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Tech Exploration Proposal

Learning Objectives
Write 3+ sentences describing your learning objectives. Next, describe how learning this would help you
further your career in information technology.

Examples or learning objectives could be:

1. I want to delve deeper into Docker’s utility for Cybersecurity. I will learn about how Docker can
be used as a tool for Security.
2. I will also learn the common attack surfaces/vulnerabilities for companies using Docker
3. Finally I will demonstrate how to use Docker in a secure manner with a basic website or

The learning objectives should be specific and clear.

I underestimated the time it would take to finish Kode Kloud’s Docker for beginners course. I will be
finishing that during the course of this exploration, along with the prior tools and articles, and a few new

Site Use Security Practices Familiarization Kode Kloud Labs and
utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=Video&utm_campaign=Docker- Lectures
LearningPath Security Tools In

4-6 Hours to finish Kode Kloud Lessons and Labs.

3 Hours for research into tools and vulnerabilities.

3 Hours for Example Configuration

2 Hours Troubleshooting

20% Murphy’s Law

Total Time Investment: ~ 17 Hours

Evidence of Learning
I will provide my certificate of completion from Kode Kloud along with two containers. One with a Basic,
functioning site and another with a vulnerability derived from incorrect configuration.

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