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Part 2 million hippies looking for a guru

It's important new understand that I was not a payed undercover newspaper
journalists or policeman or secret service agent.

I had affectly managed to join the cult to do this you have to make friends with
the other members first. That was not too difficult as I looked like a hippy ready
to be reformed also I learnt the language that was used the overwhelming effect
was very persuasive.

I participated in all the events and practice everything just like a proper devotee. I
wanted to subject my self to everything to absorb the individual and collective
energy of this group and be spirit processed by the GURU and familiarise myself
with the hierarchy of the organisation.

Like an actor I assumed this interesting role and I kept observation on this cult at
its peak performance and subsequently 20 years gathering information and
experience definitely it was not my intention to expose
Members of this group but like any story there are good elements and bad
element my overall role to be a witness to events that took place.

Bear in mind it is normal for some Hindu to worship somebody as GOD

At that time the vast majority of these people western had no concept of this

And then surely the divine light mission was abandoned and rebranded
With a western lifestyle with the Indian imagery replaced by its leader wearing a
traditional respectable suit and tie.

DIVINE LIGHT MISSION the light and sound meditation originally used by
the Sikh religion, soham the nectar holy name breath, satnam enlightenment they
had satsang congregating to hear the truth with devotional service, and
meditation worshipping somebody they claimed was GOD incarnated, sat chitt
andanda primarily it is Hindu religion.

Basically lord of the universe could say anything he likes because he’s GOD
No one would ever dare criticise him while he was making it all up as he
continuously spoke instigating that this was the absolute truth.

The a key word was THIS KNOWLEDGE and to qualify you had to get his
PERSONAL consent while keeping the four techniques secret to get this divine
sound by pressing your ears and your third eye in the middle of your forehead.

The boy child GURU only 10 years old eventually 20 married a hippy girl had 4
children to the disgust of his racist Sikh family. Lived a luxury lifestyle, flash cars
and private jet was also reportedly using cocaine and marijuana.

Was most definitely influenced by his one million hippy followers of course all this
was kept under cover him being a egotistal hypocrite.

His wife the denounced queen of the universe divorced him for obvious reason of
corruption while making the cultic philosophy ambiguous and westernizes
delivery to a new brand of middle class followers the divine light mission was a
failure concerning unrealized delusions of changing the world a sort of GURU

The victims 100.000 brainwashed hippy carry on pretending they’re strictly

practicing being celebrate yogis much propagation was encouraged to promote
this to others resulting in making £100 millions which the guru kept for himself
including hiring prostitutes.

Perhaps for the first five years everybody believes in the dream hypnotized
After 10 years it becomes very obvious lord of the universe is a charlatan.

All the Indian religious vocabulary has now been totally removed replace with
intellectualized nonsense.

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