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Received October 27, 2021, accepted November 13, 2021, date of publication November 16, 2021,

date of current version February 25, 2022.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3128611

Imaginary Control of a Mobile Vehicle Using

Deep Learning Algorithm: A Brain
Computer Interface Study
1 Laboratory of Intelligent Machines, LUT University, 53850 Lappeenranta, Finland
2 Department of Computer Engineering, University of Zanjan, Zanjan 45371-38891, Iran
Corresponding author: Amin Hekmatmanesh (

ABSTRACT Controlling a remote mobile vehicle using electroencephalograph (EEG) signals is still a
challenge specially achieving a high degree of accuracy and precision. In the present study, the focus is on
implementing an efficient feature space in a deep-based learning (DL) algorithm for a single trial application.
More specifically, a boosting feature algorithm by means of long short-term memory (LSTM) networks are
implemented in a deep auto-encoder (DAE) algorithm for producing an effective feature space tp identify
event related desynchronization/event related synchronization (ERD/ERS) patters in EEG signals. For this
purpose, three different DL-based algorithms are implemented that the models are based on a convolutional
neural network (CNN), DAE, and LSTM networks to extract and boost the main features. In addition, our
previous improved support vector machine (SVM)-based algorithm is employed to consider the potential of
SVM and implemented DL-based algorithms for a two classes identification. To consider the efficiency of
our implemented methods, algorithms are employed for control of a remote mobile vehicle in an imaginary
right-hand opening and making a right-hand fist task. In our experiment, eleven subjects participated in an
imaginary movement task. In the experiment, the displayed movement pictures were colored in yellow and
red colors for stimulating brain to generate stronger ERD/ERS patterns. Results showed that the proposed
algorithm by using the boosting technique significantly increased the accuracy with a higher precision of
73.31% ± 0.03. The proposed method enabled the DL algorithm to be used in single trial experiments.

INDEX TERMS Brain–computer interface, EEG signal processing, event related desynchronization, deep

I. INTRODUCTION Different neurons in different locations in the brain

The brain is the main organ that controls the human body and produce different patterns, which are identifiable using
several techniques have been developed to decode the brain electroencephalograph (EEG) signals [5]. Here, we focus
neurons activities to explore how the human body controlled. on the central area which is related to the (imaginary)
Several mathematical-based studies have been investigated movement patterns, named event related desynchronization/
on different aspects of human brain activity such as stress event related synchronization (ERD/ERS). One important
during driving [1], voluntary actions [2], involuntary actions aspect of research focuses on the intention to move (ERD
such as breathing [3], and the sleep process [4]. Brain stroke pattern) and the onset of real body movements (ERS
disability is a terrible situation for people who have had an pattern). Some of the related known patterns to the move-
active role in society. Hence, these patients need full-time ments are error related potential [6], readiness potential [3],
assistance for their normal daily activities. Brain computer ERD/ERS [7], [8], and event related potentials (ERP) pat-
interface (BCI) science has been developed to be a lifesaving terns such as P300 and steady state visually evoked potential
solution. patterns [9].
Neurons have the potential to produce imaginary move-
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and ment patterns similar to real movement patterns with smaller
approving it for publication was Aasia Khanum . amplitudes [10]. The investigated topics related to imaginary

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 10, 2022 20043
A. Hekmatmanesh et al.: Imaginary Control of Mobile Vehicle Using Deep Learning Algorithm

