GETEZO, IG - Activity 1

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VMD95: Veterinary Research Methods and Scientific Paper Writing.

Laboratory Activity 1
Research, its elements, Scientific Process, and Status

Name: GETEZO, Ivy Grace C. Schedule: Friday,10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Section: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine – 4A Lab Date Submitted: February 03, 2023

Research is defined as "creative and methodical activity done to improve the body of
knowledge." It entails gathering, organizing, and analyzing data in order to better understand
a subject, and is distinguished by a focus on minimizing bias and error causes. These tasks
are distinguished by taking biases into account and adjusting for them. A research effort
could build on prior contributions to the field. Research may duplicate portions of earlier
projects or the project as a complete to verify the accuracy of instruments, processes, or
experiments. Documentation, discovery, interpretation, and the research and development
(R&D) of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge are the main goals
of basic research (as opposed to applied research).

A. Research
1. Define "research'.
Research is described as the production of new knowledge and/or the
innovative use of pre-existing knowledge to produce novel ideas, approaches,
and comprehensions. This could involve synthesizing and analyzing earlier
research to the point that it produces original and innovative results. This
definition of research is in line with a broad understanding of research and
experimental development (R&D), which includes creative work done on a
regular basis in order to add to the body of knowledge, including knowledge
about people, culture, and society, and the use of this body of knowledge to
develop new applications. Applied research, experimental development, and
pure and strategic basic research are all included in this definition of research.

2. Make a list of at least three reasons why research is vital. Explain.

1. Acquire knowledge about the world
 Scientific research brings together observations, knowledge and data
to solve problems invent solutions and develop new products. This
applied science allows individuals, industries and countries to test
information by transforming abstract theories into practical learning.
2. Contribute to the Growth of knowledge
 Research expands on any prior knowledge you have of the subject.
The research process creates new opportunities for learning and
progress. It enables to seek out the most up-to-date facts for there is
always new knowledge and discoveries in various sectors, particularly
scientific ones.
3. An excellent platform to disseminate a novel finding to a general or focused
 The main method for disseminating information to scientists working
in related or parallel topics. Research isn't just about finding or
producing new facts, insights, and information; it's also a means to
discuss and enhance something by making suggestions for how to
proceed in order to achieve a better outcome.

3. Make a list of at least three practical research applications or benefits.

1. Research improves services and treatments not just for you but also for
future generations for it helps develop new tests for diagnosis, treatments
and processes.
2. Research helps in addressing the some environmental problems through
discovering new and improving facts and information regarding Global
warming and climate change, Pollution and Waste Management, etc.
3. Research would help in improving the food security by discovering new
ways and improving the recurrent methods just like Genetic-modified crops,
new ways of farming, etc.

4. List at least five characteristics of a good research.

1. Research is anchored on a sound research question.
 One of the key elements of excellent research is a strong research
question. An excellent research question clearly states the objectives of
the study and limits its scope. Researchers may make sure they stay on
track during their study by developing a solid research question.
2. Research follows a systematic, appropriate research methodology.
 The research methodology a study employs plays a significant role in
determining its overall quality and success (Thattamparambil, 2020).
By selecting an appropriate research approach, researchers can ensure
that they can gather pertinent data and apply the best data analysis
3. Research acknowledges previous research on the topic.
 While successful research results in the discovery of new information,
it also entails reviewing earlier studies on the subject. You can obtain a
better understanding of what has been investigated previously and how
your study fits into existing research by reading scholarly publications
and other works that are connected to our area of interest.
4. Research uses relevant, empirical data and proper data analysis methods.
 Dealing with empirical data is one of the most crucial characteristics
of an effective research project. Empirical data is information that has
been gathered by researchers by their own experience, experimentation,
or observation (Bradford, 2017). This is essential for doing quality
research since empirical data is seen as impartial, unbiased proof.
5. Research is representative and generalizable.
 Being representative is one of the requirements for quality research.
The ability of a sample to represent a broader group is referred to as
representativeness in research. This indicates that the study's target
population's characteristics and the subjects' (people's) characteristics
are quite similar (Austin Research, 2014).

6. Research is guided by logic.

 The fact that logic governs every step of the research process is one of
its distinctive qualities. Researchers can identify fallacies and
contradictions in their claims and conclusions by following logic
throughout the study process.
7. Research has external validity.
 Good research has external validity if its results or findings can be
applied to the real world (Glen, 2015).
8. Research is replicable, reproducible, and transparent.
 Some of the most crucial aspects of research are replication,
reproducibility, and transparency. A research study's capacity to be
replicated is crucial because it enables other researchers to examine its
findings. Replicability can also increase readers' confidence in a
study's conclusions (Understanding Health Research, 2020).
9. Research acknowledges its limitations and provides suggestions for future
 Good research provides insight into data gathering and processing
techniques as well as openings for further study on the subject. For
instance, experts can offer information about unanticipated study
results or recommend methods for examining areas of your research
problem or research question that have not yet been explored
(Business Research Methodology, n.d.).
10. Research is ethical.
 It makes sense that good research is conducted in accordance with
research ethics. These guidelines assist in safeguarding the rights and
dignity of study subjects while ensuring that researchers uphold
principles like impartiality, honesty, integrity, and accountability in
their work (Resnik, 2020).

