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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2020) 27:2773–2785


Ecological security assessment of Chaohu Lake Basin of China

in the context of River Chief System reform
Yunshu Tang 1 & Xiaoyu Zhao 1 & Jianling Jiao 1

Received: 12 October 2019 / Accepted: 2 December 2019 / Published online: 13 December 2019
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

In the face of the increasingly severe water environment, establishing an effective water environment management mechanism is
a major concern of governments around the world. The River Chief System attempts to match water environment management to
the performance of the main leaders of the local party and government and represents an institutional innovation to solve the
problem of river and lake management in China. However, there is still a lack of systematic research on the performance of the
River Chief System and how to promote its overall effectiveness. This paper took Chaohu Lake Basin, with a concentrated and
complicated water environment, as the research object and divided it into eastern and western halves. The water ecological
security before and after the implementation of the River Chief System was comprehensively evaluated, and the obstacles to
ecological security were diagnosed. The implementation effect of the River Chief System and the weak links of the corresponding
river chiefs’ work performance were analyzed. The results show the following: (1) Since the implementation of the River Chief
System in 2013, the overall water ecological security of Chaohu Lake Basin has been raised from the lower limit to the upper limit
of the generally healthy category, initially reflecting the effect of the River Chief System. (2) For the eastern half of the lake, the
threat to water ecological security mainly comes from the development of industry. Industrial water use intensity is the primary
obstacle to the ecological security of the eastern half of the lake in recent years. (3) For the western half of the lake, the threat to
water ecological security mainly comes from the process of urbanization. The wetland area, urban domestic water use intensity,
and artificial afforestation area are the main factors hindering the ecological security of the western half of the lake. The above
analysis results can be used as the basis for future work to improve the performance of the relevant river chiefs in Chaohu Lake

Keywords The River Chief System . Water ecological security evaluation . Chaohu Lake Basin . PSR model . Obstacle factor

Introduction for their governments (e.g., Government of Australia 2010;

Government of UK 2016). As a developing country, China
Water is one of the basic factors for human survival and de- has experienced decades of rapid industrialization that have
velopment (Su et al. 2016; Pan et al. 2019; Calone et al. 2019). made the problems of water resource shortages, water ecolog-
The health of rivers and lakes is vital to the survival of man- ical damage, and serious water pollution in rivers and lakes
kind (Alvarez et al. 2018; Alver 2019). All countries in the very prominent, and the ecological security of rivers and lakes
world are actively taking measures to make water resource is worrying (Wang and Yang 2016; Yu et al. 2018).
protection and water environment management priority issues Because the management of rivers and lakes involves the
upper and lower reaches, left and right banks, and different
administrative regions and industries, the related goals and
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues
demands of local governments are different, and local govern-
ments make their plans independently. Therefore, in the pro-
* Yunshu Tang cess of water environment management, countries around the
world have generally strengthened the unified management of
rivers and lakes. According to the classification by organiza-
School of Management, Hefei university of technology, No. 193,
Tunxi Road, Hefei 230009, Anhui, China
tion and task, there are three watershed management modes:
2774 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:2773–2785