movement patterns include: controlling a mobile vehicle [11], number of their repetitions, which means the values with
controlling a prosthetic hand (wearable robots, exoskeleton high numbers of repetitions were recognized as the EEG
robots) [12], [13], controlling appliances such as lamps [14], background and diminished by multiplication of a small
controlling aerial vehicles such as quadcopters [15], [16], coefficient and the values with low numbers of repetitions
control of a vehicle in the main directions [17], break assis- were identified as the aim voluntary patterns and ascended
tant commands also named emergency breaks [18], [19], by multiplication of a large coefficient. Then, the linear dis-
change lane commands [20] and steering control [11], [21]. criminant analysis (LDA) and principal component analysis
In the above-mentioned topics, two considerable issues have feature selection algorithms were applied to select effective
been investigated, namely accuracy and time delay. Several features. Finally, 14 supervised classifiers were employed
methods have been developed for the automatic identifica- to identify the ERD/ERS patterns. The best selected classi-
tion of early imaginary patterns from 5 ms to 2 s for the fier was the optimized soft margin support vector machine
applications [16], [22]. (SSVM) classifier, which is used by the generalized radial
Some relative BCI studies to our method and application bases functions (GRBF) kernel (SSVM-GRBF) function
are explained in below. In a primitive study, Haufe et al. [23] [8], [28]. The SSVM algorithm was an optimized regulariza-
designed an algorithm to identify the ERD/ERS patterns of tion support vector machine (SVM) method for finding the
EEG related to the emergency brake intention. Simultane- best soft margin area for decision-making in the feature space.
ously, electrocardiogram (EMG) signals measured the mus- In addition, three free parameters were added to the Gaussian
cular reactions to emergency braking tasks. In the algorithm, function that enabled promising coverage of the scattered
the selected features were the area under the identified ERP features in each class. This was named generalizing the radial
patterns from the EEG and EMG signals. Features are then bases functions.
classified using a regularized linear discriminant analysis Then, we employed the DSLVQ feature optimizer and the
(RLDA) classifier. One key point of the study was com- SSVM-GRBF classifier in our studies. The significant cons
bining the EMG and EEG features to increase the accuracy of our studies were the limitation of the CSP for two classes,
and precision of identifying emergency break patterns. The besides, the SSVM is a binary classifier which is a constraint.
reported results showed significant achievements in accuracy Several methods have been developed to use the CSP and
and response time to emergency braking. Additionally, the SVM as multi-class solutions in which the results showed a
location of the neurons related to the emergency braking drop in the results [1], [29], [30].
were determined. The research limitations was recognized as Later on, we designed an algorithm based on a customized
follows: 1) employing a low number of subjects; 2) extract- mother wavelet for a wavelet packet to identify ERD/ERS
ing a small number of features for training a classifier; and patterns of individual subjects. The aim of the study was to
3) utilizing a binary classifier [23]. solve the limitations in [23] and [24], which involved using
Afterwards, Kim et al. [24] developed the idea by a constant mother wavelet to find the ERD/ERS patterns
Haufe et al. [23] by increasing the number of identifica- which vary continuously and cause low precision [23]. For
tion classes and number of features using different patterns. this purpose, we designed a customized mother wavelet based
In the algorithm, ERD/ERS and ERP patterns were extracted on an individual subject’s ERD/ERS patterns for a wavelet-
by means of applying frequency filtering between 5-35 Hz. packet with 20 different frequencies (variations). The com-
Next, the Hilbert transformation was employed for feature ponents related to the ERD/ERS were then computed and
extraction. The features were then identified using the RLDA a new signal was calculated using a detrended fluctuation
classifier. The achieved accuracy increased due to using dif- analysis that enabled us to extract long-term correlation fea-
ferent types of features and extracting a larger number of tures [12], [21]. In the wavelet-based study, the SSVM-GRBF
features, but low precision (high accuracy variation) was classifier [8], [28] was then used to classify the features. The
reported. In conclusion the study, covered some limitations of results improved significantly, but a considerable limitation
the previous studies, but usage of the RLDA classifier was a exists, which was at least two second delay in the real-time
limitation, because it is more effective in binary identification experiment.
conditions than multi-class identification [20], [25]. Afterwards, we implemented a chaotic-based feature
In our previous series of studies, we developed different extraction algorithm to identify the moving forward and stop-
algorithms for control of a mobile vehicle for moving forward ping (brake) classes. The largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE)
and breaking (stopping) [12], [26]–[28]. Additionally, we feature is a known feature in nonlinear identification and
implemented methods to solve the above-mentioned limi- prediction systems [5], [31]. The LLE concept in our study
tations such as the number of subjects, limited number of was produced a trajectory of a nonlinear system during imag-
features, feature selection and optimization of the classi- ination of opening a hand and make a fist by reconstructing
fiers. For example, we [8] extracted a discriminative filter- a phase space based on a delayed EEG signal. The obtained
bank common spatial pattern (DFBCSP) features, which trajectories were not distinctive for all of the imaginations.
were optimized by a discriminative sensitive learning vector Therefore, the principals of the LLE (mutual information
quantization (DSLVQ) training algorithm. In the DSLVQ and false nearest neighbors) were optimized using chaotic
optimization algorithm, features were updated based on the tug of war and water drop optimizer algorithms [26], [27].

