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English IV

Festivity St. Patrick

Teacher: Roxana Ramírez Ruelas


Avila Pérez Uriel
Buenrostro Gómez Carlos Alberto
Cortés García Arturo
González Morales Beatriz
Licona Casillas Ángela Verónica
Solórzano Huerta Fernanda Teresa
Festivity video script St. Patrick

● Intro
Carlos poses in clothing representative of the St. Patrick festivity, thus starting the theme.

● Country (Fernanda).

Ireland has two official languages: English, spoken by 99% of the population. Irish, which is
also the national language, is only spoken by 36% of the inhabitants.

CURRENCY: Its official currency is the euro. Member of the euro area since January 1,

GOVERNMENT: Type of government is Parliamentary Republic. Executive Branch: The

President, Head of State, is directly elected by the people for a period of 7 years (eligible for
a second period); the last elections were on October 25, 2018. Being Mr. Michael D. Higgins,
he was re-elected for a second term as president after receiving 56% of the country's votes.

Judiciary: Supreme Court of Justice. Political Parties: Republican Party (FF). - Family of the
Irishman (FG). -Labor Party (LAB). - Progressive Democrats. - Green Party (GP). -
Ourselves (SF). - Socialist Party (SP).

ECONOMY: Basis of the Economy: Agriculture, once the most important sector, is now
eclipsed by industry and services. Exports from the sector dominated by foreign
multinationals remain a key component of the Irish economy.

CLIMATE: The climate of Ireland is defined as a temperate oceanic climate.

LOCATION: The island of Ireland is located in the northwest of Europe, forming part of the
British archipelago, being the second largest island of the same, and the third island in
Europe, after Great Britain and Iceland, as well as the twentieth in the world.

RELIGION: The main religion in Ireland is Christianity, 92% of the population is Catholic, 3%
Protestant or Anglican, while the rest declare they have no religious beliefs or belong to
small communities of believers such as Muslims, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses or Orthodox.

● Celebration (Ángela).

The March 17 celebration started in one thousand six hundred thirty-one when the Church
established a Feast Day honoring Saint Patrick; this celebration lasts 5 days.
Saint Patrick, born in Roman Britain at the end of the 4th century, was kidnapped at the age
of 16 and taken to Ireland as a slave, later escaping but returning to convert the Irish to

Many legends grew around him, for example, that he drove the snakes out of Ireland and
used the shamrock to explain the trinity.

● Gastronomy (Uriel).

Well, now we will talk about the typical food consumed at the St. Patrick's Festival in Ireland.

It is clear that beer is always present at this celebration, but the gastronomy is more complex
than that.

We have soda bread, which is the traditional Irish bread, and its preparation is just as
complex as any other bread. However, as tradition and legend dictate, it must be marked
with a cross before being put into the oven to let the fairies out from within. It is made with
flour, yeast, salt, and buttermilk, and it is a very simple preparation.

Salmon pâté: This delicious appetizer combines the smooth and smoky flavor of salmon with
a creamy and rich texture. Irish salmon pâté is prepared with high-quality fresh salmon, fresh
cream, butter, and aromatic spices such as dill and lemon. It is served in thin slices on toast
or crispy bread, providing a unique and exquisite flavor experience.

Beef and Guinness stew: This classic main dish is a showcase of Ireland's rich culinary
tradition. Beef and Guinness stew combines tender and juicy beef with the distinctive dark
flavor of Guinness beer. Other ingredients include onions, carrots, potatoes, and aromatic
herbs. The meat is slow-cooked in a pot, allowing the flavors to blend and intensify, creating
a rich and comforting stew.

Armagh apple tart with caramel: For dessert lovers, the Armagh apple tart with caramel is an
irresistible choice. Armagh, in Northern Ireland, is famous for its high-quality apples, and this
tart showcases them in all their glory. The tart is made with a crispy pastry base, filled with
fresh and juicy apples, and topped with sweet and sticky caramel. Every bite is an explosion
of sweet and fruity flavors that will make you savor every last spoonful.

● Video Cooking (Ángela).

I will show you the process of making soda bread.

