January 10, 2007 - Senator Flanagan Letter To Governor Spitzer

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www. senatorfl anagan.com

January 10,2006 tlanagan@senate.state.ny.us

Honorable Eliot Spitzer

Office of the Governor
State Capitol
Albany, New York 12224

Dear Governor Spitzer:

It was a pleasure speaking with you on Monday (January 8th, 2007) at Senate Majority
Conference. Again, please accept my sincere congratulations upon the occasion of your swearing
in as New York State Governor. Best wishes to you and your administration for great success as
you embark on leading New York State into the future. It is my hope that together we can work
on a variety of issues that will make this State even greater than it is right now.

As we discussed, my recent meeting with Patrick Foye and Carol Ash raised serious
questions as to your administration's recognition of newly created sta@ parkland within
Nissequogue River State Park, as well as your future intentions for this additional property. (See
Enclosure to Carol Ash). I think you will agree that New York State residents enjoy some of the
finest parks and recreational facilities in the world. That is why, it was my extreme pleasure to
recently work with former Parks Commissioner Bernadette Castro in transferring approximately
370 acres of state surplus property at the former K$rgsfark Psychiatric Center (KPPC) into the
Nissequogue State Park system. This transfer is the cuhh{nation of years of work by my office in
conjunction with state, local and community representive{ and will undoubtedly build upon New
York's rich history and long commitment to space for the benefit of future

With this property now under the protection and stewardship of New York State Office of
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP), the cloud of threatened overdevelopment
has finally been lifted and a beacon of hope is on the horizon for all of us to embrace. To realize
its fullest potential, adequate funding is needed to transform this newly designated parkland into
a prernier preserve that will stand as a hallmark on behalf of this great State. My efforts in
securing $25 million as part of the enacted 2006-07 State Budget was a critical first step in
providing a portion of the funds needed to rehabilitate this property for future reuse. I
respectfully ask that you reappropriate this funding in its present form as part of your 2007-08
Executive Budget.

(Page 2)
Honorable Eliot Spitzer
January 10,2007

In addition, I ask that you include an additional Executive appropriation in the amount of
$25 million towards these rehabilitation efforts for the,purpose of accelerating work on this
extremely important project. For far too long, the property has remained vacant and idle
the State's authority resulting in justified public discontent and cynicism. It is my hope
that in
the near future you will establish a fair administrative process for plannin g any potential
redevelopment of this property that fully considers community input and that iemains consistent
rvith the traditional mission of our State Parks Department by establishing genuine recreational
and parkland usages. These and other steps will go a long way in restoring public trust
advancing a state environmental agenda that is respectful of all interested parties.

As always, I remain available to discuss this matter in detail with you and your staff, and
look forward to a productive dialogue with your administration that results in positive action on
this project in2O07. I anxiously await your reply on this critically important iisue.

cc: Paul E. Francis. NYS B

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