream, the world was ruled by the Weaver, in the Era of Insects. A time when the
Triat had only just begun to stray from their purposes, and life had infinite potential. Bees, ants,
and termites. Moths, locusts, and...cockroaches. Their large prehistoric incarnations were not
yet blessed with the ability to Change, but swarmed over Gaia’s face nonetheless. From
Ananasa came the humble spiders, tasked to control their numbers. And for a while, they set to
their task, and all was well.
Time passed, and many more creatures on the earth were given room to grow. Titanic
fish that swam beneath the sea, and great lizards that roamed the earth. It was at this time that
the earliest Mokole and Rokea came into being, and given their sacred tasks. The Weaver
grew...jealous, perhaps, and sought to uplift the insects who had come before, to make her own
guardians. The Bees, the Ants, the Termites, and Locusts, who would make order from chaos,
and teem in multitudes. And last among them were the Cockroaches; the Weaver whispered
low to these modest ones that they must survive. A contingency plan, should the other members
of the Triat attempt to destroy her great works. And try they did, for upon creation of the Insect
Races, the Weaver had destroyed rather than shaped. The Moths, who had dared to refuse her
task, were undone. The Triat began to lash at one another in full, rather than exist in harmony.
The Cockroaches (for their true names have been lost to time) saw these great changes
taking place, and planned as only they could. They observed the creation of the Ananasi, who
would eradicate them as easily as their normal counterparts. And so, they created mystical
eggs, ones that would be scattered to the farthest reaches of the Umbra to ensure they
performed their assignment, no matter what. While the Cockroaches laid low, the rest of the
Insect Races instead rose up, growing in numbers, swarming over the land and working to
enforce the now-twisted Weaver’s stasis.
As prophesied, the newly-birthed Ananasi swiftly warred on each and every one, never
stopping even when the Insects attempted surrender. The prehistoric Samsa might have
escaped destruction were the killers less methodical, less cunning, but soon, the only
Cockroaches that remained were those unborn that had been desperately hidden away. In their
final arrogant act, the Ananasi thought to reweave and seal the forms of all the insects, so that
they could never hold the Changing spirit again. But the eggs yet remained, and so Cockroach
himself could not be completely severed from his children. But it was just enough, so that even
he could not detect where the eggs now rested. And so the eons passed, with the spirit growing
to Incarnae and then tribal patron, as the Insect Races faded into memory for all but a few.
Cockroach found new children in the Warders of Men, the Tetrasomians, the Iron Riders, and
now the Glass Walkers, but the totem has never forgotten his oldest children.
The Mokole today, on the whole, seem to lack recollection of the prehistoric Samsa at
all, strangely enough. Those with the farthest-reaching memories may have observed some
other insect races, but not a glimpse of those that could be cockroaches, large as they were
back then. The possibility of a stain on the Memory has been noted however, one that only the
most learned could detect. An occurrence, or entity able to alter the flows of Mnesis? Grave

Modern Times
Through Pentex’s efforts, the long-hidden eggs from the prehistoric Samsa have been
unearthed and recovered. In a process vaguely similar to the Rite of the Broken Wing (which
produces Buzzards from Corax eggs), the mockingly-dubbed Samsa were brought back into the
world once more. The Wyrm rarely truly creates, only twists to its own ends. But upon the rebirth
of the cockroach Breed, Cockroach himself was alerted to their presence. He ordered his
spiritual brood to monitor and assist them where possible, beginning the whispers that would
drive the Samsa into further paranoia. For years, the totem kept the information of the Breed
hidden from his current children, the Glass Walkers, refusing to discuss the issue should any of
them become aware of the Samsa’s existence.
As of late, however, he’s gradually enlisted the Garou in protecting his ‘investment’,
instructing them to watch, follow, and try to help the deranged breed. To give them new purpose
besides survival, and perhaps one that can uniquely assist in the war for the worlds; their
immunity to toxic waste, and natural ability to digest decaying matter may give them a needed
edge. Even if the Samsa succeed in forming a full, thriving society of their own, they will face
untold dangers and manipulations. Both of the Wyrm, and of Gaians. And Queen Ananasa.

Advantages and Vulnerabilities
The Samsa as a whole have only just begun to recover from their Wyrmish origins.
Though Cockroach’s acceptance of them has assuaged their innate Paranoia, they are still
broken and fearful. But the Samsa do have their strengths, despite their reluctance to accept
● All Samsa must begin play with a Derangement. Homid or Metis must also select an
additional Derangement, or a Deformity depending on Breed (see the next section). Kakerlak
(Roach-born) still suffer from a derangement, but do not have any additional mandatory
Derangements or Deformities. Flaws may still grant them as usual. They suffer +1 difficulty on
any tasks that require extended actions, as well as all Alertness rolls. Check this document for
ideas if you like, though not all are fitting for Samsa of course. Custom deformities due to their
insectoid nature are also an option; see this section of this document as well.
● Samsa do not suffer a weakness to silver or gold like many other Fera; they instead take
unsoakable Aggravated damage from insecticides and potent neurotoxins (or venom that acts
as such). They heal as Garou do, and suffer no damage from radiation or toxic waste. Balefire
attacks, however, are only partially resisted - they take half damage, rounded down.
● Samsa use Rage as most Fera do, and regain it through spending time in shadow,
listening to the neverending whispers of the spirits that they cannot stop. They regain Rage at a
rate of one per hour while resting (but not sleeping) in a dark or underground space. Samsa
cannot naturally enter a Berserk frenzy; they always go into Fox Frenzy when stressed (at a
static difficulty of 5, requiring three successes). Samsa enter the Eater-of-Souls Thrall of the
Wyrm at five, which causes them to jump on whatever incapacitated or dead target is around
and drag it away to consume, but they still tend to avoid direct conflict.
● Samsa regain Gnosis by petitioning the Cockroach-spirits that speak to them, which
requires an unusual roll of Willpower at difficulty 8, rather than Wits+Enigmas. This does not
increase in difficulty per attempt, though it’s hard for the poor thing to muster the nerve to ask
more than thrice a week. Samsa cannot step sideways or Peek without a Gift’s assistance.
● All Samsa gain a form of Spirit Speech when it comes to understanding insect-spirits as
well as Banes, but they cannot innately understand spirits of any other type without the full Gift.
They are susceptible to whispers and manipulations from spirits across the Gauntlet without
said spirits requiring specific Charms - even if the Samsa can’t understand them.
● The Samsa aren’t exactly immune to gaining Wyrm-taint, they simply do not suffer any
(additional) ill effects from it. They’re much like carriers of disease in that regard, and
register as Wyrm-Tainted at difficulty 10 on Sense Wyrm or similar Gifts (lower if they’ve
eaten something tainted/used a Wyrmish metis Gift recently). This basic passive taint
does not affect others, it’s simply a part of them. A Rite of Cleansing does nothing but
cause slight discomfort.
● Cause Insanity: All Samsa have the power to inflict their Derangements on others by
locking gazes for a full turn, gaining brief respite. The Samsa spends one Gnosis point and rolls
Willpower (difficulty 7), adding 2 dice per Derangement she currently has - this roll is contested
by the victim’s Willpower (difficulty 7). If the victim is higher in Rank than the Samsa, the
difficulty of their roll is reduced by 1 per Rank difference. Should the Samsa score more
successes than the victim, the Samsa chooses which Derangement to inflict, which lasts for a
scene per success. With five or more successes or on a botch, the victim’s mind breaks with the
sudden strain and he shuts down for the scene, refusing to act except to try and flee violence. A
botch on the Samsa’s end makes her own derangement worse in some fashion.
A Samsa loses access to this power whenever she passes all her Derangements to
others. The character may only attempt this on a particular target once per scene, and it is only
usable in Homid or Ungeziefer.
● Dissolution: Samsa are as difficult to eradicate as natural cockroaches. When a Samsa
takes lethal (while unconscious) or aggravated damage beyond Incapacitated, she automatically
spends one permanent Willpower dot and dissolves into a thousand cockroaches - all but one
dies within the following hour. This final cockroach has only one health level and is ravenously
hungry — each day it must consume twice its body weight, growing in size and regaining
another health level. If it fails to procure enough food each day at this point (represented by a
base Stamina + Primal Urge roll at difficulty 6 daily, though any remaining temp WP may be
spent), the Samsa dies permanently. If allies manage to find the cockroach and provide it food,
(noting that a giant cockroach may look at them as food) further rolls are not necessary from
that day on. Should the Samsa regain seven health levels, the now-giant cockroach
spontaneously shapeshifts to her breed form. The Samsa has no memory of several hours
before her near death, and can only recall snippets of her cockroach experience through
terrifying nightmares.
Each use of this power inflicts another permanent Derangement on the Samsa, and the
Willpower dots lost in this way cannot be bought with XP again (maximum 10 becomes 9, etc).
Should the Samsa ever reach 0 permanent Willpower through this method, she reforms into a
catatonic wreck that cannot mentally function at all, and will waste away until permanent death.

For quite some time, the Samsa only had two Breeds, Homid and Metis. Roach-born
Samsa were only made possible due to the most learned Samsa gaining the ability to use
Kakerlak form. This knowledge was quickly passed through the Samsa as a whole, but the
Kakerlak breed will remain rare for years to come.
● The vast majority of current Homid Samsa were ‘born’ through Pentex experimentation.
Few children were spawned in captivity, and fewer still remained outside the Wyrm corporation’s
grip. They only now reach the age of the Change. As such, most are broken, haunted souls,
having had to escape the Wyrm one way or another (and likely through ‘death’). Homid Samsa
begin play with Rage 2, Gnosis 4, Willpower 3, and must select one additional Derangement.
● Metis Samsa are somewhat uncommon, as they require two Samsa to both find each
other, and stand one another’s company for long enough. Less so among the forces of the
Wyrm, as they have no qualms about unsavory reproductive methods; indeed, some Metis have
escaped or been rescued from those conditions. If they haven’t been indoctrinated before then.
Metis Samsa are quite fertile (though still deformed) after their First Change - the egg only need
incubate for a month (after two months to form it), and the Change to be able to shift to Homid
comes within a year. But until then, the giant insects must dwell in the shadowy, filthy corners
and sewers of the city - the same ones that cause the dreaded whispers. Metis Samsa begin
with Rage 3, Gnosis 2, Willpower 4, and must select a Deformity.
● The Kakerlak breed (Roach-born) is an extremely recent development. These Samsa
are born as simple insects (though abnormally large ones), and lack an especially Triatic bent.
When they mature and gain full sapience through their First Change (which comes within two
weeks to a month), they retain a simple and balanced outlook, guided by the knowledge of the
roach-spirits. This breed has the same starting restrictions as other animal-born Fera: Crafts,
Drive, Etiquette, Firearms, Larceny, Academics, Computer, Law, Science, and Technology may
only be bought with Freebie points. These Samsa begin with Rage 3, Gnosis 3, Willpower 3,
and do not require reaching Rank 2 to assume Kakerlak form. However, their Homid form is
effectively App 1 until reaching Rank 2, as there’s always something unnatural about it
(although not to the full deformity extent) until they get more experienced with shifting.
After gaining the ability to step sideways via Gift, Samsa utilize the difficulty chart as
normal for most Fera, unless they are Homid. They instead use the same ‘Weaver-based’ chart
as the Ananasi do, and for the purpose of Gifts, note the difference between Gauntlet Rating
(The base level of the Gauntlet for most) and the Gauntlet Difficulty (what the Homids adjust it
Standard Homid

Rating Area Difficulty Area

2 Greatest of Caerns 3 Science lab

3 Powerful caern 4 Inner city

4 Typical active caern 5 Mini-mall

5 Deep wilderness 6 Open highway

6 Rural countryside 7 Rural countryside

7 Most places 8 Lonely train track

8 Inner city 10 Untouched wilderness

9 Science lab

By default, most non-Kakerlak Samsa can only shift to two forms - Homid or Ungeziefer.
They cannot partially shift without the assistance of a Gift. Were a Samsa to fully master their
ability to Change, further options may reveal themselves.
● Homid: Homid Samsa invariably have a disheveled and confused appearance, and a
feverish madness in their eyes. Samsa look entirely human in Homid form, with haunted
expressions and a tendency to jump at sudden noises. Most Samsa have a mild sensitivity to
bright light and a fear of darkness. Samsa in Homid form are not immune to the Delirium, except
that inflicted by other Samsa.
● Ungeziefer: Ungeziefer are nightmarish eight-foot tall bipedal cockroaches with clicking
mandibles, antennae, armored carapaces of varying color, and sport four arms — the lower pair
often hangs limp and useless. The Ungeziefer’s mandibles make hissing, clicking sounds that
can speak very rough English (like most warforms); Samsa can understand and speak a
chittering language of their own in any form. Their serrated exoskeleton permits claw attacks
(Str +2 Lethal), and they can bite with mandibles (Str -1 Lethal). Aside from these constants,
their forms vary - some Samsa may be more bestial, some humanoid. Given their ties to the
Wyrm, they’re far from consistent. Ungeziefer inflicts full Delirium on vulnerable witnesses.
● Kakerlak (Gift or Breed Only): Once a Samsa is able to control their transformation
(and themselves), they are able to assume the form of a cockroach of unusual size, about 3-5
inches long. The Kakerlak is able to fly at slow speed (3 yards/turn), and can bite (Str -1 Lethal).
This form is not in danger of breaking the Veil, it’s simply a very large, fat cockroach.
● Gewürm (Merit Only): The Samsa may assume the form of a hundred small
cockroaches, much like their Dissolution Power and the Ananasi Crawlerling form. However,
unlike the Crawlerling, the roaches can’t drift all too far from each other (roughly 10 yards);
Samsa don’t quite have the mental control of those arachnid Fera. In this form, the Samsa may
perform the Engulf maneuver, but otherwise cannot attack. Health levels may only be harmed
through fire, explosions, electricity, neurotoxins and insecticides, but the roaches have no soak

Each time a Samsa takes Ungeziefer, she chooses two traits from the following list (and
the player must declare which two upon shifting). The Samsa keeps those traits until the scene
ends, unless she has a specific Gift to alter them.
• Antennae Extension: Add 3 dice to Perception rolls. The Samsa can sense any spirit
within roughly 10 yards and determine its approximate strength and type (Gaffling/Jaggling/etc,
as well as Wyrm/Weaver/etc), even across the Gauntlet.
• Armored Carapace: The Samsa has an additional three dice for soaking bashing or
lethal damage; the difficulty to soak aggravated for these dice alone is difficulty 8. This armor
cannot soak aggravated damage caused by insecticide or neurotoxins.
• Claws and Mandibles: The Samsa’s natural bite and claw maneuvers are made more
potent; claws inflict Strength +2 aggravated damage at difficulty 6, and bites inflict Strength + 1
aggravated damage at difficulty 5.
• Color Change: Cockroaches can come in a variety of hues, from brown, to red, to
black and even green. The Samsa can continually alter the color of his Ungeziefer form to suit
his surroundings, allowing him to blend in easily. The difficulty of Stealth rolls are decreased by
• Darksight: The Samsa gains a passive ability to see in darkness, but if the Samsa is
surprised by an extremely bright light, she becomes Blinded for one turn for every dot she has in
Perception. The power even works in the complete and utter absence of all light. And even
when the Samsa can see in pitch blackness, it doesn’t stop the voices.
• Extra Limbs: All Samsa in Ungeziefer have an extra pair of limp, useless arms. With
this the arms are as capable as their primary set, or even moreso. The Samsa has an extra
three dice for grapple attempts and can use these limbs to attack, although he must still split his
Dice Pool. Split pools involving the arms gain two extra dice for the purpose of Athletics, Brawl,
or Melee rolls.
• Swarm: When invoked, dozens of cockroaches begin to fall from beneath the Samsa’s
carapace; this effect may be turned off or on at will. These cockroaches obey the Samsa’s
spoken commands, similar to the Gift: Cockroach Control, and may be used as ‘ammo’ for Gifts
that require cockroaches to function. These cockroaches fall dead after ten minutes.
• Wall Crawling: The Samsa can crawl up sheer surfaces as quickly as running across
flat ground. Crawling up walls doesn’t normally require a roll, but in combat or crisis situations, a
Dexterity + Athletics roll may be required. Difficult surfaces (such as the rain-slicked side of a
sleek glass skyscraper) may also require a roll.
• Wings: The Samsa can fly up to normal human jogging speed (13 yards/turn), though
it’s a clumsy flight; they have -2 Dexterity while airborne. With effort, the Samsa can push her
speed by adding her (adjusted) Dexterity score to her flight velocity for a short burst; this
requires a point of Willpower or Rage. Vertical movement is at less than one-quarter speed (3
yards/turn), up to 13 yards in height.

