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The Formal Social Structure of a Psychiatric Hospital

Jules Henry
This paper is an attempt to communicate some of the conceptualizations and hypotheses
regarding formal organizational structure which the author arrived at as the result of intensive
study of a psychiatric unit of a general hospital. I present these in the hope that some of the
conceptualizations of the way that stress is created by organizational structure, which I have
formalized in two equations, can be further tested by other workers.

On the basis of my observations, I feel that when people fail to function adequately in an
organization, the areas of stress in the formal organization itself must be examined. In other
words, before one identifies certain people as operating inappropriately within the
organization, some attention should be focused on the difficulties inherent in the organization
itself. On the basis of my data, I have constructed certain typical situations that arise in
hospital administration, involving, for example, the charge nurse, or the administrators of
different wings of a hospital. Some of these situations will be recognized by people working
in other hospitals as typical of their own organizations, too.

The emotional relations among the many of the important pioneering

workers in any task-performing sociological studies of psychiatric
organization are important; but in a hospitals have analysed
psychiatric hospital they are especially so
because of the direct effect of workers on Menninger. said that “above all, it must be a
patients. It has long been one of the highly organized, efficient Institution."
guiding principles of sociology' and See his “Therapeutic Methods in a Psychiatric
anthropology that the specific quality of Hospital." J. Amer. Med. Assn. (1932) 99:533-
emotional relations between people is in
large part a function of the over-all formal See also: Chester I. Barnard, The Functions of
social matrix in which they live, and this the Executive: Cambridge. Harvard Univ.
paper will be devoted to the development Press, 1938. Burleigh B. Gardner. “The
of hypotheses regarding the relationship Factory as a Social System”; In Industry and
between the formal structure of a Society, edited by William Foote Whyte: New
psychiatric hospital as a task-performing York. McGraw-Hill. 1946. There Is no reason
organization and the attitudes of the why the hypotheses developed hr re need be
workers toward each other. thought of as applying to psychiatric
hospitals only, even though they were
Perhaps Dr. Kirkbride should be given credit developed in the course of the study of one.
for having first stressed the Importance of the
forma] structure of a mental hospital to the *J. Fremont Bateman and H. Warren
welfare of patients. Sec Karl D. Bond. Dr. Dunham, “The State Mental Hospital as a
Kirkbride and His Mental Hospital: New York, Specialized Community.” Amer. J. psychiatry
Lippincott. 1947: pp. 153*154. William C. (1948) 105:445-448. William Caudill,
In speaking of a psychiatric hospital, has I Fredrick C. Redlich, Helen R. Gilmore. and
felt that it is legitimate at this time to stress Eugene B. Brody, “Social Structure and
formal organization, for the reason that so Interaction Processes on a Psychiatric Ward.”
J. Orthopsychiatry (1952) 22:314-333. PSYCHIATRY (1949) 12:13-20. "Medical
Howard Row land. “Interaction Processes in Opinion and the Social Context in the Mental
the State Mental Hospital.” PSYCHIATRY Hospital,” PSYCHIATRY (1919) 12:243249.
(1938) 1:323-337. Rowland. “Friendship “Observations on
Patterns in the State Mental Hospital” Dissociation as Social Participation,"
PSYCHIATRY (1939) 2:363-373. Charlotte PSYCHIATRY (1949) 12: 339-354. “A Social
Green Schwartz. Morris S. Schwartz, and Psychological Study of Incontinence”
Alfred H. Stanton. “A Study of Need- PSYCHIATRY (1950) 13:399-410.
Fulfilment on a Mental Hospital
Ward,” PSYCHIATRY (1951) 14:223-242. A. H.
Stanton and M. S. Schwartz: “The
Management of a Typo of Institutional
Participation in Mental Illness,”

• B.S. College of the City of New York 28: Ph.D. Columbia 35: Asst. Anthropology, Columbia 34-
36,38-39; Prof. Anthropology. Institute Polytechnic National. Mexico. D.F. 40-41: Honorary Prof.
Sociology, Univ. of Mtchoacan. Mexico; Linguist. Dept. Asuntos Indlgenas Mexico. D.F. 40; U. S.
Dept, of Agriculture, OWI. OIAA 42-45: USSBS 45-46; U. S. Dept, of Labour 46-47: Assoc. Prof.
Anthropology, Washington Univ.47- Rsc Assoc, and Visiting Assoc. Prof. Anthropology. University of
Chicago 53

The author wishes to accept full responsibility for the opinions expressed in this paper.

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