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UDC 671.643 2-004. :671.645.00-034.14 20707.6-098.7422 DEUTSCHE NORM Polyethylene coatings for steel pipes and fittings Requirements and testing April 1991 ‘Umnatung von Stahotren und -tormaticken mit Polethyien ‘Supersedes July 1960 ection. In koeoing with curent practice in standards publsned by the Inteatone! Organization for Standardization (SO). a comma hes Deon used throughout asthe decimal marker. “Tis standard nas bean prepared jointy by DIN Deutsches institut tr Normung . Vand OVGW Deutscher Verein des Gas nd Wasseriaches eV (German Gas and Water Engineers’ Associaton). The Stancare has been adopted into the OVGW Codes of paces on gas ana wat Dimensions in on Contents vo me 1 Scope and field of application "| 425. identation hardness 2 2 Concent 1 426 Percentage elongation at fare 2 21. indentation haraness 1427 Coming vessty 2 22 Lat seting 1 428 Heat ageing 2 223. Minimum costing ckness + 429 _Lant ageing 2 24 Continuity 15 Testing ‘ i} 25. Percentage elongation at tahure 1 81 Generat . 423] 26. sona trenatn 1 52 ‘tpactoncocumans : THE [2] 22 come esemey BO eae a yl | 3 rss a : HE nation 534. Imosct strength 4 Heir a; eceemens| 2 535 indentation narcness ‘ 441, Requirements fr substrate 2 536 Percentage elongation faire a 42 Reaurements for costing 2537. Costing reuatwty 5 422. Minimum thickness 2 538 Hest soeng 5 422 Comieuity 2 539. Uaht ageing 5 423. Bond strength 2 8 marking 5 424 impact strength 2 Standerde refered 10 6 11 Scope and field of application This standard species requicoments for and methods of {esting extruded ana fused powyetnyene coatings apped at {the works {0 ON 2448 or DIN 2458 steel pipes at wl ben ‘contac with sol or water, is intend to be used for qua fy assurance purposes. When supplied wth normal type coatings IN pipes in compbance wit his stancara are su ‘ble for continuous serie tamperatures of up to 50°C, a ‘stn special type coating (Stor temperatures upto TO°C- For the purposes ofthis standard, the term ‘see pipe’ in. ‘hides tings manufactured from auch Pes ‘The indentation hardness is a measure ofthe resistance of Coatings tothe penetration ofa tet ynder uncer speci: fed conditions, 22 Ught ageing For the purposes of this standard taht ageing fs ageing of coatings by exposure to fltared xenon are radltion In & laboratory apparatus at a given iradance, combined with ovodse wetting 23. Minimum coating thickness ‘The mioimum coating thickness s the required thickness of coatings at any point 24 Continuity ‘The continuity of coatings Is defined a6 its freedom trom Cefects auen 8 cracks or pinholes. 25 Percentage elongation at fare ‘The percentage elongation at fallur isthe increase in the ‘onginal gauge length ofa taet place at the moment of fal Ure, expreased a8 8 percentage ofthe orginal gauge length. 26 Bond strength For the purposes of tha standard, the bond strength i the force requred to peel a sinp of coating trom the ppe under spectted conattons. Page2 piv 30670 2.7 Impact strength ‘The impact strength is defines asthe impact energy coat~ Ings can wthatand under soveties conaioons 28 Coating resistivity “Te coating resetty i te elactical resistance of coatings er unt area. 2ing of ‘Coatings by exposure to hota at given temperature for 8 Spacitied porioe 3 Designation Costings shal be designated as being of the normal (N) or” ‘Special (©) type (ct subcinuses 423,425 and 428) ane 3s ‘Deng appted toa normal (to reinforced (7) thickness (cf. subdlauee 421), a8 foows: Coating DIN 30670 ~ N-n Coating DIN 30670 ~ Nv Coating DIN 90670 - S-n Coating DIN 30670 - S-v 4 Requirements 4.1 Requirements for substrate Immediately