watershed authority, watershed coordination committees, and environment problem of Chaohu Lake Basin. River chiefs
watershed committees (Xu and Wang 2017). The Tennessee were set up in the cities, counties, and districts where rivers
Valley Authority in the USA (TVA), the Murray-Darling and lakes are located. As a target responsibility system, the
Basin Committee in Australia (MDBC), and the Great Lakes key to implementing the River Chief System is to evaluate the
Commission (GLC) in the USA are typical representatives of performance of the river chief and bring the evaluation results
the above three modes. Although these three watershed man- into the comprehensive evaluation of local government lead-
agement modes are not the same, they all consider the natural ing cadres, which can alleviate the destruction of the ecolog-
resource conditions, economic, and social development level ical environment caused by local governments’ blind pursuit
of the river basin and have achieved certain success, providing of GDP (the aggregated gross domestic product) (Song et al.
an important reference for water resource management in river 2019). However, the relevant assessment methods of the River
basins. Similar watershed management institutions have also Chief System are still in the exploration stage, and the assess-
been widely established around the world (Kampa et al. ment of river chiefs’ performance has not been fully imple-
2016). mented. In this context, it is necessary to evaluate the imple-
China has long implemented the model of combining uni- mentation effect of the River Chief System, analyze the ob-
fied management with grading and subdepartment manage- stacles to the implementation, and promote the River Chief
ment for river and lake resources. This model of water control, System to change from “form” to “real”.
in which every actor has responsibility but the distribution of Scholars in China and internationally have carried out
responsibilities and powers is unclear, aggravates the waste of much research on watershed ecological security. Ladson
water resources and water environment pollution (Li and Li et al. (1999), Kane et al. (2009), and Gal et al .(2017) proposed
2018; Sun 2018). The Water Law of the People’s Republic of an index of stream condition, planktonic index of biotic
China, revised by the Chinese government in 2002, clearly integrity, and sustainability index to measure the health of
states that the water resources management system should lake ecosystems. In practice, Schneider (2013) classified
be transformed into a system that combines watershed man- freshwater resources into blue, green, and grey, providing
agement with administrative regions. However, in specific new insights into water resource security and water resource
watershed management, due to the unclear responsibilities management. Veettil and Mishra (2016) applied the concepts
and lack of detailed supporting regulations, the administrative of blue water footprint and green water footprint (Hoekstra
law enforcement of watershed agencies is difficult, and the Arjen and Mekonnen Mesfin 2012; Rodrigues et al. 2014) to
ecological environmental problems of rivers and lakes are study the spatial-temporal change of the water footprint in
becoming increasingly prominent. In 2007, a large outbreak basins and conducted a quantitative evaluation of the water
of blue-green algae in Taihu Lake of Wuxi resulted in the security in basins. Specifically considering Chaohu Lake
pollution of tap water, and Wuxi took the lead in Basin, Shang and Shang (2007) discussed the main reasons
implementing the River Chief System nationwide. In the for eutrophication in the lake and the spatial and temporal
River Chief System, the river chief, who is the main person variations of eutrophication in its western part and found
in charge of the party and government at all levels in China, is that the state of eutrophication is more serious in the western
responsible for organizing and leading the management and part than in the eastern part. Wang et al. (2011) used cluster
protection of corresponding rivers and lakes. The essence of analysis to divide the tributaries of Chaohu Lake into urban
the River Chief System is to match the management of the pollution control rivers, soil and water conservation control
water environment to the performance of the main leaders of rivers, and nonpoint source pollution control rivers and
the local party and government. The implementation of the found that urban pollution control rivers accounted for the
River Chief System enables the model of “department in largest total pollution load of all inflow rivers. Yu et al.
charge” to move forward to the model of “chief in charge, (2011) used heterogeneous environmental methods to assess
department co-governance,” which is a new transformation the trophic state of the lake and identified pollution sources of
of the logic and governance mode of rivers and lakes gover- Chaohu Lake Basin. The eutrophication level of eastern
nance in China. After Wuxi, this innovation system of river Chaohu Lake was affected by both natural conditions and
and lake management with Chinese characteristics began to be anthropogenic activities, while the eutrophication level of
implemented in other provinces and cities. Chaohu Lake is western Chaohu Lake was mainly affected by anthropogenic
one of the five freshwater lakes in China, and the basin is a activities, such as domestic sewage and industrial and
typical basin where water problems are concentrated and com- nonpoint pollution. The above studies mainly focus on the
plex. President Xi Jinping pointed out that “Anhui Province impact on water ecological security of a certain aspect of the
must comprehensively manage Chaohu Lake well” in 2011. In ecosystem, and the research perspective is relatively simple.
2013, Hefei, the capital city of Anhui Province, implemented In addition, Tian et al. (2011) and Zhao et al. (2012) proposed
the River Chief System, assigning the responsibility of rivers an ecological security evaluation framework model and eval-
emptying into the lake to different people to solve the water uation index system based on Chaohu Lake Basin. However,
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:2773–2785 2775

the construction of evaluation indicators mainly considered This paper is structured as follows. The next section pro-
the natural attributes of the basin, and comprehensive consid- vides materials and methods of the study. The third section
eration of the natural, economic, and social conditions of the presents the results. The discussion is shown in the fourth
whole basin is insufficient. section. The final section presents the conclusion and policy
The PSR (pressure-state-response) model is an evalua- implication.
tion model commonly used for ecosystem health evalua-
tion. It was proposed by Tony Friend and David Rapport
and has been widely applied to ecological security assess-
ment after being revised by the International Organization Materials and methods
for Economic Co-operation and Development (Meyar-
Naimi and Vaez-zadeh 2012). For example, Bricker Study area
et al. (2003) described an integrated methodology for
the Assessment of Estuarine Trophic Status, which may Located in the central part of Anhui Province, Chaohu Lake
be applied comparatively to rank the eutrophication status Basin is an important water system downstream of the
of estuaries and coastal areas and to address management Yangtze River. The terrain is long from east to west, short
options. The PSR model takes into account the influence from north to south, high in the west, and low in the east
of natural, social, economic, and other factors on ecolog- and middle, and lake area is named for its shape like a bird’s
ical security and can clearly show the relationship be- nest. The drainage area is 13,486 km2. It is one of China’s five
tween the final results of environmental management ac- major freshwater lakes, a birthplace of Chinese civilization, an
tivities (state) and the motivations that affect the results important area of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the core
(pressure and response) (Hu and Xu 2019), reflecting the area of the Wanjiang Urban Belt, and the country’s first dem-
balance and interaction between various departments (Li onstration zone for ecological civilization construction. Since
2014). It provides a systematic idea and framework for 1996, Chaohu Lake Basin has been listed as one of the “Three
evaluating the effect of the River Chief System and the Rivers and Three Lakes” in national water pollution preven-
performance of river chiefs from different dimensions. tion and control. The location of Chaohu Lake Basin is shown
Based on the PSR model, this paper highlights indicators in Fig. 1.
that can reflect the performance of the river chiefs’ re- Due to the differences in regional economic development
sponsibility, such as the comprehensive soil erosion con- and population number between the tributaries of Chaohu
trol area and water conservancy law enforcement supervi- Lake Basin in the east and west basins, this paper takes
sion expenditure, divides Chaohu Lake Basin into the Zhongmiao, Mushan, and Qitouzui1 as the boundary and di-
eastern and western halves, makes a comprehensive eval- vides Chaohu Lake Basin into eastern and western halves for
uation of the water ecological security before and after the water ecological security assessment and obstacle analysis.
implementation of the River Chief System, and diagnoses Among them, the western half of the lake covers Feidong
the obstacles that hinder the water ecological security of County (D1), Baohe District (D2), Feixi County (D3), and
Chaohu Lake Basin. Furthermore, we analyze the imple- Lujiang County (D4) in Hefei City. There are seven tributaries
mentation effect of the River Chief System and the weak in the lake: Dianbu River (R1), Nanfei River (R2), Shiwuli
links of the corresponding river chiefs’ work. The analysis River (R3), Pai River (R4), Fengle River (R5), Hangbu River
results can be the basis for the improvement of the work (R6), and Baishitian River (R7). The eastern half of the lake
of the corresponding river chiefs. The innovations of this area covers Chaohu City2 (D5) and Lujiang County (D4).
paper are as follows: (1) it focuses on the evaluation and There are two tributaries in the lake: Zhao River (R8) and
improvement of the effect of the water environment man- Zhegao River (R9), and the only outgoing tributary is the
agement mechanism of the River Chief System, Yuxi River (R10) in the downstream. The division of
expanding the research perspective of environmental pol- Chaohu Lake Basin and its tributaries distribution are shown
icy; (2) it constructs an evaluation index of the water in Fig. 2.
ecological security of river and lake system based on the At present, provincial, municipal, county (district), and
PSR model, highlighting the relevant indicators that can township levels of the River Chief System have been
reflect the performance of the river chiefs’ responsibility; established in Chaohu Lake Basin. To analyze the perfor-
and (3) the results regarding river management systems mance of the River Chief System at different levels and deter-
can not only provide a reference for the implementation mine the key points for future work of the corresponding river
and management of the River Chief System in other re- 1
This is based on the division of the Chaohu Lake by the Chaohu
gions but also be extended and applied in the field of air,
soil, and other aspects of environmental governance, with 2
Chaohu city is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hefei city,
good universality. namely, it belongs to the county-level city.
2776 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:2773–2785

