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A great many gods and powers find followers in Aerth. Few people deny that gods exist, but the degree to which people fear and
honor the gods varies from person to person. The following table describes your degree of piety in regard to your particular religion,
if you happen to have one. You can choose your religion from one of the ones that follow. These religions are but a sampling of the
ones available.

3d6 Piety
3 I either don’t believe the gods exist or think they have no influence over me or the world.
4-5 I have strong doubts about the religion and worship no gods.
6-8 I suspect the gods do exist, but I am not a religious person.
9-12 I believe in the gods and I might follow a particular religion.
13-15 I am a follower of a particular religion.
16-17 I am a devout follower of my religion and my religious views affect my outlook and behavior.
18 I am a fanatical follower of my religion. My faith dominates my life and I have few interests outside my

Deity Alignment Domains Channel
Lord Death N (NG, LN, N) Death, duty, fate, souls Heal
Fury NE (CN, NE, CE) Confidence, destruction, might, zeal Harm
Pale Lady NE (LE, NE, CE) Air, decay, plague, swarm Harm
Want NE (LE, NE, CE) Decay, dust, earth, nightmares Harm
Calamity CE (N, NE, CE) Ambition, confidence, freedom, trickery Harm or heal
Mother Sun NG (LG, NG, CG) Fire, healing, sun, truth Heal
Sky Father CN (CG, CN, CE) Air, destruction, indulgence, lightning Harm or heal
Sister Moon LG (LG, LN, NG, N, CG) Change, delirium, moon, repose Heal
Oceanus N (NG, LN, N, CN, NE) Destruction, travel, vigil, water Harm or heal
Draconus CE (NE, CE) Destruction, earth, fire, wyrmkin Harm
Grandfather Tree & Grandmother Spore N (CN, LN, N, NE, NG) Healing, nature, protection, vigil Heal
Horned Lord & Wild Woman CG (LG, NG, CG) Duty, nature, passion, zeal Harm or heal
Urbanus LN (LG, LN, LE) Cities, duty, earth, wealth Harm or heal
Revel CN (CG, CN, CE) Indulgence, luck, pain, passion Harm or heal
Fates LN (LN, N) Fate, glyph, knowledge, truth Harm or heal
Blind LN (LG, LN) Duty, knowledge, might, truth Heal
Abraxus N (NG, LN, N, CN, NE) Ambition, glyph, knowledge, magic Harm or heal
Abaddon NE (LE, NE, CE) Destruction, might, void, zeal Harm
Fetch NG (LG, NG, CG) Confidence, luck, trickery, zeal Harm or heal
Baen LN (LG, LN, LE) Creation, duty, might, wealth Heal
High One LG (LG, LN, NG) Confidence, might, truth, zeal Heal

In olden times, people across the known world feared and worshiped the Old Gods. They needed no proof of their existence, for the
Old Gods walked among them. One might spy Lord Death himself creeping through the shadows to claim the soul of an elderly
person grappling with sickness, or see the shape of Fury, goddess of war, in the blackbirds as they wheel in the skies over the blood-
soaked battlefield. Urbanus might assemble himself from paver stones and bricks to discourse matters of philosophy and ethics,
while the Pale Lady might walk through the misty streets of a town losing the fight against plague. Most believe the great Draconus’s
body coils around the prison that holds the Ancient Ones, whom Lord Death defeated long ago, and that one can sometimes see
Grandfather Tree’s branches rising above the canopy of an old growth forest.

The Old Gods held sway over mortals for a thousand years, but even they and all their divine might could not stand against the new
ways and beliefs brought by the Redeemer, the High One who ousted evil from Paradise, and promised salvation from the oblivion
of the Underworld to those who led unimpeachable lives. As people flocked to fill the pews and give worship to the upstart divinity,
who, by all accounts, seemed to come from nowhere, the Old Gods found themselves fading from prominence in many lands. In the
Sanctified Realm (for example), the gods of yore have become quaint myths, and their holy sites arouse little more than curiosity.

The Old Gods form a loose pantheon of deities, some of whom came to the faith from other cults and sects, and have since been
ensnared by this religion and made a member, willingly or not. Aside from the most powerful and known beings, whom receive
some discussion below, there are many spirits, demigods, and lesser powers who sometimes serve the Old Gods or not. No holy
book exists for the Old Faith, though the many stories about the various personalities and their exploits have been recorded, often
as literary works. Instead, the priests keep alive the faith through the oral tradition and initiates must commit to memory the proper
ceremonies and invocations required to honor their patrons.