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A. Hekmatmanesh et al.: Imaginary Control of Mobile Vehicle Using Deep Learning Algorithm

The results showed a distinctive vision for the reconstructed II. DATA ACQUISITION AND EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
trajectories in the phase space in comparison with the tra- The employed technique to record data in the present study
ditional LLE. The main limitation of the algorithm was the is the same technique as in our previous investigations in
time consuming optimization algorithm which is required for [8], [17], [21]. In short, the executed task took place in four
all new incoming data, that causes large delay for real-time steps as follows: 1) showing a fixation cross at the center
systems. of a black screen to attract the subject’s attention to the
The recent investigation employed Deep Learning (DL) center of the screen, 2) showing a sketch of a closed fist and
as a successful method for classification in EEG [32], open-hand, which are colored in red and yellow, respectively,
images [33], and speech processing [34]. Recently, several 3) imagination of the seen colored sketch after disappearing
studies have been published which identify the ERD/ERS the sketch pictures, and 4) resting for a random period of time.
using DL for different purposes such as control of a prosthetic The reason for using colors in the sketches is simultaneous
hand [32] and braking assistant applications [19]. For exam- stimulation of emotion (colored-base) and imaginary areas of
ple, Zhang et al. [19] employed wavelet components to com- the brain [42], [43] to produce more distinctive patterns.
pute the power spectrum density and canonical correlation The experiment was repeated for 150 cycles for eleven
analysis features. Then, DL, SVM and ensemble classifiers subjects, 75 tasks were given each for making a fist and
were used that the ensemble classifier achieved the best result. opening the right hand. The employed amplifier for recording
The drawback of the study was in utilizing the traditional the EEG was the Enobio32 portable gel-electrode with a
SVM, not enough input data for DL classifiers without opti- sampling rate of 500 Hz. The 32 electrodes where installed on
mization. Additionally, the authors used a time-consuming a stretchable cap based on the international 10/20 system. The
algorithms such as wavelets, which are not suitable for the algorithm implemented in Google Colab using the Python
real-time systems. By comparing studies, the DL algorithm language with the Tensorflow and Keras libraries.
has potential of achieving higher accuracies if enough data
feed to the DL algorithm. The limitation of DL is a large III. METHODS
number of measured input values is required for training a In the present study, a new configuration of the DL based on
DL algorithm. the combination of the DAE with the CNN and LSTM was
The next generation of studies, employed DL algorithms implemented to generate informative features to improve the
with different sensors to measure the environment- and accuracy and precision. The concept of the algorithm is illus-
vehicle situation by means of external sensors to identify trated in Figure 1 and the details of the method are illustrated
emergency brake and navigating vehicles. Therefore, a com- in Figure 2. To this end, the first step is the preprocessing
plementary information is added to the feature space (based which is explained in the following section:
on the biosignals) and enough inputs is provided for the DL
algorithm. In short, external sensors have the potential to A. PREPROCESSING
provide informative information such as auditory informa- Due to the large size of the data, we employed batch tech-
tion [35], the air condition (foggy, sunny and rainy) vehicle nique to read the EEG data in multiple batch packages. The
condition (acceleration, velocity, wheel angle and gas pedal 32 EEG channel signals were first divided into segments
angle), and camera data [36] to increase the accuracy with of 2500 msec (500 msec before hiding the pictures and
significant precision [9], [37]–[40]. Comprehensive details of 2000 msec after the moment of hiding the pictures). Each
the algorithms for brain-controlled mobile vehicles and aerial batch was passed through a fifth order band pass IIR Butter-
vehicles are available in our review paper [41]. worth filter with the edges set to 7 Hz to 30 Hz and then nor-
In the present study, our contribution involves stimulating malized. The filter edges were selected experimentally based
imaginary movement in the brain using imagination and col- on the obtained accuracies and previous studies [44]. There-
ors. Then, a DL algorithm is implemented to extract imagi- fore, the obtained filtered matrix size for individual subjects
nary movement patterns for control of a mobile vehicle, as a was 2500 × 32 × 150. The algorithm configured 150 batches
single trial application. The implemented DL model includes of 2500 × 32 matrices for each individual subject. In the
deep auto-encoder (DAE). The DAE features are then boosted following section, our DL configuration is explained.
using the long short-term memory (LSTM) algorithm. Next,
a feature space using the boosted and DAE features is B. CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK CONSTRUCTION
formed and then features classified using DL-based classi- The DAE includes three main parts, encoder, middle layer and
fiers. Regarding the algorithms three different classifiers were decoder. The input layer feeds the encoder to map the input
designed and results were compared. Additionally, our best into a feature space which has the same dimensions as the
achieved method in the previous study [28] was used here to input EEG signal. Then, multiple hidden layers consisting of
identify the imaginary patterns and then compared with the pairs of CNNs and pooling layers are set to reach the optimum
DL-based methods. The rest of paper is continues as follows: feature space (Figure 2). 2) The middle layer includes the
II- data acquisition and experimental setup; III- methods; optimum feature values, which are used as the main features
IV- results; V- discussion; and VI- conclusion. for the next computations. In our algorithm, the DAE has four