Fig. 1 Location of Chaohu Lake


chiefs, based on the characteristics of Chaohu Lake Basin and of the lake, the changes in the water ecological security status
the corresponding River Chief System settings, the results of of each half of the lake can also be used as the basis for
ecological security assessment in different regions of Chaohu evaluating the performance of the river chiefs at the county
Lake Basin are matched to the management performance of (district) and the township levels. The results of ecological
the corresponding river chiefs at different levels:(1) the security assessment of Chaohu Lake Basin and the corre-
municipal-level chief of Chaohu Lake Basin is currently the sponding management performance of river chiefs are shown
main leader of Hefei City and the direct chief-in-charge; there- in the Table 1.
fore, the municipal-level chief’s work performance can be
directly evaluated according to the overall improvement of Theoretical model and indicator system
the ecological security of the Chaohu Lake Basin after the
implementation of the River Chief System; in addition, as The principle and mechanism of the PSR model
one of the important lakes in Anhui Province, the effective from the perspective of the River Chief System
governance of Chaohu Lake Basin constitutes an important
part of the performance of the provincial-level river chief and The PSR model is based on the pressure of human activi-
can be used as a basis to evaluate the indirect management ties on the environment and the state of natural resources
performance of the provincial-level chief. (2) Chaohu Lake affected by human activities. From the view of the current
Basin covers a wide area, and the administrative areas along state of the target indicators, the reasons for influencing the
the shoreline have county (district)-level river chiefs. current state of the indicators were analyzed, and relevant
Therefore, the improvement of the water ecological security indicators that can improve the current state were con-
status of the eastern and western halves of the lake can be used structed (Huang 2016). Combined with the specific situa-
as the basis for evaluating the performance of the river chiefs tion of Chaohu Lake Basin, the PSR model mainly shows
in each half of the lake. (3) Considering the pollution of the the situation of the basin ecosystem under the interaction
water bodies in the Chaohu Lake Basin area by the tributaries of humans and nature: in the process of rapid economic

Fig. 2 Division and tributaries

distribution of Chaohu Lake
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:2773–2785 2777

Table 1 Evaluation results of water ecological security in Chaohu Lake Basin and the management performance of the corresponding river chiefs

Results of ecological security Direct correspondence to river chief management Indirect correspondence to river chief management performance
evaluation performance

Chaohu Lake as a whole Municipal-level river chief of Hefei in the Chaohu Provincial river chief
Lake Basin
Western half of the lake County-level river chiefs of Feidong (D1) in the County, township level river chiefs of Dianbu River (R1)
Chaohu Lake Basin
District-level river chiefs of Baohe (D2) in the County, township level river chiefs of Nanfei River (R2) and
Chaohu Lake Basin Shiwuli River (R3)
County-level river chiefs of Feixi (D3) in the Chaohu County, township level river chiefs of Pai River (R4) and Fengle
Lake Basin River (R5)
County-level river chiefs of Lujiang (D4) in the County, township level river chiefs of Hangbu River (R6) and
Chaohu Lake Basin Baishitian River (R7)
Eastern half of the lake County-level river chiefs of Lujianga (D4) in the County, township level river chiefs of Zhao River (R8)
Chaohu Lake Basin
County-level river chiefs of Chaohu (D5) in the County, township level river chiefs of Zhegao River (R9)
Chaohu Lake Basin
Because Lujiang county (D4) straddles both halves of the lake, the ecological security evaluation results of both halves constitute the management
performance of the river chiefs in Lujiang county (D4)