The following entries provide you with a snapshot of the deities so you can decide if you would serve one in particular or many of


The head of the Old Gods, all mortals owe a debt of death for the lives he gave them and thus every living thing on Aerth must, in
time, pass through the gates of Underworld to reside there awaiting a chance to live again. The Cult of the Last Door serves the grim
god and shepherd the souls of the dead to their proper place. The Cult keeps their temples in great cemeteries or in sprawling
catacombs. The Death Knights scour the lands for those who disrupt the natural order and hunt undead, banish spirits, and put to
death necromancers and other vile magicians.


Lord Death has four daughters, each overseeing a misfortune that befalls mortals. Fury, the goddess of war, ranges across the
battlefields with her carrion beasts in tow, while the Pale Lady spreads plagues. Want embodies famine and draught, while Calamity
visits accident and bad luck wherever she goes. Mortals who pray or sacrifice to these gods do so to keep them at bay and the small
cults founded to them focus on appeasing the dark sisters.


A number of gods share dominion over the skies above Aerth and include Mother Sun, who might be seen stretching her arms
across the skies at dawn and dusk, her hated suitor, the Sky Father, whose face appears in the Forever Storm that wanders across
the dome of the world. When Mother Sun rests, Sister Moon might take to the skies or not, for she must spend a portion of each
month in the company of Lord Death. Finally, the four winds, the sons of the Sky Father race across the world.


Some believe Oceanus and Draconus preceded Lord Death and might have been Ancient Ones themselves. If true, Lord Death
spared them the fate of the other fell powers, but bound them to tasks they each resent. Oceanus claims Aerth’s waters and ever
does he covet the lands and would drown the world with his body if not for the influence of Sister Moon, whose singing calms him.
Draconus, whose knotting of infinite coils makeup the world itself, holds the Ancient Ones and his body wraps around them to form
the prison from which they can never escape. Lord Death placed the great dragon into a dreamless sleep, but his is a restless
slumber, and the quakes and rumbling of the depths hint at the anger he feels for his doom.


Upon wresting the Aerth from the Ancient Ones, Lord Death created several deities to populate the world with living things.
Grandfather Tree, whose crown can sometimes be seen above the canopy of old growth forests, greened the world, while the
Grandmother Spore released her spores to seed the world with her fungal offspring. From these two came the Horned Lord and the
Wild Woman, whose union produced all natural living things that creep, crawl, swim, walk, and fly.


Since the creation of the world as it now stands, a great many other gods have joined the pantheon, some of whom come from
other cultures, were once small gods who gained large followings, and older gods who have nearly faded from myth. Some of the
better-known young gods follow.

The god of cities, laws, justice, and civilization, he sometimes shapes a body from himself out of the stones of a city that interests
him to have discourse with the citizens of the city.

The wild god of festivals, games, drunkenness, and debauchery, he brings pleasure and pain in equal measure.

Death created the Fates to weave the destinies of living things. Numbering three, they include the Maiden, who embodies love,
passion, and hope, the Mother, who represents birth and family, and the Crone, who cuts the cords of the living and sends their
souls to Death.

Another divinity appeared with the rise of civilization: Blind, the goddess of justice and truth, opposes Revel and gave laws to
mortals so they could build civilization.

Abraxus taught mortals the secrets of magic and is said to be magic itself, at least in so far as the god’s priests claim.

The exiled son of Death, Abaddon dwells in the darkness beyond Aerth and bides his time for the chance to undo all Death has
created. Some believe Abaddon to be the father of demons.

The god of mischief, tricks, and thieves, the rat-faced god finds worship in most lands, but he has a large following among those who
suffer under the chains of tyranny as he is also known as the Great Liberator.

The god of artisans, builders, and creators of all kinds, he toils in the great forge to produce all the wonders of the world.

Finally, a whole host of lesser gods fill out the pantheon, one for, perhaps, everything in the world. Most animals have gods
associated with their kind, such as the Goddess of Birds, Ursine, god of bears, and Magrofal the wolf lord. There are gods associated
with the various trades, though most such deities have lost their names and have only their likeness captured in idols and runic
symbols used to invoke their blessings when needed. Also, most people have household gods, which watch over the families who
make offerings to them.