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A. Hekmatmanesh et al.: Imaginary Control of Mobile Vehicle Using Deep Learning Algorithm

FIGURE 1. The concept of the ERD detection based on the DAE and LSTM.

FIGURE 2. The details of the proposed method configuration for identifying the ERD. The DAE feature matrices and the LSTM block configuration
is illustrated.

pairs of layers of the CNN and max-pooling for the encoder In detail for each layer, the rectified linear units (ReLU)
and also has similar layers for the inverted structure as the function was set in the layers and weights updated using a
decoder layers. Shortly, four encoders, one middle layer and forward- and backward propagation technique. On the CNN
four decoders. In each hidden layer, max-pooling halved the layers, a filter size of 1 × 5 is convolved to the input data
length of the data (A2500×32 to A1250×32 ) to reach an optimum that generate the same size data, and then applied on the
size, as illustrated in Figure 2. The optimum size of features signal. High-level features are then computed by selecting
means features have the potential to regenerate the input EEG half of data using a max-pooling approach. This procedure is
data using a decoder that is a sign of storing the main EEG performed for each pair of the CNN and max-pooling layers.
information. In our computations, the determined optimum In the training phase, a dropout technique is used to pre-
size of the feature space for each trial of opening the hand or vent overfitting, therefore 30% of the connected ReLU func-
making a fist was A512×78 . tions are removed randomly from updating the computations.

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A. Hekmatmanesh et al.: Imaginary Control of Mobile Vehicle Using Deep Learning Algorithm

Afterwards, a fully connected Softmax layer neural network

is then followed for the classification step.
To consider the computations, assume the size of the neu-
rons in the CNN layer is N × N and the filter (ω) size for the
CNN weights is l × l, then the formulation for the forward
propagation procedure is formulated as follows [45]:
n−1 X
xij = σ
ωab y(i+a)(j+b) ,
a=0 b=0

where y is the output of the neuron’s activation function,

FIGURE 3. The RNN configuration [47].
m is the number of hidden layers, and σ is the weighting
matrix. In the max-pooling part, the segment’s size (l × l) is
selected and the maximum value is then replaced. The final
size of the input would be N −n+1 × N −n+1 . In our case, the D. RNN AND LSTM FEATURE EXTRACTION
l l
down sampling involved max-pooling with l = 2 (matrix LSTM is a successful method for speech feature extraction,
size 1 × 2). The error (Er) value in the forward propagation which was introduced by [46] in a speech signal processing
is computed by: study. The combination of LSTM features with a deep RNN
classifier achieves promising results, which are shown in
∂Er X X ∂Er ∂xij
N −n N −n m N −n N −n
X X ∂Er m−1 Figure 3 and explained as follows:
= = y , (2)
∂ωab ∂xijm ∂ωab ∂xijm (i+a)(j+b)
i=0 i=0 i=0 i=0
where the gradient formula is computed as follows: The RNN network is a series of single RNN networks as
shown in Figure 3. A single RNN connection is computed
∂Er ∂yij
∂Er ∂Er ∂   l 
= = σ xij , (3) as follows [47]: in the algorithm, X (i) represents the DAE
∂xijl ∂ylij ∂xijl ∂ylij ∂xijl features, H (i) is the hidden vector, Y (i) is the RNN output
∂Er and the sampling instant is i = 0, . . . , 77.
Finally, the back propagation error ( ) is computed
using Eq. (4): H(i) = γ UX(i) + SH(i−1) + bias1