development and urbanization, cities in the basin have ob- of Chaohu Lake Basin. The response index indicates the mea-
tained a large number of resources from nature and sures taken by relevant departments to improve the water en-
discharged waste into the environment, which has placed vironment, including the 5 indicators of I22-I26. The specific
pressure on the water ecological environment and changed indicators are selected as follows:
the quality of the water ecological environment. The direct
manifestation is that Chaohu Lake Basin has suffered from (1) Pressure indicators. The threat to the ecological security
serious water pollution, deterioration of water quality, fre- of rivers and lakes comes from the interaction of human
quent occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms, sharp de- beings and nature. With rapid urbanization, the distur-
creases in wetland area, and serious eutrophication of wa- bance and destruction of human activities play a leading
ter in recent years. In response to the challenges of envi- role in pressure indicators. Therefore, energy consump-
ronmental problems, relevant departments have taken mea- tion per unit of GDP, natural population growth rate,
sures such as promulgating corresponding environmental population urbanization rate, industrial and agricultural
protection laws and regulations and increasing water pol- water use intensity, and urban domestic water use inten-
lution control. These measures have reduced environmen- sity are selected as the main indexes of artificial pressure.
tal pressure to a certain extent, thereby improving the en- Considering that excessive chemical oxygen demand is
vironmental status of water resources. Conversely, when the main cause of eutrophication in Chaohu Lake Basin,
the pressure on the water resource environment increases chemical oxygen demand discharge, ammonia nitrogen
and the environmental protection measures of relevant de- discharge from industrial wastewater (domestic sewage),
partments are not effective, the state of the water resource and nitrogen (phosphate) fertilizer usage are selected as
environment deteriorates, thus forming a feedback mecha- pressure indicators affecting water quality. Due to the
nism of mutual influence and interaction. The dynamic relatively small impact of natural driving factors on
evolution process of the PSR model for water ecological short-term ecological security evaluation, total water re-
security in the Chaohu Lake Basin is shown in Fig. 3. sources, wetland area, and annual precipitation are se-
The ecological security evaluation index system of Chaohu lected as natural pressure indicators.
Lake Basin under the River Chief System is constructed in this (2) State indicators. The state refers to the physical and
paper. The index system consists of three hierarchies. The chemical state of the lake ecosystem, which is mainly
objective layer is the water ecological security of the eastern reflected in water quality. Considering that the total
(western) half of the lake, the pressure-state-response layer is phosphorus and total nitrogen in Chaohu Lake Basin
the criterion layer, and the index layer includes 26 specific are high and the eutrophication of the water bodies is
indicators. Specifically, the pressure index includes I1–I18, serious, the comprehensive nutrient status index and total
reflecting the burden on the water environment caused by nitrogen (phosphorus) content of the eastern (western)
degradation of the natural environment and human activities. half of the lake are used as a measure of water quality
The state index includes I19–I21 and reflects the water quality and the effect of the river chief governance performance.
2778 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:2773–2785

Fig. 3 PSR model of water ecological security in the Chaohu Lake Basin

(3) Response indicators. The selection of response indicators the amount of information itself (Lu et al. 2016). More infor-
emphasizes the positive response of the river chiefs and mation in a certain index indicates a larger influence, while a
relevant departments to water ecological security. To re- smaller entropy value denotes a smaller degree of disorder in
flect the situation of river chiefs’ compliance with re- the system. The main calculation steps follow.
sponsibilities, vegetation coverage rate, artificial affores- Assume that the evaluation object has m evaluation years
tation area, comprehensive soil erosion control area, cen- and n evaluation indicators. The original data matrix is X =
tralized treatment rate of urban sewage, and water con- X(m × n),where i = 1,2,3……m; j = 1,2,3……n.
servancy law enforcement supervision expenditure are First, the standardized treatment of positive and negative
selected as response indicators. indicators is:

0 xij −min x1 j ; x2 j …:; xnj
The evaluation indexes are shown in Table 2. The positive xij ¼   ð1Þ
and negative indicators listed are based on the different effects max x1 j ; x2 j …:; xnj −min x1 j ; x2 j …:; xnj
of the indicators. The positive indicator is the index that the 
0 max x1 j ; x2 j …:; xnj −xij
greater the index value is, the better the water ecological se- xij ¼   ð2Þ
max x1 j ; x2 j …:; xnj −min x1 j ; x2 j …:; xnj
curity is. The negative index is the opposite.
second, calculate the proportion of year i under indicator j;
Determination of index weight X ij
Pij ¼ n ð3Þ
The methods for determining the weight of indicators can be ∑ X ij
divided into subjective and objective methods. Subjective
methods mainly include expert evaluation methods and ana- then, calculate the information entropy of the index of item j;
lytic hierarchy processes. Such methods reflect the intention
n   1
of decision makers and are more flexible, but the evaluation e j ¼ −k ∑ Pij ln pij ; k ¼ ; k > 0; e j ≥ 0 ð4Þ
results have strong subjectivity. The objective method mainly i¼1 lnn
includes principal component analysis and entropy weight,
finally, calculate the weight of each index.
which determine the weight based on the relationship between
the data, and the evaluation results are more objective. 1−ei
Considering that Chaohu Lake Basin covers many geograph- ωj ¼ n ð5Þ
ically dispersed regions and aiming to avoid the subjectivity of ∑ ð1−ei Þ
other methods, this paper uses the entropy weight method to
determine the weight of each indicator. The weight of each index is shown in Table 2. The pressure
The entropy weight method is based on the principle of layer has the largest weight, followed by the state and the
uncertainty measurement in information theory, and the entro- response layers. According to the weight values of each indi-
py value can reflect the degree of disorder in information and cator shown in Table 2, wetland area, urban domestic water
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:2773–2785 2779