No one would have guessed that a tiny heretical cult would have ousted the dominant faith and drive the old gods from the Great
Kingdom, what would become the Sanctified Realm, but that’s exactly what happened five hundred years ago. The Church of the
High One grew out from small band of religious zealots who believed that the old gods were devils and that a new god would come
to save the souls of all mortals by opening the gates to Paradise. Since the Old Faith tolerated other religions and more often than
not absorbed them, the followers of the New God barely registered. But when the red comet returned to the skies and the Princess
Rena, eldest daughter to the corrupt king, led an uprising against her father, she surprised everyone by pledging her sword to the
New God and her subsequent victory over the corrupt king was seen as divine providence.

Whether or not Rena believed in this upstart religion, her actions catapulted the faith onto the main stage in the political arena and
droves of people converted to what was then named the Church of the High One. The priests of this new religion drove out those of
the old gods, laid claim to their temples and holy relics, and, within a generation, had become the official faith of the Great Kingdom.
Furthermore, the Church of the High One would come to be a major political force there and its holdings and riches would affect the
politics of the region.

Church doctrine holds that the High One came to Aerth to save mortals from death, to throw open the gates of Paradise to them so
they could live forever in the glory of their god. But, when the High One came, he found the throne of Paradise occupied by the
Adversary, a wicked being who had long misled mortals into fearing death and the false gods that sprang from the Old Faith. The
High One, with a legion of angels, cast out the Adversary and bound him in chains in the depths of Perdition where he languishes
even now.

Mortals who live good and decent lives, who dedicate themselves to serving others, who tolerate no false gods, and who embrace
the teachings of the Church as truth have a chance at attaining Paradise, to join all the other sainted beings who live on in the light
of the Redeemer. Those not chosen go on to the Underworld, but will eventually be reborn and try again. Those who wallow in
wickedness, who become slaves to their vices find Perdition as their reward and once cast into that fiery place, there is no escape.

Since the fall of the Great Kingdom – the kingdom fracturing and its primary holdings becoming the Sanctified Realms, the Church of
the High One has thought to establish itself in the other lands, but found efforts thwarted by the Old Gods who dwell in the other
lands as they once did in olden times in the Great Kingdom. Many immigrants cling to the Church and build temples to their god, but
more and more fall away from the Church and its remote deity to offer worship to the gods of their ancestors, who roam the other
realms as they did in olden times.

Priests of the High One wear white clothing festooned with the eight-pointed star that represents the High One’s beacon that shines
first in the night skies among the starry firmament. Men wear square caps, while women wear wimples. Although priests tend
congregations and lend aid to those in need, the Church has a militaristic side reserved for combating significant threats to the faith
and a great many priests take up arms and armor to fight in the name of the High One.
Alignment N (NG, LN, N)
Divine Font heal
Divine Ability Constitution or Wisdom
Divine Skill Intimidation
Domains death, duty, fate, souls
Cleric Spells 1st: mindlink; 2nd: ghostly weapon; 4th: phantasmal killer
Edicts destroy undead, kill necromancers, keep the natural flow of life, death, and rebirth
Anathema create undead, resurrect someone who’s time has come
Favored Weapon scythe

The head of the Old Gods, all mortals owe a debt of death for the lives he gave them and thus every living thing on Aerth must, in
time, pass through the gates of Underworld to reside there awaiting a chance to live again. The Cult of the Last Door serves the grim
god and shepherd the souls of the dead to their proper place. The Cult keeps their temples in great cemeteries or in sprawling
catacombs. The Death Knights scour the lands for those who disrupt the natural order and hunt undead, banish spirits, and put to
death necromancers and other vile magicians.


Lord Death has four daughters, each overseeing a misfortune that befalls mortals. Mortals who pray or sacrifice to these gods do so
to keep them at bay and the small cults founded to them focus on appeasing the dark sisters.

Alignment NE (CN, NE, CE)
Divine Font harm
Divine Ability Strength or Constitution
Divine Skill Athletics
Domains confidence, destruction, might, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: true strike; 2nd: enlarge; 4th: weapon storm
Edicts attain victory through combat, push your limits, reign destruction down upon your enemies
Anathema kill prisoners or surrendering foes, prevent conflict through negotiation, win a battle through underhanded tactics or
indirect magic
Favored Weapon battle-axe

Fury, the goddess of war, ranges across the battlefields with her carrion beasts in tow.

