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Heat Transfer 2010-2011

Optional exam, October 22nd 2010, 1H15

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Only paper dictionary is allowed

You will give and precisely justify the hypothesis and models. Calculations will be done with
an approximation of about 10%. Some data are leftover. The notations of the course are used.
All questions are independent.

Last name: First name: room:


1) What is the unit of the radiative transfer coefficient?

2) What is the unit of the thermal diffusivity?

3) What is the advantage of a thermal fin? Give an example of application.

4) What is the useful spectral domain for terrestrial radiation?

5) What are the conditions for using the electrical analogy?

6) Identify, by a formula, the conducto-convective transfer coefficient, specifying all the

quantities used.

7) Consider a cylindrical tube of inner and outer radius ri and re, height H between two
straight sections 1 and 2. The tube is characterized by λ, ρ, c. What is the thermal resistance
Rth between ri and re, surfaces 1 and 2, being insulated?

Rth =

Exercise I)
We consider a piece of conductivity λ, infinite in the y direction, whose cross section is
shown in the figure below. The piece is in contact at one extremity with a plate of
conductivity λp and temperature Tp. The conducto-convective transfer coefficient between the
piece and ambient air (conductivity λa, temperature Ta) is hcc. The piece is a gray opaque body
with an isotropic reflectivity ρ = 1 on all faces. The internal faces of the piece are thermally
perfectly insulated.

Write the system (without solving it) to

obtain the temperature field in the
piece, in steady state.

Data : H= 30 cm ; a= 1cm ; b= 2cm ; λa=

0,02W/(mK) ; λ=20 W/(mK) ;
λp = 50 W/(mK); hcc= 80 W/(m2K);Ta =
20°C; Tp= 50°C.

Exercise II) We consider a flat plate (thickness e = 2 mm, length l = 1 m, height H = 1 m),
with properties λp, ρp and cp. The plate is an opaque body of isotropic emissivity independent
of the wavelength εp = 0.7. The conducto-convective transfer coefficient, h, between the
surface of the plate and the surrounding fluid, is considered uniform over the entire surface of
the plate.

II.1 Steady state: The plate, whose surface is at a uniform temperature Tp = 30 °C, is bathed in
a gas at temperature Tg = 10 °C, characterized by an isotropic emissivity εg (λ) (see figure
a) Write the boundary condition at the surface of the plate.
Make a drawing showing the fluxes.
b) Express the radiative flux using the Z (0, λ0/λmax)
c) Express the flux dissipated by the plate in the gas.

II.2 Non-steady state: At time t = 0, the plate, at Tp = 30 °C, is placed at the center of a
chamber whose walls, at a uniform temperature Te = 10 °C, are characterized by an isotropic
emissivity independent of the wavelength: εe = 1. The chamber is filled with air, gas
considered transparent, at Tair = 10 °C. The plate is no longer maintained at the temperature
Tp .
We consider that the temperature in the plate remains uniform at each time (T(x,y,z,t) = T(t)).
a) Express and linearize the radiative flux at the surface of the plate.
b) Write the energy balance of the plate.
c) Express the time required for the temperature difference between the plate and the air to be
2 °C.

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