Ungeziefer Kakerlak Gewürm

Strength +3 Strength -1 Strength 0

Dexterity +1 Dexterity +3 Dexterity +5

Stamina +3 Stamina + 2 Stamina 0

Perception +1 Perception +3 Perception +3

-2 Perception diff for ‘Scent’ rolls -2 Perception diff for ‘Scent’ rolls

Duties (Auspices)
Rather than Auspices or Aspects, the Samsa have duties placed upon them based on
their Breed. Their original directive to Survive still exists of course, but they now have a new
purpose due to their unique resilience to Wyrm-taint.
● Homids, having spent most of their existence as mere humans, find a hidden life of
claustrophobic tunnels and shadowy existence difficult to adapt to. As such, they have
grown to be the inventive half of the Breed, as Cockroach demands innovation and
adaptation with the times. They observe and learn from the Glass Walkers, incorporating
human technology into Samsa ‘society’. They hold a closer connection to the Umbra
than the Metis, and the more bold among the Homids have learned to not only listen, but
negotiate with the whispering spirits.
● Metis Samsa dwelled in filth and shadows growing up - completely unfamiliar with
human life, and touched by deformity even post-Change when they could at last attempt
interaction. As such, they are often those that do the ‘dirty work’. Before their First
Change, they also act as the colony’s guardians, and then as teachers once they’re able
to experience the world. Where Homids tend towards the Weaver half of Samsa nature,
Metis tend towards knowledge of the Wyrm. They work to understand their corruption,
and use it to advance the Breed.
● Neither haunted by past traumas like the Homids, or forced to spend life in the shadows
as the Metis, the Kakerlak are a welcome and (relatively) stable middle-ground for the
Breed. They fulfill a role somewhat akin to that of the Galliard in their outgoing,
information-recording aspect, absorbing knowledge from other Samsa and ever seeking
more from the new world. Their simplistic look on life, similar to other animal-born, helps
somewhat in assuaging the Fera as well (for reasons surely unrelated to getting
information from them). Having grown up in a normal insect colony, they are also adept
in keeping other Samsa as an efficient unit.

Ranks and Renown

Samsa society, if it could even be called that, is still forming and unstable. However, with
Cockroach’s support, they have begun to follow a semi-official system - at least one that other
Fera could recognize. The Samsa follow Cunning, Obligation, and Innovation, and rank through
any combination. They do not start with any Renown, and have no equivalent to a Rite of
Passage. Permadots are gained by petitioning the spirits in a similar fashion as Ratkin
(Intelligence + Rituals or Occult, diff 7), and ranking up is automatic; Cockroach simply deems
them worthy. As of yet, few Samsa have advanced past Rank 1 - their inherent instability
prevents them from following these tenets too well. Advancing past Rank 3 would be almost
unheard of.
For completion’s sake, Wyrm-aligned Samsa follow Infamy over Innovation, and
Obligation takes more of a Wyrmish bent regarding BSDs rather than Walkers, along with
corrupting Gaian areas rather than cleansing. Not much else changes, oddly enough.

● I will survive so that I may further the Breed.
● I must seek to understand the knowledge Cockroach bestows upon me.
● I will always observe, then act.

● I will obey the will of Cockroach and his brood.
● I will trust Cockroach and my own kind before I trust others.
● I shall nurture and protect the brood, so that we may grow.

● I will continue to improve the Breed through invention and adaptation.
● Though I obey Cockroach, there are other beings with knowledge to share.
● I will learn from the world around me, and turn it to my own ends.

Rank Renown Total

1 0

2 4

3 9

4 ???

Renown Behaviors
(Asterisks represent behaviors that are not docked by rank.)
Combat And Encounters

Activity Cunning Oblig Innovation Comments

Defeating a minor threat 2 Below your strength level

Defeating an average threat 3 Roughly equivalent in


Defeating a strong threat 5 Above your strength

Defeating a very powerful threat 7 Much more powerful than you

Destroying an Ananasi* 7 With very good reason - PvP

rules still apply.

Ending a threat without serious harm to 5 If the enemy is of ‘strong’ or

allies* greater threat

Surviving usage of 2

Using successful ambush tactics 3

Allowing your allies to attack the enemy 1 As in waiting to strike, not just
before engaging going slower in initiative

Allowing your (non-Samsa) allies to be 3

injured to avoid injury yourself

Waiting for your allies to weaken an 3 Only applies to strong

enemy before joining a fight enemies

Wounding a foe and prudently 3 If the enemy is of ‘strong’ or

retreating* greater threat

Avoiding combat entirely 3 Via trickery, hiding,


Creating a successful diversion 3

Dying in service to Cockroach 10 Needless to say, real dying.


...permanently destroying the threat in 1 Permanently destroying a

question* Bane, etc

...without personally being hurt* 1

...with the winning strategy being your 1 Unusual strategy, rather than
idea* head-on.

...discovering a deeper threat in the 1

...utterly destroying an enemy 2 to 5 2 to 5 Depending on size/danger of
stronghold* stronghold

Being captured by the enemy -1 -1 -1 By foolish actions

Attacking a more powerful force w/o aid -3 Recklessly, not desperately


Activity Cunning Oblig Innovation Comments

Teaching another Samsa 1

Aiding another Samsa or Glass Walker 2 When they are in great


Performing a deed that affects all local 1 to 7 1 to 7 May also be a penalty if the
Samsa effect is negative

Cleansing/consuming a Wyrm-tainted 2-5 Depending on the extent of

object or entity* the corruption

Ignoring strong feelings of fear for the 3

good of the Colony or Nest

Successfully performing the Rite of the 1 4

Consuming Host

Manipulating an Ananasi* 5 Again, PvP rules apply.

Exacting vengeance on someone who 5

has harmed the Nest or Colony*

Rescuing a Samsa and bringing them 7

into the fold*

Disobeying a higher-ranked Samsa or -1

Glass Walker without good reason

Acting without thinking -1

Repeatedly falling into Fox Frenzy -2 Instead of the standard. Also

affects Insatiable Hunger

Taking the word of an outsider over one -3 And it leads to something

of your own negative for the Samsa

Assisting an Ananasi -3

Being deceptive -3 Regarding Samsa or Glass

Walkers, specifically.
Getting caught defying Cockroach or his -4

Conscious cowardice that results in the -5

death of a Samsa or Glass Walker

Following any totem but those -5

associated with Cockroach


Activity Cunning Oblig Innovation Comments

Striving to understand a new situation 1
or item

Discovering a useful secret 1

Discovering a major secret * 5

Stealing something of value from within 5

an enemy lair

Learning a new Rite* 1 In addition to the normal

amount. Max 3x per

Clever usage of a Gift, Fetish, or Talen* 2 Extremely unconventional


Inventing a new talen* 2

Inventing a new Gift* 5

Creating a Fetish* 5 Rather than the usual 4

Inventing a new Rite* 3 to 7 Depending on level

Inventing a new Fetish* 7

Proposing or putting into place new 5

rules or methods that become tradition
among the Samsa*

Failing an attempt at craftiness -1

Hurting other Samsa due to -5

recklessness or conniving

Accidentally breaking a talen or fetish -2 or -3

Breaking an agreement with a spirit -3

Ignoring the counsel of Cockroach or -1 -4
his brood

Some Backgrounds are restricted or discouraged for Samsa due to their unique nature.
They may never take Pure Breed or Ancestors; their lineage is far too short, and the spirits of
the prehistoric Samsa are unreachable in modern times. Resources are discouraged even for
Homid Samsa, as many were left homeless and desperate after their escape from Pentex labs,
their previous life erased. Mentor is likewise discouraged, as no Samsa has yet advanced in
Rank - however, in special circumstances, Glass Walkers may serve as such.

The Colony background may be taken to represent a Samsa colony in an underground
or abandoned area, filled with cockroaches and their spirits, Kinfolk, and other Samsa. As the
number of Samsa and spirits grow in the colony, their shared knowledge is used to benefit all;
the chiminage to learn out-of-Auspice Gifts is waived, and the time to learn a Gift off of a Samsa
in the colony or with this background is reduced. Although it is similar to the Ratkin background,
there is only one major colony of Samsa in this chronicle, so dots in this background instead
relate to the frequency the character can call upon other Samsa or spirits for these benefits.
Generally, the increasing of this background requires being notable among the local Samsa or

• Gifts from other Samsa are learned in 21 days. 1 Gift per month requires no chiminage, up to
Rank 1 Gifts.

•• Gifts are learned in 17 days. 2 Gifts per month, up to Rank 1.

••• Gifts are learned in 12 days. 2 Gifts per month, up to Rank 2.

•••• Gifts are learned in 7 days. 2 Gifts per month, up to Rank 2.

••••• Gifts are learned in 4 days. 3 Gifts per month, up to Rank 3.

Samsa ‘packs’ are called Nests, and Cockroach will only allow Samsa to follow certain
totems that are part of or allied with his brood without a renown penalty. These totems include
City Father/Mother, Clashing Boom Boom, Cockroach (predictably), Digital Eye, Flea, Great
Trash Heap, Machine Messiah, Shantar (were the Samsa ever to muster the nerve to travel to
her realm) Stourbridge Lion, Termite and The Monkey King. Arachnid-based totems such as
Trapdoor Spider are...likely unwise. Custom totems may also be found below:
Ant: Background Cost 7 - Cunning
Some species of ants, such as Leafcutter and Aphaenogaster subterranea, are well
known for using tools to further the colony, primitive as they may be. The industriousness of
these ants form the aspect of Ant that some Homid Samsa follow, ones that would truly
embrace the concept of innovation and creative approaches.
Individual Traits: Children of Ant receive -2 difficulty towards a Crafts or spirit-binding
roll if natural objects such as wood, stone, or leaves are involved in the project. Ant’s blessing
reduces the relevant difficulty of any tool the members have created by 1. For Talens or
Fetishes, this affects the Gnosis activation roll, and for weaponry, this affects the difficulty to fire
or attack with it. All members of Ant’s Nest gain +3 Temporary Innovation.
Nest Traits: Nests of Samsa gain two dots of Crafts and one dot of Melee or Firearms
or Archery to share. The latter dot must be decided upon the character’s first usage of the Trait.
Ban: Those under Ant must only use weaponry and equipment made by their own
hands. Having a handmade weapon enhanced into a fetish by another does not violate this ban.

Wasp (Samsa vers.): Background Cost 7 - War

A highly aggressive and territorial Totem, Wasp is the complete opposite of Worm. He
pushes the Samsa to more aggressive defense of their colonies, rather than cowering in the
shadows. Many humans in particular fear the Wasp, and his fearless attacks on much larger
enemies endear him to more warlike Metis.
Individual Traits: A nest that is imbued with Wasp’s blessing deals an extra point of
damage with all unarmed attacks. The nest’s unarmed attacks deal lethal damage even in
Homid form, and Claws/Mandibles manifested by the Transfiguration Gift deal aggravated. In
addition, Samsa under Wasp will always enter a berserk Frenzy rather than Fox.
Nest Traits: Nests dedicated to Wasp may call upon two dots of Brawl, and two points
of temporary Rage per week.
Ban: Children of Wasp must not back down from foes, regardless of their size.

Worm: Background Cost 5 - Respect

Ever steadfast and devoted to its simple lot in the world, Worm understands the Samsa’s
lot in life, and is prepared to guide their hunger to more Gaian ends. Worm consumes the dead
and converts them into nourishment for the next generation to thrive on. He is pure, honest, and
performs his tasks with no expectation of reward or honour.
Individual Traits: If a child of Worm loses an appendage, that limb or digit still functions
independently as it would normally. Additionally, the limb will reattach if it is secured in place
within the same scene (healing the Health Levels associated with the wound), and become
entirely functional again by the end of the scene. Worm also grants +1 Stamina to his followers.
Nest Traits: No one recognises Worm’s efforts in maintaining Gaia’s great work. He is
all too often overlooked and taken for granted, as are his children. Nests under Worm have -2
difficulty on any roll to pass unnoticed, be it using Stealth, Subterfuge, Etiquette, or any other
appropriate Ability.
Ban: Worm despises the cooking of food; a seared steak or stewed apple is utterly
repulsive to him. Any food eaten by a child of Worm must be raw, unprocessed, and untreated
in any way.

