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Signals and Systems (Set 2)

Remembering (2)
1. The sequence of operations needed to perform continuous time convolution are:
a) Folding, Multiplication, Integration, Shifting
b) Folding, Shifting, Multiplication, Integration
c) Folding, Multiplication, Shifting, Integration
d) Shifting, Folding, Multiplication, Integration
Answer: b)
2. The condition required for stability of a LTI-Discrete Time system is

a) ∑ |h( n)|< ∞

b) ∑ |h( n)|> ∞

c) ∑ |h(n)|=∞

d) ∑ |h(n)|=0

Answer: a)
Understanding (1)
3. Which of the following system is called recursive system?
a) y(n) = 0.5y(n-2)+0.75y(n-1)+2x(n)+0.25x(n-1)
b) y(n) = 2x(n)+0.25x(n-1)
c) y(n) = 2x(n)
d) y(n) = x(n)
Answer: a)
Apply (1)
4. Laplace Transform and ROC of the signal – e ^ (4t) u (-t) is
a) 1/(S+4) ; Re(S) > -4
b) 1/(S-4) ; Re(S) > -4
c) 1/(S-4) ; Re(S) < -4
d) 1/(S-4) ; Re(S) < 4
Answer: d)
Analyze (2)
5. Which among the following is not a linear system?

a) y(n) = C x(2n)

b) y ( t ) =∫ x ( w ) dw

c) y(t) = t x(t)

d) y(n) = cosωn x(n)

Answer: a)

6. A discrete time signal is as given below

x[n] = cos (n/8) cos (πn/8). Whether this signal is Periodic or Non periodic? If periodic, the period of the
signal x [n] is _____________
a) 16 π
b) 16(π+1)
c) 8
d) Non-periodic
Answer: d)
Evaluate (1)
7. The initial and final value of the function X(s) = 4/(s+4) is
a) x(0) = 0 and x(∞) = 4
b) x(0) = 0 and x(∞) = - 4
c) x(0) = 4 and x(∞) = 0
d) x(0) = -4 and x(∞) = 0
Answer: c)
Affective (1)
8. The overall impulse response of the system is given by

a) h(t) =((h1(t) + h2(t))* h3(t)) – h4(t)

b) y(t) = x(t) * (h1(t) + h2(t)*h3(t)) – h4(t)

c) h(t) = (h1(t) + h2(t) * h3(t)) + h4(t) * x(t)

d) h(t) = (h1(t) h2(t) * h3(t)) – h4(t)

Answer: a)

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