Y(i) = γ VH(i) + bias2

n−1 X
X n−1
∂Er ∂x(i−a)(j−b)
l n−1 X
X n−1
∂Er (6)
= ωab .
a=0 b=0
ij a=0 b=0
where U , S and V are the connection weights which are
(4) updating in each trial (shown in Figure 3), γ is an activa-
After updating the weights, the optimized weights in the tion function, and bias1 and bias2 are constant bias values.
middle layer are computed. The optimized weights are the In order to implement the LSTM feature extraction based on
compressed features named DAE features. in the next part, the RNN, hidden layer neurons in the RNN are replaced by
we explain out how the AE algorithm works. the LSTM blocks. The advantage of the LSTM modification
is the good handling of the gradient vanishing problem [48].
C. AUTO-ENCODER The following section shows how the RNN and LSTM are
To obtain the DAE features, the prepared EEG matrix is fed
into a deep neural network (DNN) which has nine layers.
The middle layer contains the DAE features, as shown in 2) LONG SHORT-TERM MEMORY
Figure 2. In the DNN procedure, each hidden layer’s weight To implement our LSTM model regarding the RNN config-
is computed using the CNN and then down sampled using uration, a series of 77 LSTM blocks were set in the algo-
max-pooling filters. The weights are then updated and opti- rithm. A single block diagram of the LSTM is illustrated in
mized utilizing a forward-backward propagation technique. Figure 2, so that each LSTM includes three inputs as follows:
The encoder part of the algorithm reduces the input feature- 1- sequence feature (Xi , i = 0, . . . , 77), 2- memory (Ci−1 ,),
space size until it reaches the optimum size with the capability and 3- computed feature (Hi−1 ). The LSTM has two outputs
of regenerating the input EEG signal by means of a set of of memory (Ci ) and a computed feature (Hi ), which are
decoder layers. The DAE features ([A]512×78 ) are fed into passed to the next blocks. As illustrated in Figure 2, the LSTM
the LSTM algorithm and, simultaneously a copy of the DAE is a dependent algorithm based on the previous- states of
features is kept to be combined with the LSTM features. memory (Ci−1 ,) and features (Hi−1 ). The input memory (Ci ,)
In the next step, we present how the DAE features in the is computed as follows:
middle layer are boosted by using the LSTM and recurrent
C(i) = tanh SCX X(i) + SCH H(i−1) + bc .

neural network (RNN) algorithms. (7)

VOLUME 10, 2022 20047

A. Hekmatmanesh et al.: Imaginary Control of Mobile Vehicle Using Deep Learning Algorithm

Then, the memory (Ci ) and hidden features (Hi ) are TABLE 1. Obtained accuracy of imaginary hand opening and making
a fist.
updated by means of the following algorithms:
C(i) = F(i) C(i) + I(i) C(i) , (8)
H(i) = O(i) tanh C(i) ,

where is the point-wise multiplication operator; F(i) , I(i)
and o(i) are the forget, input and output gates, respectively.
As shown in Figure 2, inside the LSTM F(i) , I(i) and O(i) are
computed as follows:
F(i) = γ SFX X(i) + SFH H(i−1) + biasF ,

I(i) = γ SiX X(i) + SiH H(i−1) + biasi ,

O(i) = γ SoX X(i) + SoH H(i−1) + biasO .

Finally, the computed features for the individual blocks
are sorted in a matrix and combined with the obtained DAE
features for the classification step. The output layer of the
deep algorithm for the classification is a fully connected layer
of Softmax functions that are presented as follows:
P (zr ) P (x | zr ) exp (ar )
P (zτ | x) = PL = PL , (13)
l=1 P (zl ) P (x | zl ) l=1 exp (al )
where P (cl ) and P (x | zl ) are the prior probability of a
class and the condition probability of a class in al =
ln (P (zl ) P (x | zl )), respectively.

