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My sweetheart,

Am missing you and loving you. You are my best friend and confidant. Together we
are one union, that of love, a love that is unlike any that I have ever felt or
experienced before. How did such a blessing evolve?i was surprised to read all
these from you about joel, how can you belief all these,and conclude that am
playing a game ,wow play game with who?with my life or my heart never, i say
never..if you like belief me now i cross my heart with God i never set my eye on
who you called joel,he only sent me mail that his here in hotel' that's all i know
about him ,am now imagine how he got money to secure an hotel,or did you care for
his hotel accomodation, am now suspecting something is fishing,are you sure that
this is not a set-up for me,i told you everything about mylife ,please dont make
me dead hero here, you better go to your joel if that please you and let me enjoy
all i have hard labour and my life risk on heart not in grave, please and please
Kerry am now ready to leave you with your joel and i sure God will give me the
woman of my heart that she will really love me like you , ilove you kerry but i
have to stop it now though you amaze me. You make me dance, when before I wanted to
walk. You make me sing, when before I only whispered. You make me see, when before
I was blind. You are the constant in my life.
I fell in love with you when I realized how blissful love is. It is rare, but, when
your heart finds it there is nothing that deters you away. You have baptized me
with your love. What a blessing. What a priceless gift. How did I get to be so
lucky? Lucky to have found you in this very short period. My love, always,
forever ... I love you .don't ever discuss anything about me with him anymore ,you
are the one confused me to give him my private email address, i never play any
dirty game with you and i will never do that,nothing will stain my personalty in
life , oh i leave you for your joel. mind you i never set my eye on him
Love always,
James Meltz.

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