Step 2: Beginning Negotiations: How To Become A Better Negotiator

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68 How to Become a Better Negotiator

For example, if you are the CEO of your organization, you don’t
want to negotiate with middle managers from the other side. You
should insist on dealing with someone with equal stature and
decision-making authority.

Step 2: Beginning Negotiations

Some negotiations are easy; some are very complex. You may not
know which you’re up against until negotiations are under way and
you and the other side have shared goals. ‘‘We would like to come
away from these discussions with an agreement that will provide
our factory with the components it needs, when it needs them, and
at a price we can afford. What is your goal?’’ The other side may
have hidden goals that only come out later in the process.
Goals may be bundled together (‘‘Let’s discuss both X and Y’’)
or separated (‘‘Let’s have separate negotiations for X and Y’’). If
you’ve done your homework, you will have already decided where
the advantage lies for you on bundling or separating issues.
Experts disagree on whether to try to begin negotiations with a
minor issue or a major one. Some say that settling a minor issue
creates goodwill and momentum that can help propel the parties
through the more difficult negotiations; others say you’re better off
tackling major issues first, especially if failing to reach agreement
on the major issue would make the minor issues moot.

Step 3: Expressing Disagreement and Conflict

Disagreement and conflict are commonplace in negotiations. If
you’re wise, you’ll learn from these; they reveal something about
the interests of the other side. Consequently, you should expect
and welcome this phase of negotiations. Handling conflict effec-
tively will bring the parties together; handling it poorly will divide
When presenting issues, most negotiators will tell you what
they ‘‘want.’’ It is your job to find out what they ‘‘need’’ or will
settle for. Few negotiators get everything they want. It might be in

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