Table 2 Water ecological security evaluation index system of Chaohu Lake Bain from the perspective of the River Chief System management

Objective layer Criterion layer Index layer Direction Weight

(O) (C1) I1 Total water resource (100 million cubic meters) Positive 0.0560
The ecological security of eastern Pressure index I2 Wetland area (hectare) Positive 0.0851
(western) half of the lake (0.6809)
I3 Annual precipitation (millimeter) Positive 0.0305
I4 Energy consumption per unit of GDP Negative 0.0128
(tons of standard coal)
I5 Natural population growth rate (%) Negative 0.0190
I6 Population urbanization rate (%) Negative 0.0425
I7 Per capita water resource (m3/person) Positive 0.0538
I8 Total chemical oxygen demand emission Negative 0.0189
(10,000 tons)
I9 Chemical oxygen demand discharge from Negative 0.0268
industrial sewage (10,000 tons)
I10 Ammonia nitrogen discharge from industrial Negative 0.0257
wastewater (10,000 tons)
I11Total ammonia nitrogen emission (10,000 tons) Negative 0.0143
I12 Chemical oxygen demand discharge from Negative 0.0274
domestic sewage (10,000 tons)
I13 Ammonia nitrogen discharge from domestic Negative 0.0309
sewage (10,000 tons)
I14 Agricultural water use intensity (%) Negative 0.0408
I15 Urban domestic water use intensity (%) Negative 0.0619
I16 Industrial water use intensity (%) Negative 0.0557
I17 Nitrogen fertilizer usage (10,000 tons) Negative 0.0376
I18 Phosphate fertilizer usage (10,000 tons) Negative 0.0412
(C2) I19 Comprehensive nutrient status index of the Negative 0.0314
State index eastern (western) half of the lake (10,000 tons)
(0.1027) I20 Total nitrogen content of the eastern (western) Negative 0.0427
half of the lake (mg/L)
I21 Total phosphorus content of the eastern Negative 0.0286
(western) half of the lake (mg/L)
(C3) I22 Vegetation coverage rate (%) Positive 0.0272
Response index I23 Artificial afforestation area (hectare) Positive 0.0606
I24 Comprehensive soil erosion control area positive 0.0550
(1000 ha)
I25 Centralized treatment rate of urban sewage (%) positive 0.0093
I26 Water conservancy law enforcement supervision positive 0.0643
expenditure (ten thousand yuan)

use intensity in the pressure layer, and water conservancy law standardized value of an individual index and 100%, that is,
0 0
enforcement supervision expenditure in the response layer Iij=1-xij , where xij is the normalized value of the index of the
account for a large proportion. index layer. The degree of obstacle yi indicates the impact of
individual indicators on the ecological security status of year i
Method of obstacle factors analysis and data (Zheng et al. 2012; Sun et al. 2014; Kuang et al. 2018). The
collection formula is as follows:
In the analysis of the obstacles to the water ecological security, yi ¼ I ij  n  ð6Þ
it is necessary to calculate the factor contribution degree and ∑ I ij  ωi
the index deviation. The factor contribution degree indicates
the degree of influence of a single factor on the overall goal, This paper further uses Yi to analyse the degree of negative
which is represented by the weight (ωi) of the single factor; the influence individual indicators pose to achievement of the
index deviation degree (Iij) represents the gap between the overall goal, that is:
individual indicator and the water ecological security and
health goal, which is set as the difference between the Y i ¼ ∑yi ð7Þ
2780 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:2773–2785