Odds and Ends

● Wyrm-aligned Samsa do exist, despite their resistance to Wyrm-taint. Cockroach provided a
home among the Gaians, but some others weren’t as lucky, remaining captured and tortured by
the Wyrm. Sometimes, it’s simply what one embraces. Rumor has it that these Samsa instead
follow Relshab, the gluttonous Bane incarna, and may even form their own foul breeding pits in
Hives or the like. The ones that manage to actually Rank and become more than petrified
cannon fodder may become a surprising danger, given their ability to consume isn’t limited to
Wyrmish objects - they’re perfectly able to devour Gaian things as well.
● At the other end of the spectrum, it’s also completely possible for a Samsa to fall to the
Weaver, though this risk is negligible among anything but Homids. The Onesong and
Clarification do not discriminate among most of the Fera, and the Samsa are not a particular
exception. Drone Samsa are ‘freed’ from whichever Derangements or Deformities they may be
suffering, being remade as a more perfect vision of what the Weaver had intended long ago.
They gain the ability to use all Ungeziefer traits as they see fit, and may speak any language
they know without difficulty, if they were chosen to remain in that form. As with all other Drones,
they become locked into a single form, lose all permanent Rage and dots in Primal-Urge, and
become sterile. They cannot learn new Gifts, or perform Rites. Cockroach’s opinion on these
Drone Samsa and the Wyrmish variety is, per usual, unknown.
● Samsa are able to be Embraced and turned into Abominations as Garou are, with a botch
on the Gnosis roll (diff 6). These even more wretched beings are referred to as “Ticks”, and are
always hungry for blood. Due to their messy and wasteful eating habits, however, Samsa
Abominations only receive half as many blood points from their prey. Their difficulty to resist
entering Frenzy from the desire to consume blood is raised by two. Human victims bitten by the
Samsa permanently get one of the Derangements he carries, and supernatural victims must
make a Willpower roll at difficulty 8 to not be afflicted by a Derangement for the scene.

(And no, this doesn’t mean any of the above are playable, see usual restrictions.
Consider these additional lore curiosities.)

● The relationship between Samsa and Ananasi can be described as antagonistic at best, and
Kill On Sight at worst. Cockroach never quite forgave the spiders for eradicating his children,
and Ananasa, for her part, would most certainly like to finish the job. The relationship between
Samsa and Ratkin/Bone Gnawers (that know of their existence), given that they live and breed
in much the same locations, may range from very tense to grudging acknowledgment. Ratkin
would possibly get along better with the Metis than Homids, as the latter are just about as
Weaver-tainted as the Glass Walkers in their view. But the metis Samsa are not above using
‘dirty’ tactics, and are survivors much like them. Still nowhere near allies, more like ‘useful
Samsa begin play with one General Gift, and one Breed Gift. Most Gifts are learned from
cockroach-spirits; exceptions are noted. Glass Walker Gifts are not out of the question for
Homid Samsa to learn, but they cost 7x Level experience (excepting those already in the Gift
list). The same cost goes for Metis Samsa and Black Spiral Dancer Gifts, but both finding and
fooling the appropriate type of Bane is nowhere near simple. Not to mention the whole lingering
taint thing. Kakerlak do not have a special extra list, given that they are not as ‘patchwork’ in
origin. Other Samsa Gifts do not require much justification, however.
Additional Gifts are invented from time to time, from the Samsa or Cockroach himself
(i.e., added by the STs). Samsa may only advance to Rank Three at this point in time.

General Gifts
• A Quiet Place (Level One) — Sometimes, or oftentimes, a Samsa might need a relatively safe and quiet
place to crawl back to. While this Gift doesn’t create shelter, it can make even the most grimy of alleyways or wreck
of a car husk feel like home, attuning the area to become one of concentration and rest.
System: With a successful roll of Intelligence + Survival or Streetwise at difficulty 6 (depending on the area
in question), and pacing in a circle around the area, the Samsa is able to dedicate a specific spot as their personal
sanctuary for a day. This can range in scope from an abandoned basement, to a simple dumpster; it’s the intention
that matters. Within the area, the difficulty of Rites rolls performed is reduced by one, and resting for a scene restores
a Willpower. In addition, should the Samsa eventually gain the ability to cross the Gauntlet, the difficulty is reduced by
1 as well. In the event of a botch, the Samsa instead becomes unsettled in the locale, causing the opposite effects.
• Beast Speech (Level One) — As the Garou Gift. The wereroach may instinctively understand and
communicate with any natural animals, from fish to mammals - though Samsa mostly stick to insects. She need only
speak normally to be understood by animals, along with a touch of appropriate body language — there is no need to
bark like a dog. This Gift doesn’t change animals’ basic reactions or dispositions; most would still be wary of the
erratic entity before them.
System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.
• Cockroach Control (Level One) — As the fomori Power. The Samsa can emit a high-pitched wailing only
cockroaches can hear, summoning them to her side. The Samsa can then command the swarm to do anything it
could normally do, albeit with purpose and almost human intelligence. For example, the cockroaches might be
commanded to swarm up the legs of a person, or to trail a target through the city.
System: Spend one Willpower and roll Manipulation + Animal Ken (difficulty 6). At difficulty 8, additional
types of insects may answer the call as well. If successful, the Samsa can force five roaches per success anywhere
within 120 yards to do as he bids. The command must be simple, and it can’t be longer than five words. The effects
last for one scene.
• Danger Sense (Level One) — As the Ratkin Gift. As a race originally charged with survival, the Samsa
know how to identify danger. And the paranoia probably helps. This Gift helps the Samsa know in advance whether
danger is imminent.
System: The Storyteller warns the character when danger is imminent (though not the nature of the threat)
one turn before it appears. This Gift’s effects are permanent.
• Haunting Stare (Level One) — Similar to the Garou Metis Gift. The Samsa summons her hereditary
instability and focuses it into her stare. Gazing into the eyes of the Samsa leaves the victim choking with horror.
System: The user must spend a turn in concentration to focus her will, but the Gift takes effect immediately.
Upon making eye contact, the victim must successfully roll her Willpower (difficulty 8) or be unable to act during her
next turn. The difficulty to resist Haunting Stare decreases by two against enemies who are insane (including some
Silver Fangs).
• Hunger for Flesh (Level One) — As the Apis Gift: Gift of Flesh. This Gift allows the Samsa to refresh his
own strength by dining upon an enemy’s flesh; gruesome but necessary, as part of their newfound duty. This does
not remove any taint on the body however, and does not provide any defense against toxins or poisons without the
appropriate Gifts.
System: If the character spends ten minutes in Ungeziefer form devouring the body of a foe (not prey
animal) slain in combat, he immediately regains his choice of two points of Rage, one point of Willpower, or one point
of Gnosis. This Gift’s effects are permanent, but resources may only be gained once per scene. Other types of
corpses may be eaten with the assistance of this Gift, but do not provide additional effects.
• Pathetic Aura (Level One) — Similar to the Aetherial Gift: Find the Child Within. With this Gift, a Samsa
can play up their (probably genuine) meek and pitiable nature, and convince another person to follow a command
(“Don’t leave without me!”) or respond favorably to a suggestion (“Can you take me somewhere safe?”) that they
might otherwise rebuff. The target of the Gift cannot already be engaged in battle with the Gift’s user or with another
opponent. The Samsa can, however, use this Gift to elude a situation that might turn dangerous.
System: The player spends a Willpower and makes a contested Manipulation + Empathy roll vs. the target’s
Willpower, difficulty 7. One success over the target’s roll allows the character to make a simple suggestion to the
victim; the suggestion must be one that plays upon the Samsa’s pathetic nature. Additional successes either extend
the duration of the effect or else enables the character to convince her victim to do something he might not be
otherwise inclined to do – such as coercing a Get Ahroun to back down from a fight he would certainly lose (“You’d
leave me all alone!”). Failure means that the suggestion has no effect, while a botch makes the target more
aggressive towards the Samsa instead. This may only be attempted on a particular target once per scene.
• Resist Toxin (Level One) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift. The Samsa gains a preternatural resistance to
most poisons and toxins, in addition to their natural resistance to radiation and toxic waste.
System: The Samsa is permanently immunized to most mundane toxins (aside from their usual weakness),
and adds three dice to resist the effects of Wyrm-enhanced toxins. This Gift may be turned off and on at will (such as
for enjoying alcohol).
• Transfiguration (Level One) — The Samsa may manifest one of her upgraded Ungeziefer traits in her
Homid form (as they otherwise cannot partial-shift). However, this does not invoke the Delirium, so must be called
upon with care. Manifesting Mandibles would cause them to jut out of the side of the Samsa’s mouth for example,
and Armored Carapace would cover skin with a thin, but hard exoskeleton. Darksight and Wall Crawling do not
endanger the Veil - at least until the wereroach starts her ascent up the walls, in the case of the latter.
System: The character rolls Wits + Primal Urge (difficulty 7). One success is all that is required to access a
single trait for a scene, or until dismissed. This Gift cannot be used multiple times to invoke multiple traits; if used to
manifest a different trait in the same scene, a Willpower point must be spent, and the first trait is immediately
replaced. In the case of Claws/Mandibles, only one or the other may be manifested (and only deal Lethal damage),
and Extra Limbs do not provide the Dexterity bonus. Swarm may not be chosen.
• Whispers in the Wind (Level One) — Similar to the Camazotz Gift: Private Whispers. A more minor twist
on their mental powers, the wereroach may send a mental message to anyone he can see, without being overheard.
The Samsa covers his mouth and whispers to activate the Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge, difficulty 7. If attempting to contact someone unaware
of the character or his supernatural existence (for example, to ‘haunt’ a person), the player must also spend a
Willpower point. The character may whisper for one turn per success, and does not empower the target to respond in
• Cautious Strike (Level Two) — One of the Cunning Creeds is to observe, then act. The Samsa with this
Gift follows this tenet to the letter, only striking when he’s certain to make a decisive blow.
System: In combat, if the Samsa voluntarily holds their action until last in the initiative order, while forgoing
any defensive action, they receive 5 dice towards their offensive action. This Gift is permanent, but only takes effect if
the number of enemy combatants are three or more, and if the Samsa did not place in the lower half of initiative. This
does not affect Rage actions.
• Hidden Killer (Level Two) — Similar to the Black Spiral Gift. Sometimes, the absence of a body would
cause more suspicion than not, especially within the city. This Gift allows a wereroach to leave behind no physical
evidence that would betray her hand (or claws, or mandibles) in a slaying. Curiously close to the “assassin” role that
was originally envisioned for the Samsa.
System: After a battle, the Samsa must touch or bite once each corpse she or a nestmate slew. The player
rolls Intelligence + Subterfuge (difficulty 7). If the roll succeeds, the wounds alter themselves so that they resemble
stabbing or slashing injuries rather than bite or claw marks. Any peripheral damage (smashed furniture, for example)
remains as it was, but all forensic evidence such as saliva or blood from the wereroach’s body disappears from the
• Kakerlak (Level Two) — Once a Samsa is able to control their transformation (and themselves), they are
able to assume the form of a cockroach of unusual size, about 3-5 inches long.
System: This form may be assumed in the same fashion as their other two forms, as a permanent ability.
The form’s traits may be found in the Forms section, above.
• Katsaridaphobia (Level Two) — Similar to the Ananasi Gift: Arachnophobia. The Samsa with this Gift can
afflict a person with an irrational fear of cockroaches. The victim reacts with extreme fear and revulsion towards the
roach, either attacking or fleeing from any roach that she encounters while under the Gift's influence. Naturally, the
size of the roach will have some influence on her reaction — naturally katsaridaphobic victims are in real trouble.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty of the target’s
Willpower). The effect lasts for one day per success on humans. Supernatural (non-spirit) targets are limited to a
scene, and instead lose dice for their actions equal to half the Samsa’s successes when targeting the wereroach. A
Willpower may be spent to ignore the effects.
• Replenishment of the Flesh (Level Two) — Similar to the Ananasi Gift. Somewhat of an extension of
Cockroach Control, the Samsa may summon cockroaches and insects to ‘join’ with her flesh, healing her. By
devouring them entirely.
System: The player spends one Rage point per health level healed, but aggravated wounds cost two. The
Samsa may take no other actions during a turn when she uses this Gift. This Gift requires a Power that summons
cockroaches to function. And though this aspect of the Gift isn’t all too pleasant, human flesh works just as well to
mend wounds. The meat must be fresh and uncooked in order to provide healing.
• Swarm Shield (Level Two) — The Samsa commands nearby insects to form a buzzing, living shield
around him to harass attackers. This Gift requires a power that summons insects to function.
System: The player spends a point of Rage and rolls Stamina + Animal Ken (difficulty 7). For a number of
turns equal to the rolled successes, the Samsa is surrounded by a swarm of insects. The insects cause all foes within
close combat range to suffer a single health level of bashing damage each turn (which may be lethal if the swarmed
is allergic) and causes +1 difficulty to all actions while the attackers remain in close range.
• The Metamorphosis (Level Two) — With this Gift, the Samsa unlocks further potential for the Ungeziefer
form. Through constant practice, she may manifest an extra trait in Ungeziefer form, as well as gaining the ability to
adapt and modify her form as her needs demand.
System: The Samsa may choose a third trait when assuming Ungeziefer form - this portion of the Gift is
permanent. In addition, the Samsa may spend a Willpower and two turns in concentration to replace an existing
chosen trait with another.
• The Secret Ingredient (Level Two) — Given the Samsa’s unusual eating habits, they’re often able to
make a meal of whatever they happen to come across. With this Gift, the Samsa is able to imbue a meal they make
with spiritual sustenance as well as physical nutrition. For others, it’s...probably best not to ask what exactly they
might be partaking in.
System: The Samsa makes a Wits + Crafts roll (difficulty 6) while preparing food. If the roll is successful, the
food not only nourishes the target but restores one point of either Gnosis, Rage, or Willpower; whichever is lowest
and applicable. Said food does not have to be a fully-cooked meal; it can be a half-eaten pizza out of a trash can
seasoned with salt. Food prepared thusly may only be stored for a day before it returns to its usual (possibly rotten)
qualities, and the resource regaining effect may only happen once per week per consumer.
• Walking Between Worlds (Level Two) — As the Fera general Gift. Samsa with this Gift are finally able to
breach the Gauntlet and enter the Umbra. To do so, the Samsa calls upon a fragment of their Dissolution power to
slip through the webs of the Gauntlet, much like the Ananasi. Upon reaching the other side of the Gauntlet, the
Samsa returns to the form they were in upon first stepping sideways.
System: Homids step sideways using the Ananasi difficulty chart, while Metis use the typical chart for the
other Fera (though with -2 difficulty for Wyrm-tainted areas). This Gift’s effects are permanent.
• Eyes in the Back of Your Head (Level Three) — Even those Samsa that have mastered control of their
maladies may still hold a touch of suspicion every now and again. Sure, those spirits and Fera seem friendly, but one
never knows when they’ll stab you in the back. This Gift assists with that concern quite literally, by reflexively
hardening the Samsa’s carapace when struck. In Homid form, the skin appears to harden ever so slightly instead.
System: The Samsa receives three extra soak dice against any attack that would strike their back, and one
extra soak dice against those against their flanks (including in Homid form). In addition, ambush attacks against the
Samsa do not gain the usual difficulty reduction. This Gift is permanent.
• Gift of the Stinkbug (Level Three) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift: Gift of the Skunk. With this Gift, the
Samsa can swell his abdominal glands, allowing him to spray musk like a stinkbug. Predictably, this is taught by a
System: The spray is directed with a Dexterity + Primal-Urge roll (difficulty 7, maximum range of 10 feet). A
target struck by this attack must spend a Willpower point to do anything but spend the first turn retching. Afterwards,
he subtracts one from his dice pools for the rest of the scene for every two successes rolled. Immersion in water
negates this Gift, and it is ineffective against targets with no sense of smell.
• Mass Hallucination (Level Three) — While other Breeds may create illusions from nothingness, the
Samsa have a different method; one born out of their own madness. Rather than forming an illusion for all to see, the
Samsa implants wild hallucinations in the minds of a close group of people, causing havoc within the ranks.
System: The player spends two Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Enigmas at difficulty 6, + 1 for each
additional person the wereroach wishes to affect with the hallucinations. Multiple victims must be within roughly 10
yards of each other. The amount of successes determines the intensity of the hallucinations. One success would only
cause minor lights or noises (a whispered conversation, a flashlight in the corner of one’s eye), three subjects the
target to complex, interweaving images and sounds (a person walking up to them and holding a conversation), and
five completely alters the victim’s reality (a battlefield might turn into a ‘friendly’ gathering). This effect lasts for a
scene, but should the victim be harmed, they may make a Willpower roll at difficulty 8 to ‘snap out’ of the hallucination
each time.
• Ravenous Spirit (Level Three) — Sometimes, in the heat of battle — or rare berserk frenzy — a Samsa
may consume an enemy spirit. They may then manifest one of the consumed being’s powers as if it was their own - a
more spur-of-the-moment version of Rite of the Consuming Host.
System: When the Samsa kills a spirit with a bite, they may spend a point of Rage to absorb the spirit (of 20
maximum essence or less). They may use one of the spirit’s powers as if it was their own, spending Rage instead of
Essence. At the end of the scene the Samsa loses this stolen power, and the spirit fades into nothing. Predictably,
overuse of this power does not make friends among the spirit world.
• Skitter! (Level Three) — As the Ratkin Gift: Bolt!. A Samsa with this Gift can ‘bug out’ of any fight. Even if
the wereroach is totally surrounded, he will find a way to escape from his foes. This works roughly the same way as
the Ratkin Backbite Gift: the wereroach "leaps" a short distance through the Umbra to a safe place. A wereroach who
returns to battle after bolting will lose two temporary Cunning Renown; a wereroach who chooses the better part of
valor will no doubt escape. This Gift requires Walking Between Worlds to function.
System: Spend one Gnosis; the Samsa can appear up to 50 feet away, as long as his destination is within
line of sight. Then spend a point of Rage; this allows the roach to use an extra turn of movement to run away from his
enemies. Halt the Coward's Flight or similar Gifts will not prevent the Samsa from leaping through the Umbra, but will
still slow running speed afterward by half.
• Tunnelvision (Level Three) — By focusing on one task to the exclusion of all else, the Samsa can find
mental reprieve and hidden strength. The wereroach channels his Rage, Willpower, and Gnosis towards one
purpose, assuming as close of a ‘cool head’ as Samsa can get. This state provides a barrier against mental afflictions
or attacks as well.
System: The Samsa spends one Willpower and rolls temporary Rage (difficulty 12 - permanent Gnosis,
minimum 3). For each success rolled, the user gains that amount of dice to a single designated dice pool (such as
Dexterity + Athletics for dodging or Perception + Alertness for observation; soak or damage rolls may not be chosen).
Once this decision is made, it cannot be changed, and other (non-reflexive) actions unrelated to the chosen task are
at +1 difficulty. In addition, all mental effects targeted at the Samsa are at +2 difficulty to affect or -2 difficulty to resist,
and the roach cannot succumb to their Derangements or use Cause Insanity. Empathy rolls on the Samsa read a
void lacking any kind of emotion, only Rage and force of will. This effect lasts for ten minutes, or one combat. This
Gift may only be used once a scene.
• Ultimate Survivor (Level Three) — Similar to the Nagah Gift: Shield of the Dragon. This Gift protects the
Samsa from harsh environments. The wereroach’s body adjusts to heat, cold, radiation, disease, and pressure.
Electricity and fire still cause damage if they are intense enough, but affecting the Samsa with even these weapons is
much harder.
System: The player expends one Gnosis point and rolls Stamina + Survival against a difficulty of 7. With
one success, all but the most inhospitable environments inflict no damage on the Samsa, and with three successes,
fire and electricity only inflict bashing damage. This latter effect does nothing for insecticides or neurotoxins. The
effects last for one scene.

