What Is Live Streaming (AutoRecovered)

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What is Live Streaming and

how does it work?

What is Live Streaming?

Live Streaming is a way of transmitting video and audio data over the internet. It is a way to

deliver a video file a little bit at a time. When transmitting a few seconds of the file at a time over

the internet, devices that are watching do not have to download the entire video before

starting to play it. A live stream as the name suggests, is when the streamed video is sent over

the Internet in real time and can be played back in real time...which is where the “live” comes

from. This method of data transmission can be seen in various forms of media such as TV

Broadcasts, Movies, Video Game Streams, and other social media video. To understand

further the difference between regular and live streaming, I will use the comparison of a stage

actor who has a monologue that he has to reciter versus an actor who improvised his

monologue. With regular streaming, the content is pre-recorded or done before-hand and

THEN relayed (passed on) to the audience. Either way, the viewer is still receiving the

The steps involved in live streaming are fairly simple to understand. These are the protocols

that happen behind the scenes. These include: Compression, Encoding, Segmentation,

Content Delivery Network (CDN) distribution, CDN caching (storing), Decoding, Video



The very first process of live streaming involves the raw video

data. Raw video data in layman’s terms is the visual information

that is captured by the camera. In IT we learn that all data and all

information is represented by 1s &0s, this is what being digital



The presence of the capture card is for the

receiving of the raw video data. Because just as it

is, the computer cannot process the data being

taken from the camera. So that’s where the video

data is processed to be carried to the computer for

encoding. Additionally, when using an HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) cable

both audio and video data can be transmitted.


(HDMI) High Definition Multimedia

Interface is a type of cable that transmits

uncompressed (Raw) data from one device

to another.

(USB 3.0) cables transmit all types of data

as well as in most cases where necessary—

HDMI Cables

USB 3.0 Cables


Encoding involves the conversion of one signal to another. Whether it be analog to digital or

vice versa. In this context, it is converting the raw data into useable information. This is done

so that various devices can interpret the information and give you a pleasant viewing


Video as it is, includes a lot of digital information. That’s why it takes longer to download

one than say, a pdf file or a picture. It is simply not practical to send out all the video data at

once, so instead it’s divided into smaller segments. This is what contributes to streaming

delay. Where the video feed seen on the internet arrives later than the video seen on the

streaming software.
Content Delivery Network (CDN)

After all that has happened, after the live stream has been compressed and encoded and

segmented (this takes a couple seconds), it needs to be made available to viewers who want

to watch it. So in order to maintain the high quality as well as a little latency (delay) as

possible, a content delivery network (CDN) will distribute it. A simple analogy is image you

have a number of packages that you need to be sent to some countries in the Caribbean. You

will need to have a shipping company. CDN servers are located all across the world which

makes it significantly easier for viewers to access videos.

Decoding and Video Playback

So, after the CDN sends the live stream out to all who are watching the stream. Each device

automatically receives, decodes and decompress the data (within a few seconds). And lastly

for video playback to occur, a media player on the device either on a dedicated app or a video

player inside the browser. A media player interprets the data as visual information and that’s

how the video plays.

To Summarize, let’s use an example.


Mark starts a livestream on his phone and his friends on the other side of the island, tunes

into the stream on his phone. He then flips the camera around and says “Hello Everyone”. So

to break this down, what needs to happen for this to reach the people watching the livestream

is…his phone will encode and compress that part of the video.

The app that Mark is livestreaming on will send the video that has been encoded and

compressed to the app’s CDN. His friends depending on where they live, will have a CDN

server nearby. Which is how they are able to see the livestream. His friend’s phone will
receive the information via the CDN server nearby where the it will automatically decode the

video and reconstruct the compressed data to uncompress it.

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