The original data comes from China Environmental improving the condition of the water ecological environment
Yearbook, Anhui Statistical Yearbook, Anhui Provincial in the lake area, and achieving certain positive effects on water
Environmental Statistics Bulletin, Anhui Water Resource environment management. However, it cannot be ignored that
Bulletin, Hefei Statistical Yearbook, and monitoring data re- the status of general health indicates that there are still some
leased by the environmental protection department from 2010 threatening factors in the water ecosystem. Therefore, the
to 2017. municipal-level river chief should recognize the main obsta-
cles affecting water ecological security while seeking to main-
tain the current status of ecological security and continuing to
supervise relevant departments and subordinate river chiefs as
Results they perform their duties and improve the water environment
as a whole.
Overall evaluation results of water ecological security
and management performance analysis of municipal
river chief Water ecological security evaluation results
and management performance analysis of river chiefs
To compare the water ecological security status before and at the county (district) level
after the implementation of the River Chief System, it is
necessary to set the grading standard for the ecological The comprehensive index value of the eastern half of the lake
security comprehensive index value. This paper draws on in 2010 was 0.48; in 2011, it was only 0.39; the status of water
the relevant research of Chen et al. (2013) and Lu et al. ecological security has improved and reached the status of
(2015) to determine the criteria for the classification of water general health in 2012–2013. After the implementation of
ecological security status according to the five grades of very the River Chief System, although the comprehensive index
healthy, healthy, generally healthy, sub-optimally healthy, and value showed a certain degree of volatility and repetition, it
diseased, as is shown in Table 3. generally showed an increasing trend in volatility, reaching a
After the weights of each index are determined, each eval- maximum value of 0.59 in 2016, close to the upper limit of the
uation index is synthesized into a comprehensive index of status of general health. On the one hand, this shows that the
ecological security layer by layer. As is shown in Fig. 4, the implementation effect of the River Chief System is not imme-
overall water ecological security index of Chaohu Lake Basin diate; on the other hand, it also shows that the river chiefs of
from 2013 (the year of implementation of the River Chief Chaohu City (D5) and Lujiang County (D4) have actively
System) to 2017 is higher performing than that before 2013, carried out their responsibilities in the management of the
and it reached the highest value of 0.58 in 2016. The rank of water environment since the implementation of the River
water ecological security is raised from the lower limit of the Chief System, and the state of water ecological security has
generally healthy to the upper limit of the generally healthy been obviously improved. The results also reflect that the river
grade. The results show that, as the person directly in charge chiefs of the Zhao River (R8), Zhegao River (R9), and Yuxi
of the ecological security of Chaohu Lake Basin, the River (R10), the tributaries of the eastern half of the lake, are
municipal-level river chief has conscientiously fulfilled the active in reducing pollution into the lake, implementing their
responsibility of river leader, continuously promoting the management responsibilities, strengthening the supervision of
management of the water ecological environment, greatly law enforcement, and jointly promoting the comprehensive

Table 3 The division of the level

of water ecological security status Grade Water ecological State of water ecological security
security index value

Very healthy 0.8–1.0 Water ecosystems are structurally healthy,

functionally stable, and almost free of threats
Healthy 0.6–0.8 The structure of the water ecosystem is healthy, the
function is basically stable, and the water
ecosystem has strong self-recovery ability
Generally healthy 0.4–0.6 The structure and function of water ecosystem can be
guaranteed, but some threatening factors appear
Sub-optimally Healthy 0.2–0.4 The structure of the water ecosystem is fragile, the
function is not perfect, and the system is difficult
to restore if destroyed
Diseased 0–0.2 The water ecosystem is about to collapse due to the
damage to its structure and function
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:2773–2785 2781

Fig. 4 Comprehensive index

value of water ecological security Eastern half of the lake Western half of the lake Chaohu Lake Basin as a whole

comprehensive index value

0.60 0.59
0.55 0.53 0.58

0.48 0.47 0.53

0.50 0.48
0.45 0.45 0.50
0.45 0.46
0.43 0.41 0.44
0.43 0.43 0.44
0.40 0.39 0.40
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Year

management of the water environment in the eastern half of production activities on the water ecological security, and
the lake. the pressure layer represents the greatest obstacle to ecological
According to the comprehensive index of the western half security, indicating that human pressure, including water re-
of the lake, this half had a value of only 0.4, indicating general source demand and water pollutant discharge in the process of
health, in 2010, and 0.44 when the River Chief System was industrialization and urbanization, as well as natural re-
implemented in 2013. The comprehensive index value was sources, are the key factors affecting the water ecological se-
significantly higher in the years after 2013, except for a de- curity of Chaohu Lake Basin. Compared with the study of
crease in 2015. In particular, the index value reached the his- Wang et al. (2011), which simply attributed the ecological
torical peak of 0.50 in 2016, reaching the median status of pressure of Chaohu Lake Basin to the pollutant discharge of
general health for the first time. The comprehensive index of some rivers in the upper reaches, this study is more compre-
the western half of the lake showed an overall upward trend hensive. The response layer reflects the active measures taken
from 2011 to 2017, but the overall improvement effect was not by human beings to improve the state of water ecological
as significant as that in the eastern half of the lake. security. In general, the obstacle posed by the response layer
Considering geographical characteristics, the results are relat- in both halves of the lake decreases with fluctuations, but
ed to the large number of tributaries in the western half of the since the implementation of the River Chief System, it has
lake, the large discharge of sewage, and the difficulty of gov- not been significantly reduced, and there is even a small in-
ernance. From the above analysis, it can be inferred that the crease in the eastern half of the lake. This shows that the river
county (district) level chiefs of D1, D2, D3, and D4 and the chiefs at all levels still have much to improve in terms of water
river chiefs of the corresponding tributaries (R1–R7) have environment management and law enforcement supervision.
made their own efforts to implement the relevant policies of The state layer always represents a relatively small obstacle in
the River Chief System, strengthening water management, both halves of the lake, which indicates the stable physico-
protecting water resources, controlling water pollution, and chemical state of the lake ecosystem.
maintaining water ecology, and have jointly improved the The pressure layer represents an obstacle to a similar
water environment of the western half of the lake. However, level in both the eastern and western halves of the lake,
it is necessary to more effectively implement the River Chief indicating that both halves of the lake face the same dis-
System, strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control turbance and destructive pressure of human activities,
of water pollution, strictly monitor the discharge of water pol- such as industrial and agricultural pollution under rapid
lutants, and jointly promote the improvement in the water urbanization. Controlling these activities will be key to
quality of the western half of the lake. achieve the overall water security of Chaohu Lake Basin
in the future. However, the response layer represents a
significantly higher obstacle to ecological security in the
Discussion western half of the lake than in the eastern half, and this
conclusion is consistent with the findings of Shang and
Obstacles at different levels Shang (2007). Combined with the analytical results that
the water ecological security status is worse in the western
It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the pressure layer is always half than in the eastern half of the lake, this indicates that
ranked as by far the highest obstacle in both halves of the lake, for the governance of the lake area, the river chiefs at all
followed by the response and the state layers. The pressure levels in the western half of the lake and the river chief of
index mainly reflects the influence of human living and all upstream tributaries need to be more active in
2782 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:2773–2785

