Project Work Acc Class 11

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— Paesecr (Questien | National Smatt 4{ndustries Corporation CNSIC) organised a | Comp for there who waned to Stood a Small busines, “The NSIC Aisblagd 1900 Srncet business projects hich could be Started with an lnveatraent of Ra: 2pep00 “The NSic dio promised to buy the enfire production Hof the Fixst year At broveiced to Supply the equiv — rothineyy arct at a very Subsdised wales dt arbre had a Scheme te gyive deans uf to So" oF the. Working Capital vrequivemnont a —f dorge number of people —vtsitedt tiv Comp. Thou wow — projed — harnontacsfions hy tee NSIC ccluicers Ord enbents- Kite unas Very. Trabreessect by tne _Asraonetsation of tho __Sroait _buuiness. prefect on ‘Detergent Fourden. The — porwder war economically. Viable» She wort _Comviinced that _ he _usill le finHely = ) Sucetesl ip - __Conrytng out the project. She _entened F tata. er with tne NSIC who. eed to } Sepet de necessary ‘Plant fore Re 60,000 On sete loeuis - She had _GubRicient — Open _Qpaca cre _ hen stesicbence tn Soe ae She got te. Makin : apse Siege the Payment __ya1__toadie in _ || _ foctadienents of _Rs-1o,000__ ie at Ss of | te beoble _ty — Village Os — ere Sho Foro Fnaud rated. | 4, 2003. Cee ee Six Yeon dre NSIC provided by poe the Suppliers placed necessary and conranged Fox the pradhi ne e oorks AGS gals usorkoble ei dedded to do. all pene gp Sup plioa woe ono Ns workers whe yuck necesso po ore hex_-S moll Faclemy = tp hou -her_chedenger ex te beter thar othent: he Giberably cuodey produced e p | atictr buted Free Sarpter to att tre _Wrillagext = Hex prrodnck wat 4 rand ses —axece bert hy ata —— mab bogs —wthe ured it Hen Initial _Syututroont war Re-Bare pub _of whith _Shy__patd the _Fixst _Inshodmerd ime | ptost en Apail-Ay 2003:_She—hened bank Ale ustth — Be. 60,000 on Same ode. Shu had _an ald Lcooter Looxth Rs 29000 which cha decided fo use in hex business. She ale ure For _Rscl2oo0- “Thus » hex Lotal porchsad Furniture _ 2 : Joovestroert: __Rs- 1, woe eo roent4o. upplicrs -wsnt_teade_on thy 15% ond the Bo of each rnonths-— Sahorser wages i oS reat ae paid _onty ha AD of month. Following exbenses were inurvved and ouvenue teahised. j Gurdng the Gere ended Hoth 31, 2.00% i i} 4-4 Rau coadkevialk purchased om (neat. 12.00,000_} i" Cath paid — to_ the Suppiiers. | -S.%0,000_ Cosh — Seules. : 3 \6,00,n0e0_} sh Wages paid. For eleven months a ~-2sB1.000} OFFce — exbenner 19,000 cRmedc eM pela | cir - 2.:52,000 | e Lo.000__ 4395.1 — Other Seat gy om Marth 21, 2004 were Ga_Fisthoux = Cele’ >| .o: on both—plank | eprectatien wos cherged—_@ 4o'fs p= and __Furesituse. and Q___20"}+ on Santer Salaries gyre cade bandtin Re rae anon ere Sambles _wexe — —cUistmbuted curmounting . — Ru.122000 2 7s 7 — @ oe cave of “Rie. aos oo Fest {inthe __ business. , __ watios — aa Fino alae ef ftviensy Neurna Salter, EF] Dee CArob) | Ge Cert! i A ae 7 a ———— ms = 1 fralet:| Plant fe Req 40,000 | ca ~To. Vendor Crgie) 60,000 5 Recing a plantbuschaxed_om fnatalina gon he basis Pim the wc), b= —-|L Nps] Scooter Me. = —_____Br| | 2p.000 = = pee Ciel ate = Rx} | 0,000 . To Cofital aie. nen = | CBeing he_arnount _intredered oe | Calbitat both in Cosh and tn foam Se —aAbal-1} Vendor Cnisic) eee tee SCOR, oe —___|-16,800_ Se cai Sores ie i pl Dena. Nea a tt ial 000. oe » = eRe egal ote Reve ct pes ano —___| Gn,c6en “ | CBeing the hank _ciecount ofened) = — Ae [2000 | Apa Furniturs Alc = fo Berk Mle 20K \ (Berg, Frrenibure porches) prea | SS ae | Npalel “Bank Ale Ax} - [goop0° | ___ nto Soles = [6,00,000- CBsing Cosh dust ng tye) ee eee Apala | Aebtex- Nee 7 )] Sp9000 \ To oe soanee (Casing —tseait- Sale. using the yp) = oes Bork Me _Be.