Alignment NE (LE, NE, CE)
Divine Font harm
Divine Ability Strength or Constitution
Divine Skill Medicine
Domains air, decay, plague, swarm
Cleric Spells 1st: goblin pox; 2nd: vomit swarm; 5th: cloudkill
Edicts end all mortal life through disease and poison, cultivate diseased animals
Anathema aid in ending a plague or infection, purify your food, cure a disease or kill a parasite, bury the dead
Favored Weapon dagger

The Pale Lady spreads plagues.

Alignment NE (LE, NE, CE)
Divine Font harm
Divine Ability Constitution or Wisdom
Divine Skill Nature
Domains decay, dust, earth, nightmares
Cleric Spells 1st: gritty wheeze; 2nd: feast of ashes; 5th: acid storm
Edicts suffer through a constant state of starvation, destroy food or plant life
Anathema feeding someone who is hungry, growing food or raising animals for food, gorging yourself on food
Favored Weapon spear

Want embodies famine and draught.

Alignment CE (N, NE, CE)
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Ability Dexterity or Charisma
Divine Skill Deception
Domains ambition, confidence, freedom, trickery
Cleric Spells 1st: ill omen; 3rd: distracting chatter; 6th: mislead
Edicts trick marks into bad deals or goad them into taking foolish risks, gamble, set up trouble for others that are made to look like
Anathema helping someone who is suffering through the repercussions of their bad luck, preventing a potential accident from
happening, wishing someone “good luck”
Favored Weapon whip

Calamity visits accident and bad luck wherever she goes.


A number of gods share dominion over the skies above Aerth.

Alignment NG (LG, NG, CG)
Divine Font heal
Divine Ability Constitution or Wisdom
Divine Skill Medicine
Domains fire, healing, sun, truth
Alternate Domains none
Cleric Spells 1st: burning hands; 3rd: fireball; 7th: wall of fire
Edicts destroy demons and devils, protect allies, provide aid to the sick and wounded, seek and allow redemption
Anathema create undead, lie, deny a repentant creature an opportunity for redemption, fail to strike down evil
Favored Weapon longsword

Mother Sun might be seen stretching her arms across the skies at dawn and dusk
Alignment CN (CG, CN, CE)
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Ability Constitution or Charisma
Divine Skill Nature
Domains air, destruction, indulgence, lightning
Cleric Spells 1st: gust of wind; 3rd: lightning bolt; 6th: chain lightning
Edicts follow your passions, make token attempts to apologize to those you have wronged, respect the power of the sky
Anathema fake friendship with those you despise, disrespect the Sky Father or Mother Sun, ignore an affront to you or the Sky
Favored Weapon great sword

The Sky Father, Mother Sun’s hated suitor, wanders across the dome of the world, his face appearing in the Forever Storm.

Alignment LG (LG, LN, NG, N, CG)
Divine Font heal
Divine Ability Constitution or Intelligence
Divine Skill Occultism
Domains change, delirium, moon, repose
Cleric Spells 1st: soothe; 2nd: mirror image; 6th: hallucination
Edicts provide aid and counsel without judgment to those who seek to help, help the dead find their rest, amplify or help speak for
the powerless and demonized
Anathema harm another out of envy, force aid on those who do not want it, inflict harmful mental effects on others as punishment
Favored Weapon spear

Sister Moon might take to the skies or not, for she must spend a portion of each month in the company of Lord Death.


Some believe Oceanus and Draconus preceded Lord Death and might have been Ancient Ones themselves. If true, Lord Death spared
them the fate of the other fell powers, but bound them to tasks they each resent.