Homid Gifts
• Apecraft’s Blessings (Level One) — As the Garou Homid Gift. Though many of Gaia’s children use tools,
none have mastered them so thoroughly as humanity. The Homid focuses this mastery into the tools she uses,
causing their spirits to awaken and lend her aid.
System: The wereroach spends a turn concentrating, and then the player rolls Wits + Crafts (difficulty 7).
Each success reduces the difficulty by one on the next roll she makes for her character to employ a tool made by
human hands. The purpose is irrelevant—this Gift is equally efficacious for attempts to repair an engine, drive a car
or fire a gun.
• Clear Thoughts (Level One) — This Gift allows the Samsa to force themselves to maintain their calm in
dire situations. This brief moment of lucidity comes at a price, however, as the mental maladies and voices come
surging back in short order.
System: The player spends one Willpower point. The next three (non-crafting) rolls involving Mental
attributes are made at -2 difficulty. However, after these rolls are made, or after ten minutes, the Samsa experiences
a +1 difficulty to Mental rolls for the rest of the scene.
• Computer Link (Level One) — Similar to the Drone Power. The Samsa is capable of controlling
computers by touch alone, provided it’s currently active. The computer can’t be ordered to do anything that it isn’t
already set up to do; a clunker from 15 years ago couldn’t run Excel spreadsheets, and a computer with no modem
can’t go online. However, this does grant the Samsa nearly free access to everything the computer does hold.
System: By spending a Gnosis point and rolling Intelligence + Computer, difficulty 7, the Samsa gains full
access to the computer he remains in contact with. He can open any file and crack any password, compose an email
or run a program. Should the machine be spiritually protected in some manner (such as by a Weaver-spirit or
supernatural Power), the Samsa’s roll is either contested by the spirit’s Willpower, or must exceed the Power’s
successes on its activation roll.
• Control Simple Machine (Level One) — As the Glass Walker Gift. The Samsa may command the spirits
of the simplest machines, causing levers to flip, doors to unbolt, pulleys to roll, and so on. Any Weaver-spirit can
teach this Gift.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Crafts (difficulty 7). The Samsa’s
control lasts until the end of the scene.
• Create Compound Element (Level One) — Variation of the Garou metis Gift. Rather than the four natural
elements, the Samsa has the power to create a small amount of elements born of the Weaver — glass, plastic, and
alloyed metals. Uses include summoning a piece of glass to step sideways, providing useful material on short notice,
or creating a dense lump of metal to throw. Silver, gold or ‘cold iron’ may never be made through the use of this Gift.
System: The wereroach’s player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis. Each success allows the
character to create approximately one cubic foot of the desired element, anywhere he can see within 60 feet. If the
Samsa so chooses, he may instead form the element around another object to form a makeshift weapon (following
Improvised Club or Knife statistics), though higher successes may make wielding it impractical. The conjured element
remains in existence for the scene, then disappears into ephemera.
• Eyes Everywhere (Level One) — Similar to the Boli Zousizhe Gift: Sheng Nong’s Eyes. The Samsa can
commune with the cockroach-spirits that surround him, eliminating the need to rely on his own sight due to the
constant stream of information.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. For the rest of the scene, the Samsa need not be able to see
his opponents in order to attack them. No visibility penalties affect his actions while this Gift is in effect. Obstacles are
still obstacles, however, and a bullet won’t curve around cover. Striking across the Gauntlet would be possible only
with a weapon or Gift capable of doing so; this Gift only provides information, and not the means itself. Fully invisible
enemies are not affected, but pseudo-invisibility Gifts or Powers such as Blur of the Milky Eye are revealed.
• Faceless Stranger (Level One) — Similar to the Silent Strider Gift. The wereroach may avert the eyes of
onlookers, mentally convincing them that there is nothing noteworthy about her. This Gift may only be used in Homid
form, and ‘extreme’ actions such as pulling a weapon or breaking into a window will cease the effect. This Gift is
taught by fog-spirits.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis. For the duration of the scene, any neutral observers take no
notice of the Samsa, and subconsciously avoid her, ignore her and even forget any of her distinguishing features
once she has passed. This power has no effect on characters who are already hostile towards the Samsa, or who
have been specifically instructed to look out for her (or those actively standing guard). Supernatural entities may
make a Willpower roll at difficulty 8 to notice something amiss.
• Spirit Speech (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift. This Gift bestows understanding of the language of the
spirit world, permitting the Samsa to clearly understand and speak with any spirit he encounters, rather than only
insect-spirits and Banes. The Gift doesn’t influence spirits’ attitudes toward the wereroach in any way, nor ensure that
they have any desire to communicate with him. This can be both a blessing and curse for the Samsa, as the world
becomes a lot noisier.
System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.
• Trash is Treasure (Level One) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift. The refuse of humanity provides all the
canny Samsa needs. Through the use of this Gift, any broken object can be temporarily restored to full functionality
and usefulness.
System: The player takes hold of a broken object and rolls Wits + Crafts. The object functions perfectly for
one turn per success, and also supplies its own power, fuel, or ammunition — a dull knife cuts, a busted microwave
runs (without being plugged into anything), an old rusty Saturday night special fires even without bullets, a junked car
starts up and runs. The lifespan of the object’s renewed usefulness can be extended to one full day by spending a
point of Willpower, but the object requires proper power, fuel, and ammunition in such circumstances.
• Weaver Sense (Level One) — As the Nagah Gift. The Samsa is sensitive to the works and emanations of
the Weaver and her minions. He may also be able to notice patterns when there should be randomness, and order
where there should be chaos. From the physical world, he can behold Weaver-spirits and the Pattern Web in the
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty of the local Gauntlet’s difficulty). In addition to
sensing Weaver influence, the character can also “peek” into the Penumbra, but may only see Weaver-spirits and
constructs. This Gift lasts for one scene.
• Command Spirit (Level Two) — As the Theurge Gift. The Samsa can give commands to spirits she
meets and expect obedience...whenever she musters up enough nerve to. The Gift doesn’t grant the ability to
summon spirits — only to compel them to obey. As always when dealing with spirits, clear wording is essential, as
some clever spirits may attempt to twist the spirit of issued commands while obeying them to the letter.
System: The player spends a Willpower point and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty is the spirit’s
Gnosis). The character can issue successive commands once the spirit is under her control; each additional
command requires that the player expend an additional Willpower point. The spirit cannot be ordered to leave a place
or object (or, in the case of fomori, person…) to which it is bound.
• Devour the Dead (Level Two) — As the Ratkin Gift. This gruesome Gift is used to clean up messes
without requiring the Samsa to dirty his own hands...or mouth. The Samsa summons a swarm of cockroach-spirits to
consume a dead body, removing all physical evidence it was there, as well as any taint that the body carried.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The body is gone three turns later, all possessions carried off
into the Umbra, probably never to be seen again.
• Gnostic Engine (Level Two) — Particularly industrious Samsa have learned how to blend the works of
the Weaver with that of Gaia to bring devices into the Penumbra, unaffected by its hostile and confounding response
to earthly technology. The Samsa connects with the spirit of a machine and infuses it with Gnosis to simulate its
former lively nature.
System: The wereroach spends one point of Gnosis while touching the desired machine, and rolls Gnosis
as if piercing the Gauntlet (at its current rating). The machine will then be transported across the Gauntlet unaffected,
and work as efficiently as it ever would in the physical world, powered by the Gnosis fuel. A mobile phone would be
able to make calls from the Umbra (though deep Umbral realms might be a stretch), and a laptop would still be able
to connect to the Internet. Larger objects such as vehicles require additional Gnosis expenditures; a motorcycle might
require two, a standard car three, and an eighteen-wheeler five. The machine remains in the Umbra for ten minutes
per success, and then immediately phases back into the physical world at its current location. If the object is taken
further than the Penumbra (Deep Umbra, pocket realms, etc), upon expiration it remains in the spiritual world and
permanently ceases to function.
• Jam Technology (Level Two) — As the Glass Walker Gift. With a slight gesture, the wereroach
unbalances the Wyld and Weaver energies within technological devices, either suffusing them with destructive chaos
or amplifying their inherent stasis until they refuse to do anything at all. Computers crash, guns jam, cars stall, and
even the simplest of shaped objects refuse to function.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point, rolls Manipulation + Crafts and chooses the level of
complexity she intends to jam. All technological devices (i.e. any devices shaped from fabricated materials like metal
or plastic) of that complexity within 50 feet (15 m) cease to function for two turns per success. The devices remain
unchanged, but inert — knives won’t cut, gunpowder won’t ignite, gears won’t turn, and so on. The difficulty of the roll
is based on the following chart:

Device Difficulty

Computer 4

Phone 5

Automobile 7

Gun 8

Knife 9

• Reweaving (Level Two) — Through the Homid’s connection to the Weaver, and with a little assistance
from any nearby spirits, the Samsa may strengthen or weaken the nearby Gauntlet’s rating. This change applies to
any who would attempt to cross, including spirits, and one must keep in mind the Homid’s inverse Gauntlet difficulty
should he wish to aid allies as well. This is taught by any Weaver-spirit.
System: The Samsa spends a Gnosis point to raise the Gauntlet by one, or a Rage point to lower it by one.
The Samsa may expend multiple Gnosis or Rage to raise or lower it further, but only by an amount equal to the
Samsa’s Rank. This affects an area of roughly 15 sq. yards, and lasts for a scene.
• Pierce the Gauntlet (Level Two) — As the Theurge Gift: Spirit Knife. Using this Gift, a crafty Samsa can
imbue a knife — or any other weapon she hand-crafted herself — with the power to strike across the Gauntlet,
affecting enemies on the other side. This Gift conveys no ability to see across the Gauntlet beyond what the Samsa
normally possesses, however. A Wasp-spirit teaches this Gift, rather than a cockroach.
System: The Samsa spends one Gnosis point, and any single weapon she crafted entirely herself is able to
strike creatures on either side of the Gauntlet, in any area where the Gauntlet difficulty is equal to or lower than her
Gnosis. This effect lasts for the duration of the scene.
• Static Shock (Level Two) — By running his claws or fingernails against a surface, the Samsa is able to
form a small ball-sized lump of electricity, to be directed at a target. This causes living creatures moderate pain, and
may be able to fry technology benefiting from electricity. Unlike most Samsa Gifts, this is taught by an electricity-spirit.
System: The user rolls Dexterity + Science (at difficulty 6) and runs his claw against an appropriate surface.
Upon hurling the ball (up to 10 yards), the number of successes is converted to lethal damage to the target. Enemies
who suffer more than their Stamina rating in damage are stunned for a round. If used on an object that relies on
electrical currents, the ball will short it out for an amount of turns equal to successes. With 5+ successes, the object is
permanently damaged.
• Steel Carapace (Level Two) — As the Glass Walker Gift: Steel Fur. Focusing on his own being, the
Samsa wraps himself in spiritual steel, turning his already formidable carapace into hardened metal. This is taught by
a metal-elemental.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + Science (difficulty 7). Each success
adds one die to the Samsa’s soak pool for the rest of the scene. While this Gift is active, the Samsa suffers +1
difficulty to all Dexterity rolls, and -1 to any Social rolls not involving other Samsa or Glass Walkers. This Gift does not
function in Homid form.
• Weaved Weapon (Level Two) — Drawing from the strands of the Weaver’s web in true innovation, the
Samsa may form a pale, calcified blade around his hand or claw in a pinch. As the weaved blade is formed from pure
spiritual matter, it can only affect beings with an awakened spiritual side; this includes Fera, spirits, Mages and
sorcerers, among a few others. In fact, only they can even perceive the blade. This counts as a weapon that the
Samsa has crafted himself for certain relevant Gifts or effects. This is taught by any Weaver-spirit.
System: The Samsa spends a Gnosis to form the blade, which deals Strength + 2 aggravated damage to
beings with an awakened spiritual side (rolling Dexterity + Melee at diff 6 to hit). When used on a being with Gnosis,
the user of this Gift may forgo dealing damage in exchange for stealing a point of Gnosis from the target; spirits lose
an Essence as well as a Gnosis. This effect may not take the Samsa’s Gnosis over its maximum, and the Samsa
may only drain Gnosis an amount of times equal to Rank. The blade lasts for a scene, or until dismissed.
• Control Complex Machine (Level Three) — As the Glass Walker Gift. Similar to Control Simple
Machine, the Samsa may now converse with and command the spirits of electronic devices such as computers,
smart phones, and cars.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Manipulation + Science or Computer. The
Storyteller sets the difficulty based on how complex the machine is (8 for a standard laptop). The Samsa’s control
lasts for one scene.
• Human Ingenuity (Level Three) — A Samsa that has reached this unheard-of Rank has become in tune
with the pulse of the Weaver, the spirits behind his tools, and his own ingenuity. Calling upon this favor, he may
‘motivate’ his human tools to perform at maximum efficiency.
System: The Samsa rolls Wits + Crafts (difficulty 7) and spends a Gnosis point. For each success on the
activation roll, the Samsa may add his permanent Innovation or Cunning rating as extra dice to that number of
Firearms, Archery, or Melee rolls.
• Impose Stasis (Level Three) — The Weaver’s obsession with calcification and stasis are well known, and
the Samsa with this Gift learns to harness that power to his own ends with but a gesture. This power may be used to
weaken a spirit in combat or in preparation for forced binding, but careless overuse may earn the ire of much more
dangerous spirits, or even cause lingering Weaver-taint. This is taught by any Weaver-spirit.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty of the spirit’s base
Rage). For each success, the Samsa may subtract one dot from an Attribute of the spirit, dealing unsoakable damage
to their Essence as well. Should the spirit reach zero Essence from this effect, it enters a calcified, Slumber-like state.
If it is of Gaffling or Jaggling level, it remains in this state for 30 - base Essence days, after which it is freed at half
Essence (and likely angry). Spirits with higher Essence or powerlevel only remain so until the end of the scene,
where they dissipate to Reform elsewhere as usual. Use of this power more than twice a scene causes increasing
Weaver-taint detectable on the Samsa, lasting for a week per additional use; the effects are similar to the Touched
(Weaver) Background.
• Intrusion (Level Three) — As the Glass Walker Gift. It’s impossible to keep a cockroach out of a house,
and it’s equally impossible to keep a Samsa out, provided she has this Gift. Once this Gift is activated, the Samsa
can easily break almost any barrier that is presented to her. Doors mysteriously unlock upon her approach; padlocks
fall open with no explanation. The Gift has, however, a very short and specific time limit.
System: The player spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7). For exactly one minute per
success afterwards, all forms of locks and barriers allow her passage, from computerized vault locks to barricades of
2x4s nailed up across doors. Mystically sealed barriers still require a roll to bypass, but every success on the initial
Gnosis roll adds one automatic success to such attempts. Barriers disabled by this Gift do not automatically re-seal
• One Step Ahead (Level Three) — Those of the Weaver value structure and precision; even unforeseen
circumstances may still be anticipated and brought into order. Just as planned. The Samsa becomes able to activate
a Gift, yet delay its effect until a time or condition they specify. They might foresee a difficult battle and prepare to
Skitter upon receiving a certain amount of damage, or ready the ‘ape’s blessings’ for when their gun next fires.
System: Upon paying the activation cost of any other Gift, spend an additional point of Willpower. Then,
specify the condition or time for the Gift to activate; the effect goes off immediately as a reflexive action, and should it
cost Gnosis, it does not restrict the usage of Rage in that turn. There are some limitations, however. Regarding
conditions, the specified activation of this Gift may not be upon Incapacitation, and must involve an action related to
the Samsa or an object they’ve touched. Regarding time, it may not be set any farther than a week in advance. (Note:
Due to the interesting nature of this Gift in certain combinations, there may be additional restrictions in abuse cases.)
• Pulse of the Invisible (Level Three) — As the Theurge Gift. Spirits fill the world, and none know this fact
better than the Samsa, who are painfully reminded of this at every waking moment. This Gift grants constant
awareness of the spirit world. Even in the physical world, the Samsa can interact with spirits in the Penumbra at will.
While most spirit activity isn’t worth watching, the Samsa will be automatically aware of any dramatic changes or
upheavals nearby.
System: If the Samsa’s permanent Gnosis equals or exceeds the local Gauntlet difficulty, he can see into
the Umbra automatically. Otherwise, the player must roll Gnosis to look through the Gauntlet (difficulty of the Gauntlet
rating). Such awareness lasts for the rest of the scene or until the character enters an area with a stronger Gauntlet.
This also allows the Samsa to step sideways without a reflective surface.
• Reshape Object (Level Three) — As the Garou Homid Gift. As the Weaver shapes chaos, the Samsa can
shape once-living (though not undead) material into something else instantly. Trees may become shelter, buck
antlers spears, animal hides armor, and flowers sweet perfumes. The item will resemble the object from which it was
created (e.g., the aforementioned spear will be made of antler, not wood). A Pattern Spider teaches this Gift.
System: The player rolls Manipulation + Crafts against a difficulty defined by the scope and complexity of
the transformation (a broken tree limb into a spear would be difficulty 5, while a fallen tree into a canoe would be 8)
and spends a Gnosis point. The transformation persists for one scene per success, or permanently with five or more
successes. Expending an additional Gnosis point allows a created weapon to inflict aggravated damage for the
remainder of the scene in which it is created, and counts as a weapon that the Samsa has crafted himself for certain
relevant Gifts or effects.
• Silent Speech (Level Three) — Similar to the Drone Power. Focusing his mental capabilities further, the
Samsa is able to communicate without speech, speaking to individuals mind-to-mind. With a little help from the
Weaver’s song, this power bypasses all language barriers, although the character cannot communicate in this fashion
with creatures without language unless using another power to do so (such as Beast Speech). This Gift may also be
used in conjunction with Spirit Speech to attempt to commune with spirits at range, though one must take caution; the
thoughts of spirits are often far beyond what any Fera can comprehend.
System: The Samsa spends a Willpower and rolls Manipulation + Empathy at difficulty 6. The target must
be within sight. Only one success is needed if the target is aware and willing; this roll is contested by the other
character’s Willpower if unwilling. This power does not allow the character to read another person’s thoughts; the
communication is two-way only if the other person is actively trying to make her thoughts heard. Each person
involved in a Silent Speech conversation hears the character speak in the language most familiar to the listener.
Overuse of this Gift results in increasing Weaver-taint (as with Impose Stasis).
• Spirit Ward (Level Three) — As the Theurge Gift. This Gift allows a wereroach to protect herself from
spirits by performing a quick warding rite; at last, the Homid can experience blessed silence. The wereroach traces
an invisible pictogram in the air that frightens and unnerves any nearby spirits, and which travels with the Samsa for
as long as it persists.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Rituals (difficulty 7). Spirits within 100
feet (30 m) of the character must subtract one from their dice pools for each success. Any spirit that comes within 50
feet (15 m) of the character (except a caern spirit or the character’s pack totem) loses one point from its Essence per
turn for each success the player rolled. This Gift lasts for one scene.

Metis Gifts
• Acid Talons (Level One) — As the Black Spiral Dancer Gift. The Samsa’s claws become a vibrant mixture
of black, red, and yellow, and burn anything they cut. This Gift does leave taint on the Samsa and his victims, but it’s
means to an end of course. This Gift is taught by a disease-spirit, or even a Bane.
System: The player spends one point of Rage. For the rest of the scene, the Samsa’s claw attacks inflict
one extra die of damage, and the difficulty to soak her claw attacks rises by 1.
• Cockroach’s Caress (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift: Mother’s Touch. Samsa Metis spend a great
deal of their formative years in their colony, surrounded by terrified Kinfolk and other metis. Frequently while growing
up, metis have to patch the wounds their brothers and sisters inflict on each other, and this Gift assists. This Gift may
not heal the wereroach herself, spirits, or the undead.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty is the target’s
current Rage, or 5 for those with no Rage). Each success heals one level of lethal, bashing, or aggravated damage.
The healer may even heal fresh Battle Scars in this manner, if the Gift is applied shortly after the scar is received and
an extra Gnosis point is spent.
• Helping Hand (Level One) — Similar to the Whelp’s Compromise Gift: Cub’s Lesson. Metis Samsa spend
the majority of their pre-Change life in the darkest corners of the city, away from civilized life. The lucky ones manage
to be taught about human ways in advance, but just as many are left with no clue of how to function. With this Gift, a
Samsa may petition nearby cockroach-spirits to assist where one’s knowledge is lacking. They’re rather
helpful...sometimes. This Gift cannot be used for rolls made in combat, as the Samsa would be rather preoccupied.
System: This Gift, once learned, is always active. Any time the player attempts a roll using an Ability that the
character does not possess and fails the roll, she may spend a point of Gnosis to glean further knowledge and make
the roll again, adding one die and negating the increased difficulty from repeat attempts. This does not replace the
original roll, so any consequences of failure must still be faced. Note that since a character that has no dots in a
Knowledge cannot normally roll that Knowledge at all, a character with this Gift must activate it to make any such
attempt (at +2 difficulty). If the original roll is a botch, the player may still spend a Gnosis point to make another
attempt, but the difficulty increase upon failure is not negated.
• Paralytic Bite (Level One) — The forces of the Wyrm are well known for their habit of capturing Gaians
and humans, and dragging them back to their horrid Pits. The Samsa with this Gift has adapted to mimic this
behavior, perhaps even from personal experience. By summoning a portion of the Samsa’s inherent taint, the metis
may paralyze victims of his bite, allowing the Samsa to drag the unfortunate away into the darkness. This is learned
from any ambush predator-spirit; an insect usually, but others may be appropriate.
System: The Samsa spends a Gnosis point on a successfully damaging bite attack. The victim must roll
Stamina (difficulty 5 + the Samsa’s Rank). If the victim fails to roll more successes than Health Levels inflicted, they
are paralyzed until they successfully pass the roll. They must make another roll every turn (or every minute out of
combat), with the ‘potency’ decreasing by one success each attempt, minimum 1. A botch increases this roll to every
other turn, or every five minutes. This paralysis can only affect a target once; when it’s shaken off, the target cannot
be affected again for the scene.
• Resist Pain (Level One) — As the Philodox Gift. Fortifying herself with purpose and will, the wereroach
shuts out the pain of her wounds.
System: The player spends one Willpower point; the character ignores all wound penalties for the rest of the
• Roach Head (Level One) — As the Metis Gift: Rat Head. This Gift renders the Samsa’s bone structure
collapsible, allowing her to squeeze through any gap she can fit her head into.
System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7). For the rest of the
scene, the Samsa may squirm through any gap she can fit her face into, moving at her walking speed to do so.
• Toxic Hate (Level One) — As the Plague Lord Gift. The Samsa learns to focus the anger within her heart
and use it to increase her Rage. The anger takes a physical toll on the wereroach, and it is up to her to unleash it on
her enemies.
System: The character may inflict a single level of aggravated damage on herself once per scene, and gain
three points of Rage in exchange (even if doing so takes her beyond her permanent Rage rating).
• What Lies Beneath (Level One) - The wereroach is bestowed with the ability to defend the many
entrances to his colony or territory, from sewage tunnels to forgotten church catacombs, by instilling a deep fear of
the unknown in human targets. Though this Gift was invented to guard colonies, any area to be protected or
dissuaded from will suffice.
System: The Samsa must release a low chitter audible to the target, but can be in any form when he does
so. The player then makes a roll of Charisma + Intimidation at difficulty 6. This Gift can be used on Kinfolk and other
‘supernatural’ humans, but the difficulty increases by two if any are among the group of listeners. What Lies Beneath
lasts for one scene, during which time affected humans must roll Willpower and exceed the Samsa’s successes to
enter the Samsa’s guarded area without penalty. If the human does go in the area regardless, she loses three dice
from all Mental and Social dice pools.
• Wyrmling Kinship (Level One) — As the Hatar Gift. The Samsa with this Gift can convince all Wyrm-
affiliated creatures to consider her an ally, or at least to ignore her. This doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll treat her
particularly nicely, given the Samsa’s place in the Wyrm’s ‘pecking order’. This Gift is learned from an insect-spirit
that uses camouflage, such as a stick insect.
System: The difficulty of all Social rolls against Wyrm creatures is permanently reduced by 2, and they
become inclined to believe the wereroach to be an ally if given the slightest justification to do so.
• Wyrm Sense (Level One) — As the Nagah Gift. The Samsa is sensitive to the works and emanations of
the Wyrm and its minions, given their kinship. He may easily detect Wyrm-spirits and energies, as well as mortal
forces of corruption, destruction, death, and decay.
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty of the local Gauntlet). In addition to sensing Wyrm
influence, the character can also “peek” into the Penumbra, but may only see banes and corrupted spirits. This Gift
lasts for one scene.
• Burrow (Level Two) — As the Garou Metis Gift. This Gift grants the ability to burrow through the earth,
creating a tunnel roughly the size of the digger’s body, which others can follow through. The wereroach must be in
Ungeziefer or Kakerlak form to use this Gift.
System: The player rolls Strength + Athletics against a difficulty depending on the substance to be
excavated (4 for loose mud, 9 for solid rock). Some metals (such as steel and titanium alloys) and other reinforced
structures won’t yield to the wereroach no matter how hard she digs. The character can burrow one yard per turn for
each success. After the initial roll, the character does not need to roll again to continue at the same speed.
• Cornered (Level Two) — As the Gnawer Gift: Cornered Rat’s Ferocity. When backed into a corner with
nowhere to run, there are only two options — beg for mercy or turn and fight. Certain Metis Samsa learn to suppress
their innate fear for the sake of the colony.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls temporary Rage (difficulty 8). Each success grants the
character an additional die to his Brawl pools for the rest of the combat. This Gift sends the Samsa into an automatic
and unavoidable berserk frenzy, bypassing their usual Fox Frenzy restriction. Any magic that stops the frenzy also
ends the Gift.
• Deny the Serpent (Level Two) — Through pain visited on his own body, the metis may inflict the same
agony on her foes. This gift fortifies the Samsa against the most venomous Wyrm-beast or judgmental Ananasi; and
indeed, the latter is what would necessitate the creation of this Gift. Spirits of any venomous insect (or arachnid, if
coerced) teach this Gift.
System: By making a Stamina + Survival roll (difficulty 7) and spending a Gnosis, the Samsa exudes any
poisons and venoms coursing through her veins. This completely removes any ongoing effects, but does not heal any
health levels already lost. The Samsa can coat her mandibles with the expelled venom, allowing her to use the same
venom against any foe she subsequently bites. This coating lasts for only three turns or until the first successful
• Dig In (Level Two) — Despite the Samsa’s timid nature, the Ungeziefer form is more than capable of
standing strong and firm on its own, should the Samsa realize that fact. The wereroach with this Gift fortifies his body
in defense of any that would shake him from his duty.
System: The Samsa rolls Stamina (difficulty 8), and spends a Rage. This may be done reflexively. For the
rest of the scene, each time he is forced to make an opposed Strength roll or is threatened with being pushed back or
knocked down, he may add any successes rolled with the Gift to the results of those opposed rolls. For maneuvers
such as Sweep which knock down upon any success, it must exceed the Samsa’s to take effect.
• Malady Purge (Level Two) — This Gift allows the user to purge foreign substances from either their own
body or another’s. Anything such as diseases, poisons, etc are expunged from the body, as the Samsa vomits up the
resulting foul substances, which appear as black bile.
System: The Samsa must bite into the target’s flesh and roll Intelligence + Medicine with a difficulty that
depends on the substance, spending a Willpower point. Only one success is needed in most cases, but the
Storyteller may rule that more successes are needed to remove more virulent substances. If the Samsa does not
have Resist Toxin, or attempts to remove particularly nasty supernatural plagues, he may suffer aggravated damage
depending on the virulence of the substance in the process (at ST discretion). As well, cyanides and mercury fall
under potent neurotoxins, which Samsa cannot soak.
Malady Difficulty

