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Submitted by:
ALI KHAN (1922702)
ZAHID KHAN(1922707)


Associate Professor

Affiliated with UOM
SESSION 2019-2023
The Adomian decomposition method was first introduced and developed by Gorge
Adomian and it has been proved to be reliable and efficient for a wide class of
differential and integral equations of linear and nonlinear models [1]. The method provides
the solution as an infinite series in which each term can be easily determined. The rapid
convergence of the series obtained by this method is thoroughly discussed by Hamoud
and Ghadle [12]. The concept of uniform convergence of the infinite series was
addressed by Adomian [2, 3] and Rach [4] for linear problems and extended to nonlinear
problems [6]. Modified Adomian decomposition method has been applied for a long time
to solve Fredholm integral equation [16, 24].
Recently, another modification of decomposition method was proposed by Wazwaz and
El-Sayed [10, 25]. In the new modification, the process of dividing into two
components was replaced by a Taylor series of infinite components. The ideas have
been shown to be computationally efficient in applying the proposed technique in
several differential and integral equations. However, as will be seen from the examples
below, the modified decomposition method will sometimes encounter obstacles to obtain
the exact solution. After that, several authors further proposed expressing the function by
the orthogonal polynomial [15, 17] and Jacobi and Gegenbauer series [8]. Some
fundamental works on various aspects of modifications of the Adomian’s decomposition
method are given by Andrianov [7], Venkatarangan [18, 19] and Wazwaz [21]. Wazwaz
[20] used the modified decomposition method and the traditional methods for solving
nonlinear integral equations. A variety of powerful methods has been presented, such
as the homotopy analysis method. Since Adomian firstly proposed the decomposition

method [1] at the beginning of 1980s, the algorithm has been widely and effectively
used for solving the analytic solutions of physically significant equations arranging from

linear to nonlinear, from ordinary differential to partial differential, from integral to

fractional integral equations. The authors have used several methods for the numerical
or the analytical solution of linear and nonlinear Fredholm and Volterra integral and
integro-differential equations of the second kind [14].
We consider a high-order nonlinear Volterra — Fredholm integro-differential equation given by
with the initial conditions

u(r)(a) = br, r = 0, where a,b,µ1,µ2,br are constant values, f(x),k1(x,t),k2(x,t),g1(t,u(t)),g2(t,u(t)) and

pj(x), j = 0,1,...,k are functions that have suitable derivatives on an interval a 6 t 6 x 6 b and pk(x) 6=

If 1,2,...,k − 1,

we set g1(t,u(t)) = G1(u(t)), g2(t,u(t)) = G2(u(t)), where G1 and G2 are known smooth functions
nonlinear in u(t), then Eq. reduces to the following equation:

Since many physical problems are modeled by integro-differential equations, the numerical
solutions of such integro-differential equations have been highly studied by many authors. In
recent years, numerous works have been focusing on the development of more advanced and
efficient methods for integral equations and integro-differential equations such as the
lineaziation method [26], the differential transform method [27], RF-pair method [28], and
semianalytical-numerical techniques such as the Adomian decomposition method [30] and
Taylor polynomials method [29, 31–32]. The modified decomposition method for solving
nonlinear Volterra — Fredholm integral equations was presented by Bildik and Inc in [33]

Aims and Objectives

"Solution of Fredholm integral and integro-differential equations using modified Adomian decomposition
method" can be summarized as follows:
(i) To propose a modified version of the Adomian decomposition method (ADM) for solving Fredholm
integral equations and integro-differential equations. The original ADM is a powerful numerical technique
used to approximate solutions of differential and integral equations .
(ii) To provide a detailed description of the modified Adomian decomposition method and explain the step-
by-step procedure for applying it to solve Fredholm integral equations and integro-differential
equations. This includes the decomposition of the unknown function into a series of components and the
computation of each component using recursive formulas.
(iii) To analyze and discuss the advantages and limitations of the modified Adomian decomposition method
in comparison to other existing numerical methods for solving Fredholm integral and integro-differential
equations. This includes considerations of accuracy, convergence properties, computational complexity, and
applicability to different types of equations.

Plan of Work
The work presents:
Classification of fredholm integral equation and also fredholm integral equation.
Adomian analytical decomposition method is one of important method in solving integral and
differential equation .
In this study we handled analysis of method and than the solution of fredholm integral equation .also we
treated the solution of nonlinear integral equation.
The C has been studied with applications to the wave and heat equation in three dimensions, using Adomian

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[2]G. Adomian, Nonlinear stochastic operator equations, Academic Press: San Diego, CA,
[3]G. Adomian, A review of the decomposition method and some recent results for
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[4]G. Adomian, and R.Rach, Noise terms in decomposition series solution, Computers Math.
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