IV. RESULTS ERD/ERS wave. In the traditional methods, it was necessary

In order to find the best possible algorithm combination, to compute many features in one step, and then apply feature
four different classifiers were implemented. Three of the selection algorithms in the next step. In practice, sometimes
methods were different configurations of the DL, named informative features are removed in the feature selection part
1- DAE-LSTM, 2- DAE, and 3- CNN-LSTM (tradi- and then insignificant results were obtained. Additionally,
tional DL). The fourth method is the SSVM-GRBF from accuracy reduction occurs in comparison with the same algo-
our previous studies [17], [28]. The ERD/ERS pattern iden- rithm without feature selection step. The other challenging
tification results are presented in Table 1, which are based part in the EEG signal processing was to limit the number
on the accuracy and statistical analysis of the paired t-test of sensors in the processing and training of the classifiers.
statistical and ANOVA values. The statistical analysis were Sensor limitation is applied regarding the area of the brain
used to determine the significance of the computed features neural activation depending on the applications. For example,
and achieved accuracies. in our experiment we worked on the sensory motor cortex
area of the brain [8], [26], [27]. Therefore, in the channel
V. DISCUSSION selection part the most effective sensors are selected and the
The efficiency of DL identification technique depends on the others ignored in the processing, due to increasing the process
quality and quantity of data. It should be considered that the and time consuming procedures in the real-time systems.
DL may not solve all constraints of a study concurrently, but In the next development step, the constraint of the above-
it could be a well-promising solution for identification prob- mentioned manual feature extraction is facilitated by devel-
lems if enough data is fed into the algorithm [17], [28]. In the oping a DL algorithm. The DL method computes features
present study, we proposed a new feature space configuration automatically in a recurrent training approach to find the
to solve the DL-based algorithm constraint, which is a high optimum features, which means the obtained features have
input data is required for training the DL algorithm while the potential of reflecting the behavior of the patterns. DL
a limited input data is available, specifically for single trial is an automatic effective solution for the feature extraction
applications such as control of a mobile vehicle, bionic hand and selection steps. Therefore, the DL usage growing widely
and ankle foot orthosis. for the identification of EEG patterns in different appli-
In the previous studies [1], [13], the feature extraction cations such as epilepsy [49], drowsiness [50] and imagi-
step counted as a critical step in the identification methods. nary movements [51]. The DL constraints includes a large
The next challenge involves the algorithms for choosing the number of input values are required to achieve significant
informative features from a feature pool which contain the results and the training phase is a time-consuming procedure.
main information related to the aim patterns, such as an The advantages of the DL approach enable us to utilize all

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A. Hekmatmanesh et al.: Imaginary Control of Mobile Vehicle Using Deep Learning Algorithm