Fig. 5 Analysis on obstacle

factors of criterion layer in eastern
and western halves of the lake

improving the water environment management and pro- As can be seen from Table 5, the first obstacle affecting the
moting the healthy development of the water environment ecological security of the western half of the lake during the
in Chaohu Lake Basin. study period is the wetland area (I2). The second was the water
conservancy law enforcement supervision expenditure (I26)
before the implementation of the River Chief System, but this
Obstacle factors of a single index factor was replaced by the urban domestic water use intensity
(I15) after the implementation of the River Chief System and
It can be seen from Table 4 that the main factors affecting the gradually dropped in the rankings to the sixth factor in 2017.
ecological security status of the eastern half of the lake in 2010 The results show that after the implementation of the River
are in the response layer and concern the water conservancy Chief System, the supervision of water conservancy law en-
law enforcement supervision expenditure (I26) and artificial forcement in relevant departments has been strengthened, and
afforestation area (I23); this reflects the lack of water environ- the obstacles to water ecological security have been reduced.
ment supervision and management. After the implementation Accordingly, with the acceleration of urbanization, the urban
of the River Chief System, the primary obstacle factor gradu- domestic water use intensity (I15) has become an important
ally changes to the industrial water use intensity (I16) of the obstacle to the water ecological security of the western half of
pressure layer, while the artificial afforestation area (I23) is the lake. In addition, since the implementation of the River
still the second obstacle factor. With the development of ur- Chief System, the artificial afforestation area (I23) and com-
banization around Chaohu Lake Basin, the increase in indus- prehensive soil erosion control area (I24) of the response layer
trial water use and the lack of greening and afforestation con- have risen to become the third and fourth obstacles, respec-
stitute the leading factors affecting water ecological security. tively, affecting the ecological security of the western half of
In addition, the negative influence of the total nitrogen content the lake. The above results point out the direction for the work
of the eastern half of the lake (I20) gradually becomes prom- of the county (district)-level river chiefs in the western half of
inent from 2015 to 2017, ranking among the top 3–4 obstacles the lake area and show the need to strengthen the work in two
to ecological security. The nitrogen and phosphorus sub- aspects: artificial afforestation and comprehensive soil erosion
stances in the eastern half of the lake exceed the standard, control. Although this study and Yu et al. (2011) both divide
causing the water quality deteriorates and eutrophication to Chaohu Lake Basin into eastern and western halves to explore
occur, and this obstacle has gradually become an important the obstacles affecting water ecological security, there are ob-
factor affecting the ecological security of the eastern half of vious differences between them: on the one hand, Yu et al.
the lake. (2011) only identified the pollution sources of eutrophication
Considering the value of the degree of different negative in Chaohu Lake Basin, while this paper examines the synthe-
factors, the degree of water conservancy law enforcement su- sis of 26 indicators, including the degree of eutrophication; on
pervision expenditure (I26) gradually decreased, from 12.41% the other hand, each study covers a different research period,
in 2010 to 5.75% in 2015, and this factor was no longer a main so their conclusions are not the same.
obstacle in 2017. The results show that the water conservancy
law enforcement in relevant departments is becoming increas-
ingly strict, and it is no longer an important obstacle affecting Conclusion and policy implication
the water ecological security of Chaohu Lake Basin.
However, the negative impact of industrial water use intensity As an important institutional innovation to solve the complex
(I16) gradually increased, from 8.24% in 2010 to 13.21% in water problems and maintain the ecological security of rivers
2016 and became the largest obstacle for three consecutive and lakes in China, the River Chief System attempts to match
years from 2015 to 2017. The results show that industrial the water environment management to the achievements of
development around Chaohu Lake Basin has become the most the main leaders of the local party and government, providing
important obstacle to the ecological security of the eastern half a new solution for the management of the water environment
of the lake in recent years. in river basins and enriching the practice of river basin water
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:2773–2785 2783