Alcohol, weed, common drugs like sleep aids 6

Poisoned foods, common viruses and diseases 7

Arsenic, cyanides, mercury 8

Supernatural poisons, lethal mundane diseases 9

Supernatural infections, vampire blood 10

• Malformation (Level Two) — Similar to the Children of Gaia Gift: Mule’s Bane. As all Samsa are able to
inflict their mental maladies upon others; the metis that learns this Gift are able to even twist their physical forms,
inflicting them with the Samsa’s own deformity. Some might say it’s natural given their inherent Wyrm-taint, while
others hope it has less concerning implications. Unlike Cause Insanity, however, this does not relieve the Samsa of
their own affliction. This is taught by a pain-spirit, or even a Bane.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Dexterity + Occult to “throw” the metis deformity; the
difficulty is the opponent’s Willpower. The enemy gains the metis’ deformity for one turn per success; a metis lacking
an arm might cause the target’s to wither to uselessness for the duration. If the metis botches, his own deformity
becomes worse in some fashion for the remainder of the scene; the aforementioned armless metis might have the
stump pulse with pain, causing a dice pool reduction to his actions.
• Play Dead (Level Two) — Similar to the Ragabash Gift. Little-known fact - a roach may ‘play dead’ on
their backs for quite some time (holding their breath for 40 minutes!), before simply flipping back over and scurrying
away. The Samsa can “play possum” in this manner, and appear dead to all witnesses. Those that are aware of the
Samsa’s usual self-preservation method, however, may be nowhere near fooled.
System: The player rolls Stamina + Subterfuge (difficulty 5) and the Samsa spends an action shutting down
his body. He appears completely dead for one minute per success. He has no discernible pulse, doesn't appear to
breathe, flips onto his back as a dead roach would, and smells like a corpse that has been rotting for several days.
His muscles stiffen and he may, if he chooses, revert to breed form as part of this action. If the player spends a point
of Willpower when activating this Gift, the Samsa can instead use it reflexively when hit with an attack to produce the
illusion that it has killed him. In this case, he appears as a fresh corpse instead.
• Spiked Carapace (Level Two) — Similar to the Garou Gift: Gift of the Porcupine. The wereroach
undergoes a startling transformation, a manifestation of wyrmish mutation. Spines made of chitin form from her
carapace, dissuading attackers.
System: The character spends a Gnosis point to grow spines from her carapace. Those who strike her with
bare flesh and score less than five successes on the attack roll take the Samsa’s Strength in aggravated damage
(this does not negate any damage done to the metis). In addition, the Samsa gains one additional soak die. This Gift
lasts for one scene or until the Samsa wills the spines to retract.
• Voracious Appetite (Level Two) — Similar to the Ajaba Gift: Scavenge. The Samsa may safely consume
and digest any physical object he can get into his mouth, from carrion to pistols to toxic waste; his jaws can chew it,
and his stomach can process it.
System: With the expenditure of a Gnosis point, the Samsa may consume anything he can get into his
mouth for the rest of the scene. The Samsa’s digestion may attempt to destroy fetishes and other empowered items
with a Stamina + Occult roll at difficulty 9 (or it will be vomited back up) - supernaturally indestructible items will
automatically fail this roll. Attempting to eat a fetish in this manner requires one success per level of the fetish. The
Samsa can even destroy an opponent’s armor in combat, one bite at a time; a successful bite that inflicts more
damage than the armor has in rating will reduce its rating by one, even if the damage is soaked.
• Adaptive Flesh (Level Three) — The energies of the Wyrm causes rampant mutation and change for
those unfortunates who are on the receiving end of its taint. The metis of the Samsa know this quite well, and turn it
to their own advantage. Using this Gift, these warping energies can be used for more productive means, with the
roach’s flesh or carapace shifting to deter further harm.
System: The Samsa may reflexively spend a Gnosis upon receiving an attack; for the rest of the combat, he
may roll his Stamina + Primal-Urge pool to soak, instead of pure Stamina. This effect may be activated if Rage
actions were declared, but those actions and Rage will be lost.
• Biting Plague (Level Three) — Similar to the Fomori Power. With the assistance of nearby insects,
physical or spiritual, the Samsa may spew a spray of them on an unsuspecting foe. This Gift requires the usage of an
insect-summoning power such as the Ungeziefer Swarm trait or Cockroach Control beforehand.
System: The player spends one Rage point and rolls Dexterity + Brawl (difficulty 8) to aim the insects at a
target (range 10 yards). It inflicts two automatic levels of aggravated damage, plus two additional levels per extra
point of Rage spent after the attack is rolled. Armor cannot be used to soak this attack; the vermin swarm into any
unprotected or open area.
• Bloodsucker (Level Three) — Similar to the Black Spiral Dancer Gift: Bite of the Bat. The Samsa
develops an insatiable appetite for blood, mandibles dripping with foam. When biting an opponent, the character can
choose to drink the blood of a foe, quickly weakening an enemy while temporarily fortifying herself.
System: With the expenditure of a Gnosis point and a Strength + Medicine roll (difficulty 7), the Samsa
activates the Gift on a successful bite. For each success on the roll, the bitten victim takes one aggravated damage in
addition to the bite damage, soakable separately. For each unsoaked Health Level of damage inflicted on an
opponent by this Gift (and only this Gift), the Samsa gains +1 Stamina for the next turn.
• Claws of the Corruptor (Level Three) — Similar to the Uktena Gift: Rending the Craft. The wereroach’s
claws are coated with the destructive, corruptive force of the Wyrm, rending apart the delicate workings of magic.
Usage of this Gift does cause mild taint on the Samsa and the wounds left by the claws. This Gift is taught by a
bombardier-beetle spirit, or even (and more likely) a Bane.
System: After the wereroach makes a successful claw attack, the player may spend a point of Willpower to
end the effects of any ongoing magical power enhancing the target (such as the Gift: Razor Claws, or the Armor
Charm). Permanent magical effects cannot be rent asunder by this Gift, nor powers that are innate to the nature of
the target. For example, a Fera’s Gifts could be cancelled, but not her ability to shapeshift; a vampire’s Disciplines
could be disrupted, but not her immortality or her ability to spend blood to raise her Attributes. In the event that a
magical effect mixes permanent and temporary elements, the permanent elements are retained while transitory
elements are disabled for the scene. For example, a vampire’s Potence would continue to passively grant extra
Strength dice, but blood could not be spent to transform those dice into automatic successes.
• Gnaw (Level Three) — As the Ratkin Gift. The Samsa’s mandibles strengthen to the point that she can
chew through just about anything, given enough time. In addition, her mandibles do more damage in combat, and
only death (or dissolution) will break her grip if she clamps her pincers into an opponent.
System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Stamina + Survival against a variable difficulty (3
for wood, 6 for steel handcuffs, 9 for a train car coupling). The length of time it takes to gnaw through something
depends on the number of successes. Chewing through a live human torso is difficulty 5 and inflicts damage equal to
the number of successes on the initial roll. Additionally, the Gift grants a character’s bite two extra dice of damage for
the rest of the scene.
• Marabunta (Level Three) — Upon the passive activation of the Dissolution Power, the Samsa can
instead direct the swarm to attack others with an insatiable hunger, instead of automatically fleeing. If fed enough, the
Samsa may immediately reform; if not, the amount of days to reform is still reduced. If the Samsa is reduced to 0
health levels in this form, he dies permanently, so this act of ‘bravery’ must be used with caution.
System: This Gift is a permanent modifier of Dissolution. As a swarm, the Samsa’s attributes are set to
that of Gewürm form, with 7 Health Levels separate from the Samsa’s ’real’ ones. The Samsa may attack nearby
targets using a standard Bite attack for 3 lethal damage (in addition to successes scored as usual), and may use any
remaining Rage. The Samsa will recover one ‘real’ Health Level per 3 Health Levels of damage inflicted on any
targets. If seven Health Levels are regained through this method, the Samsa immediately reforms into his breed form
without gaining a new Derangement or losing a Willpower. If less are regained, then the Samsa flees and continues
the Dissolution regeneration rolls as normal, with each ‘stolen’ health level equaling one less day of recovery
• Supporting Role (Level Three) — Similar to the Stargazer Gift: The Teacher’s Ease. Far from the days of
needing a helping hand himself, the Samsa is now able to further aid the efforts of younger roaches. A mixture of
spiritual aid and mental nudging, this Gift allows the Samsa to lend their own knowledge towards another’s
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Leadership (difficulty is 10 minus the student’s Intelligence score),
and spends a turn in concentration. The learner gains a number of bonus dice on the next (successes) rolls featuring
a specific Ability, equal to the number of dots the teacher has in the same Ability. The learner may only use it on a
single Ability of the Samsa’s choosing - usually the task they’re currently struggling with. This assistance may only be
used once per ally per scene, and the effect may not be ‘held’ longer than a scene. This effect may not be used for
long-term crafting rolls, but may be used when teaching rites.
• Tenacious Defense (Level Three) — As the Samsa becomes more accustomed to enduring, and perhaps
embracing the Wyrm’s methods, he gains an understanding of how best to combat and resist the Destroyer in all of
its forms.
System: The Samsa gains two additional soak dice when struck by any Wyrm-related creature or Wyrm-
tainted being. The difficulty to affect the Samsa with any mental Powers or Gifts of Wyrmish origin is increased by
two, or the roll to resist such effects is reduced by the same amount. This Gift is permanent.

