Grade-10-4th-Quarter-Week 3 2023 3

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School Grade Level Grade 10

Teacher Learning Area Mathematics

GRADE 10 Teaching Dates and Quarter Fourth
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of measures of position.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to conduct systematically a mini – research applying the different statistical methods.
C. Learning Interprets measures of ⮚ Follow standards in Calculates and interprets Calculates and interprets Calculates and interprets Deciles
Competencies/Code position for ungrouped data taking the test. Quartiles for grouped data Quartiles for grouped data for grouped data
(M10SP-IVb-5) ⮚ answer the (M10SP-IVb-1) (M10SP-IVb-1) (M10SP-IVb-2)
summative test
II. CONTENT Measures of Position for Measures of Position Quartiles for Grouped Data Quartiles for Grouped Data Deciles for Grouped Data
Ungrouped Data
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 324 – 334 pp. 324 - 328 pp. 336 - 339 pp. 336 - 339 pp. 340 - 341
2. Learner’s Manual pages pp. 378 – 379 pp. 366 - 372 pp. 383 - 387 pp. 383 - 387 pp. 388 - 389
3. Textbook pages
4. LRMDS portal Look for additional materials at LR Portals
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Let the learners to recall Ask the learners to recall the Let the recall Activity 1, LM p. Let the learners present their Ask learners to recall the answers
presenting the new lesson Activity 14, LM p. 378 last activity. 383 answers from the last activity. from the last activity about
B. Establishing a purpose for What is the importance of Inform students on the How do the measures of Ask the learners to give Ask the learners to give instances
the lesson determining the position of a standards in taking the test. position for grouped data are instances in which quartile can in which decile can be used.
given score? used in real-life situations? be used.

C. Presenting Give situations in which Distribution of the test paper/ Let the learners perform Give another activity about Give a situation in which decile
examples/instances of the new measures of position is used posting of the problem set. Activity 2, LM p. 384 quartiles. can be used.
lesson to answer a given problem.
D. Discussing new concepts Let the learners solve the Conduct of the test. Let them solve the median of a Discuss the process of finding Discuss the Deciles for Grouped
and practicing new skills #1 quartiles, deciles, and given set of data. Q2 . Data
percentiles of a given set of
E. Discussing new concepts Let the learners make Let the them work on the Let the learners proceed in Let the learners discuss the next
and practicing new skills #2 interpretations about the discussion on Quartiles for discussing the process of examples by group.
resulting data value. grouped data, finding Q3.
LM p. 385 – 387
F. Developing mastery Let the students perform Give another set of data for Give seatwork about finding Give seatwork about finding
Activity 15, LM p. 379 each group of learners and let quartiles for grouped data and quartiles for grouped data and let
them solve the quartiles. let them present their answers them present their answers on the
on the board. board.
G. Finding practical applications Let the students by group Let the learners make their Let them interpret the resulting Let them interpret the resulting
of concepts and skills in daily living perform Activity 16, LM interpretations of the solutions data values. data values.
p. 379 in Activity 2, LM
p. 384
H. Making generalizations and How can you assess your How can you use the concept Let them give their own Let them give another situations
abstractions about the lesson performance based on your of median in finding the examples of data where in which deciles are used.
score in a given test? measures of position for quartiles can be used.
grouped data?
I. Evaluating learning Teacher – made Test Teacher – made Test Teacher – made Test Teacher – made Test
J. Additional activities for Give additional activities for Group Discussion Peer Tutoring Peer Tutoring
application or remediation practice exercises. Let the learners discuss their Give additional activities for Give additional activities for
answer in the previous test. practice exercises practice exercises
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. what innovation or localized materials did
I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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