Table 4 Main obstacle factors of

ecological security in the eastern Year Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6
half of the lake
2010 Obstacle factors I26 I23 I16 I24 I7 I18
Degree of obstacle factors (%) 12.41 10.03 8.24 7.32 7.14 5.98
2013 Obstacle factors I7 I16 I18 I1 I20 I26
Degree of obstacle factors (%) 10.21 10.07 7.85 7.29 7.11 6.90
2015 Obstacle factors I16 I7 I20 I18 I23 I26
Degree of obstacle factors (%) 11.62 8.18 7.94 7.25 7.10 5.75
2016 Obstacle factors I16 I23 I20 I18 I26 I12
Degree of obstacle factors (%) 13.21 9.08 8.70 7.64 6.52 6.43
2017 Obstacle factors I16 I23 I7 I20 I1 I18
Degree of obstacle factors (%) 12.01 11.90 10.46 7.65 6.87 6.32
In order to clearly show the effect of the River Chief System, only the obstacle degrees of the top 6 single
indicators affecting the water ecological security of Chaohu Lake Basin in the first year of the research period, the
year when the River Chief System was implemented and the last 3 years after the implementation of the River
Chief System are listed in the table

management. Through the establishment of an evaluation in- obstacle degree of the pressure layer is much higher than the
dex for water ecological security and the diagnosis of negative degrees corresponding to the response layer and the state lay-
factors based on the PSR model framework, this paper ana- er. (4) There are obvious differences in the obstacle degrees of
lyzes the performance of the River Chief System and the weak the single index between the eastern and the western halves of
links in the river chiefs’ work. The research results show the the lake. The obstacle degree of industrial water use intensity
following: (1) Since the implementation of the River Chief in the eastern half of the lake gradually increases, and it be-
System in 2013, the comprehensive index value of the overall comes the first obstacle factor for 3 years in a row from 2015
water ecological security of the eastern and western halves of to 2017. For the western half of the lake, the wetland area has
the lake is better than that before 2013, and the water ecolog- always been the first obstacle factor affecting ecological secu-
ical security of Chaohu Lake Basin has been raised from the rity, while the urban domestic water use intensity, the artificial
lower limit to the upper limit of the generally healthy status. afforestation area, and the comprehensive soil erosion control
(2) The comprehensive index of water ecological security in area have gradually risen to become the second, third, and
the eastern and western halves of the lake increased as a fourth obstacles to the ecological security of the western half
whole, but the overall effect of the comprehensive index of of the lake.
water ecological security in the western half of the lake was According to the above research, river chiefs at all levels in
not as obvious as that in the eastern half. (3) The pressure layer the Chaohu Lake Basin can plan the key points for further
has always been the key obstacle in both halves of the lake, work and improve their efforts according to the situation of
followed by the response layer and the state layer, and the their own regions. (1) For the municipal-level river chief of

Table 5 Main obstacle factors

of ecological security in the Year Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6
western half of the lake
2010 Obstacle factors I2 I26 I15 I23 I1 I24
Degree of obstacle factors (%) 14.04 10.59 10.13 9.99 9.10 7.44
2013 Obstacle factors I2 I26 I15 I1 I24 I7
Degree of obstacle factors (%) 14.98 10.12 9.99 9.75 9.69 8.89
2015 Obstacle factors I2 I15 I23 I24 I26 I1
Degree of obstacle factors (%) 15.12 10.71 9.64 9.62 9.62 8.99
2016 Obstacle factors I2 I15 I23 I24 I26 I1
Degree of obstacle factors (%) 17.08 12.43 11.27 10.83 10.35 8.56
2017 Obstacle factors I2 I15 I23 I24 I1 I26
Degree of obstacle factors (%) 15.63 11.29 10.82 9.83 9.60 8.95
In order to clearly show the effect of the River Chief System, only the obstacle degrees of the top 6 single
indicators affecting the water ecological security of Chaohu Lake Basin in the first year of the research period, the
year when the River Chief System was implemented and the last 3 years after the implementation of the River
Chief System are listed in the table
2784 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:2773–2785

Chaohu Lake Basin, the key points are to pay attention to the only divided the lake into eastern and western halves but did
obstacles to the water ecological security in each layer of not distinguish the performance of different county level rivers
Chaohu Lake Basin, establish a long-term mechanism to alle- in the same half of the lake or separately measure the pollutant
viate the threat of the pressure layer to water ecological secu- emissions from tributaries into the lake to distinguish the man-
rity, and improve the system to ensure that the county (district) agement performance of the corresponding township level
level of river chiefs perform their duties and form a joint effort river chiefs. (2) According to the responsibilities of the
to improve the water environment via the respond layer. (2) River Chief System, their management assessment should be
For the eastern half of the lake, industrial development has multidimensional, and water ecological performance is only
become the main threat to water ecological security. one item for assessment. A more comprehensive assessment
Considering that the basin area is dominated by the resource of the River Chief System can be the entry point for future
processing industry, the proportion of the coal chemical indus- research. (3) This paper is a case study of Chaohu Lake Basin,
try is relatively high, water consumption, energy consump- and the relevant conclusions are only applicable to Chaohu
tion, and pollution are relatively high, and the corresponding Lake Basin. However, with the development of the River
river chiefs of Chaohu City should strengthen the control of Chief System, when there are enough relevant sample data,
the total amount of industrial water consumption, determine we can consider using an econometric model with the River
the demand based on the quantity of water available, improve Chief System as an independent variable to validate the gen-
the utilization rate of industrial water, enhance the awareness eral research conclusion of the marginal effect of the River
of water conservation among enterprises, and create a good Chief System.
environment for the development and utilization of water re-
sources. (3) For the western half of the lake, the economy of Funding information This study was financially supported by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.
Hefei City in the basin has recently developed rapidly, the
urbanization process has accelerated, and the pollution dis-
charge load has increased. This has reduced the wetland area,
Compliance with ethical standards
increased the intensity of urban domestic water consumption,
reduced the artificial afforestation area, and reduced the com- Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
prehensive treatment of soil erosion; therefore, these factors interest.
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