Kakerlak Gifts
• Ageless Wisdom (Level One) — Although the Samsa’s connections to their ancestors are irreparably out
of reach, the Kakerlak provide just enough of a tie to Cockroach’s extensive knowledge. When struggling with a task
outside their ken, they may call on this for a bit of an extra ‘nudge’. This roll cannot be made to assist with direct
attacks or dodges, but could assist with a roll to call on additional occult knowledge, figure out how something
functions, or so on.
System: The player spends a Willpower and rolls Intelligence + Enigmas, difficulty 8, before attempting a
Social or Mental roll. Every two successes past the first reduces the difficulty of the original roll by 1.
• Calm the Swarm (Level One) — With an appropriately motivating or calming phrase, this Gift bolsters the
resolve of those around the Samsa. While primarily effective on their own kind, others may find inspiration in the
wereroach’s presence.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Empathy at difficulty 7. For every success, those within earshot that
the Samsa considers allies gain a bonus die to resist fear and intimidation effects for the duration of the scene. Non-
Samsa only gain a die for every other success.
• Echoes (Level One) — As the Kinfolk Gift. The Samsa may use this Gift to hear the “echoed” memory of
earlier conversation in an empty room. Unusually, this is only taught by canine spirits, rather than insects.
System: At least five minutes must have passed since the end of the conversation before invoking the Gift.
He rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 7) to “hear” what words have been spoken. With one success, he can hear
conversations that occurred within the past hour; with two successes, he can hear the past day’s chatter. With three
or more successes, he can tune in to a conversation up to a week old. Conversations take place in real time,
however, so listening to an hourlong conversation takes a full hour, and eavesdropping on an afternoon of chatter
takes several hours.
• Fatal Flaw (Level One) — As the Shadow Lord Gift. The Samsa can spy a target’s weakness, gaining an
advantage in combat. This is taught by a predatory insect-spirit.
System: The Samsa concentrates for one full turn, then the player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty
equals the target’s Wits + Subterfuge). Success grants the Samsa an extra die of damage during combat with that
target. Additional successes grant knowledge of further weaknesses, but not more dice.
• Guided Strike (Level One) — As the Kali Nagah Gift. After reconnaissance comes the guided, cunning
strike. The Kakerlak with this Gift strikes with deadly and unerring accuracy.
System: The player rolls Rage (difficulty 6) and spends one Willpower point. Each success adds one die to
the next roll to hit a target; the ability must be used in that scene.
• Micro-Movements (Level One) - The Kakerlak may use subtle cues and hints to alter his mannerisms and
vocabulary to better suit one target, making them more likely to be receptive to what he has to say. This is taught by
an insect-spirit adept at camouflage, such as a stick insect.
System: The Samsa rolls Wits + Primal-Urge (difficulty 5 plus the target's Subterfuge, to a maximum of 10).
He may add points to his Social Attributes, in any arrangement, equal to the number of successes rolled. These
additional levels only apply to rolls made against the target, reverting to their original levels whilst interacting with
anyone else. The Gift remains active for a full scene, or until the target becomes fully hostile, but the target may not
be switched.
• Mindspeak (Level One) — As the Galliard Gift. Invoking the power of a waking dream, the Samsa can
place any chosen characters into silent communication.
System: The player spends one Willpower point per chosen sentient being and makes a Manipulation +
Expression roll (difficulty of the victim’s Willpower) if any participants are unwilling. All those included in the waking
dream may interact normally through the Mindspeak, although they can inflict no damage through it. Their real bodies
can still act, although all dice pools decrease by two. The Mindspeak ends when all the participants want it to, or on
the turn the Samsa fails the roll against an unwilling member. All beings affected must be within line of sight. The
Samsa may include her entire nest in the waking dream for only one Willpower point, if she desires.
• Perfect Recall (Level One) — As the Garou Galliard Gift. The wereroach is able to remember and relive
any memory with perfect clarity.
System: The player may spend one Gnosis point to perfectly remember any one detail, no matter how
small, from any point in her character’s entire life.
• Purify Meat (Level One) — Similar to the Red Talon Gift. To placate the Gaians while performing their
duties, the Samsa must often perform lengthy cleansing rites before consumption. In addition, the meat they
consume, in whatever form it may take, often isn’t wholly clear of toxins. The Kakerlak is able to assist with these
inconveniences with but a touch.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The Samsa must touch the meat he wishes to cleanse. Each
use of this Gift cleans approximately fifty pounds of dead meat of any toxins or taint.
• True Intentions (Level One) — As the Rokea Dimwater Gift, which is similar to Truth of Gaia. This Gift
allows the Kakerlak to determine a target's goal during any given action. For example, if used on a human searching
through a sewer, the Gift shows the Samsa what the human is looking for. True Intentions does not work on spoken
words, only on actions.
System: The player rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty of the target's Manipulation + Subterfuge).
Multiple successes grant slightly greater understanding of the target's motivations behind his actions (e.g., whether
he is being coerced).
• Assembly Line (Level Two) — As the Mokole Gift: Dragon Drill. The Samsa may organize her allies into a
potent workforce, sharing any Ability known to a single member of the group with all members. This Gift can empower
Samsa, Kin, and any character in the Samsa’s Nest. Ant-spirits teach this gift.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + the appropriate Skill or Knowledge
(difficulty 7). The number of successes is the number of individuals who gain the targeted Ability at the rating of the
highest-rated member of the group. This Gift’s effects last for one scene.
• Blood Life (Level Two) — As the Theurge Gift. Many things reside in the blood, both mundane and
mystical. Heritage, power, magical connections, and life-giving nutrients all pulse through the veins of living creatures,
encompassing their life experiences. The Samsa can gain insight from these experiences by tasting the blood of her
prey. A mosquito-spirit teaches this Gift.
System: The player spends one Gnosis point when the wereroach succeeds at a bite attack against a target
that has blood running through its veins, and deals at least one level of damage. She experiences a brief vision that
replays a memory from the target's past. It could be one of great mystical import or significant relevance to the
current situation, or one that had a marked personal effect on the target. The Storyteller or the target's player
chooses the memory, but it should be one that gives the Samsa some insight into her foe (or ally). At the Storyteller's
discretion, the Samsa gains between one and five bonus dice on the next roll her player makes for an action that's
relevant to the experience, depending on its intensity and pertinence. This Gift only works on living creatures,
although the Samsa may pick up fragments of distant memory from a vampire's victims if she uses this Gift to bite it.
• Blood of the Triat (Level Two) — By reading the patterns of gore left in a defeated creature’s blood and
consuming its entrails, the Samsa gains the power to detect taint corresponding to that creature’s Triatic affiliation.
System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Rituals (difficulty 6). If successful, the
character gains the ability to detect Triatic taint for a number of weeks equal to the successes on the roll. For
example, Wyrm taint would be gained from a fomor or Black Spiral, Weaver-taint from an exceedingly corporate
human or Drone, and Wyld taint from a Wyld-tainted beast or the rare Gorgon. Keep in mind that most beings are not
inherently tainted, and would thus provide no bonuses. Should the Samsa gain the ability to consume spirits via Gift
or Rite, this Gift may be used in conjunction via devouring their Essence.
• Hivemind (Level Two) — It can often be quite the task to get Samsa smoothly working in tandem with one
another, but when the connection finally ‘clicks’, the Kakerlak gains a rush of true invigoration. This Gift is taught by
an Ant-spirit.
System: This Gift is permanent, but can only occur once per scene. Whenever the Kakerlak succeeds in a
Pack Tactic or Teamwork roll with others, he regains a point of Gnosis or Willpower. If the primary roll in question
reaches 5+ successes, he regains two points, distributed as the player likes.
• Intuition (Level Two) — Whether it’s simply born of the Kakerlak’s continuing expertise in the social ways,
or a more supernatural mental nudge, this Gift provides a way for the Samsa to avoid a social faux-pas…or worse.
System: The Samsa’s player may reroll any one roll involving a Social Attribute, but the effects only apply if
the roll is “better” (that is, scores more successes) than the original roll. This Gift may only be used once per scene.
• Realm Wisdom (Level Two) — As the Philodox Gift. The Samsa are not known for going on daring
Umbral adventures (or being daring at all), but in the pursuit of knowledge, it may be necessary. Although experience
is the best teacher, sometimes a Samsa needs to take a shortcut. By channeling the wisdom of a realm’s spirits, the
Kakerlak can intuitively guess important facts about the realm.
System: This Gift works in any realm or zone. The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Perception +
Law against a variable difficulty; the more obscure or less traveled the realm, the higher the difficulty. For example,
trying to glean wisdom about the CyberRealm or Battleground might be difficulty 6, whereas learning the laws of an
unknown pocket realm might be a 9. Each success gains a relevant fact about the realm, to a maximum of five
successes. The Storyteller determines which facts are most relevant; for example, if the player gains only one
success in the Abyss, the Storyteller might feel that the most important fact is “don’t fall in; if you fall into the Abyss,
you’re lost forever.” This Gift functions only once per visit to any given realm, and unknown ‘pocket’ realms may glean
considerably less information.
• Throwback (Level Two) — The insects of the prehistoric era were quite a bit more fearsome than they are
today; Manipulator modificaputis was a mantis-like cockroach that hunted its prey with ease. The Samsa with this Gift
is able to mutate his Kakerlak form into a much larger version of such a throwback at will, offering a speedier and
equally deadly combat alternative to the Ungeziefer. This may only be learned by Kakerlak Samsa.
System: The Samsa spends two Rage when he would next return to Kakerlak form. Instead of the usual 3-5
inch roach form, the Samsa swells into a 3-5 foot long insect, with mantis-like spined claws, dexterous limbs, and
graceful wings. In this form, the Samsa gains the ability to fly at twice human running speed, without being restricted
to a maximum height. Its claws deal Str + 2 damage at difficulty 5. The form modifiers change to Str +2, Dex +4, Sta
+2, Perception +1, but it does not have access to any Ungeziefer enhanced traits. This form inflicts full Delirium on
vulnerable witnesses.
• Vault of Memory (Level Two) — (Vaguely) similar to the Stargazer Gift: Mindblock. Between Cockroach’s
tenacity, and the Samsa’s increasing grasp on his own mind, he becomes able to fortify it from any malign influence
who would seek to extract knowledge from him.
System: Once purchased, the difficulty of any Gift or other Power that would forcibly steal or alter
information from the Kakerlak is permanently increased to 10. In addition, all rolls made to resist mundane types of
coercion or knowledge extraction from the Samsa (such as through subterfuge) are made at -1 difficulty. Note that
this Gift does not protect from all attempts to influence or control the Samsa’s mind (such as the Changeling Mists),
but it does provide protection from Gifts like Taking the Forgotten.
• Voice of Reason (Level Two) — When it comes to keeping the various agitated Samsa on the right path,
the Kakerlak can be a welcome presence – even extending to other Fera as well. This Gift assists in curtailing the
effects of Rage, whether in discussion or combat, as long as the Samsa remains nearby.
System: The effects of this Gift depends on the situation in which it is used, and lasts either for the combat
or for the duration of the discussion. The player rolls Manipulation + Empathy at difficulty 8, and lets go of one Rage.
In combat, the Samsa increases the difficulty of frenzy rolls for nearby (as in same-zone) allies by 1 per success. In
negotiation, conference, or discussion, nearby participants are treated as if they have (successes) less Rage than
normal; a raging Fera with 9 might be more mellow at 6.
• Etched in Memory (Level Three) — This Gift allows the Samsa to impart knowledge of his own Gifts in
tangible form, by infusing an object with his memory and essence of it. The Kakerlak is unable to use the Gift (and
indeed forgets it completely) for the duration, but it provides a way to assist allies who might utilize knowledge better
than he. The utmost care should be taken with the object, however, as there would likely be repercussions both from
Cockroach for careless sharing of secrets, and mental mishaps should the object be used improperly.
System: The Samsa selects a non-passive Gift he knows, and spends one Gnosis and one Willpower to
etch the pure memory of its usage into an object, to be used similarly as a talen. The user activates it using the
resource and roll that it would normally cost (at +1 diff for non-Samsa, and +1 diff for each rank difference), and the
memory of the Gift returns to the Samsa after the scene. The etching can persist for only a week, and only stays
active if it remains within 15 miles of the Samsa (rough distance from the sept to Seattle is ~10-15 for example);
exceeding that distance or entering an Umbral realm causes the memory to rush back rather painfully. Note that
some Samsa Gifts are beyond the physical capabilities of other Fera entirely, and would cause the activation of the
etching to automatically fail on use.
• Excision (Level Three) — Similar to the Aetherial Gift: Blank Slate. The Kakerlak can completely remove
a single piece of information from her own mind or from that of another. This Gift becomes useful in situations where
an individual has come across some dangerous knowledge that might lead to his death for possessing it, or for
confounding foes. Note that this is removal, and not stealing the knowledge. The Samsa may also use this Gift to
alter her own memories in situations where she feels that this is necessary, but only one piece of information may be
altered at a time.
System: When making physical or direct eye contact with the target, the player spends a point of Gnosis and
rolls Manipulation + Empathy, contested by the target’s Willpower. A single success allows the character to excise
the desired piece of information, with some caveats. The Samsa is unable to remove large, important swathes of
one’s life; he could not remove all knowledge that a businessman works at a particular company, but he could
remove the knowledge that there was a meeting to attend that day. Additional successes enable the character to
make secondary adjustments to the target’s memory to hide the fact that something is missing; at three successes,
that businessman might instead think that he was supposed to head home early. No successes means that the victim
retains the memory, and is made aware that someone has tried to tamper with his mind. A botch may either remove
the memory along with other chunks of information, or affect the Samsa’s memory instead.
• Guiding Hand (Level Three) — As the Shadow Lord Gift: Direct the Storm. Having a nest member who is
prone to frenzy isn’t safe for anyone, given it often leads to abandonment. With this Gift, the Kakerlak can direct the
primal instincts of a frenzied Fera — friend or foe — causing him to attack targets of the Samsa’s choice.
System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Willpower (difficulty of the target’s Rage). Success
indicates that the Kakerlak controls the target’s frenzy and can set him on anyone she chooses, although a Samsa in
fox frenzy only directs their retreat. A fox frenzy may be altered into berserk instead, but it requires the player to roll
Rage (difficulty 7) to check for frenzy for her own character.
• Knowledge of the Ages (Level Three) — A stronger version of the Uktena Gift: Sense Magic. Cockroach
and his (Garou) children have observed much over the millennia, and the Kakerlak becomes able to tap into just
enough of that buried knowledge to determine the workings of the world. The Kakerlak can observe the ebb and flow
of magics, Gifts, Disciplines and so on, and divine their purpose and type.
System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas with a difficulty equal to the severity of the Power being
used (Storyteller’s discretion). The more successes earned, the more detailed the information is. Should a Samsa
observe a vampire’s Celerity for example, at one success they might sense “Something that works much like Rage”,
while 3+ successes would be along the lines of, “A passive Power much like Rage, which allows the Leech to lunge
multiple times in seconds, and makes him much more dexterous in his strikes.”
• Shining Shell (Level Three) — This Gift hardens the Samsa’s body against the hardest blows and fiercest
fires through sheer resolve. The ignored damage causes his carapace to flash with a shiny gleam where the damage
would have been incurred. Beetle-spirits teach this Gift.
System: Once this Gift is learned, it may be activated at any time. The Samsa may spend a point of
Willpower to automatically soak a single health level of damage after any soak rolls have been made. Multiple points
may be spent in a single turn to soak multiple levels if desired.
• Secret Weapon (Level Three) — Similar to the Philodox Gift: Weak Arm. Although one might glean
knowledge of fighting styles simply from observing an opponent, the Samsa may go beyond the mundane with this
Gift. Merging her own knowledge and intuition alongside the secrets that reside in forgotten memories, she can gain
the upper hand on any unknown foe in combat.
System: The player may spend a Gnosis point when facing a foe that is supernatural in some manner. She
adds her Occult rating to her attack or damage rolls against that opponent. For instance, a Samsa with a rating of four
could add two dice to her attack rolls and two to her damage pool, or four to her damage rolls, or three to attack and
one to damage — whatever combination suits her. However, the distribution of dice cannot be changed once the Gift
has been activated. This Gift can be used against a given foe only once per scene, and its benefits are lost at the end
of the scene. A full turn of concentration is necessary to use this Gift.
• Speech of All Things (Level Three) — As the Children of Gaia Gift. As the Kakerlak grow and learn, they
become rather adaptable. Adaptable to environments, to circumstances, and even cultures, given time and the aid of
this Gift. The Samsa can understand, read, write, and speak any language as fluently as she physically can. She can
emulate the roars of the Simba, but any member of that Breed would know the difference since she does not have
the vocal capacity to make the correct sounds. Within those limits, she can speak the languages of various Changing
Breeds, she knows the secret rune languages of dead magi, and if she were so inclined, she could even understand
the dread tongues of the Wyrm. This Gift does not protect the Samsa’s mind from what she hears.
System: The character can understand any language once she has learned this Gift. With an Intelligence +
Academics roll (difficulty 7) she can read and write in those languages for the scene. If the language is not in
common usage by more than a single, small group or culture — or does not have a written form — the difficulty
increases to 9.
• Spirit’s-Eye View (Level Three) — As the Silver Fang Lodge Gift: Half Moon Mnemonics. This Gift allows
a Samsa to remember a moment with perfect clarity, fixing it forever within their mind. They may recall that moment
at any time, and examine the memory from any angle they wish. The memory does not dim with age, and the recall is
always perfect and total. The spirit of a flying insect teaches this Gift.
System: The player must spend one point of Gnosis to store a memory and then rolls Wits + Alertness
(difficulty 6) to fix it in the characters mind. The character can store one memory for every point of permanent Gnosis
she has. To recall the memory in this fashion, the player must make an Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty 7, 6 if the
character is a Philodox, 5 if the character is a Philodox and staring into water). A botch means the memory vanishes,
leaving a permanent hole in the character’s memory. The character may dump memories at any time, leaving her
only a normal recollection of the event.