the recorded signals for the identification processing, which experimentally as follows: 75% of the data was used for train-
means the computed features includes all the details of the ing; 20% of the data was used for testing; 5% of the data used
evoked potential patterns. In our current experiment, we take for validation; and the dropout was 30%. As shown in Table 1,
advantages of the ERD/ERS patterns in 32 EEG channels. the DAE results showed a lower average accuracy with higher
Therefore, the number of features increased highly, and in variation (average = 66.44% ± 0.55) in comparison with the
case of extra number of features, the DL algorithm enable us combination of the DAE-LSTM algorithm (DL, average =
to control the number of features by using defining different 69.96% ± 0.04), which because of the effects of the boosted
sizes of hidden layers in the DAE structure. features subjects. Therefore, the accuracies and variations
In the present study, we implement three DL-based algo- showed that theses approaches are not suitable for single trial
rithms to identify the imaginary movement patterns. Our classifications.
proposed method is explained in section III that includes two The decreasing accuracy despite the use of the DAE fea-
steps for computing features, namely DAE feature extraction tures (which has the potential of reconstructing the main
and feature boosting. The main feature extraction part is the EEG signal) means that the DAE computations remove some
DAE algorithm as shown in Figure 1. In the DAE feature informative features which play a significant role in the
extraction procedure, each hand-opening or fist-making sig- classification. Hence, another modification is implemented
nal is down sampled into a matrix size of 512 × 78 as shown to compensate for the loss of informative features, named
in Figure 2. Therefore, each subject has 150 matrices with an feature boosting. To increase the efficiency, the DAE features
optimum size of 512 × 78, which means the matrix has the were boosted using the LSTM algorithm to maintain the
potential to reconstruct the original ERD/ERS. The optimum EEG time-sequence in the features and then fed into the
size obtained experimentally is shown as the middle layer of classifier. Insignificant improvements in the accuracy show
the ADE gold in Figure 2. The second step for the feature that the boosted features do not include enough information
computation procedure, named feature boosting, is based on for classification, in fact again some significant information
the DAE extracted features. In the feature boosting algorithm, is missed in the LSTM procedure.
one LSTM block is designed for each vector of 512 × 78 to Regarding the achievements, we employed the LSTM
provide new features (boosted features), therefore, a series algorithm for boosting the EEG features. To find the effects
of 78 LSTM blocks is set for each DAE feature matrix. The of a boosting algorithm in our study, the DAE with the
reason for selecting the LSTM as a feature boosting was that LSTM (DAE-LSTM) boosting algorithm were implemented
the LSTM algorithm keep the time chronological order in the and results were compared with the DAE and CNN-LSTM
EEG signal for extracting temporal properties. In addition, the algorithms (Table 1). The other key point of our study was
LSTM enable handling the gradient vanishing problem due to the combination of the DAE features and time-based boosted
using the RNN structure [48]. features in one feature space. The reason for combining the
Here, we explain why we focus on feature boosting algo- features is the boosting algorithm misses some informative
rithms. Studies [21], [27], [28] and reported challenges [52] information during the process by considering the accuracy
showed that the boosting feature algorithms produce more of the DAE results in Table 1. After computational con-
accurate results. Also, regarding our previous studies siderations, we obtained significant results by combining
[27], [28], we computed common spatial patterns (CSPs) the features before and after boosting in a feature space in
for the EEG signals to detect the ERD/ERS patterns. In the comparison with the other implemented methods. The loss
algorithm, a DSLVQ training algorithm was employed to of information in the classification could be compensated
boost features by weighting them in a training procedure [53] by combining the DAE (original features) and the boosted
and the results improved significantly. From our point of features with respect to the time sequence of EEG signal
view, feature boosting is a critical point in a single trial in the classification. It is noticeable that including the time-
identification solution. The importance of feature boosting dependent features have informative effects on constructing
was also revealed in Brats challenge for segmenting 3D tumor a feature space.
MRI images ( The main The last employed classification was the SSVM-GRBF
distinctive key point for the winner [52] in the challenge was combination, which is also the best-optimized method in
employing a boosting technique to amend the features after our previous studies. The SSVM-GRBF achieved significant
feature extraction. results in comparison with the other modifications of the
To organize our DL algorithm for a single trial experiment, SVM-based classifiers [17], [28]. By comparing the SSVM-
the DAE was first designed to extract the most effective GRBF result (average = 0.7554% ± 0.16) in our study with
features. In the DAE algorithm, we used the features before the implemented DL-based results in Table 1, it is evident
boosting for the classification. To investigate the efficiency that the average accuracy of the SSVM-GRBF is higher than
of DAE, the traditional DL which involves the combination the DAE-LSTM (0.7380%±0.03), but with small difference.
of DAE-LSTM algorithms was implemented. Then, the down On the other side, the precision of the SSVM-GRBF method
sampled and updated features using the CNN and LSTM were is significantly lower (higher variation in accuracy) than the
fed into the classifier. In the training phase, the structure DAE-LSTM method. Regarding the achievements, regardless
of the training network for all of the classification was set of the small difference in the SSVM-GRBF average accuracy,