5. List at least five attributes or characteristics of a good researcher.

The characteristics of a good researcher (Elsevier Author Services, 2022):
1. Curiosity
 They ask questions. An endless thirst for knowledge is what sets the
best of the best apart from the others. Good researchers constantly
strive to learn more, not just about their own field, but about other
fields as well. A good researcher keeps exploring the world and keeps
searching for answers.
2. Analytical ability and foresight
 They look for connections. Information is useless without
interpretation. What drives research forward is finding meaning in our
observations and data. Good researchers evaluate data from every
angle and search for patterns.
3. Determination
 They try, try, and try again. Research can be a frustrating experience.
Experiments may not pan out how we expect them to. They accept this
disappointment, learn from the failure, reevaluate their experiment,
and keep moving forward.
4. Collaboration
 Teamwork makes the dream work. Contrary to the common perception
of the solitary genius in their lab, research is an extremely
collaborative process. Being able to coordinate, communicate, and get
along with team members is a major factor that can contribute to one’s
success as a researcher.
6. Communication
 They get their message across. Communication skills are an essential
asset for every researcher. Not only do they have to communicate with
their team members, but they also have to communicate with co-
authors, journals, publishers, and funders.

6. Enumerate the steps of the scientific method.

Five basic steps of conducting research (The Scientific Method: 5 Steps for
Investigating Our World | AMNH, 2023):
1. Define a Question to Investigate
 As scientists conduct their research, they make observations and
collect data. Scientists pursue answers to these questions in order to
continue with their research.
2. Make Predictions
 Based on their research and observations, scientists will often come up
with a hypothesis. Scientists use their hypothesis to make a prediction,
a testable statement that describes what they think the outcome of an
investigation will be.
3. Gather Data
 Evidence is needed to test the prediction. There are several strategies
for collecting evidence, or data. Then they plan a procedure and gather
their data. They make sure the procedure can be repeated, so that other
scientists can evaluate their findings.
4. Analyze the Data
 Scientists organize their data in tables, graphs, or diagrams. If possible,
they include relevant data from other sources. They look for patterns
that show connections between important variables in the hypothesis
they are testing.
5. Draw Conclusions
 Based on whether or not their prediction came true, scientists can then
decide whether the evidence clearly supports or does not support the
hypothesis. If the results are not clear, they must rethink their
procedure. If the results are clear, scientists write up their findings and
results to share with others. The conclusions they draw usually lead to
new questions to pursue.

1. List the 17 SDGs
The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to transform our world:
1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequality
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
14. Life Below Water
15. Life on Land
16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal

2. List the top 10 bent performing HEIs, in research

1. University of the Philippines Diliman
2. De La Salle University
3. University of the Philippines Manila
4. University of San Carlos
5. University of the Philippines Los Bans
6. University of Santo Tomas
7. Ateneo de Manila University
8. Mapua University
9. Technological Institute of the Philippines
10. Mindanao State University - Marawi

1. Harvard University
2. Harvard Medical School
3. Tsinghua University
4. Stanford University
5. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
7. Zhejiang University
8. University of Oxford
9. Shanghai Jiao Tong University
10. Johns Hopkins University

11. List the research thrusts of:

a. CMU
The Central Mindanao University will run integrated research and outreach initiatives
in the following areas:
 Crops and livestock/poultry development, production, processing, marketing,
packaging and technology promotion and socio-economics;
 Natural products, bio-cultural biodiversity, communication, local, history,
gender issues, governance and basic sciences;
 Teacher education, business arts and basic sciences;
 Locally appropriate engineering technologies and information systems;
 Environmental management, watershed rehabilitation, and forest products
utilization technologies;
 Nutrition and dietetics, food science and technology, H.E. education, clothing
and textile and its related crafts;
 Biodiversity conservation;
 Small ruminants (goat);
 Climate change


 Development of agriculture and natural resources based energy and
 Food and nutrition program;
 Enhancement of export products and import substitutes;
 Improvement of socio-economic well-being; and,
 Environment and ecological conservation.
Regional (Northern Mindanao)
 Job creation and economic growth;
 Social development and direct anti-poverty measures;
 Physical planning;
 Infrastructure and logistics support; and,
 Good governance and peace and order.

c. CVM
The following are the research focuses or priorities of veterinary research
 Public Health and Food Safety
 Animal Health and Welfare
 Comparative Medicine
 Emerging Issues In Veterinary Science


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DOST-PCHRD introduces three new R&D priorities | Philippine Council for Health Research
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Researcher - Elsevier Author Services. https://scientific-

Envision2030: 17 goals to transform the world for persons with disabilities | United Nations
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The Scientific Method: 5 Steps for Investigating Our World | AMNH. (2023). American
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