oir to application of the coating, the surface ‘of the stoa! pipe (eubstrate) shal be clean (Le ee rom a, ‘l,gFease,welcing baad, moisture) and Dastod to comphy ‘wen standard preparation grade Sa 2/4 as cetined In DIN 58926 Pan's 42. Requirements for coating 42.1 Minimum thickness ‘The minimum coating thcknese thal! be a2 specified in tae — Minima themes Nominal sz of pipe of normal (9) coating nm upto _DNI00 18 (Over ON 100 up to _ON280 20 ‘Over ON 26010 below ON 500, 22 From ON 500 to below ON 800 25. From DN 800 30. ‘Tha minimum coating tekness shall be 0:7 mm greater (ralnforeed”() tye) where coatnge wil be subjected 12 particulary high mechanical strees. ‘Neng any 11m length of pipe, the coating thickness may be {to 10% lone than the minimum required. provided the {inner area dove nat cover more then Sem “The ends of pipes les than ON S00 in sie shal be free rom ‘Achesve over engin of 50 rm, those of @ least ON 800 in SSza over a length of TOO mm, unis ctherwsse sbecried by {he purenaser ‘The length of uncosted pipe ends shall rot exceed 180 mm, Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser 422 Contiuity “The coating shall be continuous (le. tree trom pinholes). ‘hie raqurerent shal be doomed satisfied Io breakdown inthe costing occurs dung spark testing (et. subciause 532) 423 Bond strength \Winen the coming i ested a8 specified in subciause S33. hot more then 24 hours ater application, the mean force Fequred tif of shal 4) ata test temperature of (20: 5)°C, be atleast 38N por tm of test piece width: 1) at atest temperature of (50:4 5)°C, be a least 15N per {Em of test prece width for type N coatings. and 25 N per fm for ype 8 coatings. 424 impact strength ‘when tested in accordance with subcause 5.3.4 the cost Ing shal withstane 90 impacts without any letneal break ‘own securrag. 425, indentation hardness \inen tested in accordance wih subclaute 525, the ingen {ation depth of type N coatings shal not exceed O2 mm at temperature of (29'22)°C, nor O3 mem at (60'=2)°C. Inthe ‘case oftype S coatings, chal not exceed 0 mm at atom perature of 70 2)°C 426 Percentage elongation at fahure ‘When tested in accoraance with subciuse 836, the por tentage elongation at favre shal be at least 200%. 427 Comting esietvity nen tested in accorgance with subclause 5:37, the cout- ing resistviy, determined afer condoning the tort pioos inthe test medium for 100 daye, shal be not les than som Tha ratio of resistvity ator 100 days to tat after 70 days shat'be not loss than Of, provided he esiatvty only ne ‘Dower of 10 above that speciied for 100 days of condtion- ino. 428 Heat ageing ‘When tasted in accordance wih subciause 53.8, the malt ‘om rata shall not deviate by more than 35% of the orignal 429 Upht ageing When tested in accordance with subcieuse 539, the matt flow rate ofthe fost ploces shal not deviate By more than 3844 of te anginal value, Page's ON 30670 5 Testing 51 General “Testing may be carried out by the manufacturer oF by & recognized teat nouse ‘The manutacturer shall De responsible for ensuing com lance wrth the requrements spectied in subclauses 411 Sh2 and 421 10.423 For each coating material and application process, the ‘manufacturer shal provise proot of comphance with the Tequrements spaciied in subclses 42.6 t0 429 at inter- ‘ais of at lonst twee years Unless otverwae speciiod below, samples shal be uncer: ‘stood to be pipes oF pipe sections ‘52. Inspection documents lesuing a DIN 60 049 inspection document shall be the sub: Jeet of agreement. 53 Procedure 52.1 Costing thickness ‘The coating thickness shall be measured at points untormly

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