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Recovering Native American Writings in the Boarding School

Jacqueline Emery

Published by University of Nebraska Press

Emery, Jacqueline.
Recovering Native American Writings in the Boarding School Press.
University of Nebraska Press, 2017.
Project MUSE. muse.jhu.edu/book/56464.

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[ Access provided at 28 May 2023 22:14 GMT from University of California @ Riverside ]
I will tell you what I did and saw. It is very beautiful in Baltimore,
so I like to speak and play in the church.
I think those people like Indians because when our speaking
was all done, I shake hands with white men and women and boys
and girls. Some men said, “O, you can play. How long in Carlisle?
How old are you? What is your name? Can you work?” And
some boys and girls said, “I want to be your friend. Can you speak
English?” I said no. “O, you can I guess.” But I speak to them
nothing. Now I am sorry for just the same as my home.
I like what we had to eat and sleep and play in piano. When I
am very glad I saw the Mayor of Baltimore. He is the head man in
Baltimore. Then I think he likes Indians that is the reason I was
very happy to shake hand with him and I was very glad I saw him.
He is very kind and nice and big house and very beautiful stone
house. I like to saw it always I remember the beautiful large house
he let us all see. And when I am going in the cars it was about
100 miles. Now then I will try talk to you about Indian boys and
girls. You must let us try hard everything. You must not play in
the school. You must not talk bad at the teachers. Always you can
be good boys and girls. Now always let us try to speak English
and work and write and be good and be right and let us do right
everything that is best way and Capt. Pratt what he says. We must
hear and do it and me too. Now I will try to do all he says.10

Letter to Father, 1882

Indian Training School, Carlisle,

March 31st, 1882.

Dear Father Standing Bear11:—

Day before yesterday one of the Sioux boys died.12 His name
is Alvan. He was a good boy always. So we were very glad for
him. Because he is better now than he was on Earth. I think
you may be don’t know what I mean. I mean he has gone in

44 Boarding School Students

heaven. Because he was a good boy everywhere. I hope you will
understand exactly what I mean, and you should think that way.
I want you must give up Indian way. I know you have give it up
a little. But I want you to do more than that and I told you so
before this. But I will say it again you must believe God, obey
him and pray to Him. He will help you in the right path and He
will give you what you want if you ask Him. Dear father I know it
is very hard for you to do that out there. But you can try to think
that way. You must try day after day until you can do it. Then you
will be always happy. Now I shall say a few words about what we
have done here. We are trying to speak only English nothing talk
Sioux.13 But English. I have tried. But I could not do it at first.
But I tried hard every day. So now I have found out how to speak
only English. I have been speaking only English about 14 weeks
now I have not said any Indian words at all. So I wish you will
try to do like that after while you will go forward in which is no
sorrow and no trouble. You could not do nothing if you don’t
believe me what I told you in this letter. So I wish dear father
you must turn round and try to walk in the right way. Now dear
father I would like to know if you have that store. Do you keep
it yet or not? I will help you when I go back home. That is all I
have to say.
Good-bye from your son.14

Letters 45

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