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Harrapan/Indus Civilization (1500-1750BC)

 Oldest name- Indus Civilization, discovered at Harappa site

 British istorian A.J. Tonybee called it as Indic Civilization.
 John marshall first used term Indus civilization
 It belongs to proto- historic period(Chalcolithic/Bronze age).
 Spread over Sindh, Baluchistan, Punjab, Haryana, rajasthan, Gujrat,
western up , Gujrat, northern Maharashtra.
 North most site- Ropar(Sutlej) Punjab, Manda(J&K now)
 South most site Bhagatrav(kim) Gujrat, Daimabad(pravara) mahrashtra.
Mohenjodaro: largest site of indus civilization
Rakhigarhi: largest Indian site of Indus civilization.
 Features:
 Systematic town planning
 Use of bricks
 Drainage system
 Crops: wheat , barley, rice
 Indus people were 1st to produce cotton in world
 Animals: sheep, goat, oxen, etc
 Foreign trade with Mesopotamia (modern iraq), baharain etc
 Lothal was ancient port of indus civilization
 Religion: commonly found figure is matridevi or mother goddess, chied
male deity was “pasupati Mahadeva” that is lord of animals . evidences
for shiva- shakti , lingam also found
 Oldest script in Indian subcontinent is harappan, but oldest deciphered
is brahmi script in 5th century bc
 Swastic can be traced to indus civ.
 Contemporary civilization- Mesopotamia, Egypt, china

Vedic civilization(1500-600bc)

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