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Study Skill Tests

1. Saccadic movement is the movement of eyes.

2. Regression movement is important because it allows to repeat read what we did
not understand to understand what we are reading.
3. One of the most used leaning style for children is Kinesthetic because the children
like to get involved by acting out events or using their hands to touch and handle
in order to understand concepts.
4. Based on Deway Decimal System the books are organized in Shelf-mark or
5. The difference between card catalogue and large loose leaf is: Card catalogue is a
set of card that have information about books, journals and are arranged in
alphabetical while large loose leaf describe official materials, reports, rules and

Section II

1. These types of student are called multimode.

2. The type of learning style is read/write.
3. The type of learning style is Kinesthetic.
4. The type of learning style is Visual.
5. The type of learning is Auditory.
6. Yes, can ever change because you will improve other types of learning style to
understand the information.
7. If the lecture do not vary their teaching methods based on type of student they
have, can be difficult to learn or to understand what the teacher is teaching.

Section III

1. The difference between card catalogue and large loose leaf is: Card catalogue is a
set of card that have information about books, journals and are arranged in
alphabetical while large loose leaf describe official materials, reports, rules and
2. The library organizations are not universal, it vary from library to library because
the system is not the same and in other libraries, the books are organized based on
Deway Decimal System.
3. The Deway Decimal System classification the idea of this system is that books in
the same subject area will be grouped together. And the Deway Decimal System
is divided into ten main classes.
4. Using dictionary is a necessary skill to find books on catalogue because in
catalogue the books are organized in alphabetical.

Section III

1. It is important to know the referencing system in use in your university or

department because it helps to know the rules used in our university and help us
to follows the rules in our written work.
2. The difference between numerical citation and author-data system is that in
numerical citation the numbers are placed directly after the citation and family
name and the year of publication are placed in brackets directly after the citation
while author-data system the sources are cited directly in the text, in brackets by
the author’s last name, publication data, and the page number.
3. No, it is not possible to write an essay without referencing because the referencing
helps us to make notes in our reading and the bibliographic details.
4. Considering the system in use in our university or department, we use the term
reference because we only write the name of the books that we use to write our
essay or assignment.

Section IV

1. The most important elements to identify the books on catalogue are: the author’s
name and the title.
2. Active reading means reading something with a determination to understand and
evaluate it for its relevance to your needs.
3. The technique that can be used for each situation below are:
a) Survey of a text is skimming.
b) Reading a text for specific information is scanning.
c) Looking at the table of content of book is overview.
d) I consider a text as a complex one when the text has difficulties words to
understand, or when the text has more two words difficult to understand.
e) Saccadic movement is the movement of eyes that we do when we are reading.
f) The five fingers rule is a technique of reading complex text that enables to
hold up one finger for every word that we don’t know or can not pronounce.
4. The aspect that we must consider before taking notes are: survey and read the text.
5. The aims of taking notes from text are: to have record of the speaker’s or writer’s
ideas, to help one’s memory when revising and to make what the speaker or writer
says a part of your own knowledge.
6. The difference between plagiarism and citing is that plagiarism is when you copy
other people’s words or ideas without acknowledging them correctly, while citing
is the way you tell your readers that certain material in your work came from
another source.
7. The difference between highlight and annotating is that highlight is a process of
marking particular section of your copy or to underline while annotating is the
process of writing notes, arrows and other symbols in the margins of your copy.
8. The impact of plagiarism in academic setting are a lower grade, automatically
failing a course, suspension or probation or even expulsion.
Section I
1. Look at the following names of authors and organize them:
a) Cristal, David. Cabridge: The cabridge encyclopedia of the English
language. CUP, (2003).
b) Widdowson, Helton. Stylistics and the teaching of Literature. UK, Longman,
c) Crysral, David. English as a global language. Cabridge, CUP, 1997.

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