| | 428000 ee _ Debtors Ale. entre [Liste Cos sessed Frenn_Aehtoe)| fp ——— : 12.99.9000 |__| 12,00,90« pe Wages Ale, Ax. 3 \poc } Th one te el a Lae (Being wsoges paid For 1 month ; Abr OFPce Crcbenges_ Me. De. ‘nes * “To “Bank Ate 14000 i C Being GFR Exchentes paid) 6 - Sol fbrdl4 | Fuses Cncpenses Dx 2Se0n | < To Bank Ale me Pale 2Sa00 CBeing Power Exhenses paid | _ | Abita | Sorausings Ale Bx] [252,900 To nk Ale 5S 2S2p0c ls Being. the amt Qnowen for. ea Feusonal__Use) -pj-Apailt “Facking & Dict bution Experts Ale. 10,000 | fee eet sin gnk — Ae (0,000_ | CReng rocking 2 ict asian || : Be a ocho nies feria = Ee = | {LeQqers q CaritaL Account ee Cue tac =Pesdivalorw |36] Arvount. Doke | “Pordiewhavs a Arnount | 2004 200s —o Moral] Ta Balanced | tso0,oc0} Aprils} Ty Cash Ale | Ba,0n0 Tey Scooter Ale 2o,0c0 f stance} p }1oon00 2004 Apal-t. By Botonce bla} Apapoo. ees Cash. Account ae — [Be = ce oh | Rodiuors [re] Arvout | Bete | “Pondiastore Tee] Acwount 2) A SS Ee a Dota se ~ Tapatal To capitat || 0.000 | Apsil-t | “By Bank _Al-—}) Goce — rig |iee eats [| fe ey wetness —Losoce a ey ont 1 By da} | lo.000___ so es Mox-3\ io |_| Sor000} |_|__Bo,coo | 2904 } ped ee eae ies Bi tiie tol Ld ee | L \2 fr DANK Account | Sate Foudivalo r - ws [54 Lone |, Zoos Amount! Qate “Fdiedors [re] Arount HARA] “ToC oo April te ms = Sowo00 / ApI-1} By Faroitixe Nd | 12000 Ve rag a '6s00,000 | Apyil-. By Grectitms Ne] | 980,000 a a Hs28.000 | April-t | Oy wages Ak | | 231900 i Ay Office Expenses '9.a00 By “Fowex Gx pented 25.900 By Drausiogs Ad 252000 By Packing Le | Aisbabulion. Ale 10,000, i 2ooe = : == h ee sen Stine id LSS Go00_ Apu} To “Batance bi} | 556000 [Bate | Podiudars fe] Amount | Qoate | Padiutor |p Amount { Venser (nsid) a Pan ForBuslaws [pe] Amout | Sate Particulars sel Aroustt , 2003. 2.003. | para] To Cash Ale || tooo Apai-t | By Plant ie 60,000 2004 3 | Max:31 | “To Balance ld) So.o00 h _ | os000| 6 goo. : of | et L< 7 i - Apibx [By Balan Ie} | Soro00 “Furniture Account Late | Padiuulers Se] Amount] Aste [“Podivilors [mF] Amount 2.003 _}- |Apal-A | To Bonk Alc 2ooe | ____}— _ | tpooo | Mov-3) Ty Badance cla ; pat my Hato ts. “ela — += ; = To Bank alc Destoxs Account Aske | Pasdiutors [pF 4. Amount] @ate | Pasdtuilors IS-F| Arnount ‘To Sale Ale Seoooa | — t Qoot axl | By Balance cle) | 5.000 Ai —} —18.00,009) 5.00000 i | 00m aie cae) Papatea {to Badan bill | 45,00 | By Bank Ae] | 4.25000 3 q K eee WAGES Account Hn G — Posdiculors |3-f] Amount} Aate | Pordiudars [fF] Amount es Pe ono | = 900 | May-3\ [oases {2 3to00 ne a ee a Sp 6.5 Dh cu Toei Cini PPR [gel Aceon ave” [crags aaa [pe] Nn. = a Scgorer Account is Aerourt| ede Parditare Aosee | Pootuats [a | 2004 na Bu Balance cd | | 20.000 — | putea. | To Capital Ale] } 20000 Hox3t |By Botan I 20,000 70,000 | 2004 e@ Apal-t To Balance bi | 20,000 | Purwase Account lox Lowe [Fotiutow [56 Aroort! Dee | Powivitow [se] Amount oe 2aot es iS road “To _Cuediterd | 1290000] Mavs-31 By Trading Alc] [Li29on00 — i ia as {1299000 — ae _ = 2ngang— on ) —_Crenrors Account ~ __| Ax. f Rate | Pastivdor {7A Aroourt| Nake | “Farticubass _ | = | ta Bank ale} }9,80,000] | By Forechase Ale} — Apaly [By Batone bla] | 220000 Orr IE Expenses Accounr Yost caters LE Art| \9000 Max-3\_ By Proeit tos da Be poo j—Hwtilars [5 2ooe “Te. Bask alc| Power CxPenses S FeG — eee —Fevdiutor| se] pent | Qate cee Tre i ~ 2oa4- s = “We Bankai | 25e00 | Moca Oy Fat Bete bette ic au a fo eee = aS F chs - ~ nme a a ee Drawings Account e i —- Fodiustors |] tents | Date | —Peshudons [ad Ae eet aes |} Max. 3] | a ee ele aes Apal-a|tegalane Hal | 252000 Cash. Ale Bank Ale Plant Ale Capitat Ale Furniture Alc Arebtoxs Ale Sates Ale (FRice Expenses Ale Scooter Ale _|_wages—Ale —— | Purchase Ale —_—____—— | endo Crusie) =| 10,000 556,900 60,000 \2.900 45p00 | 19,000 __2.9; 000. |_2z1000. _|_12,09600—- Power Cachenses _Ale— | Assur Ale Cre dibns Ale a Trains iL CCOUNT or the Year. ended Max-31,25 Ss —o A AS alr el. Arsount Fowtiwlors | Acanue Qs) (R) I Te Purchases 12,00,000 By Sates 299,900 To Wages 2.3;009] By Gloging Stor | 25,000 Adds Qutstandi ind 2.5 2,000 By Stock dlistabull 12900 Ma Rowen Cicheres 25,000 as, —— To Gyros Trohit 660,000 et : 13000. La V2o0e | Coes dee ae i Fox the year ended Marx-Zl>200% | G | cane oe Acocusnt “Yindivetlons — Arsaus | CRs (@) To Free Sampies \a,000 By eros Pret} 6,Cops ij LBavertising} [To Packing conch 10.000 || Aictrbudion Gxbenses | To QFRica Cxepenses. \Apc0 i To __Qebredation —__ ere ool __|| “Fiant __G pra | Furniture ano _} = Stootex poo _] int To ret Sern = _ = eg - ee eg 2 £60,009} | er & Canoe | (Caine Ome Ox ak Moxch 31, 2004 1 Re. "a Liakivitre ee eh hee | (Rx CRs) ay | Cobitat 120900 gl eeartigntom Co p00 IEFINE Prelit _Gora00 ONepredaticn _g900 | Supe 1 Ap#800 Furniture —_\apeo ADsausings 25200] Lsspoo © Aebredadon \p00] — rogoc Vendox (rsic) 5.000 Sober 2000 Wages Qud-ctanding a 24900 (_Aebreriation L000] 1660 Grectitors _ 220900 _ Qebtore ASo« [ee : 2Se : zs aa Cough ings ‘ras a To _ascextain the obenational he Fottouting radios ave heen cnleded + PaoFiTABILITY RATIOS a Crxose “TroBt x 100 Caress Prokit Ratio = Net Gabss = 26.0900 5-109 Q1,00p00 7—— a Return On 4nvestenent (Rord Net Profit x 100 f Capital Employed = 60200 x lbo Sosaoo a ee ' 2-> LIQUIDITY “KATIOS do} Carsvent = “Ratio — = —Crrevent Becete < a ‘ ge Conrent “Labitities 2 | = 66 6000 _ : 2 241,000. = Dates : =e a. AcwTy Rari0S Ga tae pene Turmever 2 | ari =a bi ___Bixed Assets = fo = _2ipacoo is Qo,Koo ae + — E pia. et: gq. Lirnes Gi Working, Capital Taemouex. Katto ht oe ee - Working, Capitsl 25 Sa iooco a 2 a __ 49.5900 ___— Css me CencLuslon > Grass “Profit Ratio is 3-42'h . This shows that the has, Good predation _ efFidengy is Net “Prohit Ratio is 247). Thee. adssicistyative and Xe tre Gvexatl —_ PrvoFi tahiti ty J orbto” goes cua veny Few Gis Vhe Current Katio of 2-46?4is rose than the Shandord of 2- The | mocet ids i is Corami Lome nts Gio The Quick “Relic of 2-665 2 Is also News f Fovourable- St har Sufficient Giquid occeke +o accursell the _Gredisteres __theck__tey as be paid io Lince- ly The Retuwn on Anvestrnent to -Hhos _¢ is very __ good. keeblng. An eck _tine._Verey Ficst _yeax of business. wi) The Fined Meee Tuxnovex fone ce Sniaet 26 F Limes: Tic chor thet the Fixed ascets hove been efFidently used to increase Cale 3 produchan i

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