The ingredients are:

-310 grams of wheat flour.
-3 grams of baking soda.
-3 grams of salt.
-250 milliliters of milk.
-15 milliliters of lemon juice.
-Step 1: Mix the milk with the lemon juice and let it rest for 15 minutes.
-Step 2: In a deep and wide container, place the wheat flour, the baking soda, the salt, and
the milk-lemon mixture.
-Step 3: Stir with a wooden spoon to integrate the flour little by little. When the dough is so
thick that it can not be worked with a spoon, sprinkle the counter with flour and pour the
dough over it.
-Step 4: Knead for a few minutes until homogeneous.
-Step 5: Introduce the tray in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees celsius, for 25-30 minutes.
When the bread is golden, remove from the oven and let cool on a wire rack before eating.

● Activities (Beatriz).

St. Patrick's Day is a major event in Ireland and many activities take place across the
country. Some of the activities that take place on St. Patrick's Day in Ireland include:

1. Parades: The St. Patrick's Day parade is a major event in many Irish cities and towns. The
largest parade is held in Dublin, and more than 500,000 people are expected to attend each

2. Concerts: Many concerts and musical shows are held on St. Patrick's Day in Ireland. Pubs
and bars also often have live music.

3. Festivals: There are various festivals throughout Ireland during St. Patrick's Day. Some
include the Beer Festival in Cork, the Food and Drink Festival in Limerick and the Dance
Festival in Dublin.

4. Walking around the city: Many people enjoy taking a walk around the city on St. Patrick's
Day. Most of the buildings are decorated with Irish flags and the pubs and bars are full of
people celebrating the day.

5. Wear Green: A common tradition on St. Patrick's Day is to wear green, the color of
Ireland. Many people wear green hats and necklaces, and some even dye their hair.

6. Food and drink: St. Patrick's Day is also a good excuse to indulge in traditional Irish food
and drink, like Irish beef stew, soda bread, and Guinness beer.

● Music (Carlos).

Now let's talk about music

obviously the music that is heard when celebrating saint patrick's day is irish music
Irish music is very similar to the rest of European music
but this is characterized by instruments such as the Celtic flute and mainly the bagpipe
Currently Irish music has evolved forming a wide variety of musical groups
Probably you know the group U2, a very famous Irish band.
Some of these groups even continue to use classical instruments and rhythms.
● Traditional clothes (Arturo).

Historically, the use of the color green on St. Patrick's Day was not as widespread as
it is today. In early times, the color associated with St. Patrick was blue. However,
over time, especially during the 18th century, green became the distinctive color of
Ireland and the holiday.

As for traditional attire, there isn't a specific garment exclusively worn for St. Patrick's
Day. Instead, people often choose to wear various green clothing items to display
their festive spirit. Some common items of clothing include t-shirts, sweaters, hats,
scarves, socks, or even full green outfits. These garments can be adorned with
symbols or designs related to Ireland, such as three-leaf clovers, leprechauns, or the
Irish tricolor.

The choice of materials for the clothing varies based on personal preference and
weather conditions. Common materials like cotton, wool, polyester, or other
lightweight fabrics can be used depending on the time of year and geographic

Some everyday garments in Ireland are:

II. Aran sweater:
The Aran sweater is a traditionally hand-knitted sweater that has its roots in the Aran
Islands, located off the west coast of Ireland. These sweaters are known for their
braid design and intricate textures. Originally, the fishermen of the Aran Islands
knitted these sweaters to protect themselves from the cold and wet weather of the
Atlantic. Each braid pattern on the sweater has a unique symbolic meaning, and is
often passed down through the generations. Today, the Aran sweater is a highly
valued garment and has become an icon of Irish craftsmanship.

III. Wellies:
Wellies, also known as wellies or rain boots, are a widely used waterproof shoe in
Ireland, especially around St. Patrick's Day, which often involves parades and outdoor
events. These boots, made of waterproof rubber, offer protection against rain and
mud. Wellies are usually green, in keeping with the theme of the day, and are a
popular choice for both children and adults during the St. Patrick's Day festivities.

