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Jo 13: 12, 13, 15 Xbb zdz bv z b z b rdvb z bDØYbvzb v bz bhzbvzb hbvb hbvzvbhv zb ygbz b zHUvb jb zb zHUvzb zhb.vbz zb]b zvzyÎfvbz FYvb zhbv zjvb ö
Xv b h v v 6 z % $ v f à Y v v b D R v b h z h v
Omi- nus Jesus, * postquam cœná- vit
z b [ v z Ý d v v v b f v v v z h v v b h j h v b Î hYb . v z [ v d v v
cum di-
v z b F Y v b ö 3. In qua- cúmque di- e

XzbvbyÎfz vbz hvb z btÍdbz bzvfgfbMv z}zöxcxxxxxxxvb

invo-cáve-ro te, ve- ló-ci-ter

Xzzb hv ygvzbfv vz gv fb,vz b{z bdvz F^v vb hv bygbvzbfv bgv fb,vzb[vzdvz fv ygvzbìftv b fb,v ]v zÞfGãYJIzÐkIz õ ex-áudi me. Dóminus.

scípu- lis su- is, lavit pedes e- órum, et a- it il- lis: Scí-
Xbzb dz b zrdvz bDØYbvzb zb hz b vzb hbvbvbvhbvz hv v zhv vbhv zbygvzb HUvzb b jv bz bz bzHUvz b hb.vbz b]bz vyÎfz b FYvzbö
Xvzgb,v [v GYv v bjv ygvz bfv v vdÃYzîuhbzvhb.vb{bz hvz ygv b hv b6z%$v fÃYb.v zbdv vbv FYvz hv b fÃYb. z b]bö 4. Percússum est ut fenum et á-ru- it cor me- um, ét- e-

tis quid féce- rim vo- bis, ego Dómi- nus et Magíster?
Xzbvhv z bzhvz bhvb vhvzbv zhv v vzbhvz bz hbvb àhzb vbjvbz b yÎfz b hv bvb z bz btÍdb zvfgfbMv z}zöxxv
Xvzbhvbvjv v vbgv v v ygv zb fv z 5z$#zFTvbvfb,vz {vbdvbvbzF^v vz bhv bygv rdv bfv zygvbvbfb,vzvbfb,z}zó nim oblí-tus sum coméde-re panem me- um. Dóminus.

Exémplum de- di vo- bis, ut et vos i- ta fa-ci- á- tis.

V. Ps 101: 2–3, 5, 18 Xbbz dzb zb rdvz bDØYb zb zbhzbvzb hbvbvhbv bygvzb HUvb jv bz vbzHUvz bhvz b hb.vbz b ]b z vyÎfz zb bFYvzbv bv vzhv vàhz ÷
Xbbzdzb zb rdvbz bDØYbz bzhbvzb hvbvbhv zhv z hzb z ygvbzHUvzb jv z bvbz bzHUvzb zhb.vbz b]b vyÎfvzvzb FYvzbvzhbv vz vbhzb ö
1. Dómi- ne, exáudi o-ra-ti- ónem me- am, et clamor me-
5. Respé- xit in o-ra-ti- ónem ín-opum

Xzzb jbz b yÎfvz bzhv btÍdb zvfgfbMv z}zöxxxxxxxxvvb

et non spre-vit

Xzb àhz bzvbjv vb yÎfz b vzbhvb z btÍdbv fgfbMv z}zöxxxbxxxxvvb

us ad te vé-ni- at. Dóminus.
pre-cem e- ó- rum. Dóminus.
The Lord Jesus, after he had supped with His disciples, washed their feet, and
said to them: Do you know what I, your Lord and Master, have done to you? I
have given you an example, that so you also should do. 1. Hear, O Lord, my
prayer: and let my cry come to thee. 2. Turn not away thy face from me: in the

Xbbzdz bz b zrdvz b z bDØYbvzb zb hz bvzb hbvbvbhv zbygv z b zHUvzb jv bz bzHUvzb z b hb.vbz]b vyÎfvzv z b FYvb zhbvb v vz bhz b ö
2. Non abscóndas fá-ci- em tu- am a me; in quacúmque
day when I am in trouble, incline thy ear to me. 3. In what day soever I shall
call upon thee, hear me speedily. 4. I am smitten as grass, and my heart is
withered: because I forgot to eat my bread. 5. He hath had regard to the prayer
of the humble: and he hath not despised their petition.

Xvz hv zhv z bhvbvhvzbvhv v hv vzb hvzb vhvz b àhz zb zb vbjvzb zb yÎfz vzbhv bvb z btÍdbz vfgfbMv z}zöxc
di- e tríbu-lor, inclí-na ad me au-rem tu- am. Dns.

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