International Business Assignment

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You are a manufacturer of packaged sweets and salty snacks products from India and
are keen on expanding your business globally. Discuss the challenges of marketing your
product globally suggests measures to overcome them.?



Expanding a business globally can bring in several challenges when it comes to

marketing, especially for a manufacturer of packaged sweets and salty snacks products
from India. Some of the key challenges and suggested measures to overcome them are.

Concepts and Application

Cultural differences: One of the huge difficulties in promoting worldwide is adjusting to

various societies. What might work in one nation may not be guaranteed to work in
another. To beat this test, the maker needs to lead careful examination on the objective
market's social standards and values. The organization ought to adjust its bundling,
marking, informing, and even item definitions to interest the neighborhood market.

Regulatory compliance: Each nation has various guidelines and lawful prerequisites with
regards to showcasing and publicizing food items. The maker should agree with nearby
regulations and guidelines concerning bundling, naming, and promoting. This might
require recruiting neighborhood administrative specialists and lawyers to explore the
administrative scene in every country.

Supply chain and logistics: Extending around the world can likewise get calculated
difficulties, like transportation, dispersion, and warehousing. The maker ought to work
with neighborhood providers and merchants to guarantee their items arrive at the
market productively and cost-actually.

Brand recognition: Laying out memorability in another market can be testing, particularly
for a private company. The maker ought to zero in on building their image through
nearby occasions, sponsorships, and joint efforts with neighborhood organizations to
construct validity and mindfulness on the lookout.


In synopsis, extending a business worldwide can get a few promoting difficulties,

however with exhaustive examination, transformation, consistence, and nearby
organizations, a producer of bundled desserts and pungent snacks items from India can
beat these difficulties and effectively market their items universally.

2. Critics of WTO including economists such as Dani Rodrik and Ha Joon Chang
have argued that WTO only serves the interests of multinational corporations,
undermines local development, penalizes poor countries and is increasing
inequality. Comment on the above and suggest the changes in your opinion can
bring improvement to developing countries.



The analysis of the WTO, including the contentions set forth by market analysts like Dani Rodrik
and Ha Joon Chang, is that it basically serves the interests of worldwide organizations and
created nations, frequently to the detriment of non-industrial nations. This analysis comes from
the way that the WTO's arrangements and arrangements will generally lean toward created
nations and enterprises, which can bring about nearby improvement being subverted, less
fortunate nations being punished, and expanded disparity.

Application and Concept

One method for tending to these reactions and advance the circumstance for
non-industrial nations is to focus on the necessities and interests of these nations in
WTO arrangements and arrangements. This should be possible by giving more weight
to the worries of agricultural nations during WTO talks and guaranteeing that their
voices are heard and their inclinations are safeguarded. Moreover, approaches could be
executed to help nearby turn of events, for example, giving help to little and
medium-sized undertakings, supporting position creation, and putting resources into

Another potential arrangement is reexamine or rebuild a portion of the WTO's strategies

to guarantee they are more evenhanded and adjusted. For example, non-industrial
nations could be given greater adaptability in consenting to WTO guidelines and could
be furnished with more help to fabricate limit and foundation. Moreover, approaches that
address imbalance and work privileges could be integrated into WTO arrangements, for
example, requiring worldwide enterprises to stick to specific guidelines while working in
agricultural nations.
In general, it is vital to recognize and address the reactions of the WTO and do
whatever it may take to guarantee that its arrangements and arrangements don't
subvert neighborhood advancement, punish unfortunate nations, or increment
imbalance. By focusing on the necessities and interests of emerging nations, giving help
and backing where required, and executing strategies that advance value and decency,
the WTO could turn into a more viable and useful association for all individuals.

3. Read the following case study carefully and then answer the questions that
follow: Your firm manufactures EV bicycles in India and wishes to market them
globally. In spite of competition, you see that South Africa has a huge potential
and plan to expand your retail operations in South Africa.

a) Explain your market entry strategy to launch the EV bicycles in South Africa.



To successfully launch EV bicycles in South Africa, the firm needs to develop a

well-planned market entry strategy. The following steps could be taken:

Application and Concept

Conduct Market Research: Conduct research on the South African market to understand
the consumer behavior, market trends, competitor landscape, and regulatory

Identify Target Market: Identify the target market segments based on consumer
preferences, demographics, and market size.

Develop a Marketing Plan: Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes

product positioning, pricing strategy, distribution channels, and promotional activities.
The firm could also leverage social media platforms to create brand awareness and
engage with potential customers.

Establish Local Partnerships: Establish local partnerships with distributors and dealers
to expand retail operations in South Africa. This could help the firm to reach out to a
larger customer base and benefit from the local knowledge and expertise of the

Address Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Ensure compliance with local regulations
and obtain all necessary permits and licenses for the import, marketing, and sale of EV
bicycles in South Africa.

Provide Excellent Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service by offering

after-sales support, maintenance, and repair services. This could help the firm to build a
loyal customer base and establish a strong brand reputation in the market.

Continuous Improvement: Continuously monitor the market performance and customer

feedback to make necessary improvements and modifications in the marketing strategy
and product offerings.


In outline, the company's market section system for sending off EV bikes in South Africa
ought to incorporate statistical surveying, distinguishing proof of target market,
advancement of an exhaustive showcasing plan, nearby organizations, consistence with
legitimate and administrative prerequisites, phenomenal client care, and nonstop

b. Explain major global pricing policies. Which of these pricing policies would you
consider while launching the EV bicycles in South Africa?

Answer. There are several major global pricing policies that a company can consider
when launching a product in a new market:

Cost-plus pricing: This involves adding a markup to the cost of production to arrive at a
price. This pricing policy ensures that the company earns a profit on each sale.

Penetration pricing: This involves setting a low price for the product to gain market
share and attract customers. The goal is to encourage customers to try the product and
then increase the price once they are hooked.

Skimming pricing: This involves setting a high price for the product initially and
gradually reducing the price over time. The goal is to maximize profits from early
adopters and then capture a larger market share as the price is lowered.
Value-based pricing: This involves setting a price based on the perceived value of the
product to the customer. This pricing policy requires a deep understanding of the
customer's needs and preferences and can result in higher profits for the company.

While sending off EV bikes in South Africa, an organization might consider an entrance
estimating technique to acquire piece of the pie and draw in clients. This evaluating
strategy can be powerful in a market that is new to the item and has low mindfulness.
Moreover, a lower cost might be important to rival laid out brands and gain a traction on
the lookout. In any case, it is vital to take note of that this valuing strategy may not be
reasonable in the long haul and ought to be returned to as the market develops.

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