Alignment N (NG, LN, N, CN, NE)
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Ability Dexterity or Constitution
Divine Skill Survival
Domains destruction, travel, vigil, water
Cleric Spells 1st: hydraulic push; 3rd: feet to fins; 4th: solid fog
Edicts draw spirals, kill your foes by drowning them, always carry water, swim
Anathema pollute clean bodies of water, dam a river, disrespect sincere gifts of water or drink, use magic to calm the waves
Favored Weapon spear

Oceanus claims Aerth’s waters and ever does he covet the lands and would drown the world with his body if not for the influence of
Sister Moon, whose singing calms him.
Alignment CE (NE, CE)
Divine Font harm
Divine Ability Strength or Constitution
Divine Skill Athletics
Domains destruction, earth, fire, wyrmkin
Cleric Spells 1st: burning hands; 2nd: enlarge; 6th: disintegrate
Edicts destroy all things, wake Draconus from his slumber
Anathema let material ties restrain you, torture a victim or otherwise delay its destruction, forgive a slight
Favored Weapon greataxe

Draconus, whose knotting of infinite coils makeup the world itself, holds the Ancient Ones and his body wraps around them to form
the prison from which they can never escape. Lord Death placed the great dragon into a dreamless sleep, but his is a restless
slumber, and the quakes and rumbling of the depths hint at the anger he feels for his doom.


Upon wresting the Aerth from the Ancient Ones, Lord Death created several deities to populate the world with living things.


Alignment N (CN, LN, N, NE, NG)
Divine Font heal
Divine Ability Wisdom or Constitution
Divine Skill Nature
Domains healing, nature, protection, vigil
Cleric Spells 1st: summon plant or fungus; 2nd: entangle; 5th: plant form
Edicts guide civilization to grow in harmony with nature, live sustainably and according to natural cycles, preserve areas of natural
wilderness, protect the balance of nature
Anathema cause damage to natural settings, remove an element or indigenous species from a natural area, encourage imbalance in
nature, allow abuse of natural resources
Favored Weapon staff

Grandfather Tree, whose crown can sometimes be seen above the canopy of old growth forests, greened the world, while the
Grandmother Spore released her spores to seed the world with her fungal offspring.


Alignment CG (LG, NG, CG)
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Ability Strength or Constitution
Divine Skill Survival
Domains duty, nature, passion, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: summon animal; 2nd: animal form; 3rd: moon frenzy
Edicts Frolic in vegetation, protects forests and other natural areas, use what you kill, take and commit to decisive actions
Anathema allow others to slight you without retaliation, enable the destruction of wilderness, needlessly kill animals, seek the
approval of society
Favored Weapon longbow

The Horned Lord and the Wild Woman, whose union produced all natural living things that creep, crawl, swim, walk, and fly.

Since the creation of the world as it now stands, a great many other gods have joined the pantheon, some of whom come from
other cultures, were once small gods who gained large followings, and older gods who have nearly faded from myth. Some of the
better-known young gods follow.

Alignment LN (LG, LN, LE)
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Ability Constitution or Intelligence
Divine Skill Society
Domains cities, duty, earth, wealth
Cleric Spells 1st: share lore; 4th: shape stone; 7th: magnificent mansion
Edicts bring civilization to the frontiers, earn wealth through hard work and trade, follow the rule of law
Anathema engage in banditry or piracy, steal, undermine a law-abiding court
Favored Weapon crossbow

The god of cities, laws, justice, and civilization, he sometimes shapes a body from himself out of the stones of a city that interests
him to have discourse with the citizens of the city.

Alignment CN (CG, CN, CE)
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Ability Dexterity or Charisma
Divine Skill Deception
Domains indulgence, luck, pain, passion
Cleric Spells 1st: charm; 3rd: hideous laughter; 8th: uncontrollable dance
Edicts pursue your personal freedom, drink, seek hedonistic thrills
Anathema waste alcohol, refuse to celebrate
Favored Weapon rapier

The wild god of festivals, games, drunkenness, and debauchery, he brings pleasure and pain in equal measure.

Alignment LN (LN, N)
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Ability Intelligence or Wisdom
Divine Skill Occultism
Domains fate, glyph, knowledge, truth
Cleric Spells 1st: anticipate peril; 3rd: threefold aspect; 6th: scrying
Edicts use divination, learn from the past
Anathema lie, share your divinations without payment (no matter how trivial), willingly tread where time does not pass
Favored Weapon dagger

Death created the Fates to weave the destinies of living things. Numbering three, they include the Maiden, who embodies love,
passion, and hope, the Mother, who represents birth and family, and the Crone, who cuts the cords of the living and sends their
souls to Death.
Alignment LN (LG, LN)
Divine Font heal
Divine Ability Strength or Wisdom
Divine Skill Society
Domains duty, knowledge, might, truth
Cleric Spells 1st: object reading; 3rd: hypercognition; 8th: unrelenting observation
Edicts Seek those that break the law, enforce just restitution, investigate crimes
Anathema contaminate evidence, break the law, make judgements without evidence, obstruct truths
Favored Weapon longsword

Another divinity appeared with the rise of civilization: Blind, the goddess of justice and truth, opposes Revel and gave laws to
mortals so they could build civilization.