IV. Kilts:
The kilt is a traditional Scottish garment, but it is often associated with Celtic culture
in general and can therefore also be seen at festivities related to Saint Patrick. The
kilt is a pleated and checked skirt that is wrapped around the waist and falls to the
knee. Traditionally, the kilt is made of tartan, a woolen fabric woven in specific
patterns that represent different clans or families. Although not native Irish attire, the
kilt has been adopted and worn at St. Patrick's related events to show overall Celtic

● Conclusion

We all celebrate the festivity of St. Patrick, in an open-air place with a very pleasant view, we
spend a pleasant time talking and the bread is placed and consumed later.




Arturo Cortés -Investigación 18 de mayo-23 de -Imágenes acorde al

García vestimenta mayo. tema.
tradicional. -Ingredientes de
-Comprar los calidad.

Carlos Alberto -Investigación 18 de mayo-25 de -Imágenes acorde al

Buenrostro Gómez música. mayo. tema.
-Presentación -Diseño llamativo.

Uriel Avila Pérez -Investigación 18 de mayo-26 de -Imágenes acorde al

gastronomía. mayo. tema.
-Edición. -Verificar el tiempo
del video.

Fernanda Teresa -Investigación del 18 de mayo-24 de -Imágenes acorde al

Solórzano Huerta país. mayo. tema.
-Grabación. -Calidad de cámara.

Ángela Verónica -Investigación 18 de mayo-24 de -Imágenes acorde al

Licona Casillas celebración. mayo. tema.
-Preparación del -Buena higiene.
pan de soda.

Beatriz González -Investigación 20 de mayo-22 de -Imágenes acorde al

Morales actividades. mayo. tema.
-Vestimenta. -Vestimenta acorde
a la festividad.


1 El video tiene una duración de 10 a 20 minutos.

2 El video tiene un audio y volumen que permiten entender con

claridad lo que se está presentando.

3 El video tiene una secuencia lógica y fluidez que permiten

darle seguimiento al tema presentado.

4 El video es totalmente en inglés.

5 El video incluye todos los aspectos del tema.

6 Todos los integrantes del equipo participan en el video

exponiendo en inglés.

7 En el video todos los integrantes realizan una receta de cocina

del platillo tradicional de la festividad presentada.

8 El video es entregado por Google Drive o subido a YouTube

para su evaluación.

9 El vídeo describe con claridad los diferentes aspectos de la

festividad designada.

10 El video denota creatividad y organización del trabajo del




1 El guión está escrito completamente en inglés

2 El guión incluye el nombre completo del integrante del equipo

que lo elaboró.

3 El guión no tiene faltas de ortografía.

4 El guión tiene una secuencia lógica.

5 El guión incluye todos los puntos del aspecto del tema, los
cuales son descritos en las instrucciones.

6 El guión es solo utilizado como guía para la presentación.

7 El guión es entregado como se indica en las instrucciones.

8 El cronograma muestra con puntualidad y claridad la
planeación del proyecto.

9 El cronograma es presentado en tabla como se indica en las


10 El cronograma tiene más del 90% de las actividades

realizadas para completar el proyecto.



1 La exposición es totalmente en inglés.

2 La exposición tiene una pronunciación que permite entender

con claridad lo que se dice.

3 La exposición es fluida y con entonación que denotan una

naturalidad al hablar.

4 La presentación es elaborada en los formatos: PPT, Google

Presentations o Canva, o algún otro formato que permite
trabajar de manera simultánea a distancia.

5 La presentación contiene todos los puntos del aspecto del

tema, los cuales son descritos en las instrucciones.

6 La presentación es totalmente en inglés.

7 La presentación no tiene faltas de ortografía

8 La presentación tiene un 90% de imágenes y un 10% de texto.

9 La presentación es entregada como se indica en las


10 La presentación debe ser usada como apoyo visual durante la

exposición del tema.


La tercera parcial será evaluada con el proyecto transversal y el proyecto de la materia.

Cada instrumento de evaluación del proyecto tiene en su totalidad un 30% de la calificación

de la parcial (son 3, por lo que el total de sus puntos darán el 90% de la calificación total de
la parcial)

El 10% faltante se obtiene del proyecto transversal.

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