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Programme : B.Tech Semester : Winter 2022-23
Course : Probability, Statistics and Reliability / Slot :
Time : 1½ hours Max. Marks : 50

Answer all the Questions

Q. No. Question Description Marks

PART - A – (3 x 10 = 30 Marks)
1 (a) In a certain institute 25% of male and 10% of female are learning home science. The 10
females constitute 60% of the student male. (a) What is the probability home science
is being studied? (b) If a student is selected at random and is found to be learning home
science, find the probability that the student is a female? (c) probability that the student
is a male?
(b) The average number of mobile calls/ minute coming into a service station between 1 10
and 3 PM is 2.5. Determine the probability that during one particular minute there will
be (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (e) 4 or fewer (f) more than 6 (g) at most 5 (h) at least 20 calls
2 (a) Find (a) marginal distributions f(x) and g(y), (b) E(X) and E(Y), (c) Cov 10
(X, Y), (d) σX, σY and (e) ρ(X, Y) for the following joint distribution,
(f) Are X and Y independent random variables?

x y -4 2 7
1 1/8 ¼ 1/8
5 ¼ 1/8 1/8
(b) An appliance runs on an average of 125 hours/year. A random sample of 49 appliance 10
has an annual average use of 126.9 hours with standard deviation 8.4 hours. Does this
suggest to believe that appliance are used on the average more than 125 hours annually
at (a) 0.05 (b) 0.01 (c) 0.1 level of significance? (refer z values as given in the table)

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3 (a) In a study of usefulness of yoga in weight reduction, a random sample of 16 persons 10
undergoing yoga were examined of their weight before (without) and after (with) yoga
with the following results

Weight 209 178 169 212 180 192 158 180 170 153 183 165 201
Weight 196 171 170 207 177 190 159 180 164 152 179 162 199
Test whether yoga is useful in weight reduction at 0.01 level of significance,
Given t(0.01,15) = 2.602.
(b) Three sets of five mice were randomly selected to be placed in a standard warren but 10
with different color doors. The response is the time required to complete the warren
as seen below. Perform the appropriate analysis to test if there is an effect due to door
color using ANOVA . (Use α = 0.1)
Color TIME
Yellow 9 11 10 9 15
Green 20 21 23 17 30
White 6 5 8 14 7
PART – B – (2x10=20 MARKS)
4 Assume that the ‘reduction’ of a person’s oxygen consumption during a period of 10
Transcendental Meditation (T.M.) is a continuous random variable X normally
distributed with mean 37.6 cc/mt and s.d. 4.6 cc/mt. Determine the probability that
during a period of T.M. a person’s oxygen consumption will be reduced by (a) at least
44.5 cc/mt (b) at most 35.0 cc/mt (c) anywhere from 30.0 to 40.0 cc/mt

5 The household net expenditure on health care in south and north India, in two samples 10
of households, expressed as percentage of total income is shown the following table.
South 15 8 3.8 6.4 27.4 19 35.3 13.6
North 18.8 23.1 10.3 8 18.0 10.2 15.2 19 20.2
Test the equality of variances of households’ net expenditure on health care in south
and north India.

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