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Course: English

Activity: Week 03 – Task: Assignment – … Frequency

Professor’s name: Gina Antonella Buitriago

Students’ information:

Valeria Acosta Panduro Betsabeth Carrión Bances Manuel Hinostroza


ID: U22329103 ID: U22221794 ID: U22227181

Valeria and Betsabeth went to the cafeteria of the UTP university and on the way they met

B: Hi Valeria, How are you?

V: Hello! Betsabeth, I'm fine
B: Glad to hear it! I met your brother in a course, how is your brother?
V:  Oh great, I am fine. My brother is studying. I VERY FEW TIMES I SEE IT.
B: What does your brother do on weekends?
V: My brother always gets up at 8 am. On weekends he eats breakfast at 8:40 AM and
gets ready to go to the gym. and usually in the afternoons he goes for a walk with his
B:oh how nice!
M: hi girls
B: HI! Manuel
V: Hello Manuel, how are you?
M: Hello valerie, i'm fine
V: Ah, last week I saw your father, how is he?
M: Oh interesting. My dad is fine, surely he was going to work. Where did you see? 
V: I saw him in the square and how is work going?
M: He is doing well at work, he usually arrives tired because he works a lot.Sometimes on
weekends we go out to eat together.
V: It's good that you spend time together
M: Yes, it is very nice to spend time with my dad
B:oh how nice!
M: And how are you Bestabeth? I saw your mom yesterday. How is your mom? 
B: We are fine. Where did you see her?
M:That's good, I saw her yesterday in the supermarket
B:Often my mom goes to the supermarket. Then she goes to work at 1:00 o clock. I only
see her at night.
M: Oh, what does your mom work?
B: My mom works two jobs. Sometimes she delivers orders for tulle dolls.
M: brilliant. take care, see you later, goodbye girls
B: Good bye, guys
V: Good Bye

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