VOLUME 10, 2022 20049

A. Hekmatmanesh et al.: Imaginary Control of Mobile Vehicle Using Deep Learning Algorithm

because of the high level of precision the DAE-LSTM algo- point of view, the SVM was impressively faster training phase
rithm could be counted as the best average result among speed than the DL method. The DL had higher level of
the other approaches, but it still has limitations because it is computations but the next generation of hardware technology
time-consuming in training, even though it was a single trial might help for the use of DL in training for new incoming data
experiment. during real-time processing.
In order to consider the significance of the achieved fea-
tures and accuracy results, a statistical paired t-test and a VI. CONCLUSION
repeated measures ANOVA test with a Post-hoc test using The presented study considered the identification of imag-
a Tukey correction analysis were employed [54]. The t-test inary ERD/ERS patterns using DL-based methods for con-
analysis was applied on the normalized computed features trol of a mobile vehicle in a single trial experiment. Three
to consider if the feature alterations between the imaginary different methods based on the DL concept and one method
hand opening and making a fist were meaningful. Then, the based on the optimized SVM classifier were implemented
repeated measures ANOVA test with the post-hoc test using and the achieved accuracies and precisions were considered.
Tukey correction was then employed to consider the signifi- It was found that the best method, named DL-LSTM included
cance of the accuracy and precision results. The paired t-test a feature space with the combination of the main DAE fea-
results revealed that the P values for the extracted features tures and boosted DAE features using the LSTM algorithm.
of the nine subjects for the CNN-LSTM and DAE-LSTM The algorithm achieved higher accuracy results with higher
algorithms were significant (P < 0.05). In details, The DAE precision of 73.31% ± 0.3 with p < 0.05. It is concluded
approach produced features with insignificant alterations for that the boosting feature algorithms has a significant impact
one subject (paired t-test P > 0.05) and the alterations of on the identifying results, but it may remove some important
features for two subjects (CSP-based features) in the SSVM- weights from the feature space. Combination of the features
GRBF approach found insignificant, paired t-test P > 0.05. before boosting with the features after boosting generate a
In the next step, the ANOVA test was computed for the complementary feature space that has higher accuracy with
proven significant features. This revealed that the significant significant precision. The organized feature space in the
features (ANOVA, p < 0.05) led to significant accuracies and DAE-LSTM method enabled the use of DL for the single trial
precisions (ANOVA, p < 0.05). applications.
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[52] A. Myronenko, ‘‘3D MRI brain tumor segmentation using autoencoder MOHSEN AFSHARCHI received the M.Sc.
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[53] M. Pregenzer, ‘‘Distinction sensitive learning vector quantization Ph.D. degree in artificial intelligence from the Uni-
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a brain computer interface,’’ in Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Artif. Neural Netw., he has been with the Department of Computer
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[54] L. Surhone, M. Timpledon, and S. Marseken, ‘‘Wilcoxon signed-rank
leads the Multi-Agent Systems Lab (MASLab).
test,’’ Tech. Rep., 2010.
He is currently an Associate Professor with the
Department of Computer Engineering, University
AMIN HEKMATMANESH received the bache- of Zanjan. His research interests include multi-agent learning, probabilistic
lor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Sci- reasoning, distributed constraint optimization, and software testing.
ence and Research of Fars University, Shiraz, Iran,
2010, the master’s degree in biomedical engineer-
ing from Shahed University, Tehran, Iran, 2013, MING LI received the bachelor’s and master’s
and the Ph.D. degree in brain-controlled ankle degrees from the Hubei University of Technol-
foot and hand orthosis and mobile vehicle robots ogy, in 2006 and 2008, respectively, and the D.Sc.
using the EEG with the Laboratory of Intelligent degree from the Lappeenranta University of Tech-
Machines, Lappeenranta University of Technol- nology (LUT), Finland, in 2014. He has been hold-
ogy, from 2016 to 2019. His master’s thesis was ing a postdoctoral position at LUT, since 2015,
about analyzing sleep EEG signal processing, learning and negative emo- in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence.
tional memory. Since 2020, he has been holding a postdoctoral position Since 2015, he has also been a Research Engi-
on heavy machine operator’s health monitoring and signal processing for neer through the EUROfusion Engineering Grants
horse simulators with the Laboratory of Intelligent Machines, Lappeenranta under implementation of the Fusion Roadmap in
University of Technology. Horizon 2020. Till date, he has published over 20 peer-reviewed journal
and conference articles and four book sections and holds two patents. His
research interests include robotics, artificial intelligence, control system
HAMED MOHAMMADI AZNI received the design, embedded systems, and software development. He keeps an excellent
bachelor’s and master’s degrees in 2009 and 2013, academic record as an early career researcher, and started to publish research
respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. articles since his early bachelor study period.
degree with the Department of Computer Engi-
neering, University of Zanjan. His research inter-
ests include pattern recognition, times series data, HEIKKI HANDROOS (Member, IEEE) received
and machine learning, and he is particularly inter- the M.Sc. (Eng.) and D.Sc. (Tech.) degrees from
ested in deep learning for medical’s image and the Tampere University of Technology, in 1985
signal analysis. and 1991, respectively. He has been a Profes-
sor of machine automation with the Lappeenranta
University of Technology, since 1992. He has
HUAPENG WU was born in China, in 1964. also been a Visiting Professor with the Univer-
He received the D.Sc. (Tech.) degree from the sity of Minnesota, Peter the Great St. Petersburg
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Fin- Polytechnic University, and the National Defense
land, in 2001. He has been an Associate Pro- Academy, Japan. His research interests include
fessor (since October 2004) and a Professor modeling, design, and control of mechatronic transmissions to robotics and
(January 2008–June 2011) with the Lappeenranta virtual engineering. He has published over 250 international scientific papers
University of Technology, Finland. His research and supervised around 30 D.Sc. (Tech.) theses. He has been an Associate
interests include robotics, AI control, mechatron- Editor of Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control (ASME),
ics, mechanical manufacturing, and automation, since 2014. He has led several important domestic and international research
and publications include four books and more than projects.
100 publications in his research areas.

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