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Tell me a little about yourself …

I’m 23 years old. I am studying Logistics Management at SENA. I now

live in Cartagena (Colombia). I have good teamwork, numerical analysis
and data management skills
Also, I handle Microsoft Office tools and other important computer
skills. I am good at teamwork, text writing and I am self-taught and open
to new experiences.
Experiencia relacionada con el cargo
Conozco sobre procesos de metalmecánica, herramientas, insumos
usados para soldadura, mecanizado, corte y acabado superficial. En mi
último trabajo, trabajamos más con acero inoxidable y galvanizado. Yo
era el encargado de realizar y gestionar las compras y de mantener el
Por qué eres el ideal para el cargo
Porque tengo conocimientos prácticos sobre técnicas de soldadura y
mecanizado, equipos y protocolos de salud y seguridad. Tengo
experiencia usando software de diseño asistido CAD, y manejo de
herramientas ofimáticas. Además complemento con un buen manejo de
During my academic stage I achieved to participate in the design project
of an alternative vehicle (more specifically a wheelchair suitable for
stairs and a light tandem vehicle). I also have a diploma in Sustainable
Energy Systems.
Why are you interested in working here?
I am interested because this company is one of the fastest growing and
best positioned in the regional market and offers interesting challenges
for its employees that are rewarded through valuable benefits for their
professional future.

Where do you see yourself in five years? ¿And in ten?

Five years from now, I plan to accumulate the necessary work
experience to work on large projects and specialize in an interesting
field that will further my career. At the moment I am interested in topics
related to energy sustainability, although I am open to all opportunities
that come my way.

Why do you want to leave your current company?

Why is there an interval between this work and the other?

What are three things your previous boss would like you to improve?

Are you available to travel?

Tell me about an accomplishment that makes you proud.

Tell me about a time when you made a mistake.

How did you hear about this vacancy?

Tell me about your resume.

Tell me about your educational background.

How would you describe yourself?

Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a complicated


Why should I hire you?

Why are you looking for another job?

Do you work weekends and holidays?

What are your financial expectations?

Tell me about a time when you exceeded expectations on a project.

Who is our competition?

What is your availability?

Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss.

How do you handle the pressure?

What are your professional goals?

What was the last book you read for fun?

Tell me about what irritates you about your work colleagues.

What are your hobbies?

What makes you uncomfortable?

How would you fire someone?

What do you like and dislike most about this industry/sector?

Do you have any questions?

Why are you interested in this position?

Why are you interested in this position?
How do you see yourself in five years?
Why did you decide to change your position?
How long do you plan to work for this company?
Tell me about a difficult problem you have encountered and how
you overcame it.

Tell me something about yourself that is

not on your resume in English.
I belong to a Christian youth group, where I meet every weekend to
share experiences and expectations with other young people between
the ages of 16 and 30. We have participated in zonal and local youth
events, and also we usually are part of some annual church
celebrations. In addition, I like to watch movies, to watch academic
videos and to read about history, research, essays, and to keep up to
date on current issues.

Why did you decide to apply for the

Supply Trainee Program and what are
your career aspirations that this graduate
program will help you to achieve?
I decided to apply because I saw this program as an important
opportunity for professional growth where I will be involved in a
competitive and interactive environment. In addition, during my past
work experiences, I witnessed the important role played by the logistics
and supply departments in the overall operation of the plant.
Finally, with this program I will gain empirical experience in the supply
area that will be very useful for the rest of my career.

Tell me about a situation where you

solved a problem with unique ideas and
Hace poco en mi casa notamos que el recibo de la luz había aumentado
considerablemente respecto al año anterior y necesitábamos buscar la
forma de reducir los gastos de energía. Entonces, formulé un plan para
ese fin: los aparatos de alto consumo se los conectó a un temporizador
que regulaba su funcionamiento en cuestión de las horas críticas de uso.
Compramos varias regletas o multitomas para que todos los cables de la
parte del computador y del televisor estuviesen conectados a ese
aparato que cuando se apagaba restringía el paso de electricidad.
Además cambiamos, se cambiaron las tapas de los ventiladores por
mallas para poder utilizarlos a mínima potencia. Se compraron
bombillos portátiles recargables para evitar el consumo exagerado en
iluminación directa.
Finalmente con esos pequeños cambios que parecían insignificantes
logramos reducir el consumo mensual en casi el 30 % para los siguientes
dos meses.
What is your most significant and
challenging achievement to date and
what do you think enabled you to

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