Some general Rites, as well as a few from the Glass Walkers or Bone Gnawers may be
appropriate for the Samsa. Rite of Cleansing is generally a very good idea to perform their
duties without earning the ire of Gaians at consuming taint, at least until they learn the
appropriate Gifts. They haven’t been around long enough as a cohesive society to invent many
of their own. (Player-created Rites will also be noted here)

• Rite of the Consuming Host (Mystic)

Level: 4
Description: Similar to the Grondr Rite of the Hungry Soul, this Rite allows Samsa to consume spirits.
However, this Rite is less an expression of consuming evil without being tainted, it’s more ravenous hunger that
happens to be useful for Gaians. This rite allows a wereroach to consume a spirit, as long as it cannot escape. This
rite may be used on spirits they have defeated in combat, Banes that power corrupted fetishes, or even those
possessing fomori — though in most cases consuming the Bane kills the host. This rite is most often used to
consume Wyrmish spirits, but any spirit may be the target (which might make Wyrm-aligned Samsa quite the threat to
Gaians). Indiscriminately using this rite is an easy way to attract the ire of almost every spirit in the Umbra, however.
Consuming spirits in this way does not cleanse their inherent taint; Samsa are, as always, simply unaffected by
Wyrm-taint. Others that may attempt to learn this Rite off of the wereroaches will not have the same protection.
System: Performing this rite is a contested roll between the ritemaster’s Wits + Rituals and the spirit’s Rage.
The ritemaster’s difficulty is equal to the difficulty of summoning the spirit (see Rite of Summoning), the difficulty of
the spirit’s roll is the ritemaster’s Gnosis. If he is successful, the ritemaster consumes the spirit, quite literally, in
Ungeziefer form. He can use the spirit’s Charms as though they were innate powers, spending the captive spirit’s
Essence. Whenever the ritemaster would spend a point of Gnosis she can spend a point of the consumed spirit’s
Essence instead. It cannot regain Essence, and loses one point per day of captivity. When the spirit runs out of
Essence, it is destroyed; the ritemaster consumes its very core. While the spirit lives, it can still get free — if someone
kills the ritemaster. Note that attempting to devour spirits near Incarnae level may not have the desired effect.

• Rite of Metamorphosis (Mystic)

Level: 5?
Description: Knowledge and details of this Rite are currently firmly in Wyrmish hands. All that’s known is
that through cruel, artificial process, a human is forcibly transformed into a Homid Samsa. It could perhaps be
replicated, but to force such a fate on someone would be unthinkable for the un-tainted.
System: ???

The Samsa mostly have ‘copied’ a few other tribal fetishes and talens so far, with
Homids adapting certain Glass Walker ones, and Metis being whispered hints of those of the
Black Spiral Dancers from Banes. (Player-created Fetishes and Talens will also be noted here.)

Soothing Pipes (Level Two Fetish)

Gnosis 7
This fetish does not have to actually be a pipe, simply any instrument which has special significance to the
Samsa playing it. The music played brings a troubled mind a sense of balance that helps to resist degeneration into
madness for a time. After a successful activation and a turn playing the instrument, the Samsa may suppress the
effects of one of her derangements for a scene (and may not use Cause Insanity for that Derangement). To create
Soothing Pipes, one must bind a spirit of air or calm into a personal item suitable for playing.

Static Shockers (Talen)

Gnosis 5
By binding an electricity elemental into a bullet (not a task taken lightly given their temperament), these
talens also deliver a painful electric shock that sends muscles spasming, increasing the difficulty to perform the next
three physical actions by +2. If the bullet strikes an electrical-based entity (such as some forms of Weaver-spirits), it
instead stuns them for their next action. The bullet must deal unsoaked damage for the effect to occur.

Merits and Flaws

Many Garou Merits and Flaws are not appropriate for Samsa of course, though there
would be far too many to list here. Use your best judgment, or ask an ST whether it would be
acceptable. In addition, here are some new, Samsa-specific options.

Immunity to the Delirium: (2 pt. Mental Merit)

Whether through Pentex or forced conditioning, or unusual strength of character, the
Samsa does not suffer the effects of the Delirium in Homid form.

Lord of the...Roaches: (4 pt Supernatural Merit or Flaw)

A veritable swarm of cockroach-spirits surrounds the Samsa in the Umbra at all times,
similar to the Ratkin’s Unearthly Freak Factor. If this is taken as a Merit, the Samsa has some
measure of control over them, providing willing bodies for Gifts such as Cockroach Control or
Replenishment of the Flesh should they Materialize, as well as reliable teachers.
If this is taken as a Flaw, the Samsa attracts an unruly lot that are reluctant to obey him
at all, as well as exponentially increasing the amount of whispers he is forced to hear. These
roaches may Materialize at the worst of times, causing unfortunate and even Veil-breaking
attention when they do so. Functionally, the Samsa is at +2 difficulty to resist their
Derangement(s) and an additional +1 difficulty to Alertness rolls due to the incessant chitters,
and the spirits may decide to Materialize at unfortunate times (ST discretion).

Flashes of Sanity: (5 pt Mental Merit)

The vast majority of Samsa are broken, shivering things, but the character seems to be
different. It may be due to an early rescue and treatment, a promising roach of the new
generation, or whatever other reason, but the Samsa with this Merit does not begin with a
Derangement. They must still select a ‘second’ Derangement if they are Homid, though this
Merit may be bought multiple times. Derangements gained through play are bought off with this
Merit, rather than the 3-point standard.
(Note that good justification is required for this Merit.)

Swarm: (7 pt. Physical Merit)

As a Mockery Breed, their marketed purpose was to act as a swarm-based shifter, able
to conceal themselves in a hundred different places in a room. For most, the only reminder of
this intent exists in the Samsa’s Dissolution Power, but for some, it was an actual success.
Perhaps Pentex spent a bit more time on them, or the Breed’s prehistoric memories ran strong
in the egg. The Samsa may assume a form much like the Crawlerling form for Ananasi, the
Gewürm. Mechanics for the form may be found in the Forms section.

Psychiatric “Treatment”: (1-4 pt Mental Flaw)

While the name of this Merit sounds positive, it most certainly is not. Whether the
addiction came about during the Samsa’s initial captivity in a Pentex facility, or seeking
treatment after the fact through Pentex-owned pharmaceuticals, the Samsa is dependent on
Wyrmish drugs to function. For every cycle the Samsa does not assuage his addiction with
Pentex-sourced drugs, he is overcome with wracking pain: a cumulative -1 die to all actions,
and +1 difficulty to resist Derangements. The severity of the dependency varies based on Flaw
cost, seen below, and will almost certainly land the Samsa into trouble with Gaian Fera should
they detect the taint on him. Banes might also pay the Samsa a visit on occasion, tempting him
to the other side. This chart is based on OOC time.
Points Cycle

1 Once per month

2 Bi-weekly
3 Once per week

4 Once per day

Insatiable Hunger: (5 pt Mental Flaw)

Though consumption of unsavory items is wholly part of the Samsa’s new purpose, the
character with this Flaw cannot control their urges at all; the Eater-of-Souls may well have taken
hold in the unfortunate roach’s soul. Each time a source of food is ‘offered’ to the Samsa,
whether that’s a freshly tossed burger or a freshly killed fomor, the Samsa must make a
Willpower roll at difficulty 7 to resist immediately spending a turn feasting on it. If the object
cannot be fully consumed in a turn, the character must make this roll every turn to resist. This
also includes objects that the Samsa may not yet have Gift resistance to such as chemicals,
and losing control in such a manner often may result in loss of Renown.

Incomplete Transformation: (7 pt Physical Flaw)

The Samsa with this Flaw is unable to fully control his Ungeziefer form - the ‘enhanced’
trait he assumes is completely random, and he may only assume one at a time. Upon assuming
the form, the player must roll a 1d10; the power that is manifested corresponds to the
alphabetical traits list in the Forms section (1-9, if 10 he may miraculously choose). He may
never learn the Transfiguration Gift, and The Metamorphosis Gift only allows another random
reroll of a manifested trait with a Willpower expenditure. This may be taken as a Metis deformity
for only a 2 freebie point ‘refund’.

As many deformities listed in the books would not be suitable for Samsa, here are a few
other ideas for Metis. There’s always the option for custom deformities not listed, however, and
a portion of the Garou deformities would still be reasonable. Note that Derangements may still
be chosen as deformities, though they would have to be fairly major ones to be accepted.

Brittle Carapace:
The Samsa’s carapace in all insect forms is incredibly thin and easy to damage. The
difficulty to soak all attacks is increased by two, and the Samsa may never manifest the
Armored Carapace trait in Ungeziefer form. The Spiked Carapace or Steel Carapace Gifts may
not be learned. As a minor upside, the light carapace grants an extra die to Athletics rolls
related to movement.
If this Deformity is ‘thrown’ via the Malformation Gift, the target’s skin instead becomes
cracked and thin, causing the same effects.
Bug Eyes:
The Samsa with this affliction has a rather...interesting problem while in Homid form, as
a certain insect trait carries over. Whether this manifests in bulging and oversized eyes, eyes
set far too high and far apart, or ones split into compoundeyes, the Samsa sticks out like a sore
thumb. They suffer +2 difficulty to all visual Perception rolls while in Homid form, and +2 to all
Social rolls among humans...if they don’t endanger the Veil completely. Fera also find this
unsettling, causing a +1 Social roll difficulty among them as well.
If this Deformity is ‘thrown’ via the Malformation Gift, it affects any form the enemy may
be in, causing +1 difficulty to all actions in addition to the Perception difficulties.

Constricting Carapace:
The opposite of the Brittle Carapace deformity; in this case, the Samsa’s carapace is
incredibly bulky and difficult to move in. This also translates somewhat to the Samsa’s Homid
form, as the skin crusts over with a hard exoskeleton, and cockroach ‘hairs’ sprout from limbs. It
can be passed off as dermatitis at a casual glance or if covered, but is clearly supernatural on
close inspection. The Samsa’s Dexterity is reduced by 1 in all forms, and Athletics rolls suffer -1
die. In addition, Appearance is permanently reduced by 2 in Homid, which can reach 0. As a
small plus, the hardened carapace provides an additional soak die in all forms.
If this Deformity is ‘thrown’ via the Malformation Gift, it affects any form of the victim in
the same manner, with either fur or skin crusting over.

Rather than the bull or deer-like horns that may come from a Garou’s hooved patron, the
horn that sprouts from the Samsa with this mutation more resembles that of a Hercules or
Rhinoceros beetle. Perhaps the connection to the spirit egg was imperfect somewhere in the
Samsa’s lineage and experimentation with another insect was necessary. While this may
provide an alternate weapon (Strength + 1 lethal diff 6, Tackle maneuvers deal lethal and -1
diff), it’s by no means a great positive. Rather than any social stigma among the Samsa
themselves, as most have their own problems, their mystical connection to Cockroach is
tenuous at best. The totem barely recognizes the horned Samsa as his children due to this
weak link, and cockroach-spirits are loath to teach them. All Gifts cost the out-of-Breed
experience amount, and any Gift that is learned from a cockroach-spirit requires additional
chiminage - or may be rejected altogether (roll Cha+Emp or Manip+Occult, diff 6). The Swarm
Ungeziefer trait may never be manifested, and Cockroach Control may not be learned. This is in
addition to the usual veil-breaking troubles that result from a horn jutting out of one’s head. (As
a note, this does mean that the character’s insect forms may resemble something other than a
cockroach, but it must be a horned insect.)
If this Deformity is ‘thrown’ via the Malformation Gift, it increases the difficulty of actions
by 1 due to the unfamiliar weight.
No Antennae:
Much like tails for the mammalian shifters, antennae for a cockroach assist in keeping
balance and finding their way around, as well as providing a keen sense of ‘smell’. The Samsa
with this deformity lacks them entirely, making the world a much more disorienting place. The
wereroach suffers +2 difficulty to all Dexterity rolls related to movement in insect forms, and fails
all Perception rolls involving smell automatically. In addition, their Homid form either has a
malformed or completely missing nose, and as such, Appearance may never be higher than 1.
Predictably, the Samsa may never manifest the Antennae Extension trait in Ungeziefer form.
Negative effects related to smell, such as Gift of the Stinkbug, do not affect the Samsa however.
If this Deformity is ‘thrown’ via the Malformation Gift, the target’s nose or snout becomes
warped, suffering the negatives of the lack of smell, but not the Dexterity penalty.

No Mandibles:
Much like the No Fangs Garou deformity, but even worse for the Samsa. The wereroach
with this deformity retains their human teeth in any insect form, horrifyingly enough, and as such
all Bite attacks only deal Bashing damage at Strength -1. They may never manifest the
Mandibles portion of the Ungeziefer trait, and all Gifts that involve biting (aside from Hunger for
Flesh, Malady Purge, and Voracious Appetite) cannot be taken.
If this Deformity is ‘thrown’ via the Malformation Gift, the target’s fangs change into
human teeth in much the same way, suffering the same penalties.

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