Alignment N (NG, LN, N, CN, NE)
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Ability Strength or Constitution
Divine Skill Arcana
Domains ambition, glyph, knowledge, magic
Cleric Spells 1st: magic missile; 2nd: magic mouth; 3rd: levitate, 4th: blink, 5th: prying eye, 6th: wall of force, 7th: warp mind, 8th:
maze, 9th: disjunction
Edicts seek out magical power and use it
Anathema pursue mundane paths over magical ones
Favored Weapon staff

Abraxus taught mortals the secrets of magic and is said to be magic itself, at least in so far as the god’s priests claim.

Alignment NE (LE, NE, CE)
Divine Font harm
Divine Ability Constitution or Strength
Divine Skill Occultism
Domains destruction, might, void, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: grim tendrils; 4th: crushing despair; 9th: weird
Edicts End all mortal life, exploit those who fear death
Anathema Offer anything for free, extend mortal lifespans, grant true salvation to the doomed or dying
Favored Weapon greatsword

The exiled son of Death, Abaddon dwells in the darkness beyond Aerth and bides his time for the chance to undo all Death has
created. Some believe Abaddon to be the father of demons.
Alignment NG (LG, NG, CG)
Divine Font heal
Divine Ability Dexterity or Charisma
Divine Skill Thievery
Domains confidence, luck, trickery, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: fleet step; 2nd: misdirection; 5th: cloak of colors
Edicts seek out and challenge oppressors and tyrants, defend friends and the innocent, engage in mischief that doesn’t harm others
Anathema suffer a bully’s insults to you or another without retort, abandon a friend in need, attribute a lucky turn of events to your
own skill
Favored Weapon shortsword

The god of mischief, tricks, and thieves, the rat-faced god finds worship in most lands, but he has a large following among those who
suffer under the chains of tyranny as he is also known as the Great Liberator.

Alignment LN (LG, LN, LE)
Divine Font heal
Divine Ability Strength or Constitution
Divine Skill Crafting
Domains creation, duty, might, wealth
Cleric Spells 1st: temporary tool; 4th: creation; 9th: resplendent mansion
Edicts respect the forge, continually improve your abilities, aid others with completing tasks
Anathema intentionally create inferior works, shirk your duties, mistreat your tools
Favored Weapon warhammer

The god of artisans, builders, and creators of all kinds, he toils in the great forge to produce all the wonders of the world.


Alignment LG (LG, LN, NG)
Divine Font heal
Divine Ability Constitution or Wisdom
Divine Skill Intimidation
Domains confidence, might, truth, zeal
Cleric Spells 1st: true strike; 2nd: see invisibility; 4th: fire shield
Edicts be temperate, fight for justice and honor, hold valor in your heart
Anathema abandon a companion in need, dishonor yourself, refuse a challenge from an equal
Favored Weapon longsword

Church doctrine holds that the High One came to Aerth to save mortals from death, to throw open the gates of Paradise to them so
they could live forever in the glory of their god. But, when the High One came, he found the throne of Paradise occupied by the
Adversary, a wicked being who had long misled mortals into fearing death and the false gods that sprang from the Old Faith. The
High One, with a legion of angels, cast out the Adversary and bound him in chains in the depths of Perdition where he languishes
even now.

Mortals who live good and decent lives, who dedicate themselves to serving others, who tolerate no false gods, and who embrace
the teachings of the Church as truth have a chance at attaining Paradise, to join all the other sainted beings who live on in the light
of the Redeemer. Those not chosen go on to the Underworld, but will eventually be reborn and try again. Those who wallow in
wickedness, who become slaves to their vices find Perdition as their reward and once cast into that fiery place, there is no escape.

Priests of the High One wear white clothing festooned with the eight-pointed star that represents the High One’s beacon that shines
first in the night skies among the starry firmament. Men wear square caps, while women wear wimples. Although priests tend
congregations and lend aid to those in need, the Church has a militaristic side reserved for combating significant threats to the faith
and a great many priests take up arms